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Art, music, language, and cultures ARE the Evidence you require for your research

Janice Rael

Maybe it's literal, maybe hyperbole.™
May 3, 2024
Jenkintown PA
Surprise me, or she/her
Basic Beliefs
I believe I need to ask more people
Call me Crazy, I had a Catholic Schools Education!

"Sunny Days (Class of '86)" is my song about this.

Those boys, their COACH, and their teachers are unbothered. They have no worries, not a care in the world.

call me crazy, but 17 year old boys should be scared of raping.jpg

We all choose to Be Forced to Watch Netflix. We all choose our own Diddies, deliberately, and we all support the upper echelons of Grape-Eaters, with every fiber of our beings. We must seek our Grape-Eaters, and we would rather Cease Breathing than ever tell all the tales of whose Grapes they were, how they were consumed, by whom, and when, and how.

We establish and maintain hierarchies, governments, and religions to keep our Diddies and their SuperDiddies, our Trumps and the ones who are worse, our Lady Gs, and our Billionaires, safe and alive and able to keep on grabbing them by the p|_|ssy,. WHY?

WHY do we want and need Those Men? We must protect our Cosbys and our Harveys, we must protect our Brocks and our Beer-Swilling Bretts, because the very survival of our species depends upon it.

Grape-Eating is necessary for survival. If we all told on them, and we all said Hashtag #MeToo, what then?

We can't undo predation. The predatory instinct dates back to the Pre-Cambrian Era, before Homo Sapiens existed. It's innate. "Boys are 'bad,' it's axiomatic!" WHY would King have written that? Was he right?

Am I right? Or am I wrong about evolution, and how humans and our languages, cultures, societies, and power structures were create and maintained to reward the ones who keep the species going?

Power, wealth, and people disobeying the same religions and laws that they deliberately made on purpose, and do not want to change at all, ever, ARE the reason why we exist and survive.

That is WHY authority figures are Grape-Enjoyers. Evolution's first firewall against stopping us from canceling our own species, to protect each other from our innate biological urges and perceived needs are who? Ohhh, the po-pos? How do those po-pos, our front line of protectors, behave; what is acceptable and welcome Blue "LIfe" Behavior, regarding Grape-Eaters? ANGER and violence? Yeah.

How do our own families and friends behave when confronted with any ... of this? Ohhhhh, they can't protect us and, they know it; they all know they are helpless to stop the Eating of Grapes by powerful people, so they do not believe us. It is their own evolutionary defense mechanism to protect THEM from the harm they may or may not experience when or if they hear our stories, or the rumors about them. They must disbelieve and reject and shun the victims, or else they lose their own protections, their own survival.

Then, they hurt us more, because they have to do so. We feel harmed by the actions of those predators, and we believe that the only way to protect others from having this horrible harm in our lives is to cage the harmful humans or swiftly end their existences - but, only after they have fulfilled their biological destinies.

WHY do you think everything exists in this way?

It's survival of the fittest, it's the (barf) Selfish Gene. DNA KNOWS.

Call me CRAZY. You must! If you believe me, you may experience uncomfortable emotions. WHY? You must! It's your Human Nature.

Humans have an innate instinct to survive and thrive. They CAN'T, if they try to end the predation.

*CLAIMS REQUIRE EVIDENCE.* OH, *now* I want to use LOGIC, Reason, and evidence?

Yup yup!

ART comes from the PAIN of humans who were abused and harmed, and is admired by all, because it has to be, or else humanity vanishes.

When we learn that That Man, That Woman, and others Ate Grapes at someone, then, any emotions we experience, any actions we take, exist to protect THEM and the Powers That Be. Why? Because those subsequent actions are aimed at survival of our tribes, our societies, and our species, regardless of which ones.

Damn, do we love and need that ART, MUSIC, and what we now call MEDIA. We even named it The Humanities.

Right now, some Catholics are learning that the artist who made stained glass art in many church buildings was a harmful one who harmed a lot of people. Some of them have emotional conflicts now.

Have you heard of the notion of "Separating the ART from the ARTIST?" It is our evolutionary defense mechanism to save humanity.

Problem People become ARTISTS and MUSICIANS and other Creators of the Content we consume, in order to survive the outcomes of their experiences. The more chaos, the more creative.

When I say "you like it this way" I mean that you will definitely arrive at A or SOME conclusion, about this, because of that. This happens so that you can protect your own mind, your own family, your own town or city or Border-Defined Locations, your OWN NAME and the NAMES of everyone else!

I COULD DO THIS ALL NIGHT, and I already do and did. That's why you kept reading this post. You have a vested interest in the outcomes.

You need to, you must. It is indeed important to not shit where you eat, to not rock the boat, to Don't ASK and Don't TELL, about ALL of this, and everything else. WHY? Because you don't want to destroy your family, your people, your culture, your ART. Your music, your humor, your weapons of local and mass destruction.

You literally require Grape-Eating, and so do I. We ALL accept as much of this reality as we can handle. Then we turn to our other people, our faith or the absences thereof, for guidance and healing, in order to make sense of the awful truth about how and why we exist at all, and/or, continue to do so, as we go about Choosing Our Own Grape-Servers and doing everything we can do, by either being willing to take it to the grave, or trying to mitigate or end the harmful fallout and results.

We declare that we must protect our Artists and the ART, MUSIC, and every aspect of everyone's cultures, and keep those Crazies at arm's length, or, join the Grape-Eating Groups and help keep the secrets.

We MUST, or else all of humanity may come to an end, and we don't even know why we are all like this.

You can't prove me wrong, because you are unable to hurt yourself on purpose like that, which is an evolutionary defense mechanism.

I know for a fact that I have kept my Grapists alive on purpose, deliberately. I keep tabs on as many of them as possible.

I am resolving my own inner conflict regarding all of these matters in the best and only ways I can, which is to make art, music, humor, groups, and literature about this.

So do you. We're all doing it right now.

Have a day, Facebook Friends and other readers. More later. Ask me anything, any way that works for you. You already did. Did you stop dealing with me and my nonsense in one way or another? Yeah, ya did, unless ya didn't.

Wait until you find out how and why I'm wrong. How do you like your homework?
"Why I Can't Type" - a [literature] by Janice Rael

You've been reading my rough drafts and notes this entire time.

Do I need an editor? Ohhhh yeah. IF ONLY any editor had ever seen any of my [words, music, and art]. That would never happen! :D

Do I need a publisher?? I don't know if I am already published or not, due to the nature of the internet and the copyright laws that exist.

Are you going to ignore me? "Guys, don't do that." Did That Man throw me off of his internet?

Yes and no. I have a few anecdotes to tell.
Supporting statement: Godwin's Law is true, because we need Nazis to survive.
You always inspire me. We like bonnie and Clyde.. Look at what you wrote made me write.

Died in Waco, shadows dance till night fall
Echoes of Plato, perhaps a glance behind walls
Barrier where the mighty reigns, four tiny claims
a shame, fortified chains for slimy gains
Our chosen idols dine on forbidden fruit, cute
like Macbeth, ambition's bitter root, by lute
& Darwin whistles, as screams toot tuned to the flute
retort the pistol innocence concedes at the root
Childlike gesture, are notions of applied pressure
In Blake's dark forests & Trials like Kafka’s
art carved in pain, then laid before opening game
Awkward exchange too close to Dorian Grays
Why shield minds sold by violence ahead of us?
Silence speaks like sight in the Blindfold of Oedipus
protecting truth to save your skin.
You fear everyone knowing precisely what your lie is
THANK YOU, @Gospel !! I love this and I love you! (Platonic e-admiration style) PERFECT REPLY! I am honored and humbled by this, that you wrote this. May I one day be worthy of your words.

This poem is SO on target for the thread, for me, maybe for some others, lol, what are they gonna do, ask us what we mean?? WHY?? :D

This is so much fun, but also exhausting, as I lack the physical abilities, the computing devices, blah blah, etc.

And the Time.

You are right about me :)

Let's keep exploring the languages in this and every other way. ALL, please join in, we're learning languages, and stuff.

But, I admit, Dr Pechtel has given me so many reading assignments that I need to take a break and catch up on LP's lessons.

Because, I am also mentally percolating a new poem, about Lessans.

Words have meaning.

A Black woman told me, Words Are Weapons.
I couldn't believe it's already Thursday! Honestly, I thought it was still Tuesday until the garbage truck came rumbling down the street before sunrise. I had to rush outside in my underwear. what woke me up was the air brakes hissing like an angry cat.
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