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CNN Reporter Banned From WH Press Corp

$20 trillion in debt he put us into. The Uranium deal. Gave Iran cold hard cash.

Are you serious? Or is that parody of right wingnut nonsense?

Obama lowered the deficit. The increase in debt came from the stuff that Bush did: cutting taxes while launching two disastrous quagmire wars.

The Uranium deal is pure pixies and fairydust. You might as well get mad at Obama for the lizard people who secretly control the government.

He didn't give Iran cash, he unfroze some of their accounts as part of the anti-nuke deal. You remember, the nuke deal that was orders of magnitude better than Trump's nuke deal with North Korea?
That is what the answer is. It is crap, but that is the answer. Oh, he also made America the laughingstock of the world and Line in the Sand.

Then you forgot to mention Pizzagate and Obama's Secret Weather Weapon.

Was the gay frogs thing before or after the Obama administration? I forget.
I don't remember exactly when crazy became normal, so I can't recall.
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