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"Brahman Particle" - not "God Particle"


Jun 16, 2009
Chicago, IL
Basic Beliefs
Rational, Down-to-Earth
Scientists have been looking for the "motherlode" of particles and they i believe inaccurately dubbed it God Particle - it should be Brahman Particle. Brahman is EVERYTHING - you, me, the space, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, the universe - Everything is Brahman. God or Gods are a step lower - Religion says Gods came out of the Brahman or are manifestations of the Brahman

Please also note that there are 3 different words that sound very similar - Brahmin, Brahma and Brahman. Brahmin is the lowest - it is just a caste designation - educated people were known as Brahmins and later it turned into caste. Brahma is one of the Gods, the creator of the Universe or Universes(the multiverse)

And Brahman is the highest of them all
Where's the science that shows this?
Where's the science that shows this?

Scientists have been looking for a particle that is the mother particle of this universe - my post was about what to call it or name it - I am saying God does not sound right because God is the product of the Brahman
Can you show that science is searching for such a particle? The Higgs boson, which has been discovered, has been called the "God Particle," but it is not considered by science the "mother particle of the universe."
Can you show that science is searching for such a particle? The Higgs boson, which has been discovered, has been called the "God Particle," but it is not considered by science the "mother particle of the universe."

Usually this nickname for the Higgs boson is attributed to Leon Lederman, the author of the book The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, but the name is the result of the suggestion of Lederman's publisher: Lederman had originally intended to refer to it as the "goddamn particle". - Wikipedia
Where's the science that shows this?

Scientists have been looking for a particle that is the mother particle of this universe - my post was about what to call it or name it - I am saying God does not sound right because God is the product of the Brahman

Since man's power to create fictions like Brahman are infinite, it should be called the man particle. Or since it's also a misunderstanding, maybe the imaginary particle.
Scientists have been looking for the "motherlode" of particles and they i believe inaccurately dubbed it God Particle - it should be Brahman Particle. Brahman is EVERYTHING - you, me, the space, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, the universe - Everything is Brahman. God or Gods are a step lower - Religion says Gods came out of the Brahman or are manifestations of the Brahman

Please also note that there are 3 different words that sound very similar - Brahmin, Brahma and Brahman. Brahmin is the lowest - it is just a caste designation - educated people were known as Brahmins and later it turned into caste. Brahma is one of the Gods, the creator of the Universe or Universes(the multiverse)

And Brahman is the highest of them all

- Arguing over the name of an imaginary thing
- Misunderstanding scientific research
- Preaching

It's a theistic trifecta.
Scientists have been looking for the "motherlode" of particles and they i believe inaccurately dubbed it God Particle - it should be Brahman Particle. Brahman is EVERYTHING - you, me, the space, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, the universe - Everything is Brahman. God or Gods are a step lower - Religion says Gods came out of the Brahman or are manifestations of the Brahman

Please also note that there are 3 different words that sound very similar - Brahmin, Brahma and Brahman. Brahmin is the lowest - it is just a caste designation - educated people were known as Brahmins and later it turned into caste. Brahma is one of the Gods, the creator of the Universe or Universes(the multiverse)

And Brahman is the highest of them all

Brahman may be the highest fictional character of them all and this particle is real so that doesn't work. And besides, it makes me think 'drag queen.'

Lets call it the Everything Particle. Less baggage that way.

I like Dog Particle too.
Can you show that science is searching for such a particle? The Higgs boson, which has been discovered, has been called the "God Particle," but it is not considered by science the "mother particle of the universe."

The Higgs particle was originally referred to as the god damned particle. It acquired the name God particle due to an editor who changed the name for an article in a magazine.
Isn't it strange that when ever we seem to think we've thought of the existence of a tiny particle today we then later discover (theorize) there is an even smaller particle or is it a wave lol. :D

Have we really reached the smallest of the smallest? I'm just thinking out loud a sudden curiosity from the topic. Interesting nevertheless
Where's the science that shows this?
Scientists have been looking for a particle that is the mother particle of this universe - my post was about what to call it or name it - I am saying God does not sound right because God is the product of the Brahman
I'll take Inadequate Understandings of Science for $400, Alex.
Scientists have been looking for the "motherlode" of particles and they i believe inaccurately dubbed it God Particle - it should be Brahman Particle. Brahman is EVERYTHING - you, me, the space, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, the universe - Everything is Brahman. God or Gods are a step lower - Religion says Gods came out of the Brahman or are manifestations of the Brahman
Seems like Brahman is a pantheist sort of "God".
Where's the science that shows this?
Scientists have been looking for a particle that is the mother particle of this universe - my post was about what to call it or name it - I am saying God does not sound right because God is the product of the Brahman
I don't think that that's a good way of putting it. I'm familiar with Grand Unified Theories, and they are based on the hypothesis that several existing particles are different versions of the same particle.

So ideally one would want to reduce everything to different versions of one particle, and that's more-or-less what string theory is.

The Standard Model is rather complicated, but it has some patterns that suggest some underlying order that is responsible for them. This has happened in the past, to atoms, atomic nuclei, and hadrons. Each of them went through this cycle:
  1. Discovery of a few entities. Category may be poorly defined or not even properly recognized.
  2. Discovery of many entities. Well-defined category.
  3. Discovery of regularities among the entities.
  4. Discovery of underlying simplicity and the causes of the regularities.
The Standard Model is now at (3), and Grand Unified Theories would do (4).
Here is the particle content of the various theories. I will count multiplets and particle-antiparticle pairs as one particle. For the elementary fermions, I will do the numbers for each of the three generations.

Low-energy Standard Model:
  • Gauge: 4
  • Elementary fermions: 4
  • Higgs: 1
Unbroken-electroweak Standard Model:
  • Gauge: 3
  • Elementary fermions: 5
  • Higgs: 1
Low-energy Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM):
  • Gauge: 4
  • Elementary fermions: 4
  • Higgs: 4
  • Scalar fermions: 7
  • Gauginos and Higgsinos: 7
Unbroken-electroweak MSSM:
  • Gauge: 3
  • Elementary fermions: 5
  • Higgs: 2
Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT:
  • Gauge: 1
  • Elementary fermions: 2
  • Higgs: 2
SO(10) GUT:
  • Gauge: 1
  • Elementary fermions: 1
  • Higgs: 1
HE Heterotic Superstring:
  • Gauge: 1 (includes all the generations of elementary fermions and all the Higgs particles)
Here are the Standard Model's particles in the low-energy limit.
Particle(s)SpinQCDChgMass(es) in GeV
Up, charm, top1/232/30.0024, 1.25, 171
Down, strange, bottom1/23-1/30.0048, 0.10, 4.2
Electron, muon, tau1/21-10.000511, 0.106, 1.78
Chg = electric charge
QCD = quantum chromodynamics:
3 = quark, with color states red, green, blue
3* = antiquark, with color states antired, antigreen, antiblue: cyan, magenta, yellow
8 = gluon, with color states (any of the colors, any of the anticolors), with the colorless state subtracted out.

GeV = common particle-physics unit of mass and energy (remember E = m*c2)
Extra particles in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM: low-energy limit here also):
Neutral Higgs (2)010
Charged Higgs01+-1
Neutralino (4)1/210
Chargino (2)1/21+-1
Up squark (6)032/3
Down squark (6)03-1/3
Sneutrino (3)010
Selectron (6)01-1
The neutral Higgs particles are in addition to the Standard-Model one.

Something called the Next-to-MSSM extends the MSSM by adding two neutral Higgs particles and one neutralino.

However, none of these supersymmetric extra particles has been recognizably detected. The lower limits of the masses of the non-QCD-interacting ones are about 100 GeV or thereabouts, while for the QCD-interacting ones, the squarks and gluinos, the limit is about 1 TeV (1000 GeV) or so -- well above the Standard Model's most massive particles.

The extra multiplicity of the squarks and charged sleptons -- 6 instead of 3 -- is because left-handed and right-handed parts of the original particles have SUSY partners.
Now for the ((Next to) Minimal Supersymmetric) Standard Model before electroweak symmetry breaking and supersymmetry breaking.
g gluon11/2810
W (WIS)11/2130
B (WHC)11/2110
Up Higgs HuL01/2121/2
Down Higgs HdL01/212-1/2
Singlet Higgs HsL01/2110
Quark QL1/20321/6
Up UR1/20312/3
Down DR1/2031-1/3
Lepton LL1/2012-1/2
Neutrino NR1/20110
Electron ER1/2011-1
Hand = chirality or handedness: left L, right R, or none
SuSp = supersymmetry-partner spin
WIS = Weak Isospin: number is multiplicity. It works much like quantum-mechanical angular momentum, thus the name.
WHC = Weak Hypercharge: number is strength, just like electric charge. It is the average electric charge of an unbroken-Standard-Model multplet.

In the (N)MSSM, all the elementary fermions and Higgs particles are sets of spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles, in what are called Wess-Zumino multiplets. That means that they have the same structure.

Gauge particles have spins 1 and 1/2, with the spin-1/2 ones being called gauginos. For gluons, the partners are gluinos, for W's, winos, and for B's, binos. For Higgs particles, higgsinos.

On breaking electroweak symmetry, neutral winos, binos, and neutral higgsinos mix to make neutralinos, and charged winos and charged higgsinos mix to make charginos.
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