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Crazy Bible Stories

Your favorite line "getting called out" and my previous response was from a biblical perspective to a biblical narrative. Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?
Your favorite line "getting called out". Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Wow, you really don't mind getting called on stupid ass bullshit, do you? Do you really mean to suggest that geologists need a date-stamp to fix an event in the geologic record? After all this time on the interwebs, you never once came across dating methods for 'whendidshitgetburied?'
Are you under the impression that Jesus bought things with coins stamped 20AD?
Your favorite line "getting called out". Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Wow, you really don't mind getting called on stupid ass bullshit, do you? Do you really mean to suggest that geologists need a date-stamp to fix an event in the geologic record? After all this time on the interwebs, you never once came across dating methods for 'whendidshitgetburied?'
Are you under the impression that Jesus bought things with coins stamped 20AD?

Not really, especially if its false... my opinion of course. Accuracy is all I highlighted, not a guess , (a good guess if you must) it was just an instant response, being so-called called-out for a biblical response to a biblical narrative.
Your favorite line "getting called out". Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Wow, you really don't mind getting called on stupid ass bullshit, do you? Do you really mean to suggest that geologists need a date-stamp to fix an event in the geologic record? After all this time on the interwebs, you never once came across dating methods for 'whendidshitgetburied?'
Are you under the impression that Jesus bought things with coins stamped 20AD?

Not really, especially if its false... my opinion of course.
Oh, of course.
But how you came to that opinion does, in my opinion, involve some serious bullshit.
Accuracy is all I highlighted,
Accuracy AND method, actually. Suggesting they needed a date-stamp to get a number.
not a guess , (a good guess if you must)
Say rather an 'educated' guess.
it was just an instant response, being so-called called-out for a biblical response to a biblical narrative.
But no. That's wrong. There's no biblical account of how much sediment was kicked up by The Flood. How could there be, with the biblical cosmology of the Earth being a flat mat of dirt floating on the Waters Below.
Only the modern creationist model uses, actually depends on this churning of the Earth's surface material in a bid to account for all the layers and the fossils.

You tried to introduce a tiny bit of modern geology into covering up an unexplored consequence of the biblical narrative. YOu can't have it both ways, and you certainly can't claim you were offering a biblical answer when your answer isn't biblically sourced.
Your favorite line "getting called out". Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Wow, you really don't mind getting called on stupid ass bullshit, do you? Do you really mean to suggest that geologists need a date-stamp to fix an event in the geologic record? After all this time on the interwebs, you never once came across dating methods for 'whendidshitgetburied?'
Are you under the impression that Jesus bought things with coins stamped 20AD?

Not really, especially if its false... my opinion of course. Accuracy is all I highlighted, not a guess , (a good guess if you must) it was just an instant response, being so-called called-out for a biblical response to a biblical narrative.
Are you perhaps confusing accuracy and precision? 65 million would be a statement of accuracy. Adding +/- 5 million years to that 65 million would speak to precision. It is understood that dating has some uncertainty within the limits of the precision of the measurement technique so that is generally not specified. Or are you saying that any dating that contradicts to the Biblical chronology is absolutely wrong?
Your favorite line "getting called out" and my previous response was from a biblical perspective to a biblical narrative. Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Way to go: double down on your stupid claim when you get called out.

Nobody claimed that the meteor was 65 million years old. It is likely as old as our solar system (over 4 billion years). What I said was that the impact occurred about 65 million years ago. See how ignorance can be embarrassing?

If you are curious about the accuracy of the dating methodology, you should follow up and do some reading for yourself. Like click on the link in my post that cites 33 academic sources (books or papers) from which the article was compiled. That way you might actually be able to participate in a discussion where you are reasonably well informed as to the facts.

Finally, sarcasm can be effective when you are well informed about the topic of discussion, and know how to use sarcasm effectively. But that doesn't apply to most things you post. I would suggest you try to stay away from it in future posts.
Your favorite line "getting called out". Anyway, 65 million years ago is a long time. I am curious for the accuracy. Did this meteorite have a date stamped from when it was made?

Wow, you really don't mind getting called on stupid ass bullshit, do you? Do you really mean to suggest that geologists need a date-stamp to fix an event in the geologic record? After all this time on the interwebs, you never once came across dating methods for 'whendidshitgetburied?'
Are you under the impression that Jesus bought things with coins stamped 20AD?

Not really, especially if its false... my opinion of course. Accuracy is all I highlighted, not a guess , (a good guess if you must) it was just an instant response, being so-called called-out for a biblical response to a biblical narrative.

Then why did you bring up geology in your post? And why do you continue to double down on your assertion regarding dating methods when you clearly don't know shit about how its done?

Edit: My point was that there is no geological or genetic evidence to support the Biblical flood story. Which you ignored completely.
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It could depend on the sediment accumulation in such a flood, which would bury pretty much everything. Would be quite a lot of very deep digging for the future archeoligists looking for bones, I suspect.

Some good indivdual topic ideas, nice one.

Geologists have been investigating the earth's crust for a long time, and they have found all sorts of things. For example, they have found evidence of a meteor strike from 65 million years ago, all across the globe, which is the event that is believed to have caused a mass extinction on the planet that included the dinosaurs. Guess what geologists haven't found? Evidence for a global flood within the past 5,000 years or so that could be tied to the Biblical flood story. Amazing, right?

But it doesn't end there. An extinction event of the magnitude of the Biblical flood would have been obvious in the genomes of all living things that experienced this extreme population bottleneck (a family of humans and two animals of each kind). That evidence does not exist either. We can identify population bottlenecks in humans from 100,000 years ago when the population had dropped to just 30,000 or so individuals, but there's nothing from 4,000 years ago when the population had dropped to just a handful of people? Its almost as if the global flood story isn't true.

Getting called out repeatedly for posting nonsense like this would be embarrassing to most people, but not to you apparently.

The biblical flood myth would be a good one to act out in a classroom because everyone would be violently killed and sent to hell except one family and some animals. Kids might actually learn something about how horrible and dangerous religion is.

The more I think about this the better it gets. The kids have to hold up signs saying "I am Evil" before they are slaughtered and sent to hell. They're told to act like they are on fire and are burning, being tortured, because they are all evil and sinful and are being punished by their god. Good stuff.
The biblical flood myth would be a good one to act out in a classroom because everyone would be violently killed and sent to hell except one family and some animals. Kids might actually learn something about how horrible and dangerous religion is.

The more I think about this the better it gets. The kids have to hold up signs saying "I am Evil" before they are slaughtered and sent to hell. They're told to act like they are on fire and are burning, being tortured, because they are all evil and sinful and are being punished by their god. Good stuff.

The sad thing is that many adult, born-again Christians down south would not find such a reenactment of the flood story to be even the least bit horrific or shocking. They know the story well and accept this genocidal god's actions as justifiable.
Not really, especially if its false... my opinion of course.
Oh, of course.
But how you came to that opinion does, in my opinion, involve some serious bullshit.

Sure but your opinion of BS is false to me.

[Accuracy AND method, actually. Suggesting they needed a date-stamp to get a number.

A method is automatically expected when an accuracy is mentioned what else? Making the suggestion they need a date-stamp really ? ... And not the suggestion (and hinting a little sarcasm) and expecting that you CAN'T actually get that number?

not a guess , (a good guess if you must)
Say rather an 'educated' guess.

That will do for me.

it was just an instant response, being so-called called-out for a biblical response to a biblical narrative.
But no. That's wrong. There's no biblical account of how much sediment was kicked up by The Flood. How could there be, with the biblical cosmology of the Earth being a flat mat of dirt floating on the Waters Below.
Only the modern creationist model uses, actually depends on this churning of the Earth's surface material in a bid to account for all the layers and the fossils.

So my non-biblical-account response to a previous non-biblical-account post gets your (plural) attention. Ok..

You tried to introduce a tiny bit of modern geology into covering up an unexplored consequence of the biblical narrative. YOu can't have it both ways, and you certainly can't claim you were offering a biblical answer when your answer isn't biblically sourced.

So the previous little bit of "natural science" mentioned in the post I responded to, If you can muster taking it in the context it was (i.e. that the flood was true hypothetically). Steve posts : it must have quickly stunk to 'high heaven' to to speak. And all the rotting plant material and carcasses when the flood receded....
(A flawed theory imo )

You and Atrib must have overlooked steve's post #18 again shown: it must have quickly stunk to 'high heaven' to to speak. And all the rotting plant material and carcasses when the flood receded.... a consideration that there was a flood i.e. his biblical narrative. I don't think I made anything outrageous replying in kind. Oh yes ...but it was something else to you (plural) ...or.. you must both agree with Steve's witha bit of natural-science in post#18.
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Sure but your opinion of BS is false to me.
which you knew before you offered your 'just my opinion' qualifier. So why throw out that derail?
[Accuracy AND method, actually. Suggesting they needed a date-stamp to get a number.
A method is automatically expected when an accuracy is mentioned what else? Making the suggestion they need a date-stamp really ? ... And not the suggestion (and hinting a little sarcasm) and expecting that you CAN'T actually get that number?
you need to choose. Are you going to defend the biblical whoppers with biblical support, or defend them as historical events? This mix of a little bit of both just looks silly.
There's no biblical account of how much sediment was kicked up by The Flood. How could there be, with the biblical cosmology of the Earth being a flat mat of dirt floating on the Waters Below.
Only the modern creationist model uses, actually depends on this churning of the Earth's surface material in a bid to account for all the layers and the fossils.

So my non-biblical-account response to a previous non-biblical-account post gets your (plural) attention. Ok..
How us it non-biblical?
The listed purpose of the Ark was to save those included animals, and only those animals, from the mass slaughter of the world-moistening Flood.
It would be an included consequence of mind-numbing slaughter to have piles upon piles of the Waterlogged Dead afterwards, unless God was mentioned specifically mopping them over the side.

The sediment comment, however, violates biblical cosmology.
You tried to introduce a tiny bit of modern geology into covering up an unexplored consequence of the biblical narrative. YOu can't have it both ways, and you certainly can't claim you were offering a biblical answer when your answer isn't biblically sourced.

So the previous little bit of "natural science" mentioned in the post I responded to, If you can muster taking it in the context it was (i.e. that the flood was true hypothetically)
no, Steve's comment did not violate yhe biblical narrative. Yours did.
Steve posts : it must have quickly stunk to 'high heaven' to to speak. And all the rotting plant material and carcasses when the flood receded....
(A flawed theory imo )
actually, i do believe that there were no rotting plants in the story. Because biblically, 'living' is limited to things that breathe thru their nostrils. To the authors of the Flood, the plants would not have suffered from being drowned.
Thus, the olive branch was green as soon as the water receeded.

But that issue is not solved by introducing sediment
You and Atrib must have overlooked steve's post #18 again shown: it must have quickly stunk to 'high heaven' to to speak. And all the rotting plant material and carcasses when the flood receded.... a consideration that there was a flood i.e. his biblical narrative. I don't think I made anything outrageous replying in kind.
but that's the point. You were not replying in kind. Steve stuck to the wr itten conditions.
You were interpreting the story you read into the world as you understand it, the science you're willing to accept. But you know a lot more about the world than any biblical author. So you fouled.
but that's the point. You were not replying in kind. Steve stuck to the wr itten conditions.
You were interpreting the story you read into the world as you understand it, the science you're willing to accept. But you know a lot more about the world than any biblical author. So you fouled.

No I replied in kind,... no foul on my part nor steve I should say.

I'll Just say for the night,
but that's the point. You were not replying in kind. Steve stuck to the wr itten conditions.
You were interpreting the story you read into the world as you understand it, the science you're willing to accept. But you know a lot more about the world than any biblical author. So you fouled.

No I replied in kind,... no foul on my part nor steve I should say.

I'll Just say for the night,
And you can show this by....?

I mean, if required, i can assemble a list of the verses supporting the flat Earth cosmology of the bible, or the one about how many dead there would be after tge Vlood.
Your source for vast depths of sediment covering the dead is....?
There is no evidence for a world inundating flood as described in the bible. It cannot have happened for many reasons.
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