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Democrats are walking away from their party


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

Looks like I am not the only person to walk away from my party (democrats).

What is your opinion of this video. Do you think he is a crack pot?

In any case, the "walk away" movement is gaining momentum fast. 2.4 million views on facebook and over 300k on YouTube.

However, #WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing, according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.
So how does this Russia hacking work? The guy on the video is a fake Russian? And then the Russians hack youtube to show 300k views? Or is it that the Russians robot view the youtube so that it looks like that many?

Whats your opinion of the content of the video Ford? Is this guy delusional or does he say things that ring true to you?
This movement has long been known to be Russian inspired.
Whats your opinion of the content of the video Ford? Is this guy delusional or does he say things that ring true to you?

I didn't watch it. Partly because as it pertains to #walkaway the jig is already up. Partly because I'm not a Democrat and never have been.

If I were, I'd start by asking "is there really a mass exodus from the party?" Actually that's a good question even if I'm not part of the party. Is there really a mass exodus of Democrats? Or is there some outfit trying to make that a reality? If I were a Republican (and I was, once) that would be a smart tactic.
Jebus! Is our nation going to go down the drain because... of all people the Russians? The nation we defeated in a Cold War by bankrupting them, are winning because of online counterfeit spam.
RVonse, you used to be less gullible, like, 10 years ago. What happened to you?
He's a truther, I'm not certain when he was less gullible.
Jebus! Is our nation going to go down the drain because... of all people the Russians? The nation we defeated in a Cold War by bankrupting them, are winning because of online counterfeit spam.
RVonse, you used to be less gullible, like, 10 years ago. What happened to you?
He's a truther, I'm not certain when he was less gullible.

Yes, you are right Jimmy. And Im still falling for this too because it doesnt make any sense to me.

1. How are the Russians doing this?
2. How come Youtube hasnt already censored it the way they did Alex Jones? I mean, at least Alex was a known American who lives in Texas.
3. If none of this is real, how do we know what is real? Are you even real Jimmy?

Im not really a full blown truther though. But I view the official version with plenty of skepticism
That is some impressive technology, the guy looks absolutely real. Did anyone check and confirmed that Brandon does not exist?
these Russians trolls should sell their code to Google :)

I think since Clinton loss to orange thing, "russians!!" became standard explanation for everything bad happening to democrats.
And I am not even disputing the russian trolls may have blown this out of proportion a little or even a lot.
The guy does not say much new, in fact most of what he says there is regularly said here by you people.
Im not really a full blown truther though. But I view the official version with plenty of skepticism

At the risk of derailing an already top-notch thread...

In the 17 years and 11 days since, what new evidence has emerged to lend credence to the truther claims?

Was it a You Tube video?
The only news I can share is when Obama allowed 911 families to go after the Saudi government. Which tends to point less to the official version of the incident.

I am still skeptical of everything though. I view it as another anomaly of the US government that we will both never know for sure.

Looks like I am not the only person to walk away from my party (democrats).

What is your opinion of this video. Do you think he is a crack pot?

In any case, the "walk away" movement is gaining momentum fast. 2.4 million views on facebook and over 300k on YouTube.

I would walk away from Hillary's version of that party, and I think a lot of people did, to the point that Trump of all people managed to beat her in an election, but I would walk towards a reformed version that embraced Bernie's ideas of getting money out of politics and clamping down on corruption and pay for play politics.

Looks like I am not the only person to walk away from my party (democrats).

What is your opinion of this video. Do you think he is a crack pot?

In any case, the "walk away" movement is gaining momentum fast. 2.4 million views on facebook and over 300k on YouTube.

I would walk away from Hillary's version of that party, and I think a lot of people did, to the point that Trump of all people managed to beat her in an election, but I would walk towards a reformed version that embraced Bernie's ideas of getting money out of politics and clamping down on corruption and pay for play politics.
I did vote for Bernie in the primary and would have voted for him in the general if given the chance.
Having watched the video itself, the man in it speak the truth, at least of a large and growing force on the "left", ruining the name of "liberalism" in a way that Rush Limbaugh could never have dreamed to. I was a proud "Libtard", but I too am walking away from this new illiberal version of the left.

So Russian propaganda consists of the truth? That's a really easy job for Russia.

Long term party affiliation from 2004 to date does not show any recent drop in party affiliation from either Democrats or Republicans. There is some statistical jitter over the years, but no real recent trend suggesting drops in Democratic affiliation.

What affects elections seems to be turnout. More younger cohorts are more heavily Democratic but less likely to actually register and turn out to vote. What in some states seems to swing elections is how the independents vote. Again, younger independent potential voters tend to be more liberal but less likely to vote.
Heh...Yeah, I left the Democratic Party in disgust. It was about the same time I was calling for the impeachment of W and the five asshats on the Supreme Court who had elected him.

I left because the state leader was a sleazy hebephile who had, when serving as mayor of our fair city, sexually preyed upon a family babysitter for years and then used his influence and power to hide it and defer all possible enforcement until after the statute of limitations had been exceeded. In that interim, he rose to US Secretary of Transportation, and returned to become governor of the state. The news of his transgressions broke as he was being considered for a position on the state supreme court. Keep in mind that the powers that be around their golden boy had shielded and protected him for twenty plus years. Even in his disgrace, he served as legal representation to some of the richest and most influential families in the state and was, at that time, a well-known 'fixer' in state politics. He and the disgusting tack the Clintons had taken the party was too much for me to stomach.

Of course, I was never a particularly willing member of the Democratic Party. I had only joined it at the behest of Michael Harrington, who tried to lead the Democratic Socialist left back in to the mainstream Democratic Party in the late 1970s. Nowadays, I am a NAWAPP.....Not Affiliated With Any Political Party. I might uncloak to vote in our exclusive party primaries for special occasions, but so far, that has only been Bernie. I'm very in-tune with Bernie's registration status and I approve. I'm a pale, stale male and as a former activist, I vote in practically every election.

But that shit is some hyperbole and a half.
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This walkway "movement" is probably 10% organic and 85% domestic astroturfed and 5% foreign astroturfed.

Koch, TPUSA, Alec and so on. Same as always.

If this is mostly the same domestic sneaky influencers as before, then this Russia stuff is giving them cover to more easily subvert the populace.

A couple years ago I was talking to a gay youtuber who on his own was putting out anti-SJW anti-intersectional content. He mentioned that he was offered a couple grand stipend to continue his videos but also slightly tweak his content to their demands. He did not disclose which organization it was. Probably two or three shells from the main org. It seemed like it was a US organization. He said he did not take the offer.

Not sure what the legality or ethics of this would be.

Was it not a gay New Yorker who started the Walk Away hashtag?
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So basically what we are seeing is Tea Party 2.0. Not surprising, really; voter disenfranchisement is the rights bread and butter. "Nobody is going to vote for us, so let's muddy the waters and make sure no one is motivated to vote."

Looks like I am not the only person to walk away from my party (democrats).

What is your opinion of this video. Do you think he is a crack pot?

In any case, the "walk away" movement is gaining momentum fast. 2.4 million views on facebook and over 300k on YouTube.

I would walk away from Hillary's version of that party, and I think a lot of people did, to the point that Trump of all people managed to beat her in an election, but I would walk towards a reformed version that embraced Bernie's ideas of getting money out of politics and clamping down on corruption and pay for play politics.

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe this BS. I don't. You'll vote democratic if we elect a democrat who mirrors Jolly Penguin's beliefs. But if it's someone that doesn't walk in lock step of what you want, you get butt-hurt and vote republican. Waaa. This is Russian propaganda BS. The US has roughly 160 million eligible voters who have a history of voting (many sat on their ass in 2016). In a two party system, you can't get a president who will do everything that you want. You can't. The republicans and the bots are laughing their asses off at the fact that the left is so easily divided. There are far bigger policy issues and differences on the right. But the republicans want power. They want the courts to do their biding. They are willing to compromise in order to get some of their agenda items passed. Yes, as stated by someone else in this thread, the Russian Bots have an easy job.

<Jolly: I don't mean to attack you directly. But I just hate the fact that the democratic party may become the small tent party>
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