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120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

I notice you're not trying to say that having George Washington's Cherry Tree story in many different books makes it credible.
It does make it more credible than if this was reported in one source only, especially if the date of the "many different books" is close to the reported event. I see no reason to absolutely rule out the possibility that he did chop down a cherry tree. Maybe it's improbable, but those extra accounts do increase the odds that the legend is true. (Plus, what's the difficulty of believing he might have cut down this tree?)
Okay, that settles it, i guess.

Actual historians, using real historical standards, have attempted to nail down the historicity of the apple tree story.
They've examined the actual evidence and decided that it's most reasonable to conclude that one biographer made up the story, and this fiction has appeared in multiple textbooks, jokes, cartoons and other derivative materials. They know who was the first to tell this story, and they have found that he did tend to steal narratives from other sources and put different people into the story.

Lumpenproletariat, who is to historical analysis what Peyton Manning is to situational comedy, feels that multiple derivatives stand as multiple 'sources,' and improve the credibility of the story. And sees no problem taking it as historical. And we move from 'reasonable' to 'absolutely rule out' as a standard.

But would you bet your SOUL on the story being true?

This is why your 'it's reasonable to believe in our fairy tale' claim has no credibility, Lumpy. You've got no idea what you're doing and your claims are counter to actual scholarship.
You know the evidence for the miracles of Jesus. So how about Zeus? Perseus? Horus? Joseph Smith? etc.

This time span of 20 + years, maybe 40 or 50, is close enough to the original events to be just as reliable as much of what we rely on for our historical accounts that we accept. Most of the historical record that we possess is from sources/authors separated from the actual events by a similar time span, and longer. This does not undermine their credibility. A proper critical or skeptical approach is taken toward them all. The accounts for the words and deeds of Jesus should be accepted on the same basis as for other historical events.

Some theologians date John as far out as 120AD. The earliest near complete copies of the Gospels we have are 200 – 300 years after the events.

In any case, the manuscripts we have for the gospel accounts are closer to the original events than those for other historical events. The time gap separating the existing copies from the original events is no reason to doubt their reliability.

If being close to events made things truer, then Islam should be very seriously considered, as the oldest extant copy comes in just 40 years after Muhammad’s death.

What events of Muhammad's time reported in those documents should we question? Do they make claims that are not credible? We're talking about reported events that someone rejects as not being factual. Like the miracles of Jesus in the gospel accounts.

We are quite confident that Joseph Smith penned the Book of Mormon, so here is another great contender based upon this notion of credibility of document proximity.

Do you mean that the events reported in the Book of Mormon are more believable than those reported in the Gospel accounts? I don't think those reported events were near to the time of Joseph Smith or that he had any sources about those events. I'm not sure what analogy you're drawing between the Book of Mormon and its content and the Gospel accounts and their content.

The comparison I'm pointing out is to other examples of reported miracle events. In all the other cases, like Gautama and Apollonius and Simon Magus, the time gap between the events in question and the written record of them is large, even centuries.

We are quite confident that Joseph Smith penned the Book of Mormon, so here is another great contender based upon this notion of credibility of document proximity.

Do you mean that the events reported in the Book of Mormon are more believable than those reported in the Gospel accounts? I don't think those reported events were near to the time of Joseph Smith or that he had any sources about those events. I'm not sure what analogy you're drawing between the Book of Mormon and its content and the Gospel accounts and their content.

The comparison I'm pointing out is to other examples of reported miracle events. In all the other cases, like Gautama and Apollonius and Simon Magus, the time gap between the events in question and the written record of them is large, even centuries.

You find the generation of miracle stories within 3 decades compelling and an anomaly, whereas most others here do not.

It increases the likelihood that the reported event is true, because it becomes more difficult to explain it as fiction. All the cases of fictional miracle legends we know of are ones which took a long time (generations or centuries) to develop, and/or centered on a widely-known celebrity figure, not an unknown person of no status such as Jesus in 30 AD.

Why can't you cite a miracle story (prior to 1000 or 1500 AD) which appeared suddenly, in less than 50 or 100 years after the alleged miracle took place? All miracle stories which appear in writing occurred a LONG TIME AFTER the alleged miracle took place.

Why is this not significant?

The only possible exception to this is that of a famous celebrity, such as Vespasian, or high-status public figure with a long career, and upon this background he might have become mythologized even during his lifetime.

For others it is generally centuries later, or maybe 100-150 years later. This is a definite pattern. The case of Jesus in the gospels is the only exception to this pattern. No one seems to be able to name another exception. This is not something subjective, apparent to some but not to others, but is a fact. You can keep denying it, but your denial means nothing unless you can cite a case of another reputed miracle-worker who did not have the benefit of the long time gap or the benefit of having a widely-recognized celebrity status.

How Jesus is uniquely different than all other reported miracle-workers

Again, so it's clear, there are these two points which separate the reputed Jesus miracles from all the other examples: 1) the timing and 2) the status of the reported miracle-worker:

1) the time gap between the written account and the actual event, which is generally several generations or even centuries, or a lengthy time span separating the actual event from the eventual written report of it; and

2) the status of the mythic hero or miracle-worker, who is generally someone of wide repute, a celebrity, a person of great power or influence. In the case of a highly-recognized celebrity the 1st factor, the time span, might be less, so that the hero's celebrity status helps to promote the mythologizing factor and shorten the time lapse between the alleged miracle event and the later report about it, so that maybe a miracle story could emerge earlier.

The miracle stories you can name are all cases of this mythologizing process that requires many generations or centuries to emerge, or in a few cases involves a recognized public figure with a widespread reputation, in which case the miracle legends emerge in a shorter time span, e.g., less than 100 years.

(Admittedly, this applies mainly to accounts far back, 1000+ years ago, and less clearly to more modern examples, because of the changes in modern publishing technology.)

If you can't explain how the miracle legends evolved as fiction, then you have to consider the explanation that they really did happen and are not fiction.

Thus the Jesus miracle stories are not in the same category as those of Zeus and Horus and Perseus and so on, in which cases the distance from the alleged actual event explains how a miracle story emerged even though it is fictitious. It is not true that people believed in miracle fictions that were only just invented and the mythic hero was a new character without a widespread public image.

The case of Jesus, whose reported miracle acts happened in about 30 AD and for whom we have written accounts 30-50 years later, is a jarring disruption of the pattern of miracle legends throughout those many centuries. Why is he the ONLY example of a break from this pattern?

It is not true that people simply believed any miracle claim that was made. Over time such legends could emerge, but they could not emerge in a short time period, with the possible exception of a famous celebrity, like Vespasian, who established his reputation by means of a long career. If it were possible for a non-famous figure to become mythologized into a miracle worker in a short time period, we would have examples, and yet there are none. Name one if you think there are any such cases. (I.e., other than the example of Jesus, who was not a famous celebrity in 30 AD.)

The miracle stories come with so much garnish (BS) that your main course notion is hardly noticeable. I find it far more likely that we have a 2 stage initiation of this mythos via 2 charismatic l leaders, something along the lines of Smith-Young. I find it telling that this purported miracle worker seemed to have left so little impact in Judea, even though various tales have thousands of witnesses. Jesus feeds 5,000 men (many assume the total would be much higher with women and children). He purportedly had a triumphant entry into Jerusalem with the multitude throwing down cloaks and palms down before him. So over this 1-3 years, Jesus left so little of a personal local impact that the growth in this new cult came in what is now modern-day Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Caesarea and Rome.

The sudden growth of the new Christ cult(s), especially outside Judea and Galilee, is best explained by the fact that this Jesus Christ person actually did perform the miracle acts described in the gospel accounts. It's not that the cult(s) grew slowly in Judea that is remarkable, but that they grew so fast far away from Judea.

A new cult usually grows fast because of the charisma of its guru. But this fascination with the guru is something that is appreciated only locally, where the guru is preaching to his disciples. But Jesus was eliminated too soon for his charisma to take hold on his disciples and inspire them to action (assuming he had charisma).

Rather, it must have been the REPORTS about Jesus, rather than his direct physical presence, that took hold on people and inspired the emergence of new communities of believers far from the original location where the "founder" instituted the new cult. These reports, both oral and written, could have spread far beyond Judea and Galilee and made their impact on those far-away who were searching or hoping for "good news" such as the new Christ cult(s) were disseminating.

These would likely be reports of his miracle acts, as opposed to reports about his wonderful charisma or good looks or other personal attractions that would leave an impact only on direct listeners.

In post 211 you wrongly introduce Tacitus and Suetonius as witnesses to Jesus healing, . . .

No, it was the two alleged miracle healings of Vespasian they report, nothing about the Jesus miracles. The point of mentioning this was to contrast this example of healing stories with that of Jesus. There are only these 2 accounts of the Vespasian alleged miracles, and the accounts are at least 50 years later than the actual event, if it happened.

More important, we can easily explain how the Vespasian story could have got started, being that he was a famous celebrity who already had a widespread public image, thus bringing special attention to him and leading to a mythologizing phenomenon. So the stories can easily be explained as fiction, in contrast to the miracle reports about Jesus, which cannot easily be explained as fiction.

. . . and Tacitus witness his prosecution and his execution.

No, he REPORTED it, did not witness it. The vast majority of what Tacitus reports, as in the case of virtually all historians, consists of events way before their time, like 50 years or more. It is rare that we have historical accounts of events directly witnessed by the historian reporting them.

Tacitus wasn’t born until 56AD, 2 decades after the events. His citation is from 116AD. Suetonius wasn’t born until 69AD, over 3 decades after the events. These 2 men are witnesses to the existence of Christians and Christian stories, not Jesus. This does help the notion that something akin to the modern-day Gospels were in circulation at the start of the 2nd century.

And the growth rate is no more impressive than those funny Mormons:
The math is pretty simple. Let’s do it ourselves. We need two numbers: a early starting count of Christians and a count around 300 C.E. Here’s Rodney Stark writing about the starting number:

For a starting number, Acts 1:14-15 suggests that several months after the Crucifixion there were 120 Christians. Later, in Acts 4:4, a total of 5,000 believers is claimed. And, according to Acts 21:20, by the sixth decade of the first century there were “many thousands of Jews” in Jerusalem who now believed. These are not statistics. Had there been that many converts in Jerusalem, it would have been the first Christian city, since there probably were no more than twenty thousand inhabitants at this time… As Hans Conzelmann noted, these numbers are only “meant to render impressive the marvel that here the Lord himself is at work” [1973:63]. Indeed, as Robert M. Grant pointed out, “one must always remember that figures in antiquity… were part of rhetorical exercises”.
So let’s say there were only 1,000 Christians by the year 40, a full decade after Jesus’ death.

As for the ending number, at 300 C.E., historians have made many estimates, usually around 5-8 million.

So, Christianity may have grown from about 1,000 believers in 40 C.E. to about 5-8 million in 300 C.E. – just 260 years. That would require a growth rate of 40% per decade…
That really is tremendous growth. Now we can ask, does this kind of growth require mass conversions?

As it turns out, this matches almost exactly the growth rate of the Mormon church over the past century. Mormonism has grown at 43% per decade, and without mass conversions.

Exponential growth explains the explosion of Christianity perfectly.

No, the "explanation" and the thing "explained" have to be two different things. What explains the "growth" or "explosion" of Christianity? The same can be asked about the growth of Mormonism. But the "growth" can't explain the "explosion" because these are the same thing. So, what does explain it?

In fact, it also explains why Christianity seemed insignificant until about 300, when it suddenly became a huge force in the Roman Empire. The growth rate remained the same, but in terms of absolute numbers, Christianity would indeed explode around that time – from 6 million to 33 million adherents – if it tracked with the growth rate of Mormonism.

So, the early growth of the Christian church is impressive, but no more impressive than the growth of Mormonism.

The rapid growth needs an explanation in either case. In the case of Mormonism it is probably at least these two: 1) Joseph Smith's charisma, and 2) his message about Christ appearing in the Americas.

And the latter, the special message of Joseph Smith, might be the main factor, apparently having a strong impact on many Christ believers and satisfying a need that continues to the present and still has an impact:

Of course it is true! In the Bible how many times does Jesus Christ say that he has other sheep that he needs to go and teach? Those "Other Sheep" were the people not in the middle east. They were the People in the Americas. God is a just God he would not keep His gospel (teachings) Away from His children so of course He had Jesus Christ appear to them and to teach them. http://www.mormon.org/faq/christ-in-america

This message is quite unique throughout religion and history and stands out as something that would attract an unusually favorable response, and setting this new cult apart from others historically.

By contrast, neither of these explanations, charisma and special message, can apply to Jesus, for whom there is no such singular message that had a strong impact, because instead the "teachings of Jesus" are very diverse and reflect conflicting currents of thought among Jews and gnostics and focusing on no single message of any kind.

And neither can the charisma of Jesus explain the rapid spread of the new Christ cult(s) in the first century AD, because this rapid spread was almost entirely among people who never saw him or heard anything he said. Virtually all his "followers" joined AFTER he was gone, and thus it was in response to something they heard about him, not their direct physical encounter with him.

Whereas in the case of Joseph Smith, the first several thousand followers joined while he was still alive so that most of them saw and heard him and experienced his charisma. Then later of course others joined who were impacted by the ones who had experienced his charisma. And also, they all joined as a result of his message, about Christ in America, which he clearly spoke and about which there is no doubt as to its authenticity and its origin from Smith himself.

Probably the special message, Christ visiting the Americas, is the much greater factor, because Joseph Smith's career was somewhat short compared to most gurus who establish themselves first by means of a long career. So his charisma had only a few years in which to impact his followers.

So whatever caused the new Joseph Smith cult to spread has to be something totally different than whatever it was that caused the new Christ cult(s) to spread in the 1st century. No analogy between these two is plausible. You cannot claim to have explained why the Christ cult(s) in the 30s and 40s AD spread by comparing them to the Joseph Smith cult, which was a singular movement with a singular message and a charismatic living cult leader during the early spread of the cult.

We know the authors of the Quran and the Book of Mormon (BM). Lacking 29 Jesus style miracles, really isn’t any more a show stopper than say lacking authorship, or say lacking it being written down until up to half century later.

Most facts of history come to us from sources more than a half century later than the reported events. The gap between 30 AD, when the Jesus Christ events happened, and the reports we have about them, 20-50 years later, is a relatively SMALL gap by comparison to the usual gap between the historical events and the later reports of them that we have.

And the BM silly magical history in the Americas, is no sillier than the Noah, Moses, Joshua, tales, nor any less historical.

I’m not sure why you went all binary on eye-witness testimony. Did either of my links say just throw it all out? Clue: they didn’t. The point of both links was that unless one treats eye-witnesses with care, it is quite susceptible to being led towards false information. Throw in a charismatic leader, and many humans are quite susceptible to thinking crazy shit they wouldn’t have otherwise.

Again, the spread of the Jesus cult(s) cannot be explained by any reference to a "charismatic leader."

If by "crazy shit" you mean miracle stories, this does not apply to the case of the Jesus miracle acts. If the Jesus miracle stories are fiction, they were not invented by anyone who saw him or heard him, and thus these inventors could not have been impacted by his charisma. Rather, the miracle stories as later inventions would have to be from new followers who joined years later, from followers not impacted by his charisma, and followers not even from Judea or Galilee but other places far away. So charisma has nothing to do with the reported Jesus miracle acts (unless you mean those reports originate from the first disciples who saw him directly, which obviously is not what you mean).

You have to choose one of these: 1) those reports are from the earliest disciples, and thus are likely authentic, or 2) those reports are from some later myth-makers, in which case the CHARISMA of Jesus has NOTHING to do with the origin of those miracle stories, and thus no "charismatic leader" explanation can apply to them.

Just because you imagine that people believe in instant miracles because they are stupid does not make it so. You cannot name a case where people are gullible in this way. If they were, we would have hundreds of Jesus-type reported miracle-workers in the history books, with evidence attesting to their acts within 50-100 years after the reported events. But we do not have such cases, because humans are simply not the stupid brainless idiots that your theory imagines them to be. It requires a long time, decades, for a charismatic charlatan to gain hold over a large number of disciples and convince them that he possesses miracle power.

You are fixated on “flawed” witness testimony, thereby expecting lots of random and very different Jesus stories.

No, I expect minor discrepancies between the reports about him, just as we generally get discrepancies in differing accounts of the same event.

But the many different Jesus-type miracle stories or mythic hero cults I've said we should have seen are the ones we should expect if it were true that humans are the gullible idiots your theory requires. If they were so quick to believe in Jesus miracle fictions, then they would also believe in the fictions of hundreds of other charismatics, which they do not. There are not other cases of similar miracle-worker cults and evidence attesting to the miracle events, such as in the case of Jesus. This is what discredits the thesis that humans typically believe any charismatic charlatan alleged to have done miracles. They do not. The examples of it do not exist.

For them to believe those miracle claims there has to be something very unique about the miracle-worker figure or hero. He has to have a recognized special status or unusual celebrity-type public image or an impressive career -- it cannot be an unknown figure who pops up overnight. It's not true that miracle fictions about an unknown non-established figure are believed or accepted by a gullible audience. You cannot name such a case.

That is hardly the only way eye-witness testimony changes. Witnesses are malleable. It is easy enough to see cases, where people are led towards a common fantasy.

No, not unless certain conditions exist that produce such deception. There are NO cases where miracle stories are widely believed, attributed to a new unknown unrecognized figure of no status, and arising in a short time period, like 50 years. You cannot name a case where "people are led towards" any such miracle fantasy hero, no matter how "malleable" they are.

And of course there are cases of people being led toward a fantasy, but in any large numbers this is only by the influence of a guru with a wide reputation and long career, not a sudden charlatan pretending to do miracles. It typically requires decades for the guru to establish his reputation. (And again, this pattern applies mostly to a long time ago, 500 or 1000 years or earlier, and less to modern times when advanced media and publishing have an impact.)

Do you mean that the events reported in the Book of Mormon are more believable than those reported in the Gospel accounts? I don't think those reported events were near to the time of Joseph Smith or that he had any sources about those events. I'm not sure what analogy you're drawing between the Book of Mormon and its content and the Gospel accounts and their content.

If you think the Joseph Smith (JS) miracles didn’t happen in his time, or weren’t reported in his time, you have obviously been ignoring Atheos’ posts.

No, it's the Book of Mormon you referenced. The events in that book, if they happened, date far back many centuries before Joseph Smith.

Is the case of Joseph Smith special? Is he analogous to the Jesus case?

It's time to focus on the case of Joseph Smith. This example has been raised repeatedly, so it requires some extra attention. This means another long post, but what is the alternative? If you insist that this example explodes my theory, then I have to respond to it, so let's not have a lot of whining about the extreme length of this post. What makes Joseph Smith special and explains the rapid growth of this "cult"? This cannot be dismissed with a couple quick one-liners.

The miracles of Joseph Smith

No one yet has quoted from the sources for these miracle events. So that's the first step. Dig out the sources and locate the quotes which narrate the events. I am skeptical that this can be done. But let's see the quotes, and let's identify the date when they were written. It's not enough to say that the accounts exist. We have to read them to see if someone really reported such events, saying that someone was healed or whatever.

JS created his BM 1828-30. The witnessed healing miracles happened all thru the 1830’s, with several separate and known sources.

OK, but what is the DATE OF THE SOURCES? Not the date of the reported events, but of the sources reporting on them? Were they written in the 1830s or in the 60s or 70s? It makes a difference.

Plus, you have to get to those sources and quote from them before we can say that they are real reports of alleged miracle events. It's not good enough to just refer to the reports -- YOU MUST QUOTE FROM THEM. Provide the accounts to us so we can read them and determine if these are real reports of the alleged events. This has not yet been done.

If the Mormon Church has seen fit to exclude these reports from publication and only allows some reference to them without the actual accounts being made available to us to read, then we cannot accept these as genuine reports of alleged miracle acts.

It is suspicious that these miracle healing stories are offered as true and yet the Mormon Church does not make them conveniently available to the public. It appears that maybe the Church does not really stand behind them. If it does, then why don't they make this information easily available to us? (And this is not about any special "tablets" he spoke of, but about healing miracles he did which are supposed to be similar to the healing acts of Jesus. I.e., this is about claims of miracle acts, or acts of power, i.e., superhuman power, such as the healing acts of Jesus which showed superhuman power.)

I checked on this somewhat, and it seemed there were only two actual witnesses, though there was no actual text from them that was available. What we need in order to assess these claims is to read the actual text written by the alleged witnesses. In addition to the two witnesses, the only other witness was Joseph Smith himself, which has virtually no value.

But if there were more witnesses who wrote something, let's see it. It's not sufficient for you to simply claim that the accounts exist.

But again, if Joseph Smith is unique, it is due to the combination of his charisma and especially his unusual message about Christ appearing in the Americas. So perhaps there were special conditions here that could lead to Joseph Smith being in a special category, so that he became mythologized sooner than was the usual pattern.

It is acknowledged that the career of Joseph Smith was relatively short, which makes him more unique than other examples of miracle mythic heroes or prophets.

The combination of 1) his unusual message of Christ appearing in the Americas and 2) his charisma may have had an unusually strong impact on many Christ believers. There was a special market for this particular message of Joseph Smith. A very clear belief in Christ was already a prerequisite for this message of Joseph Smith to take hold.

Of course I’m not arguing that the BM is more believable. That is like asking if I find the Character of Darth Vader more believable than the Borg. The point that the LDS provides, including set in a relatively modern era, is the gullibility of people to buy into all sorts of stupid shit.

No, only in a very special case might people buy into some kind of instant miracle-worker scenario. It in no way indicates any "gullibility of people to buy into all sorts of stupid shit." To prove that, you'd have to give 3 or 4 more examples. If Joseph Smith is the only one you can cite, that shows that it's not a general pattern of gullibility among people, but rather that we have a rare case here that departs from the norm -- and the norm is that people demand evidence before they believe in miracle claims, or they demand a highly-reputed hero figure or celebrity as the object of the miracle claims and do not believe in instant miracles that pop up overnight.

If there's evidence or credibility to these miracle claims, similar to that of Jesus in the gospel accounts, then you can surely find the accounts from the witnesses. And there should be more believers who claim that Joseph Smith performed miracles. So let's hear from them. Or, at least find quotes from them. If you can't find as many as a dozen persons who believe Joseph Smith performed miracles, then you can't demonstrate this "gullibility of people to buy into all sorts of stupid shit."

And it is not "all sorts of stupid shit" but only very particular limited "sorts of stupid shit" that people buy into. The "stupid shit" has to fit into a certain pattern -- in the case of Joseph Smith it was his charisma and his unusual message for which there was a ready market, as expressed in the above quote. And here is another from that same webpage:

Yes. When he appears in the Book of Mormon, Jesus tells those he appears to that they are the "other sheep" of which he spoke to his disciples in Jerusalem. He also told those he appeared to in ancient America that he would go on to visit yet more sheep who were neither in their land, nor in the land of Jerusalem. We have no idea where these other people were, but it is evident that it was important to the Father that the resurrected Christ visit them, and that they hear his voice and see him. It makes sense to me that, as Christ's redemption was important to the entire world, and not only to those in the lands surrounding Jerusalem, he would communicate that message across the globe.

Notice the desire here for a "Jesus" who visits not only the Americas but also other places far from Jerusalem (possibly even beyond our galaxy?). It only "makes sense" that the Christ savior would also visit others, in all places, to offer them salvation, so that his "good news" is made available to all, and not only a few lucky ones who were in the right geographical location.

Isn't this a kind of logic or reasoning that appeals to a great many who have questioned the exclusivity of the "gospel" as it is presented in the New Testament and is preached by churches and missionaries? Haven't you heard this kind of question raised many times? What about the "Heathen in Africa?" and so on.

In my church, as a kid, I remember the youth pastor ("Pastor Jerry") referring to this common complaint against Christian evangelism, and he called it the "Heathen in Africa" problem.

Since it is such a common complaint against traditional Christian evangelicalism, might this not explain whatever it may have been that made Joseph Smith special, if he is a special case? Perhaps he is special, among the great mythologized prophets, in that his movement took hold with greater force than usual, and even though his career was relatively short, still he "went viral" in a way that others did not because he offered a special message that struck hard in the minds of so many.

So obviously Joseph Smith was promoting an idea here for which possibly millions of Christ-believers had a strong desire. When you're supplying something for which there is a strong demand, you're going to succeed, and your "business" will grow and prosper. If it hadn't been Joseph Smith, perhaps someone else with a different version of the same thing would have appeared and launched the new "Mormon" cult under a different name.

Joseph Smith obviously built his cult on this Christ belief, or this adaptation of the Christ belief or extension of it to include people who are thought to have been left out because Christ did not visit them as he did those of Galilee and Judea and those gentiles who read or heard about him subsequently.

From the LDS humble beginnings less than 200 years ago, has been growing just as fast as the Christians did 2 millennia ago. So having purported lots of witnesses to many parlor tricks, doesn’t seem to be the only key to success.

On the contrary, the reported Jesus miracle acts ARE necessary to explain the rapid spread of the early Christ cult(s) as well as the rapid spread of the Mormon cult, which is also due to the original Christ miracles, because the Joseph Smith message is built upon those miracle acts or on the power Christ demonstrated, and there would have been no Joseph Smith cult or Mormon religion without the original Christ belief or reported Christ miracles as the origin from which Mormonism later emerged, because the purpose of Mormonism is to extend this power of Christ to others who were seen as having been excluded.

So I'm giving a 2-fold answer to the example of the Joseph Smith miracles as analogous to those of Jesus:

1) The mythologizing process in his case may have been more pronounced because of the highly unusual nature of his message, for which there was an unprecedented widespread ready demand; and

2) Not enough information has yet been provided here about the reported miracles of Joseph Smith. We need the texts of the reports about this, and correct dating of these reports. We can't deal with the Joseph Smith reported miracles if we don't have the accounts of them to refer to and compare to those mentioned in the gospel accounts.

A further point is that by the 19th century there had been great advancement in communication and publishing and spread of information, which disrupts any analogy between a new cult arising then vs. a new cult arising in the 1st century. So that factor also has to be taken into account.

. . . the packaging of the mythos/theology, the quality of the early group of supporters, the events in the world around them, et.al. will influence the growth of a new/revised mythos/theology. And as I have already pointed out, the Jesus-cult really hasn’t outperformed the Smith-cult in growth numbers.

But again, the Smith-cult has its origin in the original Jesus-cult, upon which it depends, and without which it could not exist. The foundation of the Smith-cult is to expand the Christ person geographically to make him available to others who were seen to have been left out.

Why do some cults spread faster than others? Why did the new Christ cult(s) spread?

Who knows why this cult succeeded where others did not?

One answer is that the central figure, Jesus Christ, actually did perform the particular acts. This explains the anomaly. Of course you can just say we don't know the answer. But if one answer explains it, and there is no other good answer, then you have to seriously consider that one answer, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Your answer is an explanation, but certainly not the only possible explanation. The Muslim sect is expected to overtake the broad Christian umbrella sect within 40-50 years in popularity.

A popularity contest between Christianity and Islam is silly and irrelevant. The question is about the reported miracle events. How do we explain the accounts of the miracle acts in the gospels? given that they occur so near to the actual time, and also that we have at least 4 sources instead of only one, and also given that
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It's the same evidence: Anonymous tales from ancient documents. Next question?

On a side note I've noticed that truth can be expressed concisely and elegantly. Untruths take hundreds of words to massage, creating the smoke and mirrors necessary to hide the fact that the one presenting them has nothing.
Lumpy writes:

The question is about the reported miracle events. How do we explain the accounts of the miracle acts in the gospels? given that they occur so near to the actual time, and also that we have at least 4 sources instead of only one, and also given that

If the supernatural events described in the Bible had actually happened, and been witnessed by many thousands of people as the Bible claims, history would be full of written accounts of said events, documented by contemporary historians and common people alike. Yet there are NO contemporary accounts to support the claims of the Bible, and none of the historians of the time seem to have heard of the miracles this Jesus character had been performing. There are no named witnesses to any of the supernatural events. The ONLY mention of Jesus' magical acts are in the Bible, written by an anonymous person many decades after said events are claimed to have happened, and then repeated by a few others at a later date. None of the anonymous Bible authors witnessed the supernatural events, or spoke to anyone who did. The Bible is also full of contradictions and errors as you have yourself acknowledged, and there is no reason to believe that some of the stories of the Bible that deal with supernatural acts performed by Jesus are true.

The magical stories of the Bible are easily explained as works of fiction, likely based on stories of a healer who claimed to perform miracles, and embellished over multiple tellings by people who knew no better. It is far more reasonable to believe that the stories are fictional than it is to believe that Jesus healed sick and blind people by touch, or that he died and came back to life as a zombie after a few days and floated up into the sky, or that the supernatural creator of the universe cloned himself/itself in human form so he could then have this clone killed to satisfy his bloodlust because his/it's creation did not behave exactly as he/it wanted it to behave. Take off your blinders for a little bit and think about what people have been trying to tell you in this thread.
It's the same evidence: Anonymous tales from ancient documents. Next question?

On a side note I've noticed that truth can be expressed concisely and elegantly. Untruths take hundreds of words to massage, creating the smoke and mirrors necessary to hide the fact that the one presenting them has nothing.

Lumpy uses many, many words, but he communicates very little. I believe Lumpy understands that his arguments are feeble, and that he cannot defend them in any meaningful way. Instead of acknowledging this fact, he chooses to hide behind his walls of text that say nothing.
Well, he can't prove, once, that the accounts are multiple and independent and eyewitnessed, not in a way to get anyone to believe him, so he has to repeat his claims each time. A constant need to control the framework he rests his argument in.

HE can't prove that gulfs or time are necessary for myth, so he can't allow that claim to rest.

I think i'm going to start referring to his style as the Snail Tactic.
It can't deal with part of an argument at a time. He has to carry the entire argument, and his exposition supporting it, on his back each time he asserts his truth. Because people keep chipping away at individual points he's got nothing unless the entire argument is presented.
No testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish.
--David Hume
Well, he can't prove, once, that the accounts are multiple and independent and eyewitnessed, not in a way to get anyone to believe him, so he has to repeat his claims each time. A constant need to control the framework he rests his argument in.

HE can't prove that gulfs or time are necessary for myth, so he can't allow that claim to rest.

I think i'm going to start referring to his style as the Snail Tactic.
It can't deal with part of an argument at a time. He has to carry the entire argument, and his exposition supporting it, on his back each time he asserts his truth. Because people keep chipping away at individual points he's got nothing unless the entire argument is presented.

As Atheos has pointed out several times, Lumpy is making the claim that it is more reasonable to believe that Jesus rose up from the dead as a zombie and floated up into the sky with no help from mechanical devices, than it is to believe that these accounts are fictional. It really is that simple.

Lumpy cannot point to a single documented supernatural claim having been verified as accurate in the long history of our species. Lumpy does not believe the supernatural claims made by other religious books, just his preferred claims. Lumpy is using a very special and different standard to evaluate the stories of the Bible and the supernatural exploits of his preferred supernatural entities (Jesus and his clonedaddy), but he will not even admit to this. He keeps posting walls of text that essentially repeat his unsubstantiated claims without addressing any of the problems with these claims that have been pointed out by other forum members, which is essentially dishonest. In other words, Lumpy is behaving just as you would expect a Christian apologist to behave.
There is no normal explanation for the early rapid spread of the Christ cult(s) after 30 AD.

[This is a continuation of my previous post, answering funinspace, which got cut off somehow in the editing process.]

Who knows why this cult succeeded where others did not?

One answer is that the central figure, Jesus Christ, actually did perform the particular acts. This explains the anomaly. Of course you can just say we don't know the answer. But if one answer explains it, and there is no other good answer, then you have to seriously consider that one answer, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Your answer is an explanation, but certainly not the only possible explanation. The Muslim sect is expected to overtake the broad Christian umbrella sect within 40-50 years in popularity.

A popularity contest between current Christianity and Islam is not the point here.

What needs to be explained is why a new religion or cult got started from someone who did not have a long career, such as Mohammed had, and all other founders of a new religion had. The Jesus Christ person, the historical figure, did not have any clear singular Message or Teaching, like all other religious founders or prophets had, and also no career, but rather did something in 3 years or less which then led to this new cult which spread over the Mediterranean world in a short time.

This cannot be compared to the case of Mohammed who demonstrated his charisma over a career longer than 20 years and who won military battles against several tribes and cities and conquered Arabia. But Jesus was a nobody by comparison, with no battlefield victories or any other claim to fame at the time of his death in 30 AD. So, how did this new cult (or these new Christ cults) get started?

If a new religion/cult could begin from someone of such little notice, why do we have only one instead of dozens of these cults? There were plenty others who could have drawn the same attention. Plenty who tried to stir up trouble, who got crucified, who rallied some followers for a short time, preached about this and that. Why did only this Galilean get deified into a miracle-working hero in less than 50 years, and no others?

From the LDS humble beginnings less than 200 years ago, has been growing just as fast as the Christians did 2 millennia ago. So having purported lots of witnesses to many parlor tricks, doesn’t seem to be the only key to success.

On the contrary, the Joseph Smith cult relied on the miracles of Jesus for its success. This new cult became popular mostly because it took the 1st-century Christ person as its central figure, then offered a radical modification of this person so as to have him do an appearance in the Americas, which attracted large numbers of Christ believers who had a desire that Christ would do something like this to extend his salvation to people other than only those in the original Galilee-Judea location.

This dependency on the original 1st-century Christ of Galilee is the cornerstone that made the new Joseph Smith cult popular and gave it a vitality that surpassed that of most upstart cults/religious movements.

This singular message or teaching of Joseph Smith, with the aid of his unusual charisma, explains the rapid rise of Mormonism. But neither such kind of factor can explain the rise of the Christ cult(s) after 30 AD. Having such a short career, 3 years or less, eliminates the chance for his charisma to have taken hold and inspired his followers to launch the new cult(s).

And there is no clear central Teaching or Program that can be identified with the Christ person, but rather this person became a symbol or center around which an array of teachings gathered and from which several different cult(s) or movements, even conflicting ones, sprang forth.

So, what caused this original Christ person to be made into a deity who did miracles? considering that he did not have the usual advantage of a long career and yet became mythologized much earlier than other figures who became mythologized? and also that we have more evidence of his (alleged) miracle acts than we have for any other reported miracle-workers?

Both of these other religions did it maybe with less purported fanfare, but they do it also with a better historical lineage to their own claimed revelations.

All new religions/cults "do it" one way or another, but never without a prophet or guru-founder who had a long career and thus enough time to become established and gain a widespread reputation from which a mythologizing process can take hold. And never without a singular teaching or crusade which unites people into a common cause, unlike the new Christ cult(s) which were disunited and had no singular cause or teaching.

So in every way the rise of the new Christ cult(s) cannot be explained, whereas the rise of other new upstart cult(s) and their success has an explanation that can be identified.

Why have the Mormons done quite well, and the Christian Scientists have floundered? Why has the The Bahá'í Faith managed to gain around 5 million followers worldwide in 200 years, roughly 10 times the Christian Scientists?

I'm not sure what the reasons are for this. But are you saying that these things happen without any reason? I assume one could find reasons to explain the success of one movement vs. another. You can't say it just happens without any reason or cause.

In the case of the new Jesus cult, the reason is that the miracle events described must have really happened, and the word spread and large numbers believed.

Of course there are reasons why some cults expand rapidly, others barely grow, and some even wither and die. The quality of the charismatic leader, . . .

No no no, this has nothing to do with the rise of the new Christ cult(s) after 30 AD. The person himself, the charismatic leader/hero was not there. He was eliminated too early. His charisma, assuming he was charismatic, did not have time to take hold and inspire his followers to make him into a god. That process requires many years, decades -- it does not happen in 3 years or less. So you have to scratch the "charismatic leader" reason off the list as a factor to explain the rise of the new Christ cult(s).

. . . the packaging of the mythos/theology, the quality of the early group of supporters, the events in the world around them, et.al. will influence the growth of a new/revised mythos/theology.

But you can't identify which factors were at play in this case, if any of them were. We have no indication that the early Christ believers excelled in any of these points, or had any advantage over others because of these factors. So we can't give any reason why these new cults should have succeeded over others, or why the Christ person should gain recognition as a miracle-working god anymore than dozens of other persons who were just as noteworthy.

And as I have already pointed out, the Jesus-cult really hasn’t outperformed the Smith-cult in growth numbers.

We should expect the Smith cult to grow faster. It had the advantage of a charismatic leader during the early years that the cult grew, and it had a singular message that many Christ believers had anticipated, and so united thousands of them into a new monolithic Christ-in-America doctrine, unlike the 1st-century Christ who was eliminated before his charisma could take hold and whose followers squabbled and went in different directions and operated as several different cults and even condemned each other as heretics.

The point of mentioning Buddhist Maudgalyāyana miracles, had nothing to do with justifying them or showing they were recorded near his purported lifetime. The challenge was to show miracle worker stories existed prior to Jesus’ time.

But you did not show this. To show that there were miracle-worker stories that bear any comparison to those of Jesus in the gospel accounts, you need to cite the sources of those stories, i.e., provide the texts which relate the stories. That way we can read them and determine if they are at all comparable to the Jesus miracle acts.

E.g., where are the accounts of a healer to whom the sick are brought? What are the particular miracle acts that they performed? Let's read the accounts to see if the reported miracle-workers did show power. Maudgalyāyana, Yogayanayoopi, Quackanandaramayanamaharshi -- whoever. Provide us with the texts which tell us of their miracle acts.

And of course, did the reported miracle acts really happen? The account of the happening is only the first step -- What is the evidence that it really happened? When were the accounts of them written? How many accounts do we have of this or that pre-Jesus miracle or miracle-worker?

Those who claim there were these earlier miracle-workers never give the examples and provide the actual accounts, or the texts which relate the reported miracle events. Not that there are no previous miracle stories at all, but when the examples are given and the sources provided so we can read them, they are pathetic by comparison to the miracle acts of Jesus in the gospel accounts.

Why do the Jesus-debunkerist celebrities who make a living at this never give the examples of those miracle-workers and let us read the stories, so we can see how they compare? The answer is that the stories are silly and nonsensical and are an embarrassment to actually provide to us for doing such a comparison.

The point is that the Jesus-as-god makers would have reasons to impart new god with powers that others already advertised, . . .

No, it's not true "that others already advertised" the same powers, because you cannot cite the sources that tell about them. You cannot provide the examples and give us those accounts so we can read them to see the comparison. You won't give any such examples because you know they are silly by comparison.

It is pathetic to suggest that the "Jesus-as-god makers" would impart these powers to Jesus because of previous gods who already advertised the same powers, because if you look at the actual stories of those previous gods or miracle-workers, they are so ridiculous by comparison that the Jesus "god makers" would have laughed at them, and so do we, and it's obvious that they were not serious accounts of actual historical events, of actual persons in history at a particular time or place who were actually reported to have performed miracle acts, but were only symbols not to be taken seriously.

You insist otherwise? Then GIVE THE ACCOUNTS, quote from the text of the stories and let us compare them to see how serious they are. Until this is done, all these claims about earlier reported miracle-workers is just horseplay. You are desperately trying to find a way to explain away the unique or unprecedented nature of the Jesus miracle accounts, and so you accept uncritically these Jesus-debunker slogans that Jesus was only one of a long line of miracle-worker tales circulating all over the ancient world.

You know all those stories are silly by comparison, and this is why you will not cite one and provide the account for us to read, but instead just keep repeating the slogans for the reassurance they provide, to support your dogma, your article of faith, that there can never be any actual miracle event, and that all such reports must ipso facto be fiction, regardless of any evidence showing otherwise.

. . . much like the flimsy miracle birth narrative.

The real miracles of Jesus are the healing acts and the resurrection. For these we have the evidence of at least 4 sources, or 5 for the resurrection, written closer in time to the actual events than is the case for most historical events, which are believed because of the reports of them, and we accept them even if there is only one source.

The virgin birth and the star of Bethlehem are nothing by comparison, and it doesn't matter whether they really happened or not. You have to do better than just putting up these symbols as something to chuckle at, as if these are what Christ belief is based upon. These and other fictional elements can be explained as later mythologizing that became possible after the miracles of Jesus had become known and he became recognized as someone special. From that point it became easy for the mythologizing process to take hold.

You harp on how short time it was to allow for false miracles to emerge, but then allow the whole birth narrative to crash down as a false narrative, constructed in that same short time frame.

The birth narrative can easily be explained as part of a mythologizing process that began after Christ had become recognized as a miracle-worker. This status then can lead to fiction miracles of one kind or another becoming attached to him. The short time frame limit is overcome once the hero figure has gained a reputation. The mythologizing can take place if the hero is widely recognized, or has gained status. In 30 AD Jesus did not have this status, but by 50 or 60 or 70 AD he had gained this status, or the recognition of him was expanding to the point that the general mythologizing became common.

This can also explain the miracle stories in the Book of Acts, which are a reflection back on Jesus in the gospel accounts. He had become recognized as someone who had miracle power by the time Acts was written.

It is not necessary for a Christ believer to take every sentence in the Bible as literally or historically true. Rather, some symbols like the virgin birth and some later miracle claims can be recognized as due to mythologizing as a byproduct of the original factual accounts of the real miracle acts he performed in 29-30 AD.

However, all the miracle stories cannot be explained this way, because the mythologizing requires the central figure to be someone with status or recognition. And without the original Jesus miracle acts, it is impossible to explain how Jesus possessed any recognition or status. It's the miracle healing acts that led to him being recognized as special. And this then explains how the virgin birth story could be added, as fiction. There has to be the true part first, creating the central figure hero with recognition, so that there is something from which the mythologizing can take hold, or to which it can attach and then spread.
However, all the miracle stories cannot be explained this way, because the mythologizing requires the central figure to be someone with status or recognition.
Or a completely fictional person.
And without the original Jesus miracle acts, it is impossible to explain how Jesus possessed any recognition or status.
You use 'impossible' in strange ways.
People make shit up.
As a point of note, you are making up the shit about people needing hundreds of years to make up magic lies.
You refute your own thesis by demonstrating your ability to make up shit.
One can reasonably believe the gospel accounts, even if not 100%, and even though also retaining some doubt.

What's an example of a document that is rejected by historians because they can't identify the author of it?

Stories of battles told by the winners are taken with a grain of salt, for example.

No, they're believed generally but are just taken with more skepticism. Certainly the Gallic Wars of Caesar are taken mostly as accurate, despite the possibility of bias. One can take into account the possible bias and yet still grant overall credibility to the accounts.

And likewise the possibility of bias can be taken into account for any kind of writing that might have an agenda, while at the same time giving credibility to the account generally. And the bias of the gospel writers can also be taken into account. This does not mean those accounts have no credibility.

Stories told by eyewitnesses who throw in anachronisms are viewed very badly by historians.

Actually this is a bit irrelevant because the Gospel accounts are probably not from eyewitnesses, but rather contain some reports that may have originated from eyewitnesses. The writer/editor/redactor included these and also some "anachronisms" in the final document, but the existence of the "anachronisms" does not discredit the other content.

"Historians" do not reject a document because it may contain anachronisms.

There is no basis for excluding the gospel accounts as sources for determining events that happened. They are legitimate sources just as all other documents, all judged critically, none excluded.

But the whole story or the whole account is not excluded as fiction. The anachronism is disregarded as being an unreliable part of the account, but the account generally is still given credibility. Also, not all historians judge the accounts by the same standards, or make the same judgment as to the reliability or nonreliability of a particular account.

You can choose which historian you think judged the account correctly. We are not bound by some edict handed down by "the historians" as to what to believe and what not to believe in this or that account. Where they are unanimous, or virtually unanimous, it's best to defer to their judgment in most cases. But on the reliability of the gospel accounts, plus many other documents, there is little unanimity.

But the whole story or the whole account is not excluded as fiction. The anachronism is disregarded as being an unreliable part of the account, but the account generally is still given credibility.

WOW! what a load!

No, if the author is including anachronisms, we view the whole effort as being unreliable.

No "we" don't. A whole document is not rejected as unreliable simply because it contains "anachronisms." Again you are trying to impose a rule as if it is standard, and yet you really apply it only to the gospel accounts and to no other writings.

An actual eyewitness would not include such details. If, however, someone reports that they were paid with a coin that hadn't been invented yet (it was named after a king not yet born) then we caught THAT detail as made up. But it's very possible other details were made up that aren't so obvious.

It's always possible that some details were made up. Or probable. This is probably the case with virtually ALL documents from the period, including history documents. Some of the historical record is made up. So, does that mean ALL the historical record is rejected as unreliable? Obviously not. And nor is an entire document rejected as unreliable simply because some parts of it are "made up." It was typical for a writer to fill in gaps with fictional elements. That doesn't discredit the document.

All documents should be taken critically, all parts of them subject to skepticism.

Some documents may require more skepticism than others, or should be treated more cautiously as to the credibility. But this does not mean they are rejected as "unreliable" as a source for determining the events that happened, but only that there may be increased doubt or question in considering some points.

And even if one treats the gospel accounts with extra skepticism, because of the miracle claims, one can still reasonably believe the general picture they present, not believing them 100% as "infallible," but believing the overall portrayal of Jesus demonstrating his power through the miracle acts, and keeping that belief as a reasonable hope, based on the evidence presented, though still retaining some doubt because of the element of uncertainty.

Worshiping the Bible per se, as a sacred object, is not the point of Christ belief.
Reason # 11

(11) Delayed Documentation

The accounts of Jesus’s life in the gospels were written well after the events allegedly occurred.

This is the case for virtually all historical events of that period. Most of the record we have is from documents written generations later, some of it even centuries later. This does not mean that these documents are unreliable as sources for those events.

The crucifixion of Jesus is believed to have occurred around 29 AD. The best estimates date the gospels as follows:

Mark: AD 68-73

Matthew: AD 70-100

Luke: AD 80-100

John: AD 90-110


The time lag between the events and the documentation was long enough for exaggeration and myths to contaminate the historical accounts.

Maybe some, however, this could not have happened until AFTER Jesus had become widely recognized as someone of high status or high repute. Miracle myths do not get attached to someone who had no wide recognition, and Jesus did not have widespread recognition in 29-30 AD.

UNLESS he actually did perform the miracle acts described in the gospel accounts, in which case we can explain how he gained fame or recognition in the region, such as described in Mk 1:28 and similar references, which fame was due to his performance of miracle healing acts.

So the hypothesis that he performed no miracle acts carries with it the premise that he had no widespread fame or recognition or status in 30 AD when he was killed.

With such fame or recognition, miracle myths can emerge. I.e., new miracles or myths might be added to the previous factual accounts of such acts. But it is not possible for miracle myths to be invented and attached to an upstart unknown figure, with no long career behind him or recognized status to serve as the starting point from which the rumors could take hold and spread.

For a miracle legend to be invented from someone of no status, or from an imaginary person who was totally invented, there is a long time period required, generally several centuries, in which the legend can evolve. You can't name any example in history of a miracle legendary hero, widely believed in, who was invented in a short time period, like less than 50 or 100 years.

This fact, that there is no such case, is a strong indication that such a case is not possible.

The time gap between 29-30 AD and the known written reports of the Jesus miracles a few decades later is far too short for a fictional hero to emerge who is reported to have performed miracles. There is no case in history of such an invented instant miracle-worker hero, despite the nonsensical claims of your favorite Jesus-debunker-celebrity-scholar-guru.

Whoever that pundit is that you believe uncritically, he cannot give any example of an instant invented miracle-worker from that time period, or earlier than 1000-1500 AD. True, he will name certain pagan gods like Horus and so on, but he will never provide you with the texts which relate the miracle acts that this hero figure allegedly performed, so you can read for yourself the exploits of such a hero figure.

The best these Jesus-debunker crusaders can do is give you stories that occur AFTER Jesus and which are part of a new explosion of miracle stories that followed upon the gospel accounts and in some cases are virtual copy-cat stories lifted out of those NT accounts. These new stories are from single sources only and are generally separated from the period of the alleged miracle events by 100-200 years or more.

Almost every person who had direct contact with Jesus was dead by the time that the Gospels were written.

In their very final form this might be correct, though not if the Mark date of 68 AD is meant. You would have to mean the later date of 100 AD as "the time that the Gospels were written."

But this final date of writing is not so important. Some of what is in these accounts is based on much earlier reports, perhaps mostly oral, but some written. E.g., the Q document, from which Luke and Matthew quoted, is generally placed in the 50s AD, even though the final Luke and Matthew we have are dated much later. And this Q document does relate two of the miracle stories of Jesus, and a third reference mentions the healing miracles generally.

Though the Q document is the only one we can be sure of, it's reasonable to assume there were other reports also, written and oral, from which our gospel accounts were finally compiled.

In any case, even ignoring the Q and other lost documents, what we do have connects more closely in time to the Jesus events than most of our historical record of that period connects to the actual events reported in the record.

Also of course the epistles of Paul are earlier, in the 50s AD, and these contain much reference to the resurrection of Jesus. And though virtually no biography of Jesus is contained in Paul, he does mention the "Lord's Supper" event and that Jesus was "handed over" on that night. So most of what we have in the gospel accounts was probably current in the 50s, even though the famous "four gospels" in finalized form are later.

So this time separation of the original events from the later finalized "gospel" accounts is not so important. The record of the words and deeds of Jesus is close to the actual reported events, to the extent that this time separation is generally shorter than for most reported historical events which we have from the historical documents.

So if you toss out the record we have of Jesus, based on this time separation between the events and the later reports of them, you'd have to toss out MOST of what we have in all of our history books about that period.

It would be similar if a person today wrote a biography of Martin Luther King just by talking to people who heard something about him from their now-deceased ancestors.

No, it would be closer than that -- it would be mostly from those who were from the same time, some eyewitnesses, but most of them INdirect witnesses, but also from some written reports from eyewitnesses or from those who wrote down what eyewitnesses reported.

I.e., it would be from accounts that put us in more direct contact with the actual events than is the case for most of our recorded history that is generally accepted and taught in history books and history classes.
But the whole story or the whole account is not excluded as fiction. The anachronism is disregarded as being an unreliable part of the account, but the account generally is still given credibility.

WOW! what a load!

No, if the author is including anachronisms, we view the whole effort as being unreliable.

No "we" don't. A whole document is not rejected as unreliable simply because it contains "anachronisms."
Well, i didn't say 'rejected' but it is unreliable.
Again you are trying to impose a rule as if it is standard, and yet you really apply it only to the gospel accounts and to no other writings.
Yes, actually, it is. I'm not imposing shit, i'm trying to explain how historians work.
If the work was supposedly an account of 1000 BC and contains a reference to something which was introduced no earlier than 500 BC, then we know the story has been, at BEST, altered by a later editor. But we don't know which parts were edited. We can't know which was made up by the later editor, or if the entire thing is a fake.

So the whole account becomes unreliable with respect to history. Exactly because we can't trust the individual parts, now.

The same thing applies to evidence in a trial. If there's a discontinuity in the chain of evidence, if we can't be sure who had access, we can't be sure something wasn't altered to change its impact on the guilt or innocence of the defendant. If a cop is found to have manufactured one piece of evidence from a crime scene, then every piece of evidence he touched becomes suspect.

This also applies to the UFO Alien Autopsy films. They contained safety signs that weren't designed until much later than the supposed date of the film.

YOU, of course, treat the scripture differently. You would only excise those parts that you absolutely must accept as later additions, errors, myths or anachronisms. You're the one treating the Books as a special case.

History doesn't make any progress that way, though.

Once you determine part of it can't be relied upon, what would you use to determine which parts CAN be relied upon? YOu'd have to have an INDEPENDENT SOURCE of information for that. Another stumbling block for you....
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This also applies to the UFO Alien Autopsy films. They contained safety signs that weren't designed until much later than the supposed date of the film.

Interesting. I had not heard this.
This also applies to the UFO Alien Autopsy films. They contained safety signs that weren't designed until much later than the supposed date of the film.

Interesting. I had not heard this.
I can't remember where i saw it, but a guy who claims to have been THE guy to design the safety signs for oxygen bottles seen in the background was insistent that he had not designed those signs at the purported time of the film.
It wouldn't matter if the Jesus myth were the only one in the history of the world that contained tales of miracles. (It's not).

It wouldn't matter if the Jesus myth was fully available in written form in A.D. 35. (It wasn't).

It wouldn't matter if the Jesus myth was "eyewitnessed" by dozens of sworn and named testifiers (It wasn't).

It wouldn't matter if we had original copies of the handwritten scrolls on which the story was written (we don't).

It wouldn't matter if we had actual potshards, images and other artifacts attesting to this character from the very time in which he supposedly lived (we don't).

It is still infinitely more plausible that people made up these stories about this man performing miracles than that the man actually performed them.

I just don't know how much simpler I can make it. People make stuff up all the time. People who have an agenda are even more likely to make stuff up. People do not go around healing blind folks with a touch, restoring severed appendages or levitating off into the sky unassisted ... ever. You've got one thing with billions upon billions of examples of folks doing it and you've got another thing with absolutely no confirmable example of anyone doing it.

Dance, ignore the facts, blow smokescreens with thousands of words, obfuscate, appeal to "authority," make claims that are demonstrably untrue, whatever. But the fact is that it is reasonable to be skeptical about these claims unless compelling evidence is presented that demonstrates folks absolutely couldn't have just made the whole thing up.
The miracle stories of Jesus are more likely true than fiction, based on history and evidence and probability.

It's difficult to explain the stories without assuming they're true.

Wow, that's horseshit. Evidence for something being true is based on assuming that they're true?

No. Based on the fact that they are more difficult to explain without assuming they're true.

Someone tells you it's raining, and he's your only source, and you have no way to check. You assume it's raining,

Um, no. I don't 'assume' it's raining. I either trust his account or i do not.

But if you trust his account, that means you assume his account is accurate and it's raining. You assume it's raining BECAUSE you trust his account. There's nothing wrong with believing your source if it's difficult to explain how the source would be wrong, or, how it would exist if what it's reporting is false.

The reason it's easier to believe the Jesus miracles is that otherwise it's difficult to explain why he was made into a god, or into a miracle-working mythic hero. There has to be a reason why he was deified, or why he became mythologized.

If he did perform those acts, we have the explanation. If he did not, then what is the explanation for the mythology of Jesus doing these acts? He was not (in 30 AD) a noteworthy public figure of status, which is a prerequisite for someone being mythologized into a miracle hero legend. There's no other case of a non-famous person being mythologized, or at least in such a short time period.

So we can best explain the mythologized Jesus we have in the gospel accounts if we assume that those accounts or miracle reports are true. But if they're false, it becomes much more difficult to explain them, i.e., the accounts of the miracle acts attributed to him.

Believing the report is true explains the report more easily than believing it is false.

(This assumes the one reporting to you has good information, has no motive to deceive you, and so on.)

Well, then, that's not "assuming," is it?

Yes it is "assuming" because you don't know for sure what the truth is. You believe the report, for good reason, but you don't KNOW it's true. You're right to assume the report is true, but that doesn't mean you "know" it. It is a reasonable belief.

(My statement above should have been: "The report being true, i.e., it IS raining, explains more easily why this was reported to you than the report being false, i.e., it's NOT raining.") I.e., if it's false, then explaining the report is a problem.

That's knowing this individual and knowing his track record.

But still you don't KNOW his report is true -- you believe it for good reason. Reasonable belief, but not knowledge.

That doesn't apply to the gospels.

It does in that it's easier to explain how these accounts exist if we assume that the miracle reports in them are true. If they are false, then how did such accounts come about, i.e., accounts of this mythologized fictional hero who had no status or repute when this mythologizing began and made him into a god? Mythologized heroes do not get invented this way. They are always a celebrated figure who had a wide reputation first, before being mythologized. There is no other example of an instant fiction mythic hero starting from a character of no status, which is what Jesus must have been if he did not actually do the miracle acts attributed to him.

Based on actual cases, the chance of Jesus being such an instant fictionalized miracle-worker legend is no greater than the chance that his reported miracles actually happened, or perhaps is even less, because we have in history at least one confirmed character, Rasputin the mad monk, who apparently did perform miracle healing acts on one victim, based on the historical evidence. So there is at least this one documented case of an apparent miracle healing event, whereas there is NO documented case of any instant miracle-worker legend in history where the mythic hero started out as someone of no wide repute.

So a fictional instant miracle-worker legend is arguably LESS probable, or more impossible, than an actual miracle-worker who performed such miracle acts, because we do have the precedent for such an actual miracle-healer, i.e., an apparent healer, for whom there is confirmed evidence that he apparently did actually perform such acts in the case of one victim he healed.

But we have no cases of instant miracle-workers, or only cases of someone mythologized who was a recognized public celebrity.

And further, we have some other indications of persons (e.g., savants) who have unusual power, or superhuman power, or a power to perform acts that humans normally cannot do.

Why are miracles said to be impossible, or contrary to human experience?

The only basis for saying there can be no miracle act is to claim that there is no confirmed case of such a thing. So the non-occurrence of something is the basis for saying such a thing must be impossible or cannot be. But then by this reasoning, the non-occurrence ever of any instant miracle-hero who was fictional is a basis for saying that such a thing is impossible.

Such a phenomenon is less likely than a miracle event. There's NO case of an instant miracle-worker legend, starting from a fictional person or a person of no status. But there IS at least one case of an apparent miracle-healer for whom there is historical evidence, in the accepted historical record. (There are probably a few others also.)

So claims that there are no recognized miracles on record and that this proves that such a thing is impossible is based on reasoning which also leads to the conclusion that there can be no instant miracle legends which developed from a person of no status or from a fictional person, because there is not one single case of such a thing in the historical record. So the mythicist theory of the Jesus miracles is an impossibility -- even more impossible than that he actually did perform the miracle acts.

Whereas on the other hand, we DO have at least one confirmed case of an apparent healer (who had no medical training) in the historical record, and there are different theories about how he did it, but somehow Rasputin did apparently perform such healing acts according to the historical record.

We don't know who wrote [the gospel accounts], or when, or for what purpose.

That doesn't make them less reliable. We don't know who wrote the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Yet we assume they tell us accurately the listing of the Pharaohs and dynasties and the order and dating. And these claim some supernatural events and yet are still trusted as accurate.

A document or source is not rejected as unreliable simply because we don't have all the biographical information on the author(s). And also not because they might contain some kind of supernatural beliefs.

That makes it almost criminal to just "assume" we can trust them.

No, we trust the numbers given, e.g., the periods when the Pharaohs reigned respectively, and yet we cannot identify the authors or date the writings closely or identify the purpose. Actually we do know pretty much the dates and purpose of writing for the gospel accounts, so it's really only the name of the author that is unknown. So we can identify the authors of the gospel accounts better than we can identify the Egyptian authors who list the pharaohs. And we trust those Egyptian authors to tell us the information accurately, despite not having the biographical information about those authors.

I'm not arguing here that the accounts are trustworthy. There is some basis for doubting them, but not rejecting them altogether.

But my point here is to clarify how it is easier to explain the existence of these accounts, or how the report exists, if you assume that the accounts are true.

But it's NOT actually easier. It may be more comfortable for you to do so, but that's not the easiest explanation.

We have accounts of people telling lies, all around us.

But we don't have accounts of miracles attributed to a person of no status or wide reputation, especially not MULTIPLE accounts, and accounts soon after the time when the alleged events happened. Of course there are lies, but not of this kind. Some forms of lying are much more likely or possible than others.

And although there are many lies published today, in tabloids and websites and other places, such widespread lying was not published in the first century.

We don't have objective accounts of dependable miracles.

Yes we do, depending on what you mean by "objective accounts of dependable miracles."

Again, the historical record of Rasputin the mad monk generally confirms that he somehow cured a child, the son of Czar Nicholas II, from an apparent blood disease, even though he had no medical credentials and the same child had been treated unsuccessfully by certified medical doctors. This is objective history, not from anyone promoting a faith-healing cult of some kind.

It is a reliable factual part of the historical record that these healing acts were apparently performed by Rasputin, with the reservation that historians are skeptical as to how he was able to do it, and there's no consensus that it was a "miracle" or that he had superhuman or divine power and so on. But that this non-medical practitioner did apparently perform this act is not disputed. There are attempts to explain it, or theories, but no consensus on the explanation. But the apparent healing event(s) did take place. That is objective history.

Therefore the easiest explanation would be one that matches our experiences with humans today. Made up shit.

No, we have at least this one case from experience (and there might be others) of a real event, confirmed in the historical record, of someone who did perform non-medical healing, based on all the evidence, and there's no reason to believe anyone "made up shit" in this case. We have the historical record to attest to the event(s) in question -- we know it's not "made up."

Scientific evidence, verified accounts of superhuman power

And there are other events also, of a different type, but which show superhuman power possessed by certain persons. These are "savants" who are able to perform acts which are impossible for normal humans to do, and these acts are totally in defiance of all normal human experience and known scientific explanation. The only understanding of these acts is the simple fact that these very few persons have actually demonstrated these abilities which astonish everyone and defy any "natural" explanation.

These acts are in the same category as "miracle" acts in that they demonstrate superhuman power, or are acts that are absolutely impossible for normal humans. And what makes them especially baffling is that most of these "savants" are physically or mentally handicapped and so have limited ability to perform normal human functions, and yet they also possess an unexplainable ability to perform certain acts which are impossible for normal humans.

An example is to perform complicated math problems, in only 2 or 3 seconds, which cannot be performed by professional mathematicians except by means of computing devices, or which require several minutes to perform the operations. And yet the savant had no training in math. And there are other examples even more baffling.

The examples of these savants are verifiable and repeatable and testable.

These cases which are verifiable and repeatable, and also cases confirmed by the historical record (at least one, Rasputin, but probably some others also), are virtual proof that certain acts are possible that defy known science and which are superhuman, or impossible for normal humans. There is no essential difference, in the sense of what is "possible" and "impossible," between this and "miracle" power such as we see in the reported healing acts of Jesus.

You cannot claim that such power as this, or such miracle acts, are an impossibility, or that science or experience disproves the possibility of it. All you can say is that such power as this is very rare, or extremely uncommon in history or regular experience.

It's not possible to know for certain, without any doubt, that they are true. However, if they are false, i.e., the events reported are fiction, it is more difficult to explain the existence of the accounts/reports than if they are true.

No, it really isn't.

Any more than it's difficult to explain the accounts of Odin, Thor, Ra, Amaterasu, Mithras, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, . . .

In all these cases there was plenty of time for the myths to evolve -- at least 100 years, and most of them beyond 1000 years.

With such a time lapse over which the legend can evolve, there is no difficulty in explaining where the fictional element came from.

For comparison to the Jesus miracle accounts, you have to give an example for which we have multiple sources near to the time of the miracle event(s) reported. This is the kind which is difficult to explain. But also, you have to give us examples where the mythic hero is reported to have really existed and to have really performed the superhuman acts related in the legends. Not stories that are obviously intended as fiction. We know authors invent fictional characters which people read as fiction. The gospel accounts were not written as fiction, i.e., not intended to be read as fiction.

To say the Jesus miracles were "made up" proposes an impossibility, i.e., something that has never happened, and something which CANNOT happen because certain necessary conditions are lacking. Yes, miracle stories sometimes are "made up," but only if there is a celebrity hero with wide recognition to whom the miracles can be attached and/or only over a long period of time, generations or centuries, in which the legend can evolve. Without these conditions, such miracle legends CANNOT be "made up." Such a phenomenon is contrary to human experience.

. . . or the time my Grandma shot a bear in the outhouse.

We're talking here about miracle events, not something a normal human can do, like shooting a bear. It's easy to explain how a normal story could emerge and be believed even if the reported event is fiction. The person believing it had no reason to be suspicious if the reported act is something that is possible for a normal human to perform.

It's reported miracle events that are difficult to believe and for which some evidence is required before someone believes it. When large numbers do believe such claims, it is either because there is real evidence, or it's because the story evolved over many generations or centuries or because it is connected to a recognized celebrity hero figure who had a long career.

So, if the Jesus miracle acts are fiction, it is more difficult to explain the reports of those acts than if those miracle acts are factual.

Repeating it doesn't make it remotely true.

And your repeated denials don't make it false. I'm giving you reasons why it's more difficult for the story to be false. If it was reported near to the actual event, then it has a greater chance of being true, or partly true. Near to the event means LESS TIME in which a story can evolve and new elements can be added to the original story.

Also, multiple accounts of the same event increase the likelihood that it's true, and make it more difficult to reject it as false. The reason for this is that it reduces the likelihood that the story is a result of a fraud or a mistake. I.e., 2 or 3 separate accounts of the same fiction event would mean those 2 or 3 separate reporters all did the same mistake or fraud at about the same time, which would be an unlikely coincidence, against the odds.

If the acts really happened, then it is easy to explain how we have these reports of them. But if they did not really happen, then it is very difficult to explain how these reports came about.

Repeating the bare assertion doesn't make it true.

Each time I repeat it I'm responding to another of your repeated denials.

But unlike you, I give a reason for my repeated claim. It is easy to explain how a report exists of an event that really happened. But if the event did not really happen, then don't we need an explanation for the false report?

It is not the case that reports of events are usually false. The norm is that the report is true, or at least mostly true. No explanation is needed for such a report.

But if the report is false, then we need an explanation why we have this false report. The explanation cannot be simply that there are constant false reports all the time. There are not. That is the exception, not the rule.

Some false reports can be explained, but others cannot. Or are difficult to explain. And the more difficult it is to explain a "false" report, the greater is the likelihood that it's not really false at all.

And a miracle event does require extra evidence to be credible. But we do have this extra evidence with the miracles of Jesus -- we have at least 4 accounts, and 5 for the resurrection of Jesus. Having this extra evidence makes it much more difficult to explain the miracle reports as fictional. Again, we believe many historical events on the report of only one source, and sometimes this one source is separated by 100 years or more from the reported event(s).

So, having only one report would make it much easier to just say it was "made up." Or if the reports were 100 or 200 years later it would be easier to dismiss it as fiction-type legend that evolved over that time.
But if you trust his account, that means you assume his account is accurate and it's raining. You assume it's raining BECAUSE you trust his account. There's nothing wrong with believing your source if it's difficult to explain how the source would be wrong, or, how it would exist if what it's reporting is false.
EVERYTHING is wrong with believing a source that you can't establish as a trustworthy source.
Especially if you're going to wager YOUR SOUL on his being correct, but you don't even know who he is, or what his purpose is in telling you a story.
The reason it's easier to believe the Jesus miracles is that otherwise it's difficult to explain why he was made into a god, or into a miracle-working mythic hero. There has to be a reason why he was deified, or why he became mythologized.
No, it's not.
You only want to pretend that there is evidence that would be difficult to deny, because you really really want to have a chance at an eternal afterlife. This does not make your subjective evaluation of the evidence a trustworthy one.
If he did perform those acts, we have the explanation. If he did not, then what is the explanation for the mythology of Jesus doing these acts?
People make shit up.
Over and over and over, YOU make shit up about it taking centuries to invent gods. As i noted before, you appear to be shooting your own thesis in the foot.

Same ground over and over.
Bored, now.
Lumpenproletariat's most recent sermon was titled "The miracle stories of Jesus are more likely true than fiction, based on history and evidence and probability."

History: There is no historical precedent that anyone ever actually performed miracles. There is immense and overwhelming historical precedent that people made up stories about people performing miracles. Based on historical precedent it is infinitely more likely that a story about someone performing miracles is fiction.

Evidence: There is no evidence other than stories, which are the single most unreliable form of evidence. This evidence is of such poor quality that it is impossible to ascertain with any degree of certainty that the principle character himself was anything other than a product of fiction.

Probability: The probability that someone levitated off from the surface of our planet into the clouds unassisted is so low as to approach zero. The probability that people made up stories and that among those stories are tales of people who could levitate is 100%.

These posts continue to be based on the premise that it is more likely that someone actually performed miracles than someone made up stories about someone performing miracles. That nonsense isn't going to sell here.
LUMPY Wrote:

The reason it's easier to believe the Jesus miracles is that otherwise it's difficult to explain why he was made into a god, or into a miracle-working mythic hero. There has to be a reason why he was deified, or why he became mythologized.

If he did perform those acts, we have the explanation. If he did not, then what is the explanation for the mythology of Jesus doing these acts? He was not (in 30 AD) a noteworthy public figure of status, which is a prerequisite for someone being mythologized into a miracle hero legend. There's no other case of a non-famous person being mythologized, or at least in such a short time period.

So we can best explain the mythologized Jesus we have in the gospel accounts if we assume that those accounts or miracle reports are true. But if they're false, it becomes much more difficult to explain them, i.e., the accounts of the miracle acts attributed to him.

Humans have invented thousands of gods who allegedly have the ability to perform supernatural acts. The stories of Jesus are no different, and much less credible than many other accounts. On the other hand, there is not a single documented event where dead people rose up from the grave after many days and started walking around, or healed sick people with touch, or floated up into the sky. NOT ONE. Couple that with the fact that (a) the Bible is just plain wrong in many of the claims that it makes, and (b) there is no historical record of Jesus even existing, much less performing miracles, and you don't have a leg to stand on. It is much more probable that the miracle stories of the Bible are made up, and not based on fact.

Yes it is "assuming" because you don't know for sure what the truth is. You believe the report, for good reason, but you don't KNOW it's true. You're right to assume the report is true, but that doesn't mean you "know" it. It is a reasonable belief.

Rain is not a supernatural event. People rising up from the dead and floating up into the sky is a supernatural event, something that has never been documented in the long history of our species. The standards of evidence required to support the two claims are vastly different.

It does in that it's easier to explain how these accounts exist if we assume that the miracle reports in them are true. If they are false, then how did such accounts come about, i.e., accounts of this mythologized fictional hero who had no status or repute when this mythologizing began and made him into a god? Mythologized heroes do not get invented this way. They are always a celebrated figure who had a wide reputation first, before being mythologized. There is no other example of an instant fiction mythic hero starting from a character of no status, which is what Jesus must have been if he did not actually do the miracle acts attributed to him.

Prove it. Prove that Thor and Loki and Krishna and Hanuman (the monkey god) are based on celebrated figures who later got turned into mythological figures. You can't do it because it is not true.

Based on actual cases, the chance of Jesus being such an instant fictionalized miracle-worker legend is no greater than the chance that his reported miracles actually happened, or perhaps is even less, because we have in history at least one confirmed character, Rasputin the mad monk, who apparently did perform miracle healing acts on one victim, based on the historical evidence. So there is at least this one documented case of an apparent miracle healing event, whereas there is NO documented case of any instant miracle-worker legend in history where the mythic hero started out as someone of no wide repute.

Prove that Rasputin was a magic healer. And no, there is no historical evidence to confirm this account.

Why are miracles said to be impossible, or contrary to human experience?

Because there is NOT A SINGLE documented event in the long history of mankind that has been confirmed to be a miracle. Not one. Never in the history of mankind have dead people risen up as zombies from the grave, or floated up into the sky without the aid of mechanical devices. If you claim Jesus did this sort of thing, you need to provide evidence to support your claim, and the anonymous accounts of the Bible which are far removed in space and time from the alleged events do not constitute evidence.

Such a phenomenon is less likely than a miracle event. There's NO case of an instant miracle-worker legend, starting from a fictional person or a person of no status. But there IS at least one case of an apparent miracle-healer for whom there is historical evidence, in the accepted historical record. (There are probably a few others also.)

Same old shit that has been refuted many times before. Go back and read the thread.

A document or source is not rejected as unreliable simply because we don't have all the biographical information on the author(s). And also not because they might contain some kind of supernatural beliefs.

There is no reason to believe that the Bible is reporting truth about the supernatural acts of Jesus when it is wrong about so many other things. Add to that the fact that the authors of the Bible never witnessed said supernatural events, or knew anyone who was a witness, and the claims can easily be dismissed as fiction.

And although there are many lies published today, in tabloids and websites and other places, such widespread lying was not published in the first century.

Prove it.

Scientific evidence, verified accounts of superhuman power

And there are other events also, of a different type, but which show superhuman power possessed by certain persons. These are "savants" who are able to perform acts which are impossible for normal humans to do, and these acts are totally in defiance of all normal human experience and known scientific explanation. The only understanding of these acts is the simple fact that these very few persons have actually demonstrated these abilities which astonish everyone and defy any "natural" explanation.

Cite some references to cases which document supernatural acts that were confirmed to be suoernatural. There is not one you can point to. You are making up shit as usual.

An example is to perform complicated math problems, in only 2 or 3 seconds, which cannot be performed by professional mathematicians except by means of computing devices, or which require several minutes to perform the operations. And yet the savant had no training in math. And there are other examples even more baffling.

Certain people do have the ability to efficiently deal with large numbers in their head. This is not supernatural, their brains are wired differently than others. Now name one person in history who rose up from the grave and floated up into the sky. Just one.
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