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Ayan Hirsi Ali denied honorary degree because CAIR complained!


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
For those who don't know Ayan Hirsi Ali is a Somali woman who grew up Muslim but abandoned her religion and became an atheist, as well as a vocal critic of Islam and especially its treatment of women.
After escaping Somalia (en route to an arranged marriage if I recall correctly) she lived in the Netherlands for years, even becoming a member of their parliament, before moving to the US.

Brandeis University planned to award an honorary degree to Ali, but following complaints by some students and radical Islamic group CAIR they rescinded that offer. I say that's a very poor form by Brandeis. They should have stuck to their original decision and let themselves be bullied by an "unindicted co-conspirator" in a Hamas funding case whose raison-d-etre is to go around and denounce any attacks on Islam no matter how reasonable.
You would think black + woman would rank higher than muslim on the political correctness hierarchy.
You would think black + woman would rank higher than muslim on the political correctness hierarchy.

You're going to choose this moment to start up the old "political correctness" argument as it pertains to whites and men? Really?

You're going to choose this moment to start up the old "political correctness" argument as it pertains to whites and men? Really?
No I didn't mention whites or men in my post.
I think Brandeis University exhibited poor judgment. According to the NY times report
At first, it was bloggers who noted and criticized the plan to honor Ms. Hirsi Ali, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Within a few days, a Brandeis student started an online petition against the decision at Change.org, drawing thousands of signatures. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights and advocacy group, took note, contacting its members though email and social media, and urging them to complain to the university.
(http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/us/brandeis-cancels-plan-to-give-honorary-degree-to-ayaan-hirsi-ali-a-critic-of-islam.html?hpw&rref=education&_r=0. So it was not simply because CAIR objected.
I find it hard to believe Brandeis didn't know about Ali's comments. Surely as a minimum before you award someone an honorary degree, you read their books?
I find it hard to believe Brandeis didn't know about Ali's comments. Surely as a minimum before you award someone an honorary degree, you read their books?
In fairness, she really should have said that all Abrahamic religions are "a destructive, nihilistic cult of death.":)
Finally, for the critics of Islam a once and for all proof that Islam is a tolerant ideology that does not seek to silence critics by any means possible. From murder to polical coercion.

I have to say this incident has changed my views of Islam, it is indeed a wonderful, wonderful ideolgy of justice and equanimity.

In fact, I think our colleges and universities should adopt the Islam approach and separate men and women. Coed dorms offensive to Islam, get rid of them.

Calls to prayers for Muslims broadast on loudspeakers across all campuses nationwide.
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