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Brett Kavanaugh Said Roe v. Wade Is Not ‘Settled Law’ In 2003 White House Email


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
This is interesting...Kavanaugh is caught lying openly....

Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrote an email in March 2003 questioning whether Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights decision, was “settled law of the land.” The email had been deemed confidential by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans but was provided to The New York Times by an anonymous source.

Kavanaugh, whom President Donald Trump nominated for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy, has attempted to portray himself as believing that the abortion rights secured under Roe v. Wade and affirmed by Casey v. Planned Parenthood are precedent. Roe, according to Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearing, is “an important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times.”

The email from his time in the George W. Bush White House was in response to a draft opinion article in support of one of Bush’s appeals court nominees. The piece was written with the intent to place it under the names of anti-abortion women. The draft stated, “It is widely accepted by legal scholars across the board that Roe v. Wade and its progeny are the settled law of the land.”

Kavanaugh’s email, however, stated: “I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level since Court can always overrule its precedent, and three current Justices on the Court would do so.”

All kinds of goodies are coming out about this asshat. It is not apparent that he perjured himself in a previous testimony regarding insider info he had received on the dems (see the bits about Leahy).
Wow. That will totally affect his confirmation hearing. I expect that after this revelation, he’ll only squeak through with a 51-49 vote.
There is no such thing as settled law.

Rights only exist to the point they are recognized and protected.

All of society is merely a human construct and any part of it could be changed.

Laws that force pregnant women to bear children only effect the poor.
Wow. That will totally affect his confirmation hearing. I expect that after this revelation, he’ll only squeak through with a 51-49 vote.

Funny. I hate to be blunt about it, but a majority of women in the US either didn't vote or voted for Trump. Of course Roe v Wade will be overturned. This means that legal/safe abortion will be eliminated in many states. Who knows, maybe the supreme court will find a way to abolish all legal abortions? I'm sorry but voting or lack of voting has consequences.
Wow. That will totally affect his confirmation hearing. I expect that after this revelation, he’ll only squeak through with a 51-49 vote.

Or McConnell will declare a recess in which President Twitler McCrazyPants will appoint him.
And now we have a document released that has K stating that contraceptives are "abortion inducing drugs".


Cruz, who brought up the Priests for Life case at Thursday’s hearing, used language similar to Kavanaugh’s when he referred to contraception as “abortifacients” at a 2013 summit. The religious right’s use of terms like “abortifacient” and “abortion-inducing drugs” has long been criticized by medical and pro-abortion rights communities.

Most interesting as Cruz is in a now close race with Beto ORourke for Senator in Texas.
And now we have a document released that has K stating that contraceptives are "abortion inducing drugs".


Cruz, who brought up the Priests for Life case at Thursday’s hearing, used language similar to Kavanaugh’s when he referred to contraception as “abortifacients” at a 2013 summit. The religious right’s use of terms like “abortifacient” and “abortion-inducing drugs” has long been criticized by medical and pro-abortion rights communities.

Most interesting as Cruz is in a now close race with Beto ORourke for Senator in Texas.
Yup... this isn't about abortion, it is about controlling sex, and wanting to get rid of the pill. It'd be harder to pull that coup off, but heck, SCOTUS ruled that accuracy wasn't tantamount in an election in 2000, so really, as long as the justices are partisan enough, they can say anything.
While I appreciate the criticism of K's position on abortion, I'm frankly surprised that no one has raised the issue of the fact that he seems to feel that presidents are above the law. This seems to me to be a far more dangerous position and I cannot imagine the legal knot tying to come to this understanding that the founding fathers would have supported such a decision.
This guy is a horror, exactly in the Trump mold. He couldn't even disagree with the 1889 case ("Chinese Exclusion Case") that held that it's okay to deny entrance to the US based solely on race.
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