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A Sounder of Feral Pigs

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
My new political meme.

A sounder is a herd of feral pigs. And the new GOP controlled Congress is just that. A sounder of feral pigs loose in the corn field. Grunting and squealing and rooting up everything, leaving a trail of destruction behind them.

A sounder of GOP Congressmen. A sounder of Republicans.

Grunt! Squeallllll! Root! Root! Root!

[h=2]Sounder[/h] a herd of wild swine; pigs or boars, 1410.Example: sounder of scholars—N. Y. Times, 1983.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
I hear that they even hunt them from the air in Texas ;)
I hear that they even hunt them from the air in Texas ;)

When one considers what it costs to operate a plane or helicopter, per minute, versus how many pigs can be shot in flight, there has to be a more cost effective way to kill pigs.
Its the safest though. Wild pigs are dangerous game.
Does this mean we can refer to Trump as the Swine Prince? ('King' is far too prestigious a title for Drumpf.)
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