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Anybody here been to Burning Man?


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs
I'm considering going. Enough people have told me that I "have to have gone at least once in my life".

Is it as mindblowingly cool as everybody says it is? I've gotten the impression that it's mostly an over-sold rave party with art installations. Is it? Is it something more?
It used to be. Now it’s a bunch of trust fund babies and billionaires shitting in their carbon footprints and pretending it’s all sustainable. But if you bring enough drugs, you’ll probably get laid.
A few of my old friends go regularly, and they're among the coolest people I know, so there's that.
Koyaanisqatsi said:
It used to be. Now it’s a bunch of trust fund babies and billionaires shitting in their carbon footprints and pretending it’s all sustainable. But if you bring enough drugs, you’ll probably get laid.

Or busted.
The local sherrif's department sends deputies in to 'patrol' (read: gawk).

If you want to get laid, though, you can always put a request up on a bulletin board.
It used to be. Now it’s a bunch of trust fund babies and billionaires shitting in their carbon footprints and pretending it’s all sustainable. But if you bring enough drugs, you’ll probably get laid.
Yeah I haven't been yet but apparently the techies ruined it.

May be worth checking out though.
It used to be. Now it’s a bunch of trust fund babies and billionaires shitting in their carbon footprints and pretending it’s all sustainable. But if you bring enough drugs, you’ll probably get laid.

That's exactly what I always thoght it was, and hope it is. So thanks for confirming it. Sounds like just the kind of place for me.
It used to be. Now it’s a bunch of trust fund babies and billionaires shitting in their carbon footprints and pretending it’s all sustainable. But if you bring enough drugs, you’ll probably get laid.
Yeah I haven't been yet but apparently the techies ruined it.

May be worth checking out though.

Ehe... the techies built that place. That's why Burning Man is famous. Do you think a bunch of hippies are capable of doing anything of value? It's Silicone Valley money that made Burning Man. I've met plenty of tech billionairs who think of Burning Man as their annual Christmas party of sorts. I've met people who say they only go to network.

The Burning Man ethos and principals were always bullshit. That's the charm of it. It's so incredibly hypocritical. The carbon foot print of that party is preposterously high. It's also hillarious that it's supposed to somehow be a statement against capitalism. A metaphorical burning of "the man". When it's nothing but massive validation of that capitalism is great. And that you need lots of money to make a good party.

It's also funny how one of their main tennets is "inclusivity". A party far out in the sticks where you have to take care of all your personal survival needs and nothing is catered to you is a huge filter against poor people. I don't mind. I like partying with rich people. They have more drugs and bigger boobs.

A friend who went to Africa Burn called it "the whitest party in Africa". Inclusiveness... lol.
I should point out that I've been to "Borderlands" five times. It's the Scandinavian version of Burning Man. 3 500 people instead of 35 000. So I'm well aware of the concept. I just got back from it yesterday. I banged more hot chicks each day than I did all the rest of last year put together. It was a week long orgy of drugs and sex. Which is just my thing. All good.

But I live in Scandinavia. It's just next door. This year the burn was litterally an hour away from my flat by car. Burning Man in USA is a major project. And I don't trust Burners when they talk about it. They treat it like a sacred pilgrimage. I don't identify as a Burner. I think the principals are a total joke. To me it's just another themed dress up party with LED lights. But I've been told that most visitors to the main Burning Man also don't take it seriously. So that's all good. At the Scandinavian one a distressingly high percentage took that shit litterally.

So my question is really... for somebody who likes going to local Burns... is the big one in USA really worth it.
I'm considering going. Enough people have told me that I "have to have gone at least once in my life".

Is it as mindblowingly cool as everybody says it is? I've gotten the impression that it's mostly an over-sold rave party with art installations. Is it? Is it something more?

I've been to Some Kind of Jam and other "music" festivals where drugs are easy, and sleep never happens. I was once asked by a college dude, after a speech on recreational marijuana and medical use legal constraints, if I'd go to Burning Man.

It seems overly-hyped to me. I like the other smaller music fests cuz of the glass blowing, pot-laced scrumptiousness of the food and the people are generally less crazed and on less stupid shit like ketamine and coke, just weed and maybe shrooms, possibly nitrous.
I'm considering going. Enough people have told me that I "have to have gone at least once in my life".

Is it as mindblowingly cool as everybody says it is? I've gotten the impression that it's mostly an over-sold rave party with art installations. Is it? Is it something more?

I've been to Some Kind of Jam and other "music" festivals where drugs are easy, and sleep never happens. I was once asked by a college dude, after a speech on recreational marijuana and medical use legal constraints, if I'd go to Burning Man.

It seems overly-hyped to me. I like the other smaller music fests cuz of the glass blowing, pot-laced scrumptiousness of the food and the people are generally less crazed and on less stupid shit like ketamine and coke, just weed and maybe shrooms, possibly nitrous.

Since it's the most hyped party in the world... obviously it's over hyped. How could it not be?

A good thing about Burning Man type events is that it's on purpose designed NOT to be a safe space. There's no security. There's nobody to look after you if you fuck up. That leads to a more adult and moderate drug use. People aren't so young. In the Scandinavian one drugs were everywhere. Use was rampant. But I didn't see anybody dosed to the rafters. People were just delightfully chemically enhanced. That entire week I only heard of one incident of a guy needed taking care of. He dosed LSD very high and had a bad trip. Other burners calmed him down. End of drama.
I'm considering going. Enough people have told me that I "have to have gone at least once in my life".

Is it as mindblowingly cool as everybody says it is? I've gotten the impression that it's mostly an over-sold rave party with art installations. Is it? Is it something more?

I've been to Some Kind of Jam and other "music" festivals where drugs are easy, and sleep never happens. I was once asked by a college dude, after a speech on recreational marijuana and medical use legal constraints, if I'd go to Burning Man.

It seems overly-hyped to me. I like the other smaller music fests cuz of the glass blowing, pot-laced scrumptiousness of the food and the people are generally less crazed and on less stupid shit like ketamine and coke, just weed and maybe shrooms, possibly nitrous.

Since it's the most hyped party in the world... obviously it's over hyped. How could it not be?

A good thing about Burning Man type events is that it's on purpose designed NOT to be a safe space. There's no security. There's nobody to look after you if you fuck up. That leads to a more adult and moderate drug use. People aren't so young. In the Scandinavian one drugs were everywhere. Use was rampant. But I didn't see anybody dosed to the rafters. People were just delightfully chemically enhanced. That entire week I only heard of one incident of a guy needed taking care of. He dosed LSD very high and had a bad trip. Other burners calmed him down. End of drama.

I will say I agree with festivals like Burning Man, while drug use is everywhere it's usually low key or long and slow, much safer than with people trying to hide it from security or your parents or something equally as stupid.

Most people at each fest I was at just toked up the whole weekend, unless they were huffing nitrous or doing shrooms, no LSD that I knew of. I did know 2 people that went with us once, who ended up getting married not long after in a shotgun wedding an are still 8 years alter together, who did some crazy shit, MDMA or GHB or maybe both. The guy couldn't stop talking and giggling about the road moving every time he took a step and it trying to run away from him, and then he got kinda freaked out about it, so the guys I was with calmed him down after about 2 hours and got him to smoke up and after a blunt or two he was okay. Well, okay for him. He was odd to start with.
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