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Did the NYT already have Comey memo (or similar) info the day before Comey say he reacted because of Trump's tweet?


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism

I find it interesting. Was the May 11 report in the NYT info that could only have come from Comey or someone he talk to? Did the amount of detail make it seem likely it was from the same memo?

I am not saying that Trump is not worthy of impeachment. I hope Mueller can crack open his taxes and unravel his very likely tax evasion/money laundering operation.

But getting this timeline correct is important.

I find it interesting. Was the May 11 report in the NYT info that could only have come from Comey or someone he talk to? Did the amount of detail make it seem likely it was from the same memo?

I am not saying that Trump is not worthy of impeachment. I hope Mueller can crack open his taxes and unravel his very likely tax evasion/money laundering operation.

But getting this timeline correct is important.

There seems nothing close to impeachment material at this stage.
No matter how many times people from US intelligence services tell lies a lot of people can't imagine they would do it again.
The most likely explanation is that Comey lied under oath, and now the NYT is trying to help cover it up.

But this whole swamp is so murky, who would know what the truth is about anything
There seems nothing close to impeachment material at this stage.
What is it that you do not understand about impeachment material?
All they need is >half of the House to not want him to be president any more and they can vote to impeach him.
And if >half the Senate agrees, they can convict.

Money laundering, lies, intimidating witnesses, conflicts of interest, violating the STOCK act, or any of his lawsuits over the last thirty years are grist for this particular mill. Trump university, Trump institute, Trump's lies to investors in Tampa...
No matter how many times people from US intelligence services tell lies a lot of people can't imagine they would do it again.
The most likely explanation is that Comey lied under oath,
That's not the most likely explanation. That's just the one you want because you have such a hard-on for US Intelligence services. You'll call him a liar simply because of where his office was located.

Comey has to have known that everything he said would come under an incredible amount of scrutiny. SO the most likely explanation is that he didn't lie. He dare not, just in case someone has actual evidence to counter his claims.

I find it interesting. Was the May 11 report in the NYT info that could only have come from Comey or someone he talk to? Did the amount of detail make it seem likely it was from the same memo?

I am not saying that Trump is not worthy of impeachment. I hope Mueller can crack open his taxes and unravel his very likely tax evasion/money laundering operation.

But getting this timeline correct is important.

There seems nothing close to impeachment material at this stage.

You've had "impeachment material" explained to you already. Even so, take a listen to the Nixon Watergate tapes:


Listen as Richard Nixon says stunning things like "That's right" and "Hm-mmm" and THAT WAS ENOUGH for impeachment in 1972.

Now, we have TRUMP HIMSELF saying

"When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story."


"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," he told them, according to the New York Times. "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

All that is required for impeachment is for Republicans to shed their moral cowardice.
All that is required for impeachment is for Republicans to shed their moral cowardice.

That's not going to happen.

What needs to happen - as it did with Nixon - is for the Republicans to realize that their President is an albatross around the neck of the party. He is only President because they chose to put party before country, and the only way to get rid of him is to convince them to do that again.

The GOP (reluctantly) threw Tricky Dick under the bus. Then offered up Gerald Ford as their sacrificial lamb. Their reward (after losing to Carter) was 12 years of Republican "Shining City on a Hill" leadership.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but they've stopped playing the long game.
There seems nothing close to impeachment material at this stage.

You've had "impeachment material" explained to you already. Even so, take a listen to the Nixon Watergate tapes:


Listen as Richard Nixon says stunning things like "That's right" and "Hm-mmm" and THAT WAS ENOUGH for impeachment in 1972.

Now, we have TRUMP HIMSELF saying

"When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story."


"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," he told them, according to the New York Times. "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

All that is required for impeachment is for Republicans to shed their moral cowardice.
Will Wiley is right though, it is just too vague, I mean "that's taken off" could mean anything. :rolleyes:
"Cherry tree? Have you seen a Cherry tree? They're spindly, weak. If I was a boy, I'd have copped down a god damned sequoia. With a butter knife! That's my only regret, living in New York, no trees to chop down. But this Christmas, I'll chop down the Christmas Tree for the White House. And it'll eb the biggest Christmas Tree, EVER! And we'll get Santa Claus to pay for it!"
No matter how many times people from US intelligence services tell lies a lot of people can't imagine they would do it again.
The most likely explanation is that Comey lied under oath, and now the NYT is trying to help cover it up.

But this whole swamp is so murky, who would know what the truth is about anything

Awwww, Comey make Vlad sad.
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