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Dark money is funded conservative students on campus


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
This is pretty slick, but sunlight might put the kibosh on it.

This is basically astroturfing at the college level.

At the end they talk about a second part, but I can't find it.
Do you really think left-wing groups on campus are not astroturfed by the likes of George Soros?
Do you really think left-wing groups on campus are not astroturfed by the likes of George Soros?

Do you think left wing groups are the same thing as right wing groups?

Right groups are talking about Jesus and the free market in the same breath.

They are deluded.
Chronicle of Higher Education said:
So Mr. Kirk’s nonprofit political-advocacy group, Turning Point USA, launched a secret counteroffensive. The goal: getting young conservatives elected to student government at universities around the country.

Campus-based groups of all political stripes have long encouraged their members to pursue leadership roles, and so have fraternities and sororities. What makes Turning Point unique, student leaders say, is that its outside parent organization provides critical manpower — and thousands of dollars — to help win elections.

Critics say Turning Point has taken on the role of a "super PAC" for student government.
Do you really think left-wing groups on campus are not astroturfed by the likes of George Soros?

I could answer but that would violate my confidentiality clause of my contract with the Cuban and Chinese Communist parties.
Do you really think left-wing groups on campus are not astroturfed by the likes of George Soros?

There is no need for the left to do that, because college student bodies inherently skew left. Contrary to the conspiracy theories of conservative snowflakes, this has nothing to do with commie profs brainwashing innocent minds.
It is because both caring about being educated and actually acquiring valid knowledge are anti-thetical to conservative values and ideas.

Among HS graduates, libs are more likely to go to college in the first place, and the ratio of liberal students grows by the time they graduate. After all, you really need to be some kind of moron to learn anything about history, philosophy, biology, geology, psychology, or logic and not realize that your religion is made up horseshit. And without blind obedience to religion and the bigotries religion was designed to promote, social conservatism has nothing to back it up.

As a result of the inherent liberal slant of reality, right wingers would have trouble winning popular vote elections at any respectable educational instution without a manipulative propaganda machine on their side.
This is pretty slick, but sunlight might put the kibosh on it.

This is basically astroturfing at the college level.

At the end they talk about a second part, but I can't find it.

This picture on the video when not playing is super surreal. That guy in the center looks like a sociopathic peewee herman
This is pretty slick, but sunlight might put the kibosh on it.

This is basically astroturfing at the college level.

At the end they talk about a second part, but I can't find it.

This picture on the video when not playing is super surreal. That guy in the center looks like a sociopathic peewee herman

Right? What is it with conservative dudes and bowties?
As a result of the inherent liberal slant of reality, right wingers would have trouble winning popular vote elections at any respectable educational instution without a manipulative propaganda machine on their side.

I agree, in anything but a business school, and maybe law school. University campuses have always leaned left.

But there is left, and then there is the far out regressive SJW left. The safe space, patriarchy is everything etc left. That is cancer to society and to university. It is no better than the religdiots on the right.
What is it with the right, especially the alt right and Soros? I've never understood it.

For one, he's Jewish. The right wing anti-Semites have long been disparaging him.

He has been wildly successful economically speaking. and used his wealth to spread progressive ideas and organizations. The right hates him for that. And exaggerates his influence as a means to fear mongering.

Hating Soros has become a far right hysterical trope that builds on itself, Soros is always good for a program to scare the loonies, he has long been a target for the Glenn Bunks. It's a species of conspiracy think, like chemtrails and 9/11 "Insider attack" rumors. Like Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya.

It's something that builds on itself and builds on itself and the more the right wingers play this game, the more it spreads.
As a result of the inherent liberal slant of reality, right wingers would have trouble winning popular vote elections at any respectable educational instution without a manipulative propaganda machine on their side.

I agree, in anything but a business school, and maybe law school. University campuses have always leaned left.

But there is left, and then there is the far out regressive SJW left. The safe space, patriarchy is everything etc left. That is cancer to society and to university. It is no better than the religdiots on the right.

Have you been on a college campus? None of what the right wing says about campuses is actually true. "Safe space" simply means it is a place to discuss ideas and talk openly and respectfully.

- - - Updated - - -

This is a campaign poster that Turning Point USA is testing

View attachment 11171

So they are mainstream conservatives?
What is it with the right, especially the alt right and Soros? I've never understood it.

My theory is this: the right has rarely been able to spontaneously mobilize people without a lot of money from rich backers, so they naturally assume that's the only possible explanation for large groups of people mobilizing on the left. It's hard for them to fathom the idea of people independently joining together in solidarity without a top-down infusion of resources and marching orders from an authority figure. They view any kind of organized progressive movement through this lens, which is why Derec still thinks anybody who tweets #BLM is reading from some kind of sinister playbook that gets handed out by Al Sharpton every month, and why whichphilosophy thinks Marxism had anything to do with women not liking the direction of the new administration. These outlandish rationalizations somehow make more sense to them than the existence of a bunch of people with loosely related, overlapping, heterogeneous views making noise for a variety of reasons.
What is it with the right, especially the alt right and Soros? I've never understood it.

My theory is this: the right has rarely been able to spontaneously mobilize people without a lot of money from rich backers, so they naturally assume that's the only possible explanation for large groups of people mobilizing on the left. It's hard for them to fathom the idea of people independently joining together in solidarity without a top-down infusion of resources and marching orders from an authority figure. They view any kind of organized progressive movement through this lens, which is why Derec still thinks anybody who tweets #BLM is reading from some kind of sinister playbook that gets handed out by Al Sharpton every month, and why whichphilosophy thinks Marxism had anything to do with women not liking the direction of the new administration. These outlandish rationalizations somehow make more sense to them than the existence of a bunch of people with loosely related, overlapping, heterogeneous views making noise for a variety of reasons.

This is actually the best explanation I have heard of the phenomenon.
My theory is this: the right has rarely been able to spontaneously mobilize people without a lot of money from rich backers, so they naturally assume that's the only possible explanation for large groups of people mobilizing on the left. It's hard for them to fathom the idea of people independently joining together in solidarity without a top-down infusion of resources and marching orders from an authority figure. They view any kind of organized progressive movement through this lens, which is why Derec still thinks anybody who tweets #BLM is reading from some kind of sinister playbook that gets handed out by Al Sharpton every month, and why whichphilosophy thinks Marxism had anything to do with women not liking the direction of the new administration. These outlandish rationalizations somehow make more sense to them than the existence of a bunch of people with loosely related, overlapping, heterogeneous views making noise for a variety of reasons.

This is actually the best explanation I have heard of the phenomenon.
Actually, that seems to make sense....
The question remains as to why corporate money is the best way to get middle class conservatives to rally behind their ideals in public. Well, corporate money or xenophobia.
I agree, in anything but a business school, and maybe law school. University campuses have always leaned left.

But there is left, and then there is the far out regressive SJW left. The safe space, patriarchy is everything etc left. That is cancer to society and to university. It is no better than the religdiots on the right.

Have you been on a college campus? None of what the right wing says about campuses is actually true. "Safe space" simply means it is a place to discuss ideas and talk openly and respectfully.

- - - Updated - - -

This is a campaign poster that Turning Point USA is testing

View attachment 11171

So they are mainstream conservatives?

I've been on many campuses and the caricature is closer to the truth than you let on.
Have you been on a college campus? None of what the right wing says about campuses is actually true. "Safe space" simply means it is a place to discuss ideas and talk openly and respectfully.

- - - Updated - - -

This is a campaign poster that Turning Point USA is testing

View attachment 11171

So they are mainstream conservatives?

I've been on many campuses and the caricature is closer to the truth than you let on.
I guess we have been on many but different campuses, because in my personal experience, that caricature is a load of crapola.
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