• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

CONTRIBUTE to TalkFreethought - think about it?


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
I'm posting this in politics because of the traffic here. Maybe I'll also post in religion since I used to spend so much time there, too. But anyway, here's my pitch...

I've been a member of this community since 1999 (I changed user names in 2001). It's been a great haven to talk about various things free from the oppressive yoke of kowtowing to the sensibilities of majority religions. I've talked politics, I've discussed religion, I've been activist, I've learned a shitpotful about various areas of science. It's been a really terrific "place" to retreat to, to gather and to hang out for years and years.

If you want it to be around for years and years for you, too, think about how that will happen, and whether you can kick in a little to keep it up to date; reupholstered from time to time, new cabinet fronts and a fresh surface on the driveway. Update the lights to energy efficient and change the water in the hot tub.

Just $5. Or $20. And if you can do more, that's awesome. But if you can't, maybe just that $5.

From the perspective of 15 years, I can absolutely say I am so glad it is still here. Lots of different people, but the place is still standing. And I love that it's still here with the doors open when I come home from a meeting full of "radical constitutionalists" arguing to close the library and fire the police. I love it when I can come here after the YMCA instructor recoils in horror upon learning we are atheists. I love it when I can come here and ask people with different backgrounds what's the deal with an aspect of world politics, or new science, or childrearing.

Think about it.

You might end up having 10 or 15 years here, too. And you might be glad it's still around when your kids come, or your kids go, or your co-worker slathers you with blesserizing.

The button's up top in green. I hope you'll help.
Wanted to bump up for the other-half-of-the-day crowd. (I started to say "evening" crowd then rolled my eyes at myself for not including the global audience)
Imagine not being able to make your heartfelt post every day...or share whatever you have on your mind. It does not have to be a huge contribution. I am on a fixed income. I can afford it. So can you. This is a great forum in my estimation and I am thankful for it.
Hoping more people will join us in contributing a little help to keep our community up, running and up-to-date. Even a buck. One dollar from everyone here in PD. There are 25 people browsing this forum right now. How many in a 24 hour period?

How many times have we stepped into this club and been glad the door was open?
I just got to thinking, I have been visiting this board in its various incarnations for over 20 years now, with a year or two on hiatus here and there. It's about time I did something to contribute to keeping it alive other than posting. Thanks for the nudge Rhea, and here's a bump.
One day, I'll have the courage to re-create a paypal account...
I admit that I'm wincing a bit at how slowly the fundraising is going. Hoping to get a few folks to jump on the wagon if you will. I'm serious about feeling like a bit of a cheerleader for this place, but yeah, it's been a haven for a very long time.
One day, I'll have the courage to re-create a paypal account...

I had a bit of trouble not using a Paypal account. On the first 7 tries it gave me the options of using an existing account or joining up. The 8th try was the charm after I tried to resurrect an old account, then it gave me the option of using the Visa without the account.
I will when I get paid...but that's about 10 days away.

But I admit it did make me nervous when the site went down for nonpayment. I've been a member for - a decade? - and don't remember it ever going down before because of failure of the web owner to pay the bills.
Thanks so much to all of you who would if you could. I completely understand times when one just can't. And I very much appreciate your post that you would if you could. :) Showing support does help, too. :huggs:

And for those with some money to spend on the site, I hope you'll be able to join us.
Making an additional appeal since the donations have been stuck with no increase for several weeks now. Hoping people who find this place valuable will consider helping to maintain the infrastructure.
One day, I'll have the courage to re-create a paypal account...
Okay, this was less painful than I thought.
Apparently the full-fledged account thing is for when you want to link it with an ebay account or things like that.
Just sending money to RayJ account via Visa went quite fast and easy.
Come on people!With all professionals here you would think they could scape up a few hundred $.
For shame!Even I as a lowly store clerk come with a nice donation.Just do it!
The factors I consider when making donations for "free" services provided, is A) if I would survive if the service was discontinued, or B) if I had bought the service up front but for some reason couldn't (such as a movie that I pirate).

In case of A which is applicable, I would not feel guilty about not paying, but it's a calculated risk.
Maybe someone should ask Bill Gates to join the board, I am fairly certain he is an atheist.
Ray responds to request for more detail on fundraising needs:



First thing: thanks to all who have donated and all who plan to donate!

This is an annual need. Except the amount is high this time as I needed to cover the amount that was overdue ($1050). The server cost is currently at $45 a month. So I hope to raise $540 extra to cover this next year. (note, I changed the total from $2000 to $1600). I will run an annual campaign to raise $600 a year. That should be less expensive in the future. Unless we grow large enough to need more than one server (or a very large server).

The donations pay for the server and the domain name. Which are the only expenses we have for keeping the site online. I will look into finding a less expensive option soon. I may even put the site and archive on one of my cloud servers.
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