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A Damn Rant


Sep 17, 2003
Right behind you so ... BOO!
Basic Beliefs
non-theist, anarcho-socialist
The President just called out the GOP for refusing to pass "a darn bill."

The last time the President said "damn," conservatives lost their tiny minds and the Drudge Report ran a headline "President Goes Street."

To which I say "So?"

Barack Obama is a grown ass man. And him saying "darn" like a six year old makes him sound like, well, a six year old. It is an attempt to "boy-ify" Obama and he's going along with it so he won't be seen as an angry black man.

But he is an angry black man. I am an angry black woman. And the people who voted for him, TWICE I may add, are all angry in every color in the rainbow of humanity.

Mr. President, we have much to be angry about. BE ANGRY! And if it upsets bigots, bullies and buffoons, GOOD!

if Clark Gable could say damn in 1939, then the POTUS can say damn in 2014. And he can say it any damn time he wants.

He grown and if anyone has a problem with him being grown, they can write their complaints on a piece of paper, fold it five ways, and stick it where the DAMN SUN DONT SHINE!
Really? Americans still get upset over the use of certain words? (damn isn't even all that harsh a word). I've heard Dutch politicians use much much harsher words without anyone complaining about it.
Damn straight. Of course, this is a country where a president gets his wrist slapped for saying he doesn't eat broccoli because the Mom's scream: 'my kids will hear it and how do i get them to eat their veggies, then?'
Really? Americans still get upset over the use of certain words? (damn isn't even all that harsh a word). I've heard Dutch politicians use much much harsher words without anyone complaining about it.
Medved was complaining and basing a lot of a show on AM Radio about the death of culture in America because the LA Mayor said the dreaded f-word during a speech at a LA Kings Stanley Cup celebration. What is funny is that the usage was actually quite clever.

The right-wing will get upset about anything a guy with a D next to his name does.
The jack asses just can not wait for Him to go "Real," when he gets pissed off so they can say," look at him acting like 'those' people do all the time!"

Historically Athena our President along with his administration will be looked back upon as an important milestone in American and world events. IMO never has a president been hated and torpedoed in ever way imaginable. All the bills came do for these two wars and the bailouts in 2008-2012 and what does the right say? OMG the ............ fill in the blanks here. Obama is raising the deficit, he is raising taxes on the job creators, etc.

I am not an Obama apologists or a big fan of the President. But one has got to admit he sure can keep his cool. I admire him for that. Can anyone just for a second just imagine all the sabotage and attacks this administration has had to bear while trying to clean up probably the biggest mess in the history of the U.S? And the assholes just keep the scandals, reg TM, ah coming.

See A they do not hate him for being black. They hate him, and this IMO is important in understanding the vitriolic hatred for the man, because Obama is an intelligent eloquent man who just happens to be black. They hate his because he is a scholarly men, see Yale Law School, who just happens to be black. See they hate him because he did not come from a uber rich white anglo saxon family not so much. They hate him because he a polite, too polite for me and you, intelligent black man who defies their stereotypical pigeon holing of black men. Obama is admired around the globe and the neo-cons also hate him for this. He could have dropped out of college anytime yet he chose to remain in the game and beat the system. And for this they surely hate him big time.

Whatever the man does they are adamantly against. Hence this is why we see all this made up shit and manufactured BS scandals on and on ad nauseum. Look at all the people who make their money with their acts hating on him. You know like Sarah Ice Queen of Duh Palin calling out how Obama is " shucking and jawing!" Dude WTF! Sarah was the one who liked to get it on with black college basketball players when she was a sports journalist yet in public she is always throwing out those snide ass racist remarks. Dude WTF? It is the same thing with the 1st Lady. She is beautiful and totally in shape so what does the right wing hate media do? Attack her 24/7 and calls her names. When was the last time a 1st Lady had to put up with all these personal attacks?

So let us hope that the President will start getting more pissed off at all the assholes who have been f'n up the country to make him look bad. They have had no qualms screwing over us, the working class slobs, to derail the President's polices since day one! The assholes can not even make up their pathetic little minds; Obama is an incompetent buffoon one day and then a conniving tyrant worse then Hitler the next! Sheez F'n morons!

Peace girl

This silly self-censorship of politicians has gone too far. Only a month or two ago, Christopher Pyne, the Australian Federal Education Minister, called Opposition Leader Bill Shorten a 'cunt' on the floor of parliament, and the cowardly little shit felt the need to publicly deny it.


Just imagine the horror if he had also said 'damn'. :eek:
This silly self-censorship of politicians has gone too far. Only a month or two ago, Christopher Pyne, the Australian Federal Education Minister, called Opposition Leader Bill Shorten a 'cunt' on the floor of parliament, and the cowardly little shit felt the need to publicly deny it.


Just imagine the horror if he had also said 'damn'. :eek:
That's brilliant. It's great because he said it in such an almost friendly manner, like me calling a friend "an oul bastard". The recipient knows that no offense is meant or intended and the word isn't remotely offensive in the context it's used. I think sometimes Americans don't realise how the word 'cunt' can be quite inoffensive depending on how its' used, who uses it and who it's directed at. It seems to be taken as granted that it's a horrible sexist word. (edit: I appreciate that it might indeed be such in the USA, it just necessarily isn't elsewhere in the English speaking world)

Here's one of my favourite political swear word rants from home, the Irish parliament from a few years ago, a TD (MP) unloading on another TD angrily.


This silly self-censorship of politicians has gone too far. Only a month or two ago, Christopher Pyne, the Australian Federal Education Minister, called Opposition Leader Bill Shorten a 'cunt' on the floor of parliament, and the cowardly little shit felt the need to publicly deny it.


Just imagine the horror if he had also said 'damn'. :eek:
That's brilliant. It's great because he said it in such an almost friendly manner, like me calling a friend "an oul bastard". The recipient knows that no offense is meant or intended and the word isn't remotely offensive in the context it's used. I think sometimes Americans don't realise how the word 'cunt' can be quite inoffensive depending on how its' used, who uses it and who it's directed at. It seems to be taken as granted that it's a horrible sexist word. (edit: I appreciate that it might indeed be such in the USA, it just necessarily isn't elsewhere in the English speaking world)

Here's one of my favourite political swear word rants from home, the Irish parliament from a few years ago, a TD (MP) unloading on another TD angrily.



I have always liked the convention in parliaments that members can 'unsay' things. "The honorable gentleman is a moronic fuckwit with the brains of a gnat and the testicles to match, and I apologise and withdraw my comment unreservedly". See? Not one rude word there :D
Americans still get upset over the use of certain words?

Finding words to get outraged about words is the American national past time.

"Redskins" seems to be on the list now.

I remember outrage over "niggardly".

There are some I dare not say.
Maybe there are some contexts where being seen as an angry black man is neutral/advantageous rather than disadvantageous, but I somehow doubt that being POTUS is one of them.
This word was recently banned here in the US. It seems women are doomed to failure in life if they are called this when they are little:


At least according to a couple of hugely rich and successful women (Beyonce and Sheryl Sandberg) who were frequently called this when they were young.
if Clark Gable could say damn in 1939, then the POTUS can say damn in 2014. And he can say it any damn time he wants.

Is this the same President that whenever he asserts himself a little is accused of being a "dictator?"

Or is it the President who is accused of being "weak" every time he doesn't assert himself?

The guy who, every time he's snapped in a photo dipping his head in deference to some other person is accused of "surrendering to the terrorists!"

Or the guy who, when he actually orders a terrorist killed is accused of not begging for permission from Congress?
What I have learned these 48 years I have been on the planet in a black skin carrying a set of ovaries

To say "Fuck you."

I will never make a bigot like me, but I can damn sure make him leave me the hell alone, get out of my damn way and shut the fuck up. And since nothing I do will ever make me what a bigot wants, to the bigots I say FUCK YOU and go about my business making me what I want to be.

That is my advice to Barack Obama.

To the POTUS I say this

The people who elected you have proven twice to outnumber the people who wanted to elect anyone but you. You have the mandate of the people. Use it. And yeah, a big part of the reason all those people voted for you and still hold hope that you will grow a pair and say to your detractors "You got a better idea, then lets hear it. If not, shut the hell up and get the fuck outta the way because the American people and I are getting on with living striving and thriving in 21st century"

You say that, the thuglicans will back down and the people will take back their houses and America can finally be the America we want to be. We who voted for you will bear the burdens and make the sacrifices if you will only keep your word and lead.

Now if you are but another corporate pawn...

But that's a discussion for another day.
And how do you know it wasn't a measure addressing repairing worn clothing with needle and thread??
And how do you know it wasn't a measure addressing repairing worn clothing with needle and thread??

I thought it was in reference to the Hydorological Infrastructure Bill - which I understand provides funding for the maintenance of both hydroelectric darns, and water supply tarnations nationwide. :D
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