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Average racial intelligences and why there is no Jewish conspiracy


Veteran Member
Sep 19, 2002
Colorado, USA
Basic Beliefs
Infotheist. I believe the gods to be mere information.
This thread brought the banhammer down on me in the white-supremacist Stormfront forum. Got your attention?

I would like to think that the popular acceptance of the science of genetic intelligence differences of human races, after population genetics makes it undeniable, would also make popular a rational understanding of race. However, I fear that it would instead stir up racial hatred among whites, not just against the races below them on the IQ spectrum, but also against the races above them. Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, have been the frequent target of jealousy and conspiracy theories among whites. Jews are overrepresented among the intellectual and aristocratic elite of every sort. As Wikipedia expresses it:

While only about 3% [2% is more accurate] of the U.S. population is of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, 25% of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.​

Also, of the Forbes Top 50 Billionaires, ten of them are Jews. They are likewise overrepresented as entertainment celebrities and great authors. Jews have it all! Why?

It is probably NOT due to a grand Jewish conspiracy, and this is a point that I hope more white nationalists would understand. There is no need for conspiracism, because it follows directly from a higher average intelligence. With the higher average measured intelligence, the whole Jewish IQ bell curve distribution (not just the average) is moved to the right. The average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is estimated to be between 110 and 115. My calculations will assume an average of 112.5.

Years ago, there was drama within the organization of Mensa because one of their members promoted anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and he was kicked out, perhaps due to a large portion of Mensans being Jews themselves. The religion of 10% of Mensa, according to one survey if I remember correctly, is Jewish. Is this statistically expected? We can check by using an online z-score calculator. Mensa accepts only the top 2% of intelligence scorers, assuming a median of 100 IQ. For whites this means Q=0.02 and z (standard deviations above the median) = 2.05. But for Jews, it is only z=2.05-0.83=1.22 standard deviations above the median, which gives a Q value of 0.11, or 1 in 9.

So, American Jews are five times as likely to qualify for Mensa as American whites. As Jews are about two percent of America, it is statistically expected that Jews be 10% of American Mensans.

The differences get even starker the further you travel along the right tail end. The IQs of such billionaires as Paul Allen and Bill Gates are probably in the vicinity of 160 (Paul Allen scored perfect and Bill Gates scored almost perfect on his SAT). So, how much more likely is a Jew to have an IQ greater than 160 than a white? Back to the z-score calculator. An IQ of 160 is 4 standard deviations above the white median, or 1 in 31,574, but it is 3.17 standard deviations above the Ashkenazi Jewish median, or 1 in 1,297. So, an Ashkenazi Jew is 24 times more likely than a white to have an IQ above 160.

What explains the high IQ of Ashkenazi Jews? There are many speculations, but the best ones are rooted in the breeding history of Jews in Europe. Such speculations include:

(1) Ashkenazi Jews of the Middle Ages worked in banking and law, success in such occupations depended on high intelligence, and success meant the opportunity to raise more children. This pattern may have been enhanced by Jews being prohibited from owning land and working in the common trades. Christians stayed away from banking as it was the sin of usury. That is the hypothesis I favor.
(2) Jews strongly encouraged the more successful members of their society to have more children, and they discouraged the less successful members of their society from having children.
(3) Literacy is a strong tradition within Judaism, and being a successful Jew meant being more literate.

So, is there really any need for conspiracism? Are Jews really puppeteering the black race to dominate and exterminate the white race, or something like that?
I suspect there may be room for a founder effect.
Sure, but, as intelligence is a vastly polygenic trait, Darwinian selection pressures would seem to have greater explanatory power for the high intelligence of a population than a mere founder effect.
I suspect there may be room for a founder effect.
Sure, but, as intelligence is a vastly polygenic trait, Darwinian selection pressures would seem to have greater explanatory power for the high intelligence of a population than a mere founder effect.

I don't see how a trait being polygenic relates to the explanatory power of selection versus founder effect. Could you elaborate?

Indeed, there is this recent paper that concludes the Ashkenazi underwent a rather extreme population bottleneck of around 350 individuals!


So, we at least know there was an extreme founder effect, and the Ashkenazi are also known to have high rates of autosomal recessive diseases, another clear indication of a population that experienced a bottleneck and inbreeding in the past.

The hypothesis you favor rests on selection due to Ashkenazi Jews being in the banking and legal fields, but you haven't shown that such a selective pressure exists. It is just as likely that the Jews who happened to move into Central and Eastern Europe were the Jews who were intelligent enough to have experience in banking and law. I believe that at that point in history European rulers were actually inviting Jews with experience in those fields.

Fundamentally, you take it for granted that high intelligence was undergoing positive directional selection, but that isn't a trivial proposition. Indeed, I find it more likely that intelligence undergoes stabilizing selection - really dumb and really smart people tend not to breed as much as people in the middle of the pack.
Sure, but, as intelligence is a vastly polygenic trait, Darwinian selection pressures would seem to have greater explanatory power for the high intelligence of a population than a mere founder effect.

I don't see how a trait being polygenic relates to the explanatory power of selection versus founder effect. Could you elaborate?

Indeed, there is this recent paper that concludes the Ashkenazi underwent a rather extreme population bottleneck of around 350 individuals!


So, we at least know there was an extreme founder effect, and the Ashkenazi are also known to have high rates of autosomal recessive diseases, another clear indication of a population that experienced a bottleneck and inbreeding in the past.

The hypothesis you favor rests on selection due to Ashkenazi Jews being in the banking and legal fields, but you haven't shown that such a selective pressure exists. It is just as likely that the Jews who happened to move into Central and Eastern Europe were the Jews who were intelligent enough to have experience in banking and law. I believe that at that point in history European rulers were actually inviting Jews with experience in those fields.

Fundamentally, you take it for granted that high intelligence was undergoing positive directional selection, but that isn't a trivial proposition. Indeed, I find it more likely that intelligence undergoes stabilizing selection - really dumb and really smart people tend not to breed as much as people in the middle of the pack.
OK, that's plausible. A founder effect may accelerate a selection pressure in favor of intelligence.
White nationalists like to gloat about low average mental aptitude test scores for blacks and Hispanics. When I remind them of the high average scores for Jews and Orientals they accuse me of being a race traitor, say I hate whites, and so on.
There are two issues that you need to address:
(1) you switch back and forth between general/partial Jewish stats/assertions and particularly Ashkenazi Jewish stats/assertions.
(2) if you look at the same limited information --which by the way, some studies disagree with -- then not only were Ashkenazi Jews found to be higher in math and verbal but they were also found to be lower in spatial intelligence. From Wikipedia you cite:
A more direct approach is to measure intelligence with psychometric tests. Different studies have found different results, but most have found above-average verbal and mathematical intelligence in Ashkenazi Jews, along with below-average spatial intelligence.[3][5][6][7]​

I will point out specifics below.

This thread brought the banhammer down on me in the white-supremacist Stormfront forum. Got your attention?

Too political.

I would like to think that the popular acceptance of the science of genetic intelligence differences of human races, after population genetics makes it undeniable, would also make popular a rational understanding of race. However, I fear that it would instead stir up racial hatred among whites, not just against the races below them on the IQ spectrum, but also against the races above them.

Too political.

Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, have been the frequent target of jealousy and conspiracy theories among whites. Jews are overrepresented among the intellectual and aristocratic elite of every sort. As Wikipedia expresses it:

While only about 3% [2% is more accurate] of the U.S. population is of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, 25% of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.​

In another thread, you criticized the NAACP for changing stats mid-sentence, but the quote you cite has the same issue. If you look at ethnicity compositions on 23andme or ancestry.com, you'll see many, many people with predicted, partial Ashkenazi ethnicity. While, I am sure it is way above 3%, I haven't seen it quantified in any of your links. Therefore, this is an apples to oranges comparison just like you accused NAACP of doing. 3% of US is full Ashkenazi and 27% of US Nobel prize winners in the 20th century are full or partial Ashkenazi. Why compare full Ashkenazi versus at least partial Ashkenazi? Later, 6 of 19 chess champions versus what, 3%? How many people in the chess-playing world are full or partial Ashkenazi?

Additionally, chess requires spatial intelligence. One could also try to argue that it requires mathematical ability, but certainly not verbal intelligence to any significant degree. So based on statistics you are using to bolster your arguments, one would actually expect Chess Champions to have good spatial intelligence and probably good mathematical intelligence. You are going to have to explain this discrepancy in terms of your stated hypothesis: population genetics.

Also, of the Forbes Top 50 Billionaires, ten of them are Jews. They are likewise overrepresented as entertainment celebrities and great authors. Jews have it all! Why?

Full or partial? What are the exact numbers here? Why do you expect them to "have it all" when the studies you are citing have them as below average spatial intelligence?

It is probably NOT due to a grand Jewish conspiracy, and this is a point that I hope more white nationalists would understand. There is no need for conspiracism, because it follows directly from a higher average intelligence. With the higher average measured intelligence, the whole Jewish IQ bell curve distribution (not just the average) is moved to the right. The average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is estimated to be between 110 and 115. My calculations will assume an average of 112.5.

That probably would not make them 120 on the math component, 120 on the verbal component and 80 on the spatial component, but if you had to break it down how would you do so? What studies are you citing? Are you leaving out any studies where the spatial intelligence is below average? If so, why?

Years ago, there was drama within the organization of Mensa because one of their members promoted anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and he was kicked out, perhaps due to a large portion of Mensans being Jews themselves. The religion of 10% of Mensa, according to one survey if I remember correctly, is Jewish.

According to the Mensa website, it's actually 9% of the members in the US are Jewish. Here is a link:
49% Christian, 3% Unitarian, 9% Jewish, 7% agnostic, 3.6% atheist,
9% no religion​

Is this statistically expected? We can check by using an online z-score calculator. Mensa accepts only the top 2% of intelligence scorers, assuming a median of 100 IQ. For whites this means Q=0.02 and z (standard deviations above the median) = 2.05. But for Jews, it is only z=2.05-0.83=1.22 standard deviations above the median, which gives a Q value of 0.11, or 1 in 9.

So, American Jews are five times as likely to qualify for Mensa as American whites. As Jews are about two percent of America, it is statistically expected that Jews be 10% of American Mensans.

Actually, no, this is not how many people qualify. It is how many people have joined. That is, since the top 2% of intelligence scorers qualify, then there would be about 6.4 million people in the US who qualify for Mensa. There are only 50K members of Mensa. So 6.4 million qualify and a tiny percent actually try to and then succeed in joining. The rate of a random person who qualifies for Mensa joining Mensa is roughly 50K/6.4 million ~= .8%. Since babies do not try to join Mensa, let's just call it 1%.

Now, you have some assumptions here about the 1% who go and join as well as the 99% who qualify but do not join. Clearly, there is something significant going on when 99% who qualify do not join. Do the 99% even hear about Mensa in the first place? Is knowledge of Mensa part of their learned culture, for example. Does every sub-population have equal access to and equal knowledge of Mensa? You are assuming that there is no bias there according to sub-culture. Your unstated "all things being equal" assumption is really what you are already trying to disprove--that there is not some other variable associated with the population differences that is responsible for the different observations.

Now, let's test your assumption.

Here is the country list of Mensa membership from previous links cited:
[b]Country[/b]          [b]Members[/b] 
USA              50,483 
UK and Ireland   35,608 
Canada            2,546 
Malaysia          2,181 
Germany           1,204 
Finland           1,107 
Yugoslavia        1,100 
Australia           961 
Netherlands         922 
Czechoslovakia      715 
France              708 
Poland              700 
Italy               400 
South Africa        395 
New Zealand         327 
Denmark             295 
Austria             287 
Channel Islands     257 
Spain               251 
Singapore           245 
India               200 
Sweden              146 
Belgium             117 
Japan               101 
Switzerland         101 
Hong Kong           100 
OTHER               320

There are only 101 Japanese members of Mensa. There are ~0 members of Mensa from Israel. [Technically, there is a category of Other containing 320 persons which may include Israeli Jews but they would have to be less than 100 in number because of the way the table stops at 100 members and further this would be significantly less than the ~5000 members in the US, still denying you a point here.] Since your assumption is that all things are equal among the sub-populations of Mensa members, you should conclude that Japanese are dumber than others. And further that American Jews are way more intelligent than Israeli Jews. If you apply your assumptions consistently, you will achieve a conclusion of American Jews being way more intelligent than Israeli Jews, which directly challenges your hypothesis.

The differences get even starker the further you travel along the right tail end. The IQs of such billionaires as Paul Allen and Bill Gates are probably in the vicinity of 160 (Paul Allen scored perfect and Bill Gates scored almost perfect on his SAT). So, how much more likely is a Jew to have an IQ greater than 160 than a white? Back to the z-score calculator. An IQ of 160 is 4 standard deviations above the white median, or 1 in 31,574, but it is 3.17 standard deviations above the Ashkenazi Jewish median, or 1 in 1,297. So, an Ashkenazi Jew is 24 times more likely than a white to have an IQ above 160.

What explains the high IQ of Ashkenazi Jews? There are many speculations, but the best ones are rooted in the breeding history of Jews in Europe. Such speculations include:

(1) Ashkenazi Jews of the Middle Ages worked in banking and law, success in such occupations depended on high intelligence, and success meant the opportunity to raise more children. This pattern may have been enhanced by Jews being prohibited from owning land and working in the common trades. Christians stayed away from banking as it was the sin of usury. That is the hypothesis I favor.
(2) Jews strongly encouraged the more successful members of their society to have more children, and they discouraged the less successful members of their society from having children.
(3) Literacy is a strong tradition within Judaism, and being a successful Jew meant being more literate.

You will need to go back to the drawing board on this one. You need to come up with an hypothesis which is consistent with observed data such as the high number of world chess champions you brought into evidence. Since chess requires spatial intelligence, how will you address this in your next attempt?

So, is there really any need for conspiracism? Are Jews really puppeteering the black race to dominate and exterminate the white race, or something like that?

Too political.
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Whites Who Dominate Other Whites Have a Self-Interest in Turning Them Into Nerdbashers

This thread brought the banhammer down on me in the white-supremacist Stormfront forum. Got your attention?

I would like to think that the popular acceptance of the science of genetic intelligence differences of human races, after population genetics makes it undeniable, would also make popular a rational understanding of race. However, I fear that it would instead stir up racial hatred among whites, not just against the races below them on the IQ spectrum, but also against the races above them. Ashkenazi Jews, in particular, have been the frequent target of jealousy and conspiracy theories among whites. Jews are overrepresented among the intellectual and aristocratic elite of every sort. As Wikipedia expresses it:

While only about 3% [2% is more accurate] of the U.S. population is of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, 25% of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 6 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.​

Also, of the Forbes Top 50 Billionaires, ten of them are Jews. They are likewise overrepresented as entertainment celebrities and great authors. Jews have it all! Why?

It is probably NOT due to a grand Jewish conspiracy, and this is a point that I hope more white nationalists would understand. There is no need for conspiracism, because it follows directly from a higher average intelligence. With the higher average measured intelligence, the whole Jewish IQ bell curve distribution (not just the average) is moved to the right. The average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is estimated to be between 110 and 115. My calculations will assume an average of 112.5.

Years ago, there was drama within the organization of Mensa because one of their members promoted anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and he was kicked out, perhaps due to a large portion of Mensans being Jews themselves. The religion of 10% of Mensa, according to one survey if I remember correctly, is Jewish. Is this statistically expected? We can check by using an online z-score calculator. Mensa accepts only the top 2% of intelligence scorers, assuming a median of 100 IQ. For whites this means Q=0.02 and z (standard deviations above the median) = 2.05. But for Jews, it is only z=2.05-0.83=1.22 standard deviations above the median, which gives a Q value of 0.11, or 1 in 9.

So, American Jews are five times as likely to qualify for Mensa as American whites. As Jews are about two percent of America, it is statistically expected that Jews be 10% of American Mensans.

The differences get even starker the further you travel along the right tail end. The IQs of such billionaires as Paul Allen and Bill Gates are probably in the vicinity of 160 (Paul Allen scored perfect and Bill Gates scored almost perfect on his SAT). So, how much more likely is a Jew to have an IQ greater than 160 than a white? Back to the z-score calculator. An IQ of 160 is 4 standard deviations above the white median, or 1 in 31,574, but it is 3.17 standard deviations above the Ashkenazi Jewish median, or 1 in 1,297. So, an Ashkenazi Jew is 24 times more likely than a white to have an IQ above 160.

What explains the high IQ of Ashkenazi Jews? There are many speculations, but the best ones are rooted in the breeding history of Jews in Europe. Such speculations include:

(1) Ashkenazi Jews of the Middle Ages worked in banking and law, success in such occupations depended on high intelligence, and success meant the opportunity to raise more children. This pattern may have been enhanced by Jews being prohibited from owning land and working in the common trades. Christians stayed away from banking as it was the sin of usury. That is the hypothesis I favor.
(2) Jews strongly encouraged the more successful members of their society to have more children, and they discouraged the less successful members of their society from having children.
(3) Literacy is a strong tradition within Judaism, and being a successful Jew meant being more literate.

So, is there really any need for conspiracism? Are Jews really puppeteering the black race to dominate and exterminate the white race, or something like that?

Whites, especially of the humiliated classes, discourage and demoralize High IQs, treating them like freaks and making them social outcasts. So the most intelligent of the Gentiles are inhibited from developing their minds. I found that even in non-school activities like the Little League. There were clever ways I could have gotten on base more but I feared using my brains even where it would have been socially acceptable. Smart Jews are encouraged, bringing their whole ethnicity up. The ones who reach high positions would rather hire those who didn't make fun of them. Gentiles are brought up to be Buttboys for the Bosses, those Low-IQ plutocratic parasites.
"If you apply your assumptions consistently, you will achieve a conclusion of American Jews being way more intelligent than Israeli Jews, which directly challenges your hypothesis."

No, that is my hypothesis. And not just a hypothesis--an established fact.
Now, you have some assumptions here about the 1% who go and join as well as the 99% who qualify but do not join. Clearly, there is something significant going on when 99% who qualify do not join. Do the 99% even hear about Mensa in the first place? Is knowledge of Mensa part of their learned culture, for example. Does every sub-population have equal access to and equal knowledge of Mensa? You are assuming that there is no bias there according to sub-culture. Your unstated "all things being equal" assumption is really what you are already trying to disprove--that there is not some other variable associated with the population differences that is responsible for the different observations.

Now, let's test your assumption.

Here is the country list of Mensa membership from previous links cited:
[b]Country[/b]          [b]Members[/b] 
USA              50,483 
UK and Ireland   35,608 
Canada            2,546 
Malaysia          2,181 
Germany           1,204 
Finland           1,107 
Yugoslavia        1,100 
Australia           961 
Netherlands         922 
Czechoslovakia      715 
France              708 
Poland              700 
Italy               400 
South Africa        395 
New Zealand         327 
Denmark             295 
Austria             287 
Channel Islands     257 
Spain               251 
Singapore           245 
India               200 
Sweden              146 
Belgium             117 
Japan               101 
Switzerland         101 
Hong Kong           100 
OTHER               320

There are only 101 Japanese members of Mensa. There are ~0 members of Mensa from Israel. [Technically, there is a category of Other containing 320 persons which may include Israeli Jews but they would have to be less than 100 in number because of the way the table stops at 100 members and further this would be significantly less than the ~5000 members in the US, still denying you a point here.] Since your assumption is that all things are equal among the sub-populations of Mensa members, you should conclude that Japanese are dumber than others.
  1. The data from the table comes from American Mensa, not from Mensa International. American Mensa includes only Americans and American immigrants.
  2. Ashkenazi Jews are Jews of central Europe. Only this ethnicity of Jews has an especially high average intelligence (average IQ is 110 to 115), but not Jews generally. Ashkenazi Jews are a minority of Jews in Israel. This is an essential point for understanding the racial intelligence data.
  1. The data from the table comes from American Mensa, not from Mensa International. American Mensa includes only Americans and American immigrants.
  2. Ashkenazi Jews are Jews of central Europe. Only this ethnicity of Jews has an especially high average intelligence (average IQ is 110 to 115), but not Jews generally. Ashkenazi Jews are a minority of Jews in Israel. This is an essential point for understanding the racial intelligence data.

The data from American Mensa was labeled Mensa Members Worldwide. It was written a few years ago and could be outdated but they are worldwide numbers. If you go to the Mensa International website and find numbers, they are close in both total and for each country. With the more recent numbers on the International page for different countries you STILL run into problems for your preferred hypothesis because the problem I cited is still valid.

Japan has about 1500 members only.

So, again, you would conclude Japanese are dumber than others.

2.Ashkenazi Jews are Jews of central Europe. Only this ethnicity of Jews has an especially high average intelligence (average IQ is 110 to 115), but not Jews generally. Ashkenazi Jews are a minority of Jews in Israel. This is an essential point for understanding the racial intelligence data.

Roughly half (46%) of the Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi*, but there is no Mensa Israel to speak of!!

These data confirm that there is a cultural variable in deciding to join Mensa.

* The population of Israeli is 8.2 million 75% of which is Jewish. So there are 6.1 million Jews in Israel. 2.8 million of them are Ashkenazi.
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"If you apply your assumptions consistently, you will achieve a conclusion of American Jews being way more intelligent than Israeli Jews, which directly challenges your hypothesis."

No, that is my hypothesis. And not just a hypothesis--an established fact.

As above, 46% of the Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi, so why would American Jews be WAY more intelligent than Israeli Jews? Note that I have added emphasis to the word "way" this time to point out that it is there.
"If you apply your assumptions consistently, you will achieve a conclusion of American Jews being way more intelligent than Israeli Jews, which directly challenges your hypothesis."

No, that is my hypothesis. And not just a hypothesis--an established fact.

As above, 46% of the Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi, so why would American Jews be WAY more intelligent than Israeli Jews? Note that I have added emphasis to the word "way" this time to point out that it is there.
I would predict that Ashkenazi Jews in Israel have about the same intelligence as Ashkenazi Jews in America. IQ by ethnicity in Israel has not been measured, to my knowledge, but Ashkenazi Jews are overrepresented as college students in Israel, much like in Europe and America.
I would predict that Ashkenazi Jews in Israel have about the same intelligence as Ashkenazi Jews in America. IQ by ethnicity in Israel has not been measured, to my knowledge, but Ashkenazi Jews are overrepresented as college students in Israel, much like in Europe and America.

What is your explanation for all these geniuses not joining Mensa? Isn't the ethnic stratification also correlated with an economic gap? What is the breakdown in field of study? Are any of the fields associated with spatial intelligence, like maybe engineering which requires both mathematical and spatial intelligence?
I would predict that Ashkenazi Jews in Israel have about the same intelligence as Ashkenazi Jews in America. IQ by ethnicity in Israel has not been measured, to my knowledge, but Ashkenazi Jews are overrepresented as college students in Israel, much like in Europe and America.

What is your explanation for all these geniuses not joining Mensa? Isn't the ethnic stratification also correlated with an economic gap? What is the breakdown in field of study? Are any of the fields associated with spatial intelligence, like maybe engineering which requires both mathematical and spatial intelligence?
Membership in Mensa is not just a matter of qualification but a matter of interest, so I certainly wouldn't use it as the best evidence that a certain race or ethnic group is smarter than another. For example, in American Mensa, other racial groups are fairly represented, but Asian Americans are underrepresented, given their higher average intelligence, underrepresented likely for cultural reasons (lack of interest). The best evidence would be representative intelligence tests. If you are looking for evidence that Ashkenazi Jews really do have a high average intelligence, then I can provide it for you, if you like.
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