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A brilliant short read of how the oligarchs are going to steal the election

He mentions some good points.

—The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power.

—The neoconservatives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China.

—The US global corporations that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.

—Agribusiness (Monsanto et.al.), corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops.

—The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply.


The most brilliant movie of our time was The Matrix. This movie captured the life of Americans manipulated by a false reality, only in the real America there is insufficient awareness and no Neo, except possibly Donald Trump, to challenge the system. Americans of all stripes—academics, scholars, journalists, Republicans, Democrats, right-wing, left-wing, US Representatives, US Senators, Presidents, corporate moguls and brainwashed Americans and foreigners—live in a false reality.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.
According to his article the electronic voting machines. The software can be programed to count the vote anyway they want and nobody to prove any different. Sounds very plausible and realistic to me.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.
According to his article the electronic voting machines. The software can be programed to count the vote anyway they want and nobody to prove any different. Sounds very plausible and realistic to me.
The fact something is possible does not make it realistic.

The "oligarchs" don't need to steal this election because Trump has handed it to their preferred candidate.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.

They will do it by Black Magic, obviously. They are all-powerful and in league with the devil. Heil Trump and hang witches!
A note to any moderators who might be monitoring this thread. I keyboard fat fingered and ended up miss spelling 2 words in the title (should be "to" and "the") and I would fix this myself but seem to have no edit key available on the post to do so.
According to his article the electronic voting machines. The software can be programed to count the vote anyway they want and nobody to prove any different. Sounds very plausible and realistic to me.
The fact something is possible does not make it realistic.

The "oligarchs" don't need to steal this election because Trump has handed it to their preferred candidate.
I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

So the point I make is this. The software in a voting machine has to be vulnerable and even if its not, the makers of the software would know how to get in. Like my own situation with the bank, the voter who is the user of this software would not have to have any idea whatsoever what would be happening to whether his vote was recorded properly. Its not only possible, its probable considering the stakes IMO.

As for your second comment, I do not think the Oligarchs care how Trump behaves excepting for the fact that they have probably already laid their plans for what the end count will be. They will make sure that the end count is of a believable variance to the mean value of whatever they have convinced the public with the media they also control.
The fact something is possible does not make it realistic.

The "oligarchs" don't need to steal this election because Trump has handed it to their preferred candidate.
I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

So the point I make is this. The software in a voting machine has to be vulnerable and even if its not, the makers of the software would know how to get in. Like my own situation with the bank, the voter who is the user of this software would not have to have any idea whatsoever what would be happening to whether his vote was recorded properly. Its not only possible, its probable considering the stakes IMO.

As for your second comment, I do not think the Oligarchs care how Trump behaves excepting for the fact that they have probably already laid plans for what the end count will be. They will make sure that the end count is of a believable variance to the mean value of whatever they have convinced the public with the media they also control.

Lots of warning signs here. Please make sure you are not getting scammed. Get the official number from https://www.bankofamerica.com/ so you can call to confirm and don't give out any info over calls that you don't initiate to a verified phone number. BoA has no control over what you install on your computer and they wouldn't be able to tell you that your account was compromised due to a home computer getting hacked, nor would they be able to tell you the country of origin of any attack.
I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

So the point I make is this. The software in a voting machine has to be vulnerable and even if its not, the makers of the software would know how to get in. Like my own situation with the bank, the voter who is the user of this software would not have to have any idea whatsoever what would be happening to whether his vote was recorded properly. Its not only possible, its probable considering the stakes IMO.

As for your second comment, I do not think the Oligarchs care how Trump behaves excepting for the fact that they have probably already laid plans for what the end count will be. They will make sure that the end count is of a believable variance to the mean value of whatever they have convinced the public with the media they also control.

Lots of warning signs here. Please make sure you are not getting scammed. Get the official number from https://www.bankofamerica.com/ so you can call to confirm and don't give out any info over calls that you don't initiate to a verified phone number. BoA has no control over what you install on your computer and they wouldn't be able to tell you that your account was compromised due to a home computer getting hacked, nor would they be able to tell you the country of origin of any attack.
They called me into their office and I spoke with them face to face in a brick and mortar building. And according to the bank manager, I am not the only one this has occurred.

There were a lot of procedures they wanted me to make, but I chose to just dump the operating system and start from the ground up again. And even at that, I do not use that computer to go online with the bank anymore.
The fact something is possible does not make it realistic.

The "oligarchs" don't need to steal this election because Trump has handed it to their preferred candidate.
I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

So the point I make is this. The software in a voting machine has to be vulnerable and even if its not, the makers of the software would know how to get in. Like my own situation with the bank, the voter who is the user of this software would not have to have any idea whatsoever what would be happening to whether his vote was recorded properly. Its not only possible, its probable considering the stakes IMO.

As for your second comment, I do not think the Oligarchs care how Trump behaves excepting for the fact that they have probably already laid their plans for what the end count will be. They will make sure that the end count is of a believable variance to the mean value of whatever they have convinced the public with the media they also control.
I think you have been drinking way too much conspiracy theory kool aid.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.

I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

So the point I make is this. The software in a voting machine has to be vulnerable and even if its not, the makers of the software would know how to get in. Like my own situation with the bank, the voter who is the user of this software would not have to have any idea whatsoever what would be happening to whether his vote was recorded properly. Its not only possible, its probable considering the stakes IMO.

As for your second comment, I do not think the Oligarchs care how Trump behaves excepting for the fact that they have probably already laid their plans for what the end count will be. They will make sure that the end count is of a believable variance to the mean value of whatever they have convinced the public with the media they also control.
I think you have been drinking way too much conspiracy theory kool aid.
I think you have been drinking too much," I trust the establishment"Kool aid. Say what you will about Trump (he's not my favorite guy either), but he has been just about right about everything he has said so far about the establishment. Beginning with when he was bloviating about how the democrats were screwing Bernie behind his back. He turned out to be right.
I just learned from my bank (Bank of America) that my computer at home had been hacked into and compromised by a secret virus. I had no idea or who could have done this. The bank says probably someone in Russia but even they don't know for sure. What they do know though, is that someone was able to look at my keystrokes and be able to know my passwords. I would have to believe that Bank of America has pretty good software considering what they do yet even they can not prevent hacking to their customer's computers.

Beware!!!! Unless you have been talking to their fraud department for a while they have no way of knowing which computer was hacked. Thus it's very likely that you're actually talking to black hats, not Bank of America.
I think you have been drinking too much," I trust the establishment"Kool aid. Say what you will about Trump (he's not my favorite guy either), but he has been just about right about everything he has said so far about the establishment.
Of course he knows about the "establishment" - he is part of it.
Beginning with when he was bloviating about how the democrats were screwing Bernie behind his back. He turned out to be right.
Anyone who was paying attention knew that before Donald Trump opened his pie hole.

Here's something to add into your conspiracy theory - as part of the "establishment" the Donald is deliberating throwing this election for a payoff in terms of a TV channel.
And how are the oligarchs going to steal the election? By getting the press to accurately relate Donald Trump's words and actions.

Mr. Roberts needs to get some new tinfoil because his current hat is not strong enough.

Some points have tin foil and some don't. I would agree on his point about outsourcing US jobs
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