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Biden decides not to run

Wouldn't vote for a candidate who waited so long to commit.
I think we need a congressional committee to look into what it was that Clinton has on him in her emails which let her blackmail him into not running.

While they're at it, they should probably also take a look into what happened in Benghazi.

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Wouldn't vote for a candidate who waited so long to commit.

You do know that the election is still more than a year away, right?
You do know that the election is still more than a year away, right?

Canadian election seasons may be limited to 78 days as a concession to political junkies who can't handle attending outdoor rallies in the Arctic weather y'all have up there for 2 1/2 years at a stretch, but down here it's warmer.

If you don't announce right after the incumbent finishes "So help me God" on January 20th you're too late.
You do know that the election is still more than a year away, right?

Canadian election seasons may be limited to 78 days as a concession to political junkies who can't handle attending outdoor rallies in the Arctic weather y'all have up there for 2 1/2 years at a stretch, but down here it's warmer.

If you don't announce right after the incumbent finishes "So help me God" on January 20th you're too late.

To be fair, we did have longer campaigns but they were put on hold after a couple of the political candidates were eaten by polar bears during the Nunavut caucuses. The polar bears got food poisoning from them and died and our government found itself on the receiving end of a terse letter from PETA.

It wasn't a position we wanted to get ourselves into again.
Can anybody tell us what policy Biden is known for, besides his insane work on the war on drugs?
I think we need a congressional committee to look into what it was that Clinton has on him in her emails which let her blackmail him into not running.

While they're at it, they should probably also take a look into what happened in Benghazi.

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Wouldn't vote for a candidate who waited so long to commit.

You do know that the election is still more than a year away, right?

While we are at it we should reopen the Whitewater investigation in which Hillary plotted to use her political influence in order to to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money in an investment scheme. And have Monica model the dress. And for good measure we show The Clinton Chronicles 24/7.
Can anybody tell us what policy Biden is known for, besides his insane work on the war on drugs?

Apparently, he has a long history of pushing legislation related to sexual harassment and assault against women (VAWA for one example). Which is odd if you've ever seen him in action around the ladies. Lots of awkward touching, hugs, sneaking kisses...even to young girls. Kinda creepy, actually. Like everyone's old weird Uncle Harold that no one wants around at the family gatherings.
You do know that the election is still more than a year away, right?

Okay, but when is the first primary?

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Can anybody tell us what policy Biden is known for, besides his insane work on the war on drugs?

The policy of being Vice President. I think he might try it again.
Okay, but when is the first primary?

Isn't it still three or four months away?

Yes. February 1st.

It's not like time's starting to run out.

It's definitely running out. We have to do 50 primaries across the states and also Guam. Do you know how much upkeep there is for an imperial democracy where the establishment will eventually pick the candidate with their delegates??
Wouldn't vote for a candidate who waited so long to commit.

That the exact opposite of my reaction. Anyone who is certain they want to be President is dangerous and doing it for the wrong reasons related to self-glorifying historical legacy reasons. People doing it for the right reason, wanting to shape the government in ways they think are best for the people, and who are smart enough to know that the President him/herself (separate from their party) is highly limited in what they can accomplish, would weigh those limited pros against the many cons that come with running for and being President. Anyone not plagued with doubts about wanting to be President is unfit for the office. As with most areas of life, people that are certain tend to be the most dangerous and most unreasonable.

I also couldn't give a f#@k that Biden is creepy. That has zero relevance to the job. The party matters much more than the person for the actual impact of who wins the office. IF Biden could better win the general than Hillary (and that is plausible), then I'd vote for him, because nothing is more dangerous to basic human rights, secular-law, and the progress of science and education (the things I care about) than any Republican President and the party they would empower and the Justices they would appoint.
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