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Democratic Debate November Edition

Yang got almost zero time, and was completely ignored for over a half hour of the debate. When he's outpolling Klobuchar by so much, why is she being given so much time and he so little? Bernie also got little time as compared to his ranking in the polls. But the time Yang did have he used very well. His compliment to Steyer was an unexpected and surprisingly friendly moment amongst the barbs being thrown around. Its a moment that may be remembered and help him like Bernie's "I'm sick of your damn emails" line to Hillary. Bernie did ok too.

Biden's gaffe was so out there that I laughed, and its veyr meme worthy. Violence against women needs to be beaten down does it Biden? We need to keep punching at it! LOL Whaaat? He also forgot Harris exists and was on the stage with him. That moment was funny, with Booker's look of shock and Harris' "Um... I'm right here" lol

Biden's gaffes really are great and I almost want him to become President just so we get more of them.

Well, technically, Biden wasn't wrong about Kamala, was he? He used the word "African-American", but Kamala's technically "Jamaican-American". Or is it the case in Identity Politics that we don't make a distinction between the two and just say "Eh...its all good..the important thing is the skin color looks the same to me".

Black people from Jamaica were originally Africans brought over as slaves. The Spanish killed off the original inhabitants of the island. So I'd say Biden was not wrong.
Black people from Jamaica were originally Africans brought over as slaves. The Spanish killed off the original inhabitants of the island. So I'd say Biden was not wrong.

It's my experience that Carribbean blacks who emigrate to America do not consider themselves "African Americans" because they did not emigrate from Africa.
It's also my experience that Biden doesn't know the difference, so he's still wrong. :D
Nobody asked Pete why he fabricated black support for his Douglass plan. It looked like Kamala was going to take him to task for it, but all she mentioned was the stock photo of a Kenyan he used for the graphic.

I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but again... what would the debate have looked like if the candidate who manipulatively and falsely represented prominent black leaders as supporters of his plan and promoted it with a Google image result of "black mom with child" was Bernie Sanders? Can you fucking imagine?

Because it's likely contractor poor judgement/campaign staff lack of oversight. Each one of them up on the stage knows a similar embarrassment could happen to their campaign the very next day.

Further, it's not a very flattering look for the individuals who were given multiple opportunities to opt-out and then complained when they found themselves in. So they let that dog lie.

When did they opt in though
Black people from Jamaica were originally Africans brought over as slaves. The Spanish killed off the original inhabitants of the island. So I'd say Biden was not wrong.

It's my experience that Carribbean blacks who emigrate to America do not consider themselves "African Americans" because they did not emigrate from Africa.
It's also my experience that Biden doesn't know the difference, so he's still wrong. :D

Okay, if that's how they identify, more power to them. I did not know that.
Nobody asked Pete why he fabricated black support for his Douglass plan. It looked like Kamala was going to take him to task for it, but all she mentioned was the stock photo of a Kenyan he used for the graphic.

I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but again... what would the debate have looked like if the candidate who manipulatively and falsely represented prominent black leaders as supporters of his plan and promoted it with a Google image result of "black mom with child" was Bernie Sanders? Can you fucking imagine?

Because it's likely contractor poor judgement/campaign staff lack of oversight. Each one of them up on the stage knows a similar embarrassment could happen to their campaign the very next day.

Further, it's not a very flattering look for the individuals who were given multiple opportunities to opt-out and then complained when they found themselves in. So they let that dog lie.

When did they opt in though

They didn’t. It’s a shitty practice like a website storing credit card info by default. I’m just saying it’s not a good look for them either. They didn’t pay attention.
Speaking of opting out: Pete should be careful with comparing the black to the gay experience. It’s all well and fine to bring attention to the fact your country has treated you like something less than a full person also. But he has to recognize he can and for the majority of his young life he has opted in. That is, he can blend in with the crowd any time he wants.
Black people from Jamaica were originally Africans brought over as slaves.
Kamala's father is himself mixed though. And her mother is Indian.

Donald Harris, Kamala Harris’s Father: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Donald Harris said:
My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).

She is certainly not ADOS, more like JDOSO. Perhaps that's why she is trying way too hard to appear "blacker than thou" with her attacks on Biden over busing, "I was that little girl" t-shirts or the claim on that breakfast radio show that she was listening to Tupac and Biggie before they released any music while smoking the herb.
It's my experience that Carribbean blacks who emigrate to America do not consider themselves "African Americans" because they did not emigrate from Africa.
I wonder if Elon Musk ever decides to run for Seante, would be be an African-American Senator? He certainly have a more direct claim to that label than Kamala Harris or even Carol Mosely-Brown.

It's also my experience that Biden doesn't know the difference, so he's still wrong. :D
Which part of "your experience" makes you think you know what Biden knows or does not know about immigrants from the Caribbean?
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