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Did Trump Admit Being Responsible for Khashoggi's Murder

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Tuesday, Mr Trump said: "They had a very bad original concept, it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups.
If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is. He stated only the Trump Admin would be dumb enough to perform such an operation.

article said:
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Tuesday, Mr Trump said: "They had a very bad original concept, it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups.
If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is. He stated only the Trump Admin would be dumb enough to perform such an operation.

Don't worry - creepyanne cuntway and sarah slanders will be right along to attempt another re-spin and half-assed cleanup.

article said:
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Tuesday, Mr Trump said: "They had a very bad original concept, it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups.
If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is. He stated only the Trump Admin would be dumb enough to perform such an operation.

Don't worry - creepyanne cuntway and sarah slanders will be right along to attempt another re-spin and half-assed cleanup.

Not even needed. The trumpsucking "base" doesn't mind wallowing in the cesspool.
Don't worry - creepyanne cuntway and sarah slanders will be right along to attempt another re-spin and half-assed cleanup.

Not even needed. The trumpsucking "base" doesn't mind wallowing in the cesspool.

If you are not willing to get your hands dirty, then get out of politics.
I know I know, you want to just wish it away. Good luck!

god forbid you get in there with them and make them eat shit in front of the "base" (AKA the pawns on the chessboard). No, just yell at the pawns about why they are just moving one square at a time forward and attacking in an angle. wring your hands and dance around the board, err, cesspool.
"did trump admit guilt"? No, of course not. where does it say that? When has he ever for anything?
He "admitted" that the Saudi's operation was stupid and they got caught.

Liberals are SOOOO bad at this.

How about, "Trump admits conspiring with the Saudis to commit murder". He supported their King's lies and didn't take immediate action. Therefore he co-conspired. I'm not even a politician and I can plainly see the line that should be taken by the Dems.
You need to take statements 2 steps removed.

First, make a logical leap from any evidence.
Then, draw tenuous conclusion from the leap
Finaly, present the conclusion as if it were the evidence.

NOT, "Trump might have admitted the Saudi's are guilty"

THIS: "Trump murdered a journalist with the Saudi's help".

but, you'll never ever get it.

City folk, etc..

Testing the Edit Post function:

If the Dems WANTED to win (they don't seem to), then the "pussy tape" would be playing on a constant loop 24/7 on every Fox News commercial break, with added "laugh track" of people gasping in horror at what he says. There would be 24/7 fact checking that pulls no punches. "Today's lies and evil deceit by the criminal family that has stolen your healthcare and given it to his friends are:"
I mean... they're not even trying just a little bit. I say stop pretending to oppose the Reps. and admit there is but one party.
First, make a logical leap from any evidence.

e.g. "There are middle easterners in that Caravan!

Then, draw tenuous conclusion from the leap

e.g. "This is an INVASION of CRIMINALS!

Finaly, present the conclusion as if it were the evidence.

e.g. "We are under assault by MS13!

Republicans are such hypocrites... first you say that all is fair, and I'd be a weenie for not lying if it would help "win". Then you come out crying foul like a fucking snowflake..
"did trump admit guilt"? No, of course not. where does it say that? When has he ever for anything?
He "admitted" that the Saudi's operation was stupid and they got caught.

Liberals are SOOOO bad at this.
Bad at what? I know you are new here, so you obviously didn't catch it, but the OP was being sarcastic.
e.g. "There are middle easterners in that Caravan!

e.g. "This is an INVASION of CRIMINALS!

Finaly, present the conclusion as if it were the evidence.

e.g. "We are under assault by MS13!

Republicans are such hypocrites... first you say that all is fair, and I'd be a weenie for not lying if it would help "win". Then you come out crying foul like a fucking snowflake..

I don't understand. Firstly, you seem to be following what I was saying by showing how the Reps do it. Good job, impressive. You must be Repub-curious... or maybe it is just your local community that would shame you for not fitting in with them... whatever. You have potential, though.

What did I say was "fair" and what have I "cried" about? And I am as snowflake as a yard of barbed wire. Dems' insults are just weak ass. I'm trying to tell you guys how it is. I completely understand that you / they find it unfair and weepy. Isn't that what people here called "projection"?

Yes. I think you are a weenie (your word - never mine.. too faggy a word - got to put a girly voice on when using it to demonstrate my knowledge of its gayness - see, another game you can play or lose).. a weenie for not lying, stretching the truth, bolding and understiking the talking points TO DEATH, when that is what your opponent is doing.

PS - I don't really think you are a weenie.. I am sure you are respected among your friends... in that tiny little bubble you guys live in.
"did trump admit guilt"? No, of course not. where does it say that? When has he ever for anything?
He "admitted" that the Saudi's operation was stupid and they got caught.

Liberals are SOOOO bad at this.
Bad at what? I know you are new here, so you obviously didn't catch it, but the OP was being sarcastic.

Bad at presenting information to voters in such a way as to win votes. Sorry I didn;t get it. Neither did the vast majority of America... you know, those guys you want voting for your side.

But, in fucking Hillary style, you use haughty sarcasm so your close clique of friends can laugh at people with your inside joke and complicated language.. and if I went to college I would get it. And if I am a normal American voter, I am just turned off and vote against the people that are "too smart for their own good" - and probably for MY own good, I guess.

- - - Updated - - -

I am sorry, there are many things that I don't yet understand. This is yet another.
But, in fucking Hillary style, you use haughty sarcasm so your close clique of friends can laugh at people with your inside joke and complicated language.. and if I went to college I would get it.
I completed high school and that was pretty much it. Well, boot camp. No college.
I got the joke.
It's fairly straightforward, no need of high-falutin' vocabulary to understand it.

it's not even an INSIDE joke.

Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
I am sorry, there are many things that I don't yet understand. This is yet another.
As in, posting the same thing twice. The system doesn't allow deleting the extra post, but we can edit it to show we caught our own mistake.
I completed high school and that was pretty much it. Well, boot camp. No college.
I got the joke.
It's fairly straightforward, no need of high-falutin' vocabulary to understand it.

it's not even an INSIDE joke.

I am sorry, there are many things that I don't yet understand. This is yet another.
As in, posting the same thing twice. The system doesn't allow deleting the extra post, but we can edit it to show we caught our own mistake.

What I was trying to say is that "the high ground" is completely out of sight of the vast majority of America, and the words Dems use to take that high ground just makes it worse.

Duplicate... got it. Thank you again.
Bad at presenting information to voters in such a way as to win votes. Sorry I didn;t get it. Neither did the vast majority of America... you know, those guys you want voting for your side.
Well, ... wait what?

But, in fucking Hillary style, you use haughty sarcasm so your close clique of friends can laugh at people with your inside joke and complicated language.. and if I went to college I would get it.
I find that incredibly offensive! I'm much more funny than Hillary Clinton.

And if I am a normal American voter, I am just turned off and vote against the people that are "too smart for their own good" - and probably for MY own good, I guess.
Actually, GOP voters have been voting against their own best interests for a couple decades. Even as we speak, farmers continue to support a President whose tariffs have made it impossible for them to sell their soybeans... at a profit.

I am sorry, there are many things that I don't yet understand. This is yet another.
Is this your first time on the Internet?

- - - Updated - - -

I completed high school and that was pretty much it. Well, boot camp. No college.
I got the joke.
It's fairly straightforward, no need of high-falutin' vocabulary to understand it.

it's not even an INSIDE joke.

I am sorry, there are many things that I don't yet understand. This is yet another.
As in, posting the same thing twice. The system doesn't allow deleting the extra post, but we can edit it to show we caught our own mistake.

What I was trying to say is that "the high ground" is completely out of sight of the vast majority of America, and the words Dems use to take that high ground just makes it worse.
This thread has no high ground. It has an OP and a derail.
What I was trying to say is that "the high ground" is completely out of sight of the vast majority of America, and the words Dems use to take that high ground just makes it worse.
Odd, then, that you posted it as a response to a post and just babbled like an idiot. If you want to talk about something that's NOT in the thread, then you could make it a little clearer.

article said:
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Tuesday, Mr Trump said: "They had a very bad original concept, it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups.
If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is. He stated only the Trump Admin would be dumb enough to perform such an operation.

One would think that with all the practice that Team Cheato has had covering up things, it would be a real stretch to believe that they could have conspired on this cover-up. I am absolutely certain that they're better at it than that.
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