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American Taliban released

But outside of prison it would seem that he and other ex-cons much have no way to exist.

Don't worry. What you say applies to reguar ex-cons, but "Keep Walking" is a jihadist celebrity. There are more than enough radical Islamist communities that will take him in and help him get on his feet. Maybe even hire him as imam or something.
And besides, his lawyer father is rich, and he has always defended him.

That boy will be fine. Unfortunately.

He seems to be screwed regardless of where he is allowed to exist.

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Considering all of the restrictions placed on Lindh, I can't understand why anyone would object to his release. He is an American citizen and unless he makes a direct threat on someone, he does have freedom of speech, just like any member of a hate group does.
Freedom of speech does have limitations. By all accounts, Lindh never renounced Islamism, and in fact has engaged with extremist propaganda while even in prison.
The post-release restrictions disallow him to do that, but if he is violating these restrictions even before he was released, that tells me he is motivated to violate these restrictions now that he is released. The only question remains - will he get caught.

Another problem with the restrictions is that they are too short, only three years. 30 years like the case of two would-be terrorists from Bangladesh and Pakistan, and who were living in Atlanta, would have been better.
Georgia men get lengthy prison time for supporting terrorists

As it stands, JWL can lay low for three years and then resume jihadist activities.

Other probation provisions require mental health counseling and prohibit Mr. Lindh from communicating “with any known extremist” or owning, watching or reading “material that reflects extremist or terroristic views.”
As I said before, he has been reading and translating extremist literature already while in prison. And prisoners can be surveiled much more closely than parolees.

Hopefully, once he's integrated back into society, his radical views will moderate some. It is suggested that he be given a more moderate/liberal Muslim mentor, to help him understand that his views are well outside the views of the majority of Muslims.
I think it's more likely that he will spread his views to the Muslims in his community. He has expressed interest in proselytizing in Ireland.
Now, he will not be able to travel to Ireland for now, but he can proselytize here.

I'm far more concerned about the rise of far right white terrorists, as they have committed most of the recent acts of mass murders, then I am about one disturbed man who has served 17 years in prison and will be closely monitored by the government.
But he is not one man. There are many Muslims sharing his Islamist ideology. Not all want to use violence, some are more patient and want to use demographic change and politics to implement Islamic rule (see Kosovo).
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Your responses miss the essence of my answer according to your article, his behavior in prison was very good- well-mannered, docile and non-violent.
So just because he wasn't fighting he should be released early? There is more to behavior than fighting.

Translating propaganda is legal.
It depends on the propaganda.

That is not material support.
Tarek Mehanna and others prove otherwise.

I am not supporting anyone per se.
You are not fooling anyone.
I would not be surprised if his release was approved by US counterintelligence in order to keep under surveillance in the civilian world.

Unlike kneejerk nationalists, bigots, Islamaphobes and their dupes, I happen to think our freedoms (which include freedom of political views) are a virtue and strong point. But, I am not surprised at your unamerican views on these matters.
The constitution is not a suicide pact.
So just because he wasn't fighting he should be released early? There is more to behavior than fighting.
Reading comprehension failure - I wrote he was well-mannered, docile and non-violent. Apparently he met the standards for prison good behavior.

It depends on the propaganda.
Unless he is explicitly promoting the overthrow of the US or violence against specific US citizens, I believe you are incorrect.

Tarek Mehanna and others prove otherwise.
 Tarek_Mehanna, was convicted of a number of crimes including translating terrorist propaganda. I wonder if that charge and conviction was based on the content of the propaganda or just that it was propaganda. If it is the latter, that is very worrysome for our civil liberties.

You are not fooling anyone.
I don't have to - you are doing a great job of fooling yourself.

The constitution is not a suicide pact.
v No one said it was. And it is either hyperbolic rhetoric or hypersensitive fear-mongering to claim that freedom of political beliefs leads to the demise of the US government.
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