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Bipartisan Group Wants Law Against Foreign Meddling


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
So reads the perpetual "Breaking News" banner on MSNBC.

Why, I asked myself, would Republicans want that?
It took all of four milliseconds for me to answer that question for myself.

Because Democrats have to at least make it look like they are obeying the law, whereas Republicans will do whatever they deem propitious and litigate later if necessary (all the while screaming about Dems' appearances of impropriety). And teh fucking Donald has already established that he can just plain do whatever he wants, laws be damned.
It may well be that we need a stiff and well defined law against this sort of thing to forestall the Supreme Court from ruling in some narrow manner later down the line to let Trump and others from getting off the hook, and telling us it is a matter for the Congress to deal with. The propensity for conservative judges and GOP senators and Congress clowns to argue like this means a law like this might be a good idea. I am all for drawing the line in the sand now with little room to argue with the intent of Congress, or meaning of the Constitution.

Along with this we need the sponsor of the bill to write a good, hard nosed, essay laying out the reason we need such a law in very strong terms so the SC justices cannot pretend the intent of Congress can be argued in some nick picking manner to let scoundrels off the hook. And to let future politicians know this is something that sort of activity is strictly forbidden and will be vigorously enforced in the future.

So future Attorney Generals and other high ranking government officials cannot in good conscience game the system, claiming things are legally unclear vis a vis such activities.
American politicians against election meddling? Is this satire?
American politicians against election meddling? Is this satire?

They're against OBVIOUS meddling.
You know, when they get caught.

Gigolo Giuli is going to ruin it for EVERYONE.

So does this law make it illegal for America to meddle in other countries' elections, or is that still ok?

Probably some extra paperwork. Accounting for the dollars going out, receipts for the politicians purchased. Tracking information, you know.
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