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Afghan "train, advise and assist" 1984 style

What an idiot.

Yeah, like not even close to be as bad as "mission accomplished"...

Never mind Biden is largely following the Orange Exit Plan... I'd say the BS blame Biden game is going to have a hard time sticking, as the obvious rapid collapse simply demonstrates the US 20 year failure at all levels...

Yeah, to think that Biden could have reversed 20 years of failed policies is absurd. It’s not Trump’s fault either. It’s just time to go.

And BTW, this is not a picture of the embassy. It is nearby though.
What a dismal tragedy. And how could U.S. intelligence have been so badly informed as not to realize that Taliban victory would be swift? (Or was theirs all a pretense?) I read that extreme lack of food and lack of ammunition are major reasons that Afghan government soldiers are now unable to fight. The U.S. wasted trillions on this war ... and couldn't even supply its surrogates with basic necessities?

The outcome is so lamentable that I will amplify my statement. America's Longest War ever lasted almost 20 years, almost double the previous record-holder for longest-war, Vietnam. And this one ended in failure for some of the same reasons. Cheney-Wolfowitz-etc. were simply malicious, but Obama or Biden should have stepped up to the plate. Instead the War focused on America's ill-chosen priorities when the focus should have been on helping the Afghan people.

It's easy to find fault with Biden — and surely the withdrawal could have been done with more intelligence and grace — but 20 years is a long time just to prove the U.S.A. is incompetent to conduct adventures like this.

In terms of aggregate human costs, Afghanistan's suffering is hugely dwarfed by suffering in Iraq and Iran caused by American malice and stupidity there. But the Afghan war also cost American lives and treasure. Indeed the treasure wasted on these Cheney-Rove frolickings would be enough to fund BOTH infrastructure bills and much more.
Map: See How the Taliban Gained Control in Afghanistan - The New York Times
  • May 3: The US pullout begins. The Afghan Gov't has all 34 provincial capitals. "But the Taliban began making headway in lightly defended rural districts."
  • May 11: "The Taliban consolidated their control of major highways, cutting off government bases. More rural districts fell."
  • June 16: "Besieged Afghan forces realized that government promises of reinforcements and supplies are not forthcoming. Demoralized, they begin abandoning checkpoints and bases en masse."
  • The Taliban's advance speeded up.
  • July 13: "The Taliban dispatched village elders to deliver a message: Surrender or die. Many soldiers and police surrendered and handed over weapons in return for assurances of safety."
  • The Taliban's advance slowed down
  • The Taliban controls 56% of the country and contests 26%, with the gov't having only 18%.
  • August 3: "Taliban fighters intensified sieges of several provincial capitals. Government troops and officials began to abandon fortified compounds where they had long managed provincial affairs."
  • August 8: "On August 6, after nearly 20 years of war, the first provincial capital fell to the Taliban: The small, remote city of Zaranj. Over the next week, 14 provincial capitals collapsed."
  • August 14: "The Taliban captured the strategic southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand, along with Herat Province on the Iranian border. The collapse of Kunduz and Logar provinces cleared a direct path to Kabul."
The Taliban is now advancing in the contested areas, and the gov't only holds the central part of the country and some districts near Kabul.
Afghanistan Updates: U.S. Prepares Airlift as Cities Fall to Taliban With Stunning Speed - The New York Times

"Three more major cities are under Taliban control, as the government’s forces near collapse."
The Taliban seized Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand Province, on Friday morning after a weekslong battle that left parts of the city in ruins, hospitals filled with the wounded and dying, and residents asking what would come next under their new rulers. Hours earlier, the insurgents had captured Herat, a cultural hub in the west, and Kandahar, the country’s second-largest city, where the Taliban first proclaimed their so-called emirate in the 1990s.
Lashkar Gah is in the south, and Kandahar in the southeast.

"Only three major Afghan cities — the capital, Kabul, Jalalabad and Mazar-i-Sharif — remain under government control, and one is under siege by the Taliban."

Why the Afghan Military Collapsed So Quickly - The New York Times - "The Taliban’s rapid advance has made clear that U.S. efforts to turn Afghanistan’s military into a robust, independent fighting force have failed, with its soldiers feeling abandoned by inept leaders."
In the past several days, the Afghan security forces have collapsed in more than 15 cities under the pressure of a Taliban advance that began in May. On Friday, officials confirmed that those included two of the country’s most important provincial capitals: Kandahar and Herat.

The swift offensive has resulted in mass surrenders, captured helicopters and millions of dollars of American-supplied equipment paraded by the Taliban on grainy cellphone videos. In some cities, heavy fighting had been underway for weeks on their outskirts, but the Taliban ultimately overtook their defensive lines and then walked in with little or no resistance.

This implosion comes despite the United States having poured more than $83 billion in weapons, equipment and training into the country’s security forces over two decades.
That effort failed, and with the US no longer propping it up, that army is now disintegrating.
It began with individual outposts in rural areas where starving and ammunition-depleted soldiers and police units were surrounded by Taliban fighters and promised safe passage if they surrendered and left behind their equipment, slowly giving the insurgents more and more control of roads, then entire districts. As positions collapsed, the complaint was almost always the same: There was no air support or they had run out of supplies and food.

These shortfalls can be traced to numerous issues that sprung from the West’s insistence on building a fully modern military with all the logistical and supply complexities one requires, and which has proved unsustainable without the United States and its NATO allies.
The Taliban recently captured in a week about half of Afghanistan's provincial capitals.
“They’re just trying to finish us off,” said Abdulhai, 45, a police chief who was holding Kandahar’s northern front line last week.

The Afghan security forces have suffered well over 60,000 deaths since 2001. But Abdulhai was not talking about the Taliban, but rather his own government, which he believed was so inept that it had to be part of a broader plan to cede territory to the Taliban.
An Afghan general:
“No region fell as a result of the war, but as a result of the psychological war,” he said.

That psychological war has played out at varying levels.

Afghan pilots say that their leadership cares more about the state of the aircraft rather than the people flying them: men and at least one woman who are burned out from countless missions of evacuating outposts — often under fire — all while the Taliban carry out a brutal assassination campaign against them.

What remains of the elite commando forces, who are used to hold what ground is still under government control, are shuttled from one province to the next, with no clear objective and very little sleep.
After the article mentioned the surrender of an Afghan warlord to the Taliban,
“We are drowning in corruption,” said Abdul Haleem, 38, a police officer on the Kandahar frontline earlier this month. His special operations unit was at half strength — 15 out of 30 people — and several of his comrades who remained on the front were there because their villages had been captured.

“How are we supposed to defeat the Taliban with this amount of ammunition?” he said. The heavy machine gun, for which his unit had very few bullets, broke later that night.
What an idiot.

Yeah, like not even close to be as bad as "mission accomplished"...

Never mind Biden is largely following the Orange Exit Plan... I'd say the BS blame Biden game is going to have a hard time sticking, as the obvious rapid collapse simply demonstrates the US 20 year failure at all levels...

Yeah, to think that Biden could have reversed 20 years of failed policies is absurd. It’s not Trump’s fault either. It’s just time to go.

And BTW, this is not a picture of the embassy. It is nearby though.

Biden or State fucked up the leaving. We needed to get American and Afghan assets out of the nation first and then lock the doors, and now it looks like we are scurrying out leaving Afghans behind.
As Fears Grip Afghanistan, Hundreds of Thousands Flee - The New York Times - "With the Taliban sweeping across much of the country, at least 30,000 Afghans are leaving each week. Many more have been displaced within Afghanistan’s borders."
So far this year around 330,000 Afghans have been displaced, more than half of them fleeing their homes since the United States began its withdrawal in May, according to the United Nations.

Many have flooded into makeshift tent camps or crowded into relatives’ homes in cities, the last islands of government control in many provinces. Thousands more are trying to secure passports and visas to leave the country altogether. Others have crammed into smugglers’ pickup trucks in a desperate bid to slip illegally over the border.

In recent weeks, the number of Afghans crossing the border illegally shot up around 30 to 40 percent compared to the period before international troops began withdrawing in May, according to the International Organization for Migration. At least 30,000 people are now fleeing every week.

Those who can afford it pay thousands of dollars to travel to Turkey and then Europe. But many more strike pay-as-you-go deals with smugglers, planning to work illegally in Iran until they can afford the next leg of the journey.

“We don’t have any money or means of getting a visa,” said Mohammad Adib, who is considering migrating illegally to Iran.

In Tajikistan, officials recently announced that the country was prepared to host around 100,000 Afghan refugees, after the country received around 1,600 Afghans this month.

Other neighboring countries have expressed less willingness to host an outpouring of Afghans, instead beefing up their border security and warning that their economies cannot handle a new influx of refugees.
Seems like the Taliban is taking over like the US took over Iraq, the guns were laid down because the outcome was known.

PM Johnson talking about UK interests, sickening. This is just intolerable.
Afghan President Ghani flees country as Taliban surrounds Kabul | Ashraf Ghani News | Al Jazeera

‘Unpatriotic’: Afghans slam President Ghani’s swift departure | Taliban News | Al Jazeera
Late on Sunday, it was announced that Ghani had left the country with several members of his cabinet.

A politician from an eastern province, who wished to remain anonymous, described Ghani’s departure as a “disgrace”.

The politician accused Ghani of “lying to the people this whole time” and of “keeping the Afghan people in the dark”.

The politician pointed to Ghani’s pre-taped statement on Saturday as an example of lying to the Afghan people. In that address, Ghani, who appeared to be reading from a teleprompter, promised to “concentrate on preventing expansion of instability, violence and displacement of my people”, however, within a few hours of that address two of Afghanistan’s biggest cities – Jalalabad and Mazar-i-Sharif – fell to the Taliban.

References to Ghani lying or keeping secrets had become even more commonplace over the last two months, when first districts, and later provinces, began falling to the Taliban.
Like conspiracy theories about how the Taliban's advances are the result of some secret collusion with the gov't.
Taliban enters Afghan presidential palace after Ghani flees: Live | Joe Biden News | Al Jazeera

Photos: Taliban takes control of Afghan presidential palace | Asia News | Al Jazeera - "Taliban fighters have entered Afghanistan’s presidential palace hours after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country."

Complete with several pictures showing Taliban militiamen in that palace.

Afghanistan: Mapping the advance of the Taliban | Infographic News | Al Jazeera - "An animated map showing how and when the Taliban captured 26 out of the country’s 34 provincial capitals in just 10 days."

‘This is not Saigon’: Blinken defends US evacuations from Kabul | Asia News | Al Jazeera - "US secretary of state defends Washington’s drawdown of personnel from Afghan capital amid rapid advance by the Taliban." - "A US Chinook helicopter flies over the country's embassy in Kabul on Sunday as diplomatic personnel were being ferried to the airport amid the Taliban's rapid advance on the Afghan capital [Rahmat Gul/AP Photo]"
In a series of US media interviews on Sunday, Blinken again defended President Joe Biden’s decision to pull US troops out of Afghanistan by the end of August, despite mounting criticism that the swift US withdrawal contributed to the country’s deteriorating security situation.

“Remember, this is not Saigon,” Blinken told CNN, referring to the fall of Saigon in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War. “We went to Afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission, and that mission was to deal with the folks who attacked us on 9/11 – and we have succeeded in that mission.”

A photo that immortalised the US’s defeat in Vietnam, showing evacuees boarding a helicopter on the roof of a building, spread fast on social networks after Washington said recently it would send some 3,000 US soldiers to help embassy staff leave Afghanistan.
Now bumped up to 5,000. Seems like they are evacuating everybody to Kabul's airport. Then they will all fly out of there, I think.
Neither Vietnam nor Afganistan were evr a stae. The Pentagon Papers revealed in the mid 60s the military concluded there was no military solution in VN. The govt was a US puppet regime. The arms industry was making money.

A high school friend's broter ws in VN during Tet. As he put it ARVN ducked and fired in the air where he was. Power was held by narco war lords.

As General Giap put it, we have been fighting foreign occupiers for generations and we will fight as long as it takes. Dien Ben Phu should have been a warning. Nobody really wanted us there.

We keep cnanting the mantra democracy and expect ohter cultures to act like we do. In Iraq Bush declared victory and an end when elections were held, and then a civil war broke out.

Afghanistan was never a state. It wa stribal with a narco economy. The idea of forming a stable civil govt was pure fantasy.

Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan had any cultural and historical foundation for democracy. It is self evident from the rapid evaporation of the miliary. They see nothing worth fighting for.

Biden is right, they have to fight for themselves. If not there is no point in our being there. The only alternative wolud be to take over the country and run it util order was established and self sustaining.

Nixon new there was no solution in VN. He coined the term 'peace with honor' and
Vietnamization'. I remember the headlines just before an election, the war is over and we won.

We try to make the world in our image and fail. We do not seem to get there are cultures that do not want to be like us.

It was inevitable the Taliban would win short of full scale war and control of the country.

We have our own problems to deal with. Obama said that the US is not a global police, and people are going to have to figure things out for themselves.
Major northern Afghan city Mazar-i-Sharif falls to Taliban | Taliban News | Al Jazeera - "Capture of Mazar-i-Sharif gives the Taliban control over all of northern Afghanistan, as it also draws closer to Kabul."
Security forces from Mazar-i-Sharif were escaping towards the border, Afzal Hadid, head of the Balkh provincial council, told Reuters news agency.

“The Taliban have taken control of Mazar-i-Sharif,” he said. “All security forces have left Mazar city.” The city appeared to have fallen largely without a fight, although sporadic clashes were continuing nearby, he said.

Abas Ebrahimzada, a legislator from the Balkh province where the city is located, told The Associated Press news agency that the national army surrendered first, which prompted pro-government militias and other forces to lose morale and give up in the face of a Taliban onslaught launched earlier on Saturday.

Ebrahimzada said Abdul Rashid Dostum and Ata Mohammad Noor, former strongmen who command thousands of fighters, had fled the province and their whereabouts were unknown.

Taliban seizes Afghanistan’s Jalalabad, cuts off Kabul from east | Asia News | Al Jazeera - "Taliban capture of Jalalabad effectively leaves Kabul as the last major urban area under government control."
The Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan’s Jalalabad without a fight, according to officials and a resident, effectively leaving the capital, Kabul, as the last major urban area under government control.

Abrarullah Murad, a legislator from the province, told The Associated Press that the group seized Jalalabad after elders negotiated the fall of the government there.

Another Jalalabad-based Afghan official told Reuters there were no clashes in the city “because the governor has surrendered to the Taliban”.

“Allowing passage to the Taliban was the only way to save civilian lives,” the official added.

Remarkable that the Taliban was able to win so easily in those two cities. Seems like only Kabul is left, and it is also falling to the Taliban.
US sending more troops to Afghanistan for personnel drawdown | Conflict News | Al Jazeera - "US President Joe Biden says his administration warned Taliban against any action putting US personnel at risk."
In a statement on Saturday, Biden said he authorised “the deployment of approximately 5,000 US troops to make sure we can have an orderly and safe drawdown of US personnel and other allied personnel” based on recommendations from US diplomatic, military and intelligence teams.

He added that the deployment would also be used to evacuate some Afghans going through a special visa programme.

Stefan Simanowitz on Twitter: "PHOTO 1: US diplomat evacuate US from embassy via helicopter as the #Taliban enter #Kabul from all sides. #Afghanistan (2021)

PHOTO 2: US diplomat evacuate US from embassy via helicopter as the PAVN & Viet Cong capture of Saigon, Vietnam (1975) (pic link)" / Twitter

Stefan Simanowitz on Twitter: ""We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." (George Bernard Shaw)
The Mechanics of History by Yoann Bourgeois. (video via @fguzfguz) #Afghanistan #Kabul #Taliban #AfghanistanBurning #KabulHasFallen #Afghan_lives_matter (pic link)" / Twitter

He followed that tweet with several others, one of them mentioning this article by him about the Iraq War: Disaster? What Disaster? - Media Monitors Network (MMN)
A central irony of the invasion of Iraq is that, whilst it has achieved virtually all its goals, it is widely regarded as a disaster. The reason for the seemingly contradictory nature of this ‘reality’ and ‘perception’ lies in the gulf between the professed reasons for the invasion and the real reasons that lay beneath. Of the reasons for war set out by Bush and Blair only one, namely the removal of Saddam Hussein, has so far been achieved. The other professed reasons have either failed or have been shown to be phantoms. The real goals of the invasion, namely gaining oil and strategic influence, have been met.
CNN now has this headline: AFGHAN GOVERNMENT FALLS

US completes evacuation of embassy in Afghanistan as flag comes down at diplomatic compound | CNN
With some video of an American helicopter evacuating some American embassy personnel. After the US flag was lowered and diplomatic personnel evacuated, "a small number of security contractors" remained, but they are to be evacuated "soon".

The people there were preparing for the evacuation in recent days, burning critical documents and destroying such symbols as American flags and embassy seals.
On Sunday, the embassy issued a security alert saying that it was exploring options to help US citizens leave the country on charter flights. It also issued instructions to US citizens in the capital to shelter in place Sunday.

“The security situation in Kabul is changing quickly including at the airport. There are reports of the airport taking fire; therefore we are instructing U.S. citizens to shelter in place,” the security alert said.

In another reflection of the widespread uncertainty, other US allies and NATO members, including Canada, France and Denmark, announced they were suspending embassy operations or moving them to the airport.

Most of the American diplomats who have been moved to the airport in Kabul were slated to then fly back to the US, sources told CNN. A small number of core personnel, including the top US diplomat in the country, will remain at the Kabul airport for now, the sources said.
Well if we're doing pictures now...

View attachment 34874
When a Shock Rocker is more real than a political hack....

We're from America, we're from America
We speak American
We don't believe in credibility
Because we're know that we're fucking incredible
-- Marilyn Manson
Well if we're doing pictures now...

View attachment 34874
When a Shock Rocker is more real than a political hack....

We're from America, we're from America
We speak American
We don't believe in credibility
Because we're know that we're fucking incredible
-- Marilyn Manson

Yea, Jack-o-posodumb is really full of shit. I sometimes confuse his posts with the onion.
Jake Lobin on Twitter: "Please explain it to me like I'm 5...

How is the rapid deterioration of Afghanistan being pinned on Biden's "sudden withdrawal of US forces," when the previous Administration had committed SEVENTEEN MONTHS AGO to leaving by May 2021??" / Twitter

Biden administration struggles to project order as Taliban surrounds Kabul | CNN

Over at the New York Times,
On Sunday evening, former President Hamid Karzai announced on Twitter that he was forming a coordinating council together with Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the Afghan delegation to peace talks, and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of the Hesb-i-Islami party, to manage a peaceful transfer of power. Mr. Karzai called on both government and Taliban forces to act with restraint.
HK's tweets start with Hamid Karzai on Twitter: "(...)" / Twitter
(Google Translate from Persian)

Following the departure of Mr. Ashraf Ghani and the responsible officials from the country, in order to prevent chaos and reduce the suffering of the people and to better manage the affairs related to peace and peaceful transfer of the Coordinating Council consisting of the esteemed Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the Supreme Council National Reconciliation, Jihadi leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar…

The Emir of Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan and former President Hamid Karzai were formed.
The council calls on the government security forces and the security forces of the Islamic Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) to resolutely curb the chaos and incitement of irresponsible and unrelated individuals while maintaining restraint.
If necessary with numbers…

Call the following phone:
1. Ata Mohammad Sharifi (0700229720) (0799151666)
۲. Abdul Raqib (0799794500)

Back to the NYT,
The Taliban’s lead negotiator in talks with the government, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, congratulated all of Afghanistan for the victory. “Now it will be shown how we can serve our nation,” he said. “We can assure that our nation has a peaceful life and a better future.”

Mr. Baradar made the comments in a video posted on social media, surrounded by other members of the Taliban delegation to the talks in Doha, Qatar.

“There was no expectation that we would achieve victory in this war,” he said. “But this came with the help of Allah, therefore we should be thankful to Him, be humble in front of Him, so that we do not act arrogantly.”
I wonder what American Xian nationalists would think about that.
Biden administration struggles to project order as Taliban surrounds Kabul | CNN - "Biden officials admit miscalculation as Afghanistan’s national forces and government rapidly fall"
The rapid fall of Afghanistan’s national forces and government has come as a shock to Biden and senior members of his administration, who only last month believed it could take months before the civilian government in Kabul fell – allowing a period of time after American troops left before the full consequences of the withdrawal were laid bare.

Now, officials are frankly admitting they miscalculated.

“The fact of the matter is we’ve seen that that force has been unable to defend the country,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” referring to Afghanistan’s national security forces. “And that has happened more quickly than we anticipated.”

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: "BREAKING: A Taliban Leader who Trump got released from prison in 2018 appears set to become the new President of Afghanistan under Taliban rule." / Twitter

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: "In 2018, the Trump administration requested that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar be released from prison:
Trump also helped free 5,000 Taliban fighters, many of whom are likely now helping take over Kabul. (link)" / Twitter

Pakistan frees Taliban co-founder at US request; will play constructive role in Afghan peace initiative
"Pakistan released Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar at US’ request to help expedite the Afghan peace talks"
The good news is the Taliban isn’t for forced vaccination so the Afghanis have nothing to worry about. #freedom
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