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Donald Trump: Tough on Russia?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Declares, Despite Evidence: No President Has Ever Been This Tough on Russia - The Daily Beast
President Trump on Wednesday declared, despite all evidence, that “There’s been no president ever as tough as I have been on Russia... I think President Putin knows that better than anyone. Better than the media.” The president was speaking briefly with reporters while seated at a Cabinet meeting in the White House. Asked directly if Russia is “still targeting the U.S.,” the president seemingly responded “Thank you very much, no.” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders later explained the quote, saying the president “said ‘thank you very much’ and was saying ‘no’ to answering questions.”
Either he is lying or else he has a very poor sense of reality.

If he was tough on Russia, he would be haranguing his audiences about Russia's aggressions in Georgia and Ukraine, how Russia took over parts of those countries by posing as liberators and disgruntled ethnic Russians. He would also be haranguing about Russia's cyberwar against Estonia in 2007, and also about murdered journalists in Russia.

He would also be haranguing about what an appeaser Barack Obama is, how he is just like Neville Chamberlain, how he let Russia have those bits of Georgia and Ukraine.

He might even talk about moving US military bases in Europe eastward, closer to Russia.

But he didn't.
Ted Cruz described him as a pathological liar in the 2016 primaries, and that seems to fit rather well.

 Pathological lying notes this criterion:
The stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably. The liar "decorates their own person"[3] by telling stories that present them as the hero or the victim. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, as knowing or being related to many famous people, or as having great power, position, or wealth.
Or a very stable genius.
Either he is lying or else he has a very poor sense of reality.

I don't see any reason why it cannot be both.

I saw bonespurs ghost writer on tv last night. He said bonespurs creates his own reality in the bubble in his head. He then talks about what's in that bubble which are, of course, lies. He sounds delusional.
State News: Donald Trump is Best against Russia plus it's all Obama's Fault


First, the very people who have been loudest in attacking President Trump about his performance at the Helsinki summit are the people who failed to protect America from Russian meddling in 2016. The very intensity and nastiness of former CIA Director Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence Clapper is an attempt to distract attention from their failure to protect America. It was their duty in 2016 – not candidate Trump’s.

Yes, that's right. If President Obama ("Barry" - yuck, yuck, haha) had arrested people in Trump's campaign while Trump was running for office to stop them from working with the Russians, conservatives would have been totally okay with it. It would not lead them to armed insurrection. Can you just imagine?

Second, the Trump administration has been far tougher on Russia than President Obama ever dreamed of being. The Trump administration is taking real actions designed to weaken Russia and force Putin to change his aggressive behavior.

The Trump administration has levied tough sanctions on Russia. Also, President Trump’s public lecture about Germany not buying natural gas from Russia was aimed at cutting Putin off from hard currency worth tens of billions of dollars and further weakening the Russian economy.

Furthermore, President Trump’s efforts to get our European allies to increase their defense spending has a direct impact on Putin. The stronger NATO is, the less maneuvering room Russia has.

Beyond pressuring our allies, consider these specific steps President Trump has taken against Russia:

  • Where President Obama refused to provide serious weapons to the Ukrainians to help them defend themselves (his response was weakness on a pathetic scale), President Trump has approved the sale of offensive weapons to enable the Ukrainians to increase the cost of Russian aggression.
  • When the Russians used chemical weapons in Great Britain, President Trump joined our allies and expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers from the United States.
  • When the Russians retaliated, the Trump administration closed the Russian consulate in Seattle. President Trump had previously shuttered the Russian consulate in San Francisco and smaller annexes in Washington and New York.
  • More than 100 Russian individuals and companies have been sanctioned for a variety of reasons.

Despite the hysteria of the left, it is impossible to see the Trump administration as anything but firm in its dealing with Russia. ...

I am sure none of this has to do with pressure from the opposition party but doesn't it seem to miss the point about people in his own campaign and administration?
I'm pretty sure Trump's campaign slogan of "The election is rigged" was him daring the intelligence community to start arresting the people in his camp that were involved with the Russians.

That was good strategy. If he lost then he could foment hostility over the "rigged election". Having won he can then play the "deep state" card when the information about his cozy relationship with Russia lead to legal action.
He asked the Russians in a debate with Hillary on television to get her emails. That night they attacked the DNC servers. Imagine if Obama tried to tell him he couldn't say stuff like that.
It takes balls to say you're tough on Russia as president, citing the sanctions, when it was Congress that mandated those and almost had to act again to make sure it was being enforced.
It's just window dressing. I am sure Putin is behind it so that it looks like the orange traitor is not in his pocket.
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