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Are any of the Fukushima power plants still fissioning fuel?


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
Sorry for this silly question, but I was just watching a Thunderf00t debunk of the excessive hysteria surrounding Fukushima. He implied that there is not more production of Iodine-131 which to me implies no more fission is happening.

I see no one panicking so I'm led to believe that something really terrible is happening. I heard people will be screwed within 200 years, just because of Fukushima. Think about how many more will melt down in that time. So we're looking at 50 years right? In 50 years everyone will be mutated and totally dying in pain. "Thank God I will be dead by then" is the attitude, and the reason for the deliberate ignorance. It is probably imperative to leave the planet and that is why they're freaking out and signing people up to live like moles on Mars. Eventually the planet would sustain human life again, and humans would return. Some say that has occurred repeatedly through unrecorded history. But yes I agree with whatever that guy is saying because Fukushima fucked our shit up.

The livable world essentially died when the place melted down, but it just takes time to start seeing subhuman flipper babies washing up in the torrential fishkills we're already seeing. I bet little flipper babies will be washing up and eventually they will be raised by seals. And the flippers are only the beginning. Imagine what is going to happen to dolphins. Dolphins could end up killing us all. Leaving the planet is the only option. Going underground wouldn't help much. The world is totally poisoned from pole to pole. No time.

The lack of panic could be due to the serenity that comes before death. The last moments when a narcotic releases and the brain goes dead. Relatively that is probably what is happening to the human race right now. You'd think people would be running around screaming. They're in a daze and bound for a horrid death. Probably something that repeats with our species, so in the bigger picture there really is no need for panic. We're probably an unkillable type of species in the long run because our capacity to destroy our environment is a great as our ability to preserve our own lives, and they peak at the same time. So yeah there are space cops living inside mars, the moon is a machine and life goes on. It doesn't seem so bad when you factor in those facts.
funny stuff, I was just asking if the reactor cores are still critical and fissioning uranium.
funny stuff, I was just asking if the reactor cores are still critical and fissioning uranium.

Nuclear power plants only fission when the control rods are retracted. When a reactor is shut down the control rods are fully out. That means that each cell of uranium-238 doesn't have enough radioactive material around it to reach critical mass = no reaction.

Typically the control rods are suspended from above the reactor chamber. So if there'd be any power outage or disaster these would slam down and kill any reaction immediately.

In a melt down several uranium rods melt together and will react to their hearts content. so that's fission, and pretty much unstoppable. We just have to let that blob do it's thing. But it's only dangerous fission initially. Quite soon it calms down and is bad, but not super bad. Not all fission reactions are alike.
Nothing funny about it actually but hmm I don't know if they are or not. How could they get near to find out? They just go on the readings in the environment which aren't getting lower right? Could they just blow it all up completely? Drop a bomb on it? If it is still making radiation juice we need to go turn it off or destroy it. It is probably taking a minute off of our lives every day. That will probably square within a year if we don't send some heroes in there to turn the thing off.
Nothing funny about it actually but hmm I don't know if they are or not. How could they get near to find out? They just go on the readings in the environment which aren't getting lower right? Could they just blow it all up completely? Drop a bomb on it? If it is still making radiation juice we need to go turn it off or destroy it. It is probably taking a minute off of our lives every day. That will probably square within a year if we don't send some heroes in there to turn the thing off.

What Chernobyl taught us is that if the initial radiation doesn't kill us our chance of developing cancer is identical to anybody not exposed. This is from comparing the later health of the Chernobyl reactor workers with other people. This could also be found in the animal and plant life around Chernobyl. They seemed completely unaffected. On the contrary. They were doing better than ever. Which of course is because the humans fucked off. The dangers of radiation have been greatly exaggerated.

What you need to worry about is constant elevated degrees of radiation. That's not going to be a problem when it's a one off disaster like this. All the really dangerous and deadly radiation is soon gone. If elevated levels of radiation spooks you, avoid being a pilot. Don't live in a city. Don't eat bananas. It's all easy stuff to avoid.

That's not to say we shouldn't be afraid of radiation. But we really don't need to worry. In the 30's and 40'ies it was believed that radiation was healthy. So we got lots of products to increase radiation dosages. That is bad. And good that we stopped doing. So don't do that and you'll be fine
funny stuff, I was just asking if the reactor cores are still critical and fissioning uranium.

Fission is always happening wherever there's uranium; but chain reaction fission is not happening at Fukushima Daiichi.

Criticality of reactor fuel requires moderation of fast neutrons. In a meltdown, the molten fuel flows away from the moderator, and the melted 'corium' is no longer able to sustain criticality.

This is why making fission bombs is hard - to sustain criticality for even the tiny fraction of a second a bomb takes to explode, (in the absence of a moderator) you need highly enriched uranium; reactor grade stuff just won't cut it.

There are occasional fissions in any body of uranium containing material; but chain reaction fission stopped at Fukushima Daiichi within seconds of the tsunami, when the reactors scrammed, and never restarted.

The problems were entirely due to residual energy in the reactors, which in these early designs requires active cooling for a fairly long time after shutdown. The core of the reactor is still hot when the chain reaction stops; and the moderator itself releases a lot of Wigner energy once the neutron bombardment stops, as atoms settle back into a low energy structure.
I see no one panicking
Wait for it...
so I'm led to believe that something really terrible is happening.
Oh, look, there it is.
I heard people will be screwed within 200 years, just because of Fukushima.
Where did you hear this nonsense, and why would you believe it to be true?
Think about how many more will melt down in that time.
On current trends, perhaps two or three in 200 years. Likely less than that, as newer designs are less likely to do this. But lets be pessimistic, and say there will be ten Fukushima style accidents in the next 200 years worldwide. That's a death toll of 10 x 0 = zero people.
So we're looking at 50 years right?
Wrong. You are the one setting this thought experiment up, and you said 200 years. Where did 50 come from?
In 50 years everyone will be mutated and totally dying in pain.
Why would that be the case? That makes no sense at all.
"Thank God I will be dead by then" is the attitude, and the reason for the deliberate ignorance.
On the contrary, I am fairly hopeful that I might live at least another 50 years, and 200 would be even better. But if I do, it will be medicine, not gods, that are responsible
It is probably imperative to leave the planet and that is why they're freaking out and signing people up to live like moles on Mars.
There is no fuck-up we can do on Earth that could be solved by moving to Mars; Even a totally screwed biosphere here would be easier to terraform back to health than it would be to render Mars inhabitable; And even the most hostile environment we could possibly create here, would be easier to shelter from right here than it would be to shelter from the existing hostile conditions on Mars.
Eventually the planet would sustain human life again, and humans would return. Some say that has occurred repeatedly through unrecorded history.
Then some are fucking crazy.
But yes I agree with whatever that guy is saying because Fukushima fucked our shit up.
No, it didn't. It rendered a very small part of Japan temporarily as hazardous as places with naturally high radioactivity. Fukushima is no more fucked up today than anywhere else that was hit by a fucking massive earthquake and tsunami.
The livable world essentially died when the place melted down, but it just takes time to start seeing subhuman flipper babies washing up in the torrential fishkills we're already seeing.
There are no such fishkills. You are being lied to by propagandists.
I bet little flipper babies will be washing up and eventually they will be raised by seals. And the flippers are only the beginning. Imagine what is going to happen to dolphins. Dolphins could end up killing us all. Leaving the planet is the only option. Going underground wouldn't help much. The world is totally poisoned from pole to pole. No time.

The lack of panic could be due to the serenity that comes before death. The last moments when a narcotic releases and the brain goes dead. Relatively that is probably what is happening to the human race right now. You'd think people would be running around screaming. They're in a daze and bound for a horrid death. Probably something that repeats with our species, so in the bigger picture there really is no need for panic. We're probably an unkillable type of species in the long run because our capacity to destroy our environment is a great as our ability to preserve our own lives, and they peak at the same time. So yeah there are space cops living inside mars, the moon is a machine and life goes on. It doesn't seem so bad when you factor in those facts.

You should seek professional psychiatric help. This paranoid nonsense is totally unhinged from reality.
Nothing funny about it actually but hmm I don't know if they are or not. How could they get near to find out? They just go on the readings in the environment which aren't getting lower right? Could they just blow it all up completely? Drop a bomb on it? If it is still making radiation juice we need to go turn it off or destroy it. It is probably taking a minute off of our lives every day. That will probably square within a year if we don't send some heroes in there to turn the thing off.

What Chernobyl taught us is that if the initial radiation doesn't kill us our chance of developing cancer is identical to anybody not exposed. This is from comparing the later health of the Chernobyl reactor workers with other people. This could also be found in the animal and plant life around Chernobyl. They seemed completely unaffected. On the contrary. They were doing better than ever. Which of course is because the humans fucked off. The dangers of radiation have been greatly exaggerated.

What you need to worry about is constant elevated degrees of radiation. That's not going to be a problem when it's a one off disaster like this. All the really dangerous and deadly radiation is soon gone. If elevated levels of radiation spooks you, avoid being a pilot. Don't live in a city. Don't eat bananas. It's all easy stuff to avoid.

That's not to say we shouldn't be afraid of radiation. But we really don't need to worry. In the 30's and 40'ies it was believed that radiation was healthy. So we got lots of products to increase radiation dosages. That is bad. And good that we stopped doing. So don't do that and you'll be fine

Recently saw a documentary on the wildlife invading Pripyat City near Chernobyl. The scientists studying there said while the animals looked like they were doing well, they really weren't. Their lifespans were shortened, their reproduction was affected and the plant life was not as robust as it once was.
The Fukushima Exclusion Zone is designated as any area where the radiation exposure is above 20mSv/year.

Natural background radiation at Ramsar in Iran is in the order of 100 - 250mSv/year; Ramsar has been inhabited for at least 1,000 years, and residents are no less healthy than people living in places with far lower background radiation levels.

Guarapari in Brazil is a popular tourist destination; The Monazite in the beach sand there causes background radiation as high as 175mSv/year. No ill health effects have been reported due to this radiation exposure.

Actual studies of the health of populations exposed to radiation over their entire lifetimes in places such as Ramsar and Guarapari suggest that the current evacuation limits used by the authorities at Fukushima and at Chernobyl could be increased by a factor of ten without any effect on human health; Were this to be done, the Fukushima exclusion zone would be entirely within the site boundary of the nuclear power plant, and zero residents would need to remain evacuated.

The net number of lives saved by the evacuation of residents around the Fukushima facility after the meltdown there is almost certainly negative - that is, more people died as a result of the evacuation than were prevented from dying by the evacuation. It would have been a better public health decision had the authorities NOT chosen to evacuate anyone on radiological grounds (Some residents would still have needed to move to temporary accommodation due to the effects of the earthquake and tsunami, as many homes and a lot of infrastructure was destroyed).

The vast majority of the area around Chernobyl is also below the 200mSv/year exposure level, but there remain some genuinely dangerous hotspots (particularly in low lying areas and the basements of buildings, where the heavier fragments of the fallout have tended to accumulate) which would need to be cleaned up before it would be safe for people to return.

Restoring these areas to below 200mSv/year wouldn't be particularly difficult or expensive; But the overcautious 20mSv/year limit renders such restoration very difficult and costly. The ongoing problems at both Fukushima and Chernobyl are mostly down to inappropriately chosen dose limits, rather than to any actual risk to human health.
The Fukushima Exclusion Zone is designated as any area where the radiation exposure is above 20mSv/year.

Natural background radiation at Ramsar in Iran is in the order of 100 - 250mSv/year; Ramsar has been inhabited for at least 1,000 years, and residents are no less healthy than people living in places with far lower background radiation levels.

Guarapari in Brazil is a popular tourist destination; The Monazite in the beach sand there causes background radiation as high as 175mSv/year. No ill health effects have been reported due to this radiation exposure.

Actual studies of the health of populations exposed to radiation over their entire lifetimes in places such as Ramsar and Guarapari suggest that the current evacuation limits used by the authorities at Fukushima and at Chernobyl could be increased by a factor of ten without any effect on human health; Were this to be done, the Fukushima exclusion zone would be entirely within the site boundary of the nuclear power plant, and zero residents would need to remain evacuated.

The net number of lives saved by the evacuation of residents around the Fukushima facility after the meltdown there is almost certainly negative - that is, more people died as a result of the evacuation than were prevented from dying by the evacuation. It would have been a better public health decision had the authorities NOT chosen to evacuate anyone on radiological grounds (Some residents would still have needed to move to temporary accommodation due to the effects of the earthquake and tsunami, as many homes and a lot of infrastructure was destroyed).

The vast majority of the area around Chernobyl is also below the 200mSv/year exposure level, but there remain some genuinely dangerous hotspots (particularly in low lying areas and the basements of buildings, where the heavier fragments of the fallout have tended to accumulate) which would need to be cleaned up before it would be safe for people to return.

Restoring these areas to below 200mSv/year wouldn't be particularly difficult or expensive; But the overcautious 20mSv/year limit renders such restoration very difficult and costly. The ongoing problems at both Fukushima and Chernobyl are mostly down to inappropriately chosen dose limits, rather than to any actual risk to human health.

What experience do we have with this sort of thing? I saw a documentary about Chernobyl. There are Deer-men hiding in plain sight. People with horns and ashy skin. And yeah the surrounding nature victims don't put off an accurate reading. Chernobyl may as well be a brand of coffee. Fukushima is still an intermittent disaster occurring as we speak these last words. Could be tomorrow. You never know. Every bee may die. Bears may attack in massive packs, like ultra-intelligent wolves. Nature is screwy because of us. Doesn't everything act as a chain in nature, or whatever it is you're saying all the time?

The thing kills ROBOTS. It murders robots left and right, and we have a chance against it? The Fukushiman juice is inside us right now. Now I'm going to die, and everyone else is slowly dying - along with the planet. Even if my time frames don't exactly make sense, things escalate and 50 years is very generous considering more reactions will purposely and accidentally poison us further.

Your numbers don't mean anything to me. Appreciate them but they are just numbers. I didn't come up with them myself. The next generations will show terrible mutations. There, you can start counting up numbers. It would be an absolute cruelty to allow spawning from there. That is when math will get difficult. The end result would be worse than any fiction. The disgusting people will start eating each other. Terrible things will happen. They'll have to be done away with. All because of Fukushima... and you stand there with your elbow against the thing like nope everything is safe here! Good times! You really don't know. I don't either but things get worse before they get better, so I'm probably closer to being right.
The Fukushima Exclusion Zone is designated as any area where the radiation exposure is above 20mSv/year.

Natural background radiation at Ramsar in Iran is in the order of 100 - 250mSv/year; Ramsar has been inhabited for at least 1,000 years, and residents are no less healthy than people living in places with far lower background radiation levels.

Guarapari in Brazil is a popular tourist destination; The Monazite in the beach sand there causes background radiation as high as 175mSv/year. No ill health effects have been reported due to this radiation exposure.

Actual studies of the health of populations exposed to radiation over their entire lifetimes in places such as Ramsar and Guarapari suggest that the current evacuation limits used by the authorities at Fukushima and at Chernobyl could be increased by a factor of ten without any effect on human health; Were this to be done, the Fukushima exclusion zone would be entirely within the site boundary of the nuclear power plant, and zero residents would need to remain evacuated.

The net number of lives saved by the evacuation of residents around the Fukushima facility after the meltdown there is almost certainly negative - that is, more people died as a result of the evacuation than were prevented from dying by the evacuation. It would have been a better public health decision had the authorities NOT chosen to evacuate anyone on radiological grounds (Some residents would still have needed to move to temporary accommodation due to the effects of the earthquake and tsunami, as many homes and a lot of infrastructure was destroyed).

The vast majority of the area around Chernobyl is also below the 200mSv/year exposure level, but there remain some genuinely dangerous hotspots (particularly in low lying areas and the basements of buildings, where the heavier fragments of the fallout have tended to accumulate) which would need to be cleaned up before it would be safe for people to return.

Restoring these areas to below 200mSv/year wouldn't be particularly difficult or expensive; But the overcautious 20mSv/year limit renders such restoration very difficult and costly. The ongoing problems at both Fukushima and Chernobyl are mostly down to inappropriately chosen dose limits, rather than to any actual risk to human health.

What experience do we have with this sort of thing? I saw a documentary about Chernobyl. There are Deer-men hiding in plain sight. People with horns and ashy skin. And yeah the surrounding nature victims don't put off an accurate reading. Chernobyl may as well be a brand of coffee. Fukushima is still an intermittent disaster occurring as we speak these last words. Could be tomorrow. You never know. Every bee may die. Bears may attack in massive packs, like ultra-intelligent wolves. Nature is screwy because of us. Doesn't everything act as a chain in nature, or whatever it is you're saying all the time?

The thing kills ROBOTS. It murders robots left and right, and we have a chance against it? The Fukushiman juice is inside us right now. Now I'm going to die, and everyone else is slowly dying - along with the planet. Even if my time frames don't exactly make sense, things escalate and 50 years is very generous considering more reactions will purposely and accidentally poison us further.

Your numbers don't mean anything to me. Appreciate them but they are just numbers. I didn't come up with them myself. The next generations will show terrible mutations. There, you can start counting up numbers. It would be an absolute cruelty to allow spawning from there. That is when math will get difficult. The end result would be worse than any fiction. The disgusting people will start eating each other. Terrible things will happen. They'll have to be done away with. All because of Fukushima... and you stand there with your elbow against the thing like nope everything is safe here! Good times! You really don't know. I don't either but things get worse before they get better, so I'm probably closer to being right.

Seriously dude. See a psychiatrist. None of your concerns have any basis in reality.
Hmm does that mean we're not all doomed? You don't know. The truth may drive us all to a shrink, and that is why we don't know. Probably better this way.

What should I tell a psychiatrist? "bilby says Fukushima is harmless so I made myself laugh while correcting bilby"?

Fukushima is slowly mutating us. Is that based in reality? Can you deny it? Skip the ever fluctuating fractions and figures and accept that it is in your bloodstream right now. Fukushiman germs EVERYWHERE. That is a good thing? And more to come??? Dude we are cashed. It is all over. The lack of panic is chilling isn't it? You know something is really wrong when no one reacts at all. Ever watch those hysterical fear-laughter patients in the black and white movies? That is totally what we look like from light years away. We're being watched in horror. They're probably hedging bets, and you know what? I bet the number 50 is prime real estate. We have 50 years left as a species on this planet. bilby things really aren't so bad. 50 years is a long time. Still a lot of relatively peaceful life to live under the illusion that life will continue for long after we're gone.
Hmm does that mean we're not all doomed? You don't know.
I do know. We are not all doomed. Nobody is going to die as a result of radiation from Fukushima.
The truth may drive us all to a shrink, and that is why we don't know. Probably better this way.

What should I tell a psychiatrist? "bilby says Fukushima is harmless so I made myself laugh while correcting bilby"?

Fukushima is slowly mutating us. Is that based in reality?
Can you deny it?
Yes, absolutely.
Skip the ever fluctuating fractions and figures and accept that it is in your bloodstream right now.
The only thing in my bloodstream right now is just ordinary blood.
Fukushiman germs EVERYWHERE.
Radiation and germs are unrelated subjects.
That is a good thing? And more to come???
No, certainly not. There are no 'Fukushiman germs' that differ from anything that existed before the earthquake in any significant way; and there never will be. You appear to be mistaking very bad pulp Sci-Fi for actual reality
Dude we are cashed. It is all over. The lack of panic is chilling isn't it?
No, not in the slightest.
You know something is really wrong when no one reacts at all.
OK; What response would you expect when nothing is wrong?
Ever watch those hysterical fear-laughter patients in the black and white movies? That is totally what we look like from light years away. We're being watched in horror.
Yep. You definitely need professional help.
They're probably hedging bets, and you know what? I bet the number 50 is prime real estate. We have 50 years left as a species on this planet. bilby things really aren't so bad. 50 years is a long time. Still a lot of relatively peaceful life to live under the illusion that life will continue for long after we're gone.
I'm going to stop talking to you now.

I am not a psychiatrist, so I can't help you, and I worry that continuing this discussion with you could be making your condition worse. So I shall not respond further. Please seek qualified professional help.
free thought bilby. This is nothing compared to the things I have seen people say. If you can't tell the difference between comedy and insanity you should question your own, yet seeing this 50 year death sentence as a joke does seem a little morbid. Nobody should be laughing, huh. It is insane to laugh at such a dyer situation, I'll give you that. People react to imminent death in different ways. And yes it is inside your body at this very moment. What do you think it is doing to you? Good things?

You work for Fukushiman forces or you just want to beat up on somebody. You're defending a monster that kills robots and poisons us a little more everyday. And who is supposed to be getting a check up?
free thought bilby. This is nothing compared to the things I have seen people say. If you can't tell the difference between comedy and insanity you should question your own, yet seeing this 50 year death sentence as a joke does seem a little morbid. Nobody should be laughing, huh. It is insane to laugh at such a dyer situation, I'll give you that. People react to imminent death in different ways. And yes it is inside your body at this very moment. What do you think it is doing to you? Good things?

You work for Fukushiman forces or you just want to beat up on somebody.

I can't tell if this is humour?

You're defending a monster that kills robots and poisons us a little more everyday. And who is supposed to be getting a check up?

The animal in that picture is exactly what we're dealing with. And bilby says naw that thing is harmless, cmon and pet it. The world is calm bilby. Why is no one panicking about this terrible animal eating planes? It is like, right there. I do entertain myself but bilby Fukushima is smeared all over the planet, and you can't say that anyone knows for sure what the goo will do to us in the long run. Long run being 17 years, because we have 50 left as a species on this planet. I expect heavy mutations within a year.

It sounds like a grotesque and humiliating sexual act performed on an unwilling person. Fukushima does. Lotta Japanese words sound a little sketchy but how likely is it that Fukushima is the name of the awful beast that destroyed the world? That is very humiliating.

Flying objects that don't belong to anyone admitting it, they like meltdowns. Looks like they're taking pictures. Imagine them reporting to their bosses and trying not to laugh when saying Fukushima was what finally took them out. "Those dumb, protein dependent humanoids FUK'd themselves, Gazor". I bet this planet is the biggest joke to the creatures observing us.

DrZoidberg, people think it is a joke. They don't think about it at all unless it pertains to some facet of entertainment, which happens to be the only way to communicate important things now. At any rate, they should be rocking in asylums and biting their bloody cuticles over the fragility of our energy sources, and how they can accidentally murder us on any given day. That alone should cause panic. Nope, people are calm. That worries me.

The complete abandonment of the environment... that is suspicious, too. As if to say, "well, it is all going away soon anyway, so what is the point in wasting our energy on something futile". There is a monster devouring robots and invading our bodies, and a few solar panels won't fix it. By 2070 you can forget about it. No way we make is past there. Not on this planet. That is so crazy it is true, just like ten minutes before Fukushima melted down.

50 years is a long time. I don't mean to depress anyone. I just feel it is important to consider certain things when deciding on reproducing. Beyond that, the sun is still shining and we can still see it. These will be looked on as good years. Actually that may be a horrifying thought but still 50 years is a log time.

Then again, it could hit us overnight. Maximum Overdrive situation. The world wouldn't know how to react. All dead. All dead anyway, but I'm being optimistic and stamping 50 on it. I'd rather it be a flash, because the chaos and inhumanity soon to come will make all of history's atrocities look Benny Hillish. We will be eaten. Probably by other humans. Hopefully after we are dead. Any other violations to our bodies, we can only hope those happen post-mortem. But they probably won't. Heh. all a big joke right!
The Fukushima Exclusion Zone is designated as any area where the radiation exposure is above 20mSv/year.

Natural background radiation at Ramsar in Iran is in the order of 100 - 250mSv/year; Ramsar has been inhabited for at least 1,000 years, and residents are no less healthy than people living in places with far lower background radiation levels.

Guarapari in Brazil is a popular tourist destination; The Monazite in the beach sand there causes background radiation as high as 175mSv/year. No ill health effects have been reported due to this radiation exposure.

Actual studies of the health of populations exposed to radiation over their entire lifetimes in places such as Ramsar and Guarapari suggest that the current evacuation limits used by the authorities at Fukushima and at Chernobyl could be increased by a factor of ten without any effect on human health; Were this to be done, the Fukushima exclusion zone would be entirely within the site boundary of the nuclear power plant, and zero residents would need to remain evacuated.

The net number of lives saved by the evacuation of residents around the Fukushima facility after the meltdown there is almost certainly negative - that is, more people died as a result of the evacuation than were prevented from dying by the evacuation. It would have been a better public health decision had the authorities NOT chosen to evacuate anyone on radiological grounds (Some residents would still have needed to move to temporary accommodation due to the effects of the earthquake and tsunami, as many homes and a lot of infrastructure was destroyed).

The vast majority of the area around Chernobyl is also below the 200mSv/year exposure level, but there remain some genuinely dangerous hotspots (particularly in low lying areas and the basements of buildings, where the heavier fragments of the fallout have tended to accumulate) which would need to be cleaned up before it would be safe for people to return.

Restoring these areas to below 200mSv/year wouldn't be particularly difficult or expensive; But the overcautious 20mSv/year limit renders such restoration very difficult and costly. The ongoing problems at both Fukushima and Chernobyl are mostly down to inappropriately chosen dose limits, rather than to any actual risk to human health.

What experience do we have with this sort of thing? I saw a documentary about Chernobyl. There are Deer-men hiding in plain sight. People with horns and ashy skin. And yeah the surrounding nature victims don't put off an accurate reading. Chernobyl may as well be a brand of coffee. Fukushima is still an intermittent disaster occurring as we speak these last words. Could be tomorrow. You never know. Every bee may die. Bears may attack in massive packs, like ultra-intelligent wolves. Nature is screwy because of us. Doesn't everything act as a chain in nature, or whatever it is you're saying all the time?

The thing kills ROBOTS. It murders robots left and right, and we have a chance against it? The Fukushiman juice is inside us right now. Now I'm going to die, and everyone else is slowly dying - along with the planet. Even if my time frames don't exactly make sense, things escalate and 50 years is very generous considering more reactions will purposely and accidentally poison us further.

Your numbers don't mean anything to me. Appreciate them but they are just numbers. I didn't come up with them myself. The next generations will show terrible mutations. There, you can start counting up numbers. It would be an absolute cruelty to allow spawning from there. That is when math will get difficult. The end result would be worse than any fiction. The disgusting people will start eating each other. Terrible things will happen. They'll have to be done away with. All because of Fukushima... and you stand there with your elbow against the thing like nope everything is safe here! Good times! You really don't know. I don't either but things get worse before they get better, so I'm probably closer to being right.

What documentary did you see? Documentaries are notorious for bullshitting. After seeing a documentary it should prompt you to go and check the sources. The fact that you refer to the documentary and not the source is telling. Did you check the sources?

There's a hundred alarmist documentary to every sensible one. If not more
What experience do we have with this sort of thing? I saw a documentary about Chernobyl. There are Deer-men hiding in plain sight. People with horns and ashy skin. And yeah the surrounding nature victims don't put off an accurate reading. Chernobyl may as well be a brand of coffee. Fukushima is still an intermittent disaster occurring as we speak these last words. Could be tomorrow. You never know. Every bee may die. Bears may attack in massive packs, like ultra-intelligent wolves. Nature is screwy because of us. Doesn't everything act as a chain in nature, or whatever it is you're saying all the time?

The thing kills ROBOTS. It murders robots left and right, and we have a chance against it? The Fukushiman juice is inside us right now. Now I'm going to die, and everyone else is slowly dying - along with the planet. Even if my time frames don't exactly make sense, things escalate and 50 years is very generous considering more reactions will purposely and accidentally poison us further.

Your numbers don't mean anything to me. Appreciate them but they are just numbers. I didn't come up with them myself. The next generations will show terrible mutations. There, you can start counting up numbers. It would be an absolute cruelty to allow spawning from there. That is when math will get difficult. The end result would be worse than any fiction. The disgusting people will start eating each other. Terrible things will happen. They'll have to be done away with. All because of Fukushima... and you stand there with your elbow against the thing like nope everything is safe here! Good times! You really don't know. I don't either but things get worse before they get better, so I'm probably closer to being right.

What documentary did you see? Documentaries are notorious for bullshitting. After seeing a documentary it should prompt you to go and check the sources. The fact that you refer to the documentary and not the source is telling. Did you check the sources?

There's a hundred alarmist documentary to every sensible one. If not more
I have stopped watching any documentary that isn't on PBS or BBC for this reason. Even nature documentaries seem to be edited bull. Thanks Discovery and Animal Planet, you fucks!
Hmm does that mean we're not all doomed? You don't know. The truth may drive us all to a shrink, and that is why we don't know. Probably better this way.

What should I tell a psychiatrist? "bilby says Fukushima is harmless so I made myself laugh while correcting bilby"?
I don't think bilby said it is harmless, but as long as you stay away from it, you'll be fine.
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