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Approval Jumps for the Be-wigged Orange Ape

I think you are wrong. I think President Obama played the Republican congress on that one. The R's were screaming for President Obama to bomb Syria. They are always screaming for the US to bomb something. Trump, ironically, (he was a Dem at the time) was having a twitter storm saying NOT to bomb.

President Obama did, as he was supposed to do, put it before Congress, and those mealy-mouthed jackasses slunk away without voting on it because none of them wanted their names attached to the shit-mess of a third unwinnable war.

Trump, otoh, didn't take it before congress. He just did it.

I agree to a certain point. But the problem here is that the Republicans can't lose anymore. By that I mean that they can now officially deny reality without having to suffer blowback from it. Obama asked them permission to bomb Syria and they said no. Now they're saying that Obama was negligent in not taking military action. Without missing a beat, GOP voters say "Yep."

And I almost crashed my car last week while listening to Mitch McConnel on the radio excoriate the Democrats for being obstructionist on the Gorsuch nomination. The sheer scope, the balls, the gall, the shamelessness, the fucking everything of it all just about blew my head off. And within hours on conservative message boards, there it was, echoing like a rancid elephant fart, seemingly without any awareness of what had gone on with Merrick Garland (or the previous 8 years). And then the same shit is repeated on Limbaugh, Fox News, and all the other conservative media outlets.

When you don't have to be held to any standard except the one you create on a day to day basis, you can't lose.

THIS! It makes my head explode. There are no rules anymore, just make your shit up as you go along. The American public has a very short memory and is completely reactionary. Most of them handle their politics like they handle any of their new information. A cursory glance at the data and then a knee jerk reaction. They read the title of the article and form an opinion. They are uninformed and fucking lazy; easily distracted by theater and shiny things. The rich in this country are making an new push to complete their takeover of our democracy and the American people just go out and ignore this fact every single day. It's fucking amazing.
Well if you had beloved Mr. 'I was shot at' Williams on MSNBC going all blushie over a few Tomahawks commanded by Bloatus into Syria with accompanying critiques of Obama who did get most of that damn shit out of Syria in 2013 being accused as an appeaser I'm sure you'd think God had finally come to save us too.
I heard Drump has $33 million in Raytheon stock.


He might, but I'm not doing all that reading and comprehending this early in the morning. The snopes article just says that it's unproven at this point. And I tend to think if it were the case, or if it was material, that the press would be all over it. On the other hand, with the strike in question causing Trump to be President in the eyes of so many, maybe they won't look into it.

I say that if all the motherfucker does is line his pockets and leaves office many billions richer, and that's the worst thing that happens, we'll all be very lucky.

Essentially, the article talks about how Trump's approval ratings are up because he bombed Syria. It's a solid jump into the 40s. Surely the thinking will be that if he get 7-10 points out of this limp show of strength, then a real war could get easily get him over 50%. North Korea or Bust. Or maybe Iran. Whatever boogeyman that haunts the closets of conservatives will work.

"A man of action" is what he's being called. Nevermind the mountain of shit he's in the process of creating that will not be undone with most of our lifetimes. He lobbed some missiles at a fucking airfield that was back up and running within hours, and dropping bombs on the place that had just been attacked with the chemical weapons. Therefore, decisive man of action with a big jump in approval ratings. It's naive to think, "Wait until Trump's shitstorm falls on his voters. Then they'll see the light." They absolutely will not see the light. Whatever bad happens to them will be either the sacrifice a good American must make and/or Obama/Pelosi/Schumer did it. Facts? Hypocrisy? Please.

I really thought Americans were slapped out of their stupor permanently following Bush and Cheney. Stupid me. Christ, what an easily duped group of people Americans are.

The war drums are beating pretty hard *on this very forum*, I mean, what did you expect from the typical American?
It's at least a sad situation that a president can have dismal approval ratings, then launch a bunch of ordinance after almost crying over babies, and then see his ratings jump. It tells you that americans are pretty stupid. Guys I work with were all googling Tomahawk Missile, "They're so awesome," and the typical shit, all Trumpies.
The "liberal" media were acting like they were after the Congressional Address by Trump. The non-nation builders out there are supporting the action because... well... Obummer!

My trouble is less with the 59 tomahawk missiles, it is the clearly undefined foreign policy regarding Syria where random acts like this can't possibly help, unless foreign powers start desperately fixing things themselves out of fear of what Trump may escalate next.
I have minor trouble with the insane expense of this pinprick with 59 tomahawks. Beyond that, I'd say this is a continuance of the incoherent US Syrian foreign policy (unless one defines aiding chaos as a policy) of the last 5 or so years.

In general, the moderates will support actions like this, especially when children are murdered. It is the American response.
Sadly, too true.
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