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A Bernie Sander's question for you political aficionado's


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
Yesterday, I saw on facebook a video of Bernie Sanders discussing how he felt about the recent leaked Hillary speech transcripts proving Hillary has been lying to us about her position with the banksters (what a big surprise). Anyway, what Sanders said was that he was dissapointed in Hillary, but that that should not matter because of the democratic platform which he held in his hand. Bernie showed a copy of the platform in his hand (it looked like a blue book).

So here is my question. What difference does the democratic platform make to Hillary if she gets elected POTUS? Can't she still make extraordinary decisions that are against the platform? Personally, I can't see why a democrat platform is going to make any difference to her at all once she gets in office. Won't she do whatever the hell she wants to?

I would surely think that she could and will. Yet Bernie does not seem to be bothered by this it all. So what am I missing here about Bernie?

If I can find this video I will post it but so far I haven't been able to.
In theory, the mandate that Clinton receives is contingent on the platform. In practice though it's exactly as you describe - most D voters would be unwilling to vote for an R candidate, nor would an incumbent president lose in the primary to another member of their party.
The Democratic platform matters if the Democrats take control of the congress and their legislative agenda therefore matters. If the GOP keeps control of congress and Sanders became the President, it wouldn't matter either because the President can't really make much in the way of decisions regarding the items in the platform.

Clinton isn't going to veto any bills which come across her desk which come from a Dem congress which passed legislation from their platform. So, whether she thinks they're great policy or she thinks that they're shit and wants nothing to do with them because they would cost her Wall Street buddies money, she's still going to sign them into law. That's what Sanders means - her lies or truth on these matters won't affect the stuff in the platform from becoming law if the Dems get a chance to try and implement them.
The President can't do whatever the hell they want to when in office, no matter their party, or the party in power. The checks and balances of the other two branches of government prevent her from doing that. Also, she has to consider her re-election. Sanders' popularity showed that her party is moving significantly to the left, and she has to move with it. She may not have to worry about getting primaried by her own party, but she will likely face a much more competitive general election next time around, and she will need the progressive wing of the party behind her in that race. Turning her back on them in her first term would not do her any favors in securing a second term.

Of course in her second term, she just might go all Obama: seize everyone's guns, help the UN take over Texas, and invade Russia. But you have a few years before you need to worry about that.
Of course in her second term, she just might go all Obama: seize everyone's guns, help the UN take over Texas, and invade Russia. But you have a few years before you need to worry about that.

And it's at this point where we'll see if she's a cowardly hypocrite or not. Does she turn the US into a radical Islamic caliphate, even though having such a government would mean that she would have to step down from power because she's a woman, or does she let her own personal lust for power have her abandon the cause?

We'll just have to wait and see how much character and integrity she has.
Yesterday, I saw on facebook a video of Bernie Sanders discussing how he felt about the recent leaked Hillary speech transcripts proving Hillary has been lying to us about her position with the banksters (what a big surprise). Anyway, what Sanders said was that he was dissapointed in Hillary, but that that should not matter because of the democratic platform which he held in his hand. Bernie showed a copy of the platform in his hand (it looked like a blue book).

So here is my question. What difference does the democratic platform make to Hillary if she gets elected POTUS? Can't she still make extraordinary decisions that are against the platform? Personally, I can't see why a democrat platform is going to make any difference to her at all once she gets in office. Won't she do whatever the hell she wants to?

I would surely think that she could and will. Yet Bernie does not seem to be bothered by this it all. So what am I missing here about Bernie?

If I can find this video I will post it but so far I haven't been able to.

Bernie is understandably trying his best to avoid a Trump election.
The President can't do whatever the hell they want to when in office, no matter their party, or the party in power.

Someone should have informed Cheeto-Face about that a year and a half ago - he would have immediately lost interest.
The President can't do whatever the hell they want to when in office, no matter their party, or the party in power.

Someone should have informed Cheeto-Face about that a year and a half ago - he would have immediately lost interest.

I think it's fairly clear that he lost interest in the Presidency a long time ago and is now only continuing the campaign because of pure obstinacy.
Someone should have informed Cheeto-Face about that a year and a half ago - he would have immediately lost interest.

I think it's fairly clear that he lost interest in the Presidency a long time ago and is now only continuing the campaign because of pure obstinacy.

Obstinacy, or self-adoration? I think he just loves to stand in front of a crowd (no matter if it is comprised of idiots) and watch them cheer for him.
Yesterday, I saw on facebook a video of Bernie Sanders discussing how he felt about the recent leaked Hillary speech transcripts proving Hillary has been lying to us about her position with the banksters (what a big surprise). Anyway, what Sanders said was that he was dissapointed in Hillary, but that that should not matter because of the democratic platform which he held in his hand. Bernie showed a copy of the platform in his hand (it looked like a blue book).

So here is my question. What difference does the democratic platform make to Hillary if she gets elected POTUS? Can't she still make extraordinary decisions that are against the platform? Personally, I can't see why a democrat platform is going to make any difference to her at all once she gets in office. Won't she do whatever the hell she wants to?

I would surely think that she could and will. Yet Bernie does not seem to be bothered by this it all. So what am I missing here about Bernie?

If I can find this video I will post it but so far I haven't been able to.

None, that platform is a list of wishes. The 1928 Farmer-Labor Platform in Minnesota called for the destruction of Capitalism. The Republicans had a field day but lost the election. Capitalism was not abolished.
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