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Apple Censoring Stewart

Yes. All of these things are correct. A more apt headline is "Apple Helps China Censor Stewart"

One could also point out that Americans who consume Chinese made products and services are helping China censors.

China has an extremely authoritarian government, that's not news. That government censors a lot. But buying a Chinese made product because its cheaper than another product isn't much different. You're still supporting Chinese authoritarianism. Doesn't matter if the product is steel or clothes or tech devices, buying them is voting for censorship in the really important way. Voting with cash.
Governments dictating what types of literature is appropriate is censorship.

A business saying, "this course of action doesn't look profitable so we're not doing it" isn't.

Also, this thread is failing to point out Stewart wanted to criticise AI in an episode as well. Which is something Apple doesn't want. Finally, the idea that Jon fucking Stewart has been "censured by Apple" is fucking laughable. This is Bill Maher-esque "Wah! I'm a victim! Cancel culture" bullshit and you know who agrees with me? Jon fucking Stewart because he talked about this 2 fucking years ago.

Which is why media companies should only be media companies. News companies should only be news companies.

Apple should not be in a position where they can be compelled to censor.
Media should be in the business of selling media. Entities that own the means of production should not be controlling the flow and content of information. The problem extends far beyond Apple; corporate capture of media and regulatory agencies has probably progressed beyond any point of return and we are just fucked.
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