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Any biologists out there?

After making a post on a YouTube video of a Hitchens-Craig debate in which I said that Craig didn't realize he alone owned the burden of proof, I stemmed a long discussion which I was sparingly involved until recently. A guy calling himself Bluemonsoon proved to be a worthy opponent and he even invited me to look at his more philosophical replies to another poster on a different video. In each comments section discussion went far and wide, but it turns out this guy is a Christian and an ID proponent. He's clearly up on his science, though I think he draws poor conclusions, but biology is far from my strong point, and he's also better versed in philosophy than I am, though I was able to pick out his presuppositional leanings. Anyway, he claims to have had "twelve semesters" of advanced biology and for the sake of his GPA, withheld his objections from his professors. I called him out for being dishonest and not caring enough about science to try to advance it by presenting his objections. The point here is that I was hoping someone more qualified than myself would take a look at this writing of his. In our discussion, he was pulling some of the usual tricks of ID/creationists: attacking weaknesses in Darwin's theory (neglecting all the progress we've made in the 150 years since then), as well as his use of the word "kinds" when attempting to brush of the observable phenomenon of speciation.

I did get a good chuckle early on in his piece when he equated Darwinian naturalism with, "mere theory elevated to an inviolable absolute of cosmological proportions." Seems highly ironic coming from a Christian.

In my latest reply, as part of my calling him uncaring for not raising his objections to his professors, I also compared him to Ray Comfort, who likes to go after people with only a meager understanding of the science, and attacking lay people on the internet. Again, as far as the biology goes, I'm out of my league against him, but I know a BS argument when I hear one.

I am currently reading Jerry Coyne's book, Faith and Facts, which is a book about the difference between science and religion and why religionis not scientific. Coyne is a biologist and deals extensively with these issues.


So far, I have seen little to complain about in his book, and he is rather critical of the various dodges of religious "accomadacists" trying to harmonize religion and science, especially biology and evolution. Coyne has a blog, and has done some Youtube videos.

Francis Collins runs the BioLogos Foundation. He is an evangelist but also a scientist. He has written books that disparage creationism and debunks ID most thoroughly. Evolution is a done deal. He thinks the solution is guided evolution, but can offer no evidence for that.
His book is The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. It is a very weak book. Lots of hope, no evidence. But is good as he debunks creationism and ID.
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