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2023 Off-Season Elections - Live Coverage Thread

WashPo article that goes into the vote.

18 counties that voted for Trump, supported the abortion rights amendment. One problem the Democrats have, people are fucking stupid! As is the JPG below, which apparently has text overlain on it. The yellow counties voted for Trump but supported the Amendment that all three justices he put forth to SCOTUS voted against.

I just listened to a few minutes babbling from Faux Noise talking bimbos. They realized abortion rights played bad for the GOP. But think it is just a matter of changing the message to make pro-life more palatable to American voters. Another aspect to all of this is woman voter rage at extreme right's war on birth control. For example, attempts to make the morning after pill illegal on bogus grounds. Plus the entire hypocrisy over right wing rants about big government interfering with our lives, while championing right wing Big Government intrusions in our lives in the case of women's health rights.
JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) - A Hinds County circuit judge has denied a request from a voting rights group to keep polls in Hinds County open until 9 p.m.

Meanwhile, the Mississippi Republican Party is asking the Mississippi Supreme Court to overturn a chancery court ruling allowing polls in the state’s largest county to remain open until 8.

The filings come after a tumultuous day of voting in Hinds County, which left thousands of people waiting in line for hours to vote after multiple precincts ran out of ballots.
Moms For Liberty school board candidates lose numerous races for seats on school boards. So nice!

In a sweeping rejection of the conservative Moms for Liberty group across the United States, voters turned away from candidates endorsed by the group in multiple school board races. This group, known for its stance against LGBTQ+ educational materials and its advocacy for “parental rights,” faced significant losses in states from Pennsylvania to Iowa.

Sean Hannity was lamenting about how the Democrats were lying about Republicans and abortion. And that is how the Democrats do everything. Not a perfect quote below but best from recollection.

'If you are a Republican they label you as a racist, against women, want the elderly eating dog food, anti-trans, and now apparently anti-abortion.'

Yes, Sean Hannity says that the Democrats are beating up on Republicans because they are misrepresenting their positions on abortion. I couldn't make that up it I tried!
Sean Hannity was lamenting about how the Democrats were lying about Republicans and abortion. And that is how the Democrats do everything. Not a perfect quote below but best from recollection.

'If you are a Republican they label you as a racist, against women, want the elderly eating dog food, anti-trans, and now apparently anti-abortion.'

Yes, Sean Hannity says that the Democrats are beating up on Republicans because they are misrepresenting their positions on abortion. I couldn't make that up it I tried!
I mean, Republicans are all of those things.
And remember, if you give a bottle of water to someone who is standing in line for hours to vote, you are committing a crime.
And remember, if you give a bottle of water to someone who is standing in line for hours to vote, you are committing a crime.
“We would have gotten the ballots there, but we were delayed because the lady giving people water was resisting arrest, and stopping crime can’t wait!”
One problem the Democrats have, people are ... stupid! As is the JPG below, which apparently has text overlain on it. The yellow counties voted for Trump but supported the Amendment that all three justices he put forth to SCOTUS voted against.
Hypothesis 1: The Democrats' problem is the people persist in choosing their abortion amendment votes based on abortion and their presidential election votes based on a whole range of issues the presidency impacts because the people are too stupid to know they're supposed to always vote single-issue based on whichever issue the Democrats pick for them.
Hypothesis 2: The Democrats' problem is they're really bad at keeping quiet about their lack of respect for the people.
One problem the Democrats have, people are ... stupid! As is the JPG below, which apparently has text overlain on it. The yellow counties voted for Trump but supported the Amendment that all three justices he put forth to SCOTUS voted against.
Hypothesis 1: The Democrats' problem is the people persist in choosing their abortion amendment votes based on abortion and their presidential election votes based on a whole range of issues the presidency impacts because the people are too stupid to know they're supposed to always vote single-issue based on whichever issue the Democrats pick for them.
Hypothesis 2: The Democrats' problem is they're really bad at keeping quiet about their lack of respect for the people.
Hypothesis 3:
Democrats aren't as good at lying and corruption as the Teaparty.

Democrats are capable of such, but not nearly as accomplished. So honesty and public service is doomed in the USA. Whatever that gets us.
Slipping Into That Authoritarian Hellhole.
When legislators legislate and adjudicate.
Horseshit that goes nowhere, you say? But that they would make such a public statement is troubling.

Self-executing, you say? That it be resolved by the people of the state of Ohio, you say?
Nov. 9, 2023, Ohio Republican Newsroom
Yeah, they aren't even pretending anymore. That's how far the window has been pushed to the right. And their supporters are the worst of the abusive types with their 'see what you made us do' bullshit. Ugh, the hypocrisy of them whining about their rights, complaining about government overreach, then justifying this kinda bullshit makes me so fucking angry.

It would be one thing if they actually had principles to stand on, and had a modicum of consistency, but they can't even manage that.
I like Brent Larkin. He can cram a lot into a single statement. Speaking of our legislators...
These are older white men who owe their success to cheating -- defying the Ohio Constitution by drawing rigged legislative districts and then tricking voters into believing they’re public servants.
and then...
The Catholic Church aggressively opposed the abortion rights issue and supported the August vote designed to limit voting rights. Prior to the August vote, the church gave nearly $1 million to a group that produced slimy campaign literature falsely warning passage of Issue 1 might result in “radical ‘trans’ ideology in our schools,” and “sex change operations for kids without any parental involvement,” and could “destroy the rights of parents to protect their own children.”
The parental rights falsehood resurfaced during the abortion campaign, yet more evidence of horrendous judgment by a religious entity with its own sordid history on issues related to sex and children.
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