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Dark money is funded conservative students on campus

You should click on your link and see if you can find anything germane.

Well the first link has this title:
Pants on Fire claim that George Soros money went to Women's March protesters

The second link comes from newsmax.com which is unreliable.

The third link has this:
"There have been many false reports about George Soros and the Open Society Foundations funding protests in the wake of the U.S. .."

so it would appear that Jason's google search needs some quality control. It's his responsibility to submit something worth reading to the thread.
Have you been on a college campus? None of what the right wing says about campuses is actually true. "Safe space" simply means it is a place to discuss ideas and talk openly and respectfully.

The three university campuses where I have spent the most time are certainly not hotbeds of left leaning....anything. One did have a reputation as being very leftist but I never found that to be true. Last time I was on that campus, it had gone full on jock sports mad. I saw nothing much political, except some fliers for Campus Republicans.

Very few of the college professors I know would be considered 'left' of center by anyone other than a real right winger.

All of the relevant empirical data from surveys show that profs at US Universities are large majority left.
No credible source denies the clear fact.
Note that I don't view that as at all negative or the result of bias, but rather (as I pointed out in my prior post) a byproduct of the fact that being rational and open minded are traits that make getting a PhD and becoming an educator appealing, but are anti-thetical to most conservative values and beliefs. Those traits are also not often consistent with far left views and values where their is plenty of anti-science, but are usually consistent classic secular liberalism.

Among profs overall, the liberal:conservative ration is about a ratio of 3:1, and more than to 4:1 in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Note that you will find some misleading statements that saying things like "About 50% of college professors identify as "left" or "liberal". It is misleading because less than 20% identify as "right" or "conservative", with the rest saying "moderate". So, the ratio liberal to conservative is close to 3:1. Also, other data indicate that profs are using a reference point that skews lefts, such that the "moderates" are only moderate relative to their own sub-group that is heavily skewed left. IOW, they socialize and interact with people that are overwhelmingly on the left, so their perception of what is "moderate" or "in the middle" is actually on the left by a more representative distribution of the US population.

It just doesn't even make any sense to think there would not be a huge skew to the left among educators at every level. Conservative policies have been consistently antagonistic to both the sciences that generate the knowledge and the educators, institutions, and students among whom that knowledge is exchanged. Only rather obtuse educators would not realize this political reality, and since most care about their profession, that alone would skew them to the left. That doesn't even include all the other factors that skew them to the left like their tendencies toward non-religious secularism, their general higher SES, and their residing in more populated and diverse areas.
You should click on your link and see if you can find anything germane.

Well the first link has this title:
Pants on Fire claim that George Soros money went to Women's March protesters

The second link comes from newsmax.com which is unreliable.

The third link has this:
"There have been many false reports about George Soros and the Open Society Foundations funding protests in the wake of the U.S. .."

so it would appear that Jason's google search needs some quality control. It's his responsibility to submit something worth reading to the thread.

Rich. Apart from that, I didn't say that Soros has never funded any protests, just that they have not amounted to anything of the scope and influence of the Koch-funded Tea Party movement, and that there are numerous examples of widespread liberal protests that are not funded by Soros or by anyone--while comparably "grassroots" protests from the right are hard to come by.
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