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An honest question for liberals. Why is Russia such a big deal but the bilderberg meeting is "nothing to worry about"?


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
Since Trumps inauguration, all we see on main stream media is the Russia dog and pony show led by our democrats. And this is a big dog and pony show like we have not seen since the republicans went after Clinton's blow job. Apparently, someone, somewhere might have had a secret conversation with Putin with regards to telling the truth about Hillary. Such a secret conversation with a foreign country must be very bad and so the government must investigate before any real work in congress gets done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F0Hv9TUrfs&feature=youtu.be

Now come the Bilderberg's who are setting up the secret meeting of and for the corporate globalists. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/01/bilderberg-trump-administration-secret-meeting
Trump will be in attendance and nothing said during this meeting will be available to our supposedly free and open society. No press allowed and no minutes taken. This meeting is so secret that the Bilderberg's are freaked out about someone possibly seeing lips move through the windows. So they are planting trees to hide the windows of the building.

So why is Russia such a big deal but a secret meeting with the corporate elites is "no big deal"?
I, for one, welcome our new corporate-global-Marxist overlords.
Remember when J. Edgar Hoover warned us about pinkos in the government selling out America to the Russkis? That guy was like Nostradamus or something!
Bilderbergerphobia has long been a feature of the far right tinfoil hat brigade. I am sure a few of these space cadets will be very angry that Der Trumster has become one of the Bilderberger dupes.

But seriously, are there many Chinese tycoons at Bilderberg yet?
Since Trumps inauguration, all we see on main stream media is the Russia dog and pony show led by our democrats. And this is a big dog and pony show like we have not seen since the republicans went after Clinton's blow job. Apparently, someone, somewhere might have had a secret conversation with Putin with regards to telling the truth about Hillary. Such a secret conversation with a foreign country must be very bad and so the government must investigate before any real work in congress gets done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F0Hv9TUrfs&feature=youtu.be

Now come the Bilderberg's who are setting up the secret meeting of and for the corporate globalists. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/01/bilderberg-trump-administration-secret-meeting
Trump will be in attendance and nothing said during this meeting will be available to our supposedly free and open society. No press allowed and no minutes taken. This meeting is so secret that the Bilderberg's are freaked out about someone possibly seeing lips move through the windows. So they are planting trees to hide the windows of the building.

So why is Russia such a big deal but a secret meeting with the corporate elites is "no big deal"?

maybe the trees are there to also block laser microphones.
Duh. Because Russia s the sworn enemy of the Illuminati.

And their sick perversion.

This is how the Russians deal with that crap:

I suppose it's a bit better than shooting people for Driving while of colour.
Russia has never been hot on human rights, but then many of the US friends such as China, Saudi and the UAE are not that perfect either.
Since people don't really know who the liberals are in this country, they never appear in the corporate media, here is what a real liberal thinks of the Russian involvement in the US election.

It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, "Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing."

So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue. Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it.

Since people don't really know who the liberals are in this country, they never appear in the corporate media, here is what a real liberal thinks of the Russian involvement in the US election.

It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, "Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing."

So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue. Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it.


??? So it's fine to be ruled by a president who seems to be a puppet of a foreign government? Fine to not follow the Logan Act? Liberals generally favor transparent doner political contributions and heavy regulation of campaign finance. But it's okay to have a foreign government bribing our officals? And everything is under the table? That's okay with "liberals"?
An honest question for liberals. Why is Russia such a big deal but the bilderberg meeting is "nothing to worry about"?

Honest answer: The Bilderberg meeting is pretty much a boring meeting of people already in power, talking about the same policies they talk about openly. People who have snuck in or have been invited all report: boring adult frat party.

Russia is a big deal because they threaten political stability across the globe.
An honest question for liberals. Why is Russia such a big deal but the bilderberg meeting is "nothing to worry about"?

Honest answer: The Bilderberg meeting is pretty much a boring meeting of people already in power, talking about the same policies they talk about openly. People who have snuck in or have been invited all report: boring adult frat party.

Russia is a big deal because they threaten political stability across the globe.

If this is true then only one thing would be worse and that would be US intervention. It's track record shows this.
Since people don't really know who the liberals are in this country, they never appear in the corporate media, here is what a real liberal thinks of the Russian involvement in the US election.


??? So it's fine to be ruled by a president who seems to be a puppet of a foreign government? Fine to not follow the Logan Act? Liberals generally favor transparent doner political contributions and heavy regulation of campaign finance. But it's okay to have a foreign government bribing our officals? And everything is under the table? That's okay with "liberals"?

Since charges of puppetry and bribery are allegations conclusions can only be speculative.
Since people don't really know who the liberals are in this country, they never appear in the corporate media, here is what a real liberal thinks of the Russian involvement in the US election.

It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, "Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing."

So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue. Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it.


Looks a sensible report.
Honest answer: The Bilderberg meeting is pretty much a boring meeting of people already in power, talking about the same policies they talk about openly. People who have snuck in or have been invited all report: boring adult frat party.

Russia is a big deal because they threaten political stability across the globe.

If this is true then only one thing would be worse and that would be US intervention. It's track record shows this.

So? We admit to messing up the world.
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