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A brilliant short read of how the oligarchs are going to steal the election

Oh puhlease!

—The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power. And Trump wants to increase spending on it.

—The neoconservatives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China. Trump seems to think less of analysts than even the Neocons did.

—The US global corporations (including ones that Trump owned or worked with) that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.

—Agribusiness (Monsanto et.al.), corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops (Trump wants to lower their taxes).

—The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply. (Trump wants to drill in the National Parks).
I've never heard of Paul Craig Roberts, but based on this piece, he is a zany on the level of Lyndon Larouche. All his screed needs is an introduction by Rod Serling and a soundtrack of the 'Jaws' theme. He presents nothing in the way of solid evidence (which is how so many of today's political 'analysts' operate). He has the same polemical style of the anti-climate change crowd.
Oh puhlease!

—The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power. And Trump wants to increase spending on it.

—The neoconservatives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China. Trump seems to think less of analysts than even the Neocons did.

—The US global corporations (including ones that Trump owned or worked with) that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.

—Agribusiness (Monsanto et.al.), corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops (Trump wants to lower their taxes).

—The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply. (Trump wants to drill in the National Parks).

Ok. Maybe you are right. That Trump is tight with the ruling establishment and the corporate elites. It is hard to tell what is actually going on with today's media anyway.

So how do you explain the fact that both of those crowds absolutely hate the guy? How come every chance they get they are speaking just as badly as you just did and trying to convince us that only Hillary is the way to go? If Trump is on their side, why would they not shower him with praise?
I've never heard of Paul Craig Roberts, but based on this piece, he is a zany on the level of Lyndon Larouche. All his screed needs is an introduction by Rod Serling and a soundtrack of the 'Jaws' theme. He presents nothing in the way of solid evidence (which is how so many of today's political 'analysts' operate). He has the same polemical style of the anti-climate change crowd.
Paul Craig Roberts was a part of the Reagan administration as some sort of member the cabinet back in those days. He has actual experience with the inner workings of our government. His articles do not coincide with a lot of main stream media but they do still make logical sense to me. And he usually does provide other internet publications and photos to back up his commentary.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
I've never heard of Paul Craig Roberts, but based on this piece, he is a zany on the level of Lyndon Larouche. All his screed needs is an introduction by Rod Serling and a soundtrack of the 'Jaws' theme. He presents nothing in the way of solid evidence (which is how so many of today's political 'analysts' operate). He has the same polemical style of the anti-climate change crowd.
Paul Craig Roberts was a part of the Reagan administration as some sort of member the cabinet back in those days. He has actual experience with the inner workings of our government. His articles do not coincide with a lot of main stream media but they do still make logical sense to me. And he usually does provide other internet publications and photos to back up his commentary.
PCR's certainly had a decent background. But somewhere in the past he went over the deep end. I remember realizing that he had joined the Tin Foilers Rotary Club (TFRC) some 5-8 years ago.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
Generally the biggest clue is this: There is no Oligarchy Rotary Club (ORC), any more than there is a TFRC, or an all powerful Jewish Oligarchy running the world. Once you subscribe to the notion that there is some secret group (say a dozen to hundreds of people in the know, operating for decades in the shadows, you have in fact joined the TFRC. Such an organization could not survive in secret, other than in fictional novels.

From the article, providing some other clues:
What convinces me that the Oligarchy intends to steal the election is the vast difference between the presstitutes’ reporting and the facts on the ground.

According to the presstitutes, Hillary is so far ahead that there is no point in Trump supporters bothering to vote. Hillary has won the election before the vote. Hillary has been declared a 93% sure winner.
First who the fuck are "the presstitutes", as I don't see claims in the major media that it is a slam dunk. See below for a couple balanced links:

Next para:
I am yet to see one Hillary yard sign, but Trump signs are everywhere. Reports I receive are that Hillary’s public appearances are unattended but Trump’s are so heavily attended that people have to be turned away. This is a report from a woman in Florida:
Oh joy antedotal BS. Well, where I live, then the yard signs would be pointing exactly towards a Clinton slam dunk, but WFT does that have to do with the price of cheese in Japan? Now it is obvious from what I see in my locale that few are excited about Clinton, ergo the low level of Clinton yard signs/bumper stickers. However, Romney must have really excited Oregonians, as he must have had 300-400% more such public displays over Trump today. This election is fairly unique in that it seems to be more of a nose plug choice verses a butt plug choice. Personally, I'll take the nose plugs...

Additionally, (as others have noted) your description of your BoA interaction and your computer apparently having a keylogger trojan installed is fairly indicative of a severe lack of computer/networking knowledge.
Oh puhlease!

—The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power. And Trump wants to increase spending on it.

—The neoconservatives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China. Trump seems to think less of analysts than even the Neocons did.

—The US global corporations (including ones that Trump owned or worked with) that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.

—Agribusiness (Monsanto et.al.), corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops (Trump wants to lower their taxes).

—The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply. (Trump wants to drill in the National Parks).

Ok. Maybe you are right. That Trump is tight with the ruling establishment and the corporate elites. It is hard to tell what is actually going on with today's media anyway.

So how do you explain the fact that both of those crowds absolutely hate the guy? How come every chance they get they are speaking just as badly as you just did and trying to convince us that only Hillary is the way to go? If Trump is on their side, why would they not shower him with praise?
Other than the neoconservative category above the rest could be grouped down to corporate/investor interests. I would suggest that this grouping craves stability and predictability far more than a chance at a few more regulatory cuts and tax cuts that Trump might be able to provide. I say "might" as what ever he might want to change does have to be passed by Congress. And with Trump's already demonstrated track record of not playing well with others, this makes the gamble even harder. Clinton on the other hand appears quite predictable and wouldn't present a significant threat to most all of the above listed interests.

On the neocon front, Trump has been all over the map. Again, concerns about unpredictability would concern them as well. Clinton is certainly no threat to status quo. Will Trump damage NATO? Who knows. Will Trump drop 30,000 soldiers in Syria? Who knows. Or will Trump have a sleep over with Putin?

The one unmentioned power group that I can see rolling the dice for Trump, are the social issue Evangelicals, as then know Clinton is the opposite of what they want, especially with a vacant SC seat. I think their POV is simply that Trump couldn't be worse then Clinton, so we might as well take a chance on him.
So how do you explain the fact that both of those crowds absolutely hate the guy? How come every chance they get they are speaking just as badly as you just did and trying to convince us that only Hillary is the way to go? If Trump is on their side, why would they not shower him with praise?
Because he is an asshole who attends charity events for positive publicity, but doesn't give a single dime. He is a cheapskate that has screwed over many people and doesn't pay income taxes. The establishment may just not like him on the personal level, like most other people.
So how do you explain the fact that both of those crowds absolutely hate the guy? How come every chance they get they are speaking just as badly as you just did and trying to convince us that only Hillary is the way to go? If Trump is on their side, why would they not shower him with praise?
Because he is an asshole who attends charity events for positive publicity, but doesn't give a single dime. He is a cheapskate that has screwed over many people and doesn't pay income taxes. The establishment may just not like him on the personal level, like most other people.
As an official spokesman for The EstablishmentTM, I would like to make it perfectly clear that our organization does not in fact care that Donald Trump is a cheapskate.
Paul Craig Roberts was a part of the Reagan administration as some sort of member the cabinet back in those days. He has actual experience with the inner workings of our government. His articles do not coincide with a lot of main stream media but they do still make logical sense to me. And he usually does provide other internet publications and photos to back up his commentary.
PCR's certainly had a decent background. But somewhere in the past he went over the deep end. I remember realizing that he had joined the Tin Foilers Rotary Club (TFRC) some 5-8 years ago.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
Generally the biggest clue is this: There is no Oligarchy Rotary Club (ORC), any more than there is a TFRC, or an all powerful Jewish Oligarchy running the world. Once you subscribe to the notion that there is some secret group (say a dozen to hundreds of people in the know, operating for decades in the shadows, you have in fact joined the TFRC. Such an organization could not survive in secret, other than in fictional novels.
I would call this a main stream position now. Trump did not come out of nowhere that's for sure. Most of his supporters identify with the fact that there is an "establishment" out there who is only interested in themselves and not middle class America. You can disagree with how they feel and you can even speculate that they are wrong about this. But what you can not do is say that these people are tin foilers who have no basis in reality.
From the article, providing some other clues:
What convinces me that the Oligarchy intends to steal the election is the vast difference between the presstitutes’ reporting and the facts on the ground.

According to the presstitutes, Hillary is so far ahead that there is no point in Trump supporters bothering to vote. Hillary has won the election before the vote. Hillary has been declared a 93% sure winner.
First who the fuck are "the presstitutes",
The 5 major media conglomerates who basically filter everything that is said or heard in the US.
I am yet to see one Hillary yard sign, but Trump signs are everywhere. Reports I receive are that Hillary’s public appearances are unattended but Trump’s are so heavily attended that people have to be turned away. This is a report from a woman in Florida:
Oh joy antedotal BS. Well, where I live, then the yard signs would be pointing exactly towards a Clinton slam dunk, but WFT does that have to do with the price of cheese in Japan?
I agree with this.
Additionally, (as others have noted) your description of your BoA interaction and your computer apparently having a keylogger trojan installed is fairly indicative of a severe lack of computer/networking knowledge.
So far I have not lost any money.
PCR's certainly had a decent background. But somewhere in the past he went over the deep end. I remember realizing that he had joined the Tin Foilers Rotary Club (TFRC) some 5-8 years ago.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
Generally the biggest clue is this: There is no Oligarchy Rotary Club (ORC), any more than there is a TFRC, or an all powerful Jewish Oligarchy running the world. Once you subscribe to the notion that there is some secret group (say a dozen to hundreds of people in the know, operating for decades in the shadows, you have in fact joined the TFRC. Such an organization could not survive in secret, other than in fictional novels.
I would call this a main stream position now. Trump did not come out of nowhere that's for sure. Most of his supporters identify with the fact that there is an "establishment" out there who is only interested in themselves and not middle class America. You can disagree with how they feel and you can even speculate that they are wrong about this. But what you can not do is say that these people are tin foilers who have no basis in reality

Oh yes he can.

No matter how popular an opinion might be, it is no closer to being true than it would be if it was only held by three guys living in their mum's basement.

Democracy tells us people's opinions. It says exactly NOTHING about whether those opinions match reality in any way. Even if conspiracy nuts were to become the majority, they would STILL be nuts. A position can be both mainstream and wrong.
PCR's certainly had a decent background. But somewhere in the past he went over the deep end. I remember realizing that he had joined the Tin Foilers Rotary Club (TFRC) some 5-8 years ago.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
Generally the biggest clue is this: There is no Oligarchy Rotary Club (ORC), any more than there is a TFRC, or an all powerful Jewish Oligarchy running the world. Once you subscribe to the notion that there is some secret group (say a dozen to hundreds of people in the know, operating for decades in the shadows, you have in fact joined the TFRC. Such an organization could not survive in secret, other than in fictional novels.
I would call this a main stream position now. Trump did not come out of nowhere that's for sure. Most of his supporters identify with the fact that there is an "establishment" out there who is only interested in themselves and not middle class America. You can disagree with how they feel and you can even speculate that they are wrong about this. But what you can not do is say that these people are tin foilers who have no basis in reality

Oh yes he can.

Data on those Chock full o'Nuts from last May:
According to a PPP survey of Trump supporters:

-65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.
-59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.
-24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.
I'd say the above is strong evidence that a majority of the Republican base supporting Trump are in fact tin foilers. With that said, there still is no officially organized Tin Foilers Rotary Club; nor is there a secret and organized Oligarchy Rotary Club. I'm not quite sure if this distinction went over your head or not...

PS Bank of America is literally not in a position to provide security for its customers PC’s. That is the customers responsibility. The customer could hire help, but that still isn’t going to come from a bank.
PCR's certainly had a decent background. But somewhere in the past he went over the deep end. I remember realizing that he had joined the Tin Foilers Rotary Club (TFRC) some 5-8 years ago.

Perhaps you could explain in more detail what you find so hard to believe about this article, because it makes perfect logical sense to me.
Generally the biggest clue is this: There is no Oligarchy Rotary Club (ORC), any more than there is a TFRC, or an all powerful Jewish Oligarchy running the world. Once you subscribe to the notion that there is some secret group (say a dozen to hundreds of people in the know, operating for decades in the shadows, you have in fact joined the TFRC. Such an organization could not survive in secret, other than in fictional novels.
I would call this a main stream position now. Trump did not come out of nowhere that's for sure. Most of his supporters identify with the fact that there is an "establishment" out there who is only interested in themselves and not middle class America. You can disagree with how they feel and you can even speculate that they are wrong about this. But what you can not do is say that these people are tin foilers who have no basis in reality

Oh yes he can.

Data on those Chock full o'Nuts from last May:
According to a PPP survey of Trump supporters:

-65% think President Obama is a Muslim, only 13% think he’s a Christian.
-59% think President Obama was not born in the United States, only 23% think that he was.
-24% think Antonin Scalia was murdered, just 42% think he died naturally, another 34% are unsure.
I'd say the above is strong evidence that a majority of the Republican base supporting Trump are in fact tin foilers. With that said, there still is no officially organized Tin Foilers Rotary Club; nor is there a secret and organized Oligarchy Rotary Club. I'm not quite sure if this distinction went over your head or not...

PS Bank of America is not in a position to protect its customers from

Perhaps a Tin Foil party could win the next election. Would it be Democrat Tin Foilers or Republican Tin Foilers.
PS Bank of America is literally not in a position to provide security for its customers PC’s. That is the customers responsibility. The customer could hire help, but that still isn’t going to come from a bank.
This customer is just going to pick a safer bank next time if his money gets stolen.
PS Bank of America is literally not in a position to provide security for its customers PC’s. That is the customers responsibility. The customer could hire help, but that still isn’t going to come from a bank.
This customer is just going to pick a safer bank next time if his money gets stolen.

FWIW, I absolutely loathe Bank of America, along with JP Morgan/Chase, as two of the of the most unhelpful and frustrating banking companies around. I've had to deal with both of them as my parents POA and they are both useless shits. I even discontinued a credit card with one of them after dealing with them as a POA. I would suggest that these banks learn some customer service techniques from the SSA and the VA, as it would be an improvement. Anywho, if your PC is hacked/trojaned (per the words you used), the best any bank can do is notice something fishy with your account and get a hold of you quickly. The lack of PC safety needs to be dealt with by the person you see in the mirror.
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