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Are you Politically obtuse?


New member
Jun 28, 2006
Basic Beliefs
I admit it - I know very little about Politics. It was only in the last few years that I really understood what Republicanism and Conservatism stood for. As for the left; I don't know much about that either.

I tend to be an emotional/artistic type. Politics is very complicated. It is interesting but I find I don't have the sense for it.
I admit it - I know very little about Politics. It was only in the last few years that I really understood what Republicanism and Conservatism stood for. As for the left; I don't know much about that either.

I tend to be an emotional/artistic type. Politics is very complicated. It is interesting but I find I don't have the sense for it.

Frankly, I don't think you can say that you know what "Republicanism and Conservativeism" stands for but not the "left" I think modern politics must be studied as a whole political climate. Also it is important to remember that politics in the US is very different from politics in other countries.

The good news for you is that most of political behavior in the world is governed by emotion and not reason, so as an emotional/artistic type you may be able to keeny identify the emotions involved in most political behavior. The trouble is that most people are keenly motivated by certain emotions but not others. If a person is more motivated by authority, loyalty and fear, they are more likely to have Republican tendancies. If they are motivated by empathy and equality they are more likely to have Democratic tendancies.
The majority of people who take part in politics are politically obtuse. Having an opinion is easy, having an informed and studied opinion is hard. Guess which is more common?

As for me, I'm more interested in over-arching themes and patterns that run through the modern world, and not the minutiae of different legislation, so I tend to be oblivious as to what's 'good' policy, but have a good sense about politics as an anthropological phenomena.
That is a good point. I used to 'see' politics emotionally, as I know many other people do too. In Britain the Conservatives are seen as elitist and selfish by some - which is a total emotional reaction to their policies.

The trouble is that Politics stirs the feelings. It is very difficult to rise above personal opinions and see REASON.
No idea. I follow it a lot. Actually I am a politician, LOL. But I still can't claim wisdom.
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