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Debate between Jaime Harrison and Lindsey Graham.


Apr 5, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Now I know strictly speaking this is independent to the Presidential election but the parallels are astonishing. Graham has truly doubled down on Trumpisms


Jaime Harrison's introduction : "My opponent is going to spend the next hour trying to scare you."

*Lindsey Graham spends the next hour fear mongering about liberals from New York and California*

My favourite points:
- Jaime Harrison recites Graham's own words back to him with regards to a supreme court nomination
- Lindsey Graham thinks unemployed people are getting paid $23/hour in benefits.
- Graham believes you can trust Trump to handle the pandemic well.
- Jaime Harrison brought his own plexiglass wall - ballsy move.
- Lindsey Graham thinks unemployed people are getting paid $23/hour in benefits.
The extra unemployment benefits have been $600/week. That translates to $15/h for 40 h full time work.

But that is in addition to regular unemployment benefits. So I do not think $23/h is an outlandish claim.
South Carolina Senate debate scrapped after Harrison calls for Graham to get COVID-19 test | TheHill
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Jaime Harrison, his Democratic opponent, will not debate Friday night as scheduled over a disagreement over taking coronavirus tests before they face off against each other.

The event was scrapped after Harrison said he would not participate in the debate unless Graham was tested for COVID-19 before they met, a request Graham denied. The two will instead participate in separate 30-minute forums on local station WSPA in Spartanburg.

The decision on the separate interviews marks the end of a whirlwind 24 hours in which Harrison maintained the COVID-19 test was a safety issue, while Graham fired back that the Democrat was trying to make a last-minute change to rules to which the two campaign had already agreed.
What's going on here?
Lindsey Graham, an incumbent Senator is running neck and neck with Jaime Harrison. Harrison has been a money raising hurricane. Early this year, Graham was considered a shoo in. Harrison is proving to be articulate and quite an effective candidate. Lindsey has been a Trump suck up and has been rather two faces as regards nominating Supreme court justices There is a very real possibility Graham will lose and help turn the Senate over to the Democrats. Harrison has been giving Graham well deserved hell and Graham deserves it and voters are responding to that. 538 gives South Carolina to Trump by +5.3% so it is not trump per se dragging Graham down. It is Graham dragging Graham down. Graham has had approval ratings in the low to mid 40's according to 538.

Tres amusement.
I watched some of the debate. Harrison was calm and professional. Graham came across as a loud conservative snowflake. I think this means Graham will win.
- Lindsey Graham thinks unemployed people are getting paid $23/hour in benefits.
The extra unemployment benefits have been $600/week. That translates to $15/h for 40 h full time work.

But that is in addition to regular unemployment benefits. So I do not think $23/h is an outlandish claim.

I damn certain that's not how unemployment benefits work in the states. You don't even get that in Australia, socialist quagmire that it is. And even it was, Graham believe believes people are getting paid 50% more than what they are. That's a huge discrepancy. Coupled with the fact I would like to meet a wage earner in South Carolina who works only 40 hrs a week.
I damn certain that's not how unemployment benefits work in the states. You don't even get that in Australia, socialist quagmire that it is.

Argument from personal incredulity is a logical fallacy.

And even it was, Graham believe believes people are getting paid 50% more than what they are. That's a huge discrepancy.
It is not. The $600/week (or $15/h equivalent) is additional unemployment benefits through the CARES act due to COVID. They are in addition to regular unemployment benefits.

Coupled with the fact I would like to meet a wage earner in South Carolina who works only 40 hrs a week.
I am sure there are a lot of people working 40 hours a week who don't usually do overtime. in SC
I am sure there are a lot of people working 40 hours a week who don't usually do overtime.

I am sure there are a lot of people in SC who work more than 40 hrs/wk and get $8/hr, no benefits and no overtime from any of their 2-3 jobs.
My Company was moved from Colorado to NC by its new owners. In Colorado we started entry level personnel at $11.50, and moved to $14 upon completion of a 30 probationary period. They now start at $7.75 with no promise of advancement. I had a chance to press several of them, and found that their 25+ hours on the line was just one of their "part time" or "temporary" jobs. Almost all of them are black people. ALL of the management are whites, several of which are making six digits - far more than we ever paid ourselves as owners.
I am sure there are a lot of people working 40 hours a week who don't usually do overtime.
I am sure there are a lot of people in SC who work more than 40 hrs/wk and get $8/hr, no benefits and no overtime from any of their 2-3 jobs.
My Company was moved from Colorado to NC by its new owners. In Colorado we started entry level personnel at $11.50, and moved to $14 upon completion of a 30 probationary period. They now start at $7.75 with no promise of advancement. I had a chance to press several of them, and found that their 25+ hours on the line was just one of their "part time" or "temporary" jobs. Almost all of them are black people. ALL of the management are whites, several of which are making six digits - far more than we ever paid ourselves as owners.
And those management people aren't racist, right? Though I think that they'd consider it racist if it was black management paying themselves that much while they pay white employees very little.
I am sure there are a lot of people working 40 hours a week who don't usually do overtime.
I am sure there are a lot of people in SC who work more than 40 hrs/wk and get $8/hr, no benefits and no overtime from any of their 2-3 jobs.
My Company was moved from Colorado to NC by its new owners. In Colorado we started entry level personnel at $11.50, and moved to $14 upon completion of a 30 probationary period. They now start at $7.75 with no promise of advancement. I had a chance to press several of them, and found that their 25+ hours on the line was just one of their "part time" or "temporary" jobs. Almost all of them are black people. ALL of the management are whites, several of which are making six digits - far more than we ever paid ourselves as owners.
And those management people aren't racist, right? Though I think that they'd consider it racist if it was black management paying themselves that much while they pay white employees very little.

IMO? Fuck no - they're TOTALLY racist.
They don't even realize it themselves. After all, they get along great with all the darkies they've hired through temp agencies. (If they don't, those employees are gone.)
But they see themselves as helping out the otherwise unemployed. I found that attitude mysterious, since all of them with whom I had the chance to chat had other jobs as well...
As an irrelevant side note, the very success of our Company would have been a different story had it not been for one black guy with whom I contracted for outside IP support. We had just broken into the arena of multimillion dollar revenues and I realized I was over my head. Got reference for a local IT professional who had worked for the fed (CIA specifically) setting up their cybersecurity and stand-alone LANs.
Those were impressive credentials, so I called him. He sounded far more knowledgeable and capable in the IT/cybersecurity world than I ever hoped to be (I was the "IT Officer" as well as VP of the Company) so I invited him in.
I was actually taken aback when he showed up in casual dress. About 6'3" and an apparently fit 280lbs or so of black guy. Well shit - he sounded white on the phone!
He took a few glances around our computer room, inspecting the RADE array, various boxes and wiring sequences. Asked a couple of questions, then called me and my partners together and calmly announced that we had to do a,b,c and d - most of which I had no idea about. He addressed all the minutiae - everything from the ownership of the DNS servers to vulnerable hardware components - he had the plan, it made sense to me and I immediately put him in charge. In the ensuing years we never had any problem related to systems or security that he or one of his employees (all whites - go figure) didn't fix the same day, usually within an hour or two.

A fascinating guy - still one of my favorite people in this town. I think the managers in NC would be floored if they knew.
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