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Dangerously powerful trebuchet


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
At the end of the video you will see why

I have seen a lot of trebuchet clips and this is by far the fastest one, you can even hear it slicing the air.
There have been shows on ancient weapons and amateur trebuchet builders' and competitions. Some people are really into throwing rocks.
The construction of this device has a pushed the limits of the normal rope used and it snapped. It could have maimed someone if the bowling ball came down on them.

They need a better rope now.

Also, could any pins fracture given the speed and masses involved?
Magnetic rail launch is a bit more modern. People make them at home.
That is an amazing redesign of the old castle siege trebuchet model, making it much, much more efficient. The old model's throwing arm only accelerated through about ninety degrees. In this design the throwing arm accelerates through about two hundred and seventy degrees. I wonder what this design would be able to do if it was built to the same massive scale as the old ones.
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