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Donald Trump's Sins


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
I'd posted some time ago on Jesus Christ's Sins Let's see what sins Donald Trump has committed. First, the Seven Deadly Sins of medieval Catholicism.

Lust - 3 marriages, lots of love affairs, peeking into a dressing room, talking about grabbing women by their ladybits. Guilty.

Gluttony/Indulgence - he has a big appetite and he's overweight. Guilty.

Greed/Avarice - lots. He adjusts the valuation of his properties so that he can get a lot of insurance while paying not much in taxes. He often stiffs his employees and his contractors, even his lawyers. Guilty.

Sloth/Laziness - he doesn't like to read detailed briefing papers, and his "Executive Time" is mainly watching Fox & Friends. Guilty.

Wrath/Anger - lots of it. Guilty.

Envy/Jealousy - for Hillary Clinton's popular-vote win and Barack Obama's inaugural turnouts. Guilty.

Pride/Arrogance - for considering himself a super genius at just about everything. Guilty.

So he is guilty of all seven of them.
I'd posted some time ago on Jesus Christ's Sins Let's see what sins Donald Trump has committed. First, the Seven Deadly Sins of medieval Catholicism.

Lust - 3 marriages, lots of love affairs, peeking into a dressing room, talking about grabbing women by their ladybits. Guilty.

Gluttony/Indulgence - he has a big appetite and he's overweight. Guilty.

Greed/Avarice - lots. He adjusts the valuation of his properties so that he can get a lot of insurance while paying not much in taxes. He often stiffs his employees and his contractors, even his lawyers. Guilty.

Sloth/Laziness - he doesn't like to read detailed briefing papers, and his "Executive Time" is mainly watching Fox & Friends. Guilty.

Wrath/Anger - lots of it. Guilty.

Envy/Jealousy - for Hillary Clinton's popular-vote win and Barack Obama's inaugural turnouts. Guilty.

Pride/Arrogance - for considering himself a super genius at just about everything. Guilty.

So he is guilty of all seven of them.

Plus the other 10.
I'd posted some time ago on Jesus Christ's Sins Let's see what sins Donald Trump has committed. First, the Seven Deadly Sins of medieval Catholicism.

Lust - 3 marriages, lots of love affairs, peeking into a dressing room, talking about grabbing women by their ladybits. Guilty.

Gluttony/Indulgence - he has a big appetite and he's overweight. Guilty.

Greed/Avarice - lots. He adjusts the valuation of his properties so that he can get a lot of insurance while paying not much in taxes. He often stiffs his employees and his contractors, even his lawyers. Guilty.

Sloth/Laziness - he doesn't like to read detailed briefing papers, and his "Executive Time" is mainly watching Fox & Friends. Guilty.

Wrath/Anger - lots of it. Guilty.

Envy/Jealousy - for Hillary Clinton's popular-vote win and Barack Obama's inaugural turnouts. Guilty.

Pride/Arrogance - for considering himself a super genius at just about everything. Guilty.

So he is guilty of all seven of them.

I am quite the fan of several of those sins myself, so I won't be the one casting any stones in that regard.
I am quite the fan of several of those sins myself, so I won't be the one casting any stones in that regard.
But do you present yourself as the evangelicals' alternative to someone whoo will 'hurt God!' ? If not, i'd say you have at least a few pebbles to your credit.

I mean, i would like more money, and i play Monopoly as if my opponents were resources-not-fully-exploited-yet, but i have never stolen from a charity, so i feel comfortable calling Saint Fuckface a greedy bastard.
Wife #1 accused him of rape in their divorce proceedings. She used the word rape. (Later she qualified her accusation, so let almighty God sort this out in the deportation to hell process.)
Frottage - Trump has committed this crime on the American flag at least twice on camera.
Sacrilege - Trump touched a Bible. Several times.
Gluttony - as per the room in the White House filled with room temperature 'hamberders' for him & a sports team.
Adultery - multiple offenses. Probably the only word applicable to Trump with 'adult' in it.
Voyeurism - Ask the young women and teens who had to change costumes at the pageants Trump sponsored.
Charity fraud - The Trump Foundation.
Lying - My server just broke down. Data dump and a malfunction message from Windows that says Insufficient Memory Capacity.
Impersonating a chief executive - 44 months and counting.
Murder - He murdered Herman Cain.
Overdue Library Books - Acquitted. Situation never came up.
I am quite the fan of several of those sins myself, so I won't be the one casting any stones in that regard.
But do you present yourself as the evangelicals' alternative to someone whoo will 'hurt God!' ? If not, i'd say you have at least a few pebbles to your credit.

He is so terrible at acting like a Christian, I don't see how evangelicals buy it.

I mean, i would like more money, and i play Monopoly as if my opponents were resources-not-fully-exploited-yet, but i have never stolen from a charity, so i feel comfortable calling Saint Fuckface a greedy bastard.

Don't get me wrong, I am pretty comfortable calling Trump a greedy bastard as well. I just have trouble accusing others of sins I damn well know I enjoy committing. Of course I have trouble thinking them as sins in the first place. More like taking those things too far makes you and asshole, but a few of them are actually pretty awesome in moderation.
Now the Exod-5/Deut-20 version of the Ten Commandments.

1. Do not worship any gods in preference to me - does he worship himself?

2. Do not worship depictions of anything - ?

3. Do not misuse my name - he's not big on claiming that God is on his side.

4. Do not work on the Sabbath - he's likely no worse than many other people here.

5. Honor your father and mother - he seems to have had a good relationship with his father, good enough for his father to give him a BIG head start. Innocent.

6. Do not commit murder - no known cases of deliberate murder, but if one includes negligent homicide, then he is guilty of the deaths of 175,000 Americans from COVID-19. Guilty.

7. Do not commit adultery - he has done so several times. Guilty.

8. Do not steal - con jobs may qualify, like "Trump University". Also, stiffing employees and contractors. Guilty.

9. Do not make false accusations - he has made several, like how Mexico is allegedly sending criminals to the US. Guilty.

10. Do not covet anything - he is very greedy. Guilty.
Now the Exod-34 set of 10C's.

1. Worship no other god, because I am a jealous god - does he worship himself?

2. Do not make cast idols - ?

3. Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread - no worse than most others

4. All your firstborn are mine - no worse than most others

5. Do not work on the Sabbath - as above

6. Celebrate the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Ingathering - no worse than most others

7. Do not offer sacrifice blood with leavened bread - no worse than most others

8. Do not let any of your sacrifices remain until next morning - no worse than most others

9. Bring the first fruits of your land to my house - no worse than most others

10. Do not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk - he doesn't cook, but he is known to eat cheeseburgers.
There sre other strictures in scriptures worth noting.

1 Corinthians 6:10. Don't open your mouth when you're slandering someone, or name-calling, preaching hateful words.
"Lock her up," Pocahontas.

Deuteronomy 17:6. Don't open your mouth when you haven't verified the story.
"I don't know, people are saying..." hydrochloriquine

Ecclesiastes 5:2. Don't open your mouth when you are speaking without thinking
Nuke the hurricane, inject bleach

Exodus 23:1 Don't open your mouth when it's a lie
Leviticus 19:11
Leviticus 19:19
Biden will hurt God, i was joking, i don't know him.

Exodus 23:2 Don't open your mouth when you're just parroting a popular view that's wrong
Hillary wants to take your guns, build the wall

Exodus 23:9 Don't open your mouth when it would mistreat a stranger
First thing to my mind is telling cops to rough up suspects when they arrest them. His border policies.

James 1:19. Don't open your mouth when you haven't thought it through
Nukes, mexico will pay for it

James 3:14. Don't open your mouth when you're speaking from envy
Everything he ever said about Obamacare.

James 3:8-9 Don't open your mouth when it criticizes God's Creation in Mankind
Shithole countries?

Peter 2:21-23 Don't open your mouth when your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family
The desire to 'date' his sexy daughter

Proverbs 12:23. Don't open your mouth when it will show everyone that you're an idiot

Twitter, pretty much.

Proverbs 13:1 Don't open your mouth when it is time to listen
Pandemic respose
I'll now taken on 500-BCE Athenian leader  Solon - described by Diogenes Laertius in "Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers" and quoted in Richard Carrier's The Real Ten Commandments

1. Trust good character more than promises - he arguably violated that with Vladimir Putin.

2. Do not speak falsely - he has stated numerous falsehoods. Guilty.

3. Do good things - a bit vague, but Trump is not very noted for doing nice things for anyone but himself. Guilty

4. Do not be hasty in making friends, but do not abandon them once made - not sure, but stiffing employees and contractors seems close.

5. Learn to obey before you command - he does not show much humility.

6. When giving advice, do not recommend what is most pleasing, but what is most useful - his COVID-19 happy talk is contrary to that. Guilty.

7. Make reason your supreme commander - he talks about how his hunches and his genius gut. Guilty.

8. Do not associate with people who do bad things - Vladimir Putin, for instance. Guilty.

9. Honor the gods - he puts on the appearance of doing so.

10. Have regard for your parents - he seems OK there. Innocent.
The Buddha's  Five Precepts

1. Do not kill any living thing - guilty

2. Do not take what is not given to you - not directly, but he cheats and stiffs other people

3. Do not commit sexual immorality - guilty

4. Do not speak falsely - guilty

5. Do not consume anything intoxicating - Trump is actually innocent here, since he is a teetotaler.
2. Do not worship depictions of anything - ?

2. Do not make cast idols - ?

What's questionable? We've all heard the stories of how he want his ugly, boated, orange face on Mt. Rushmore.

I wonder if it will include his vagina neck.
You just forced me to google Trump vagina neck. There's a full deck of convincing photos. On a hunch, I also went with Trump ass mouth, but it seems to me that most of the pics were photo-shopped. Now if there was just a video loop of Trump stroking his neck in contemplation... (I know, don't tell me that contemplation isn't in his skill set.)
2. Do not make cast idols - ?

What's questionable? We've all heard the stories of how he want his ugly, boated, orange face on Mt. Rushmore.

I wonder if it will include his vagina neck.

Neck vulva.

It’s a vulva, not a vagina. Just sayin’. [/pedant]
Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Get that boy an asbestos burial shroud.
I'll now assess Trump with the Negative Confessions of the Papyrus of Ani (~1200 BCE). It is an Egyptian funerary text, full of instructions on how to find one's way around in the next world, like spells to turn oneself into a hawk or a heron or a horned snake or a water lily, and a spell to keep oneself from dying again.

I have not done wrong - very general, and Trump has violated that in several ways.

I did not steal anything - several versions of this from pilfering offerings to stealing cattle or to violent robbery to stealing land - maybe not directly, but indirectly in the form of his cons and his stiffing of employees and contractors.

I did not kill anyone - maybe not directly, but indirectly by negligence, some 175,000 people from COVID-19 over the last half year.

I did not tell lies - Trump has told numerous falsehoods.

I did not say curses (not profanity, but things like "May you suffer some horrible fate!") - doubtful

I did not commit illicit sex - Trump has had several love affairs while he was married to his three wives.

I did not make anyone miserable enough to weep - Trump has caused that to numerous people, like the unfortunate inmates of the border concentration camps, apparently a deliberate policy.

I have not (physically?) attacked anyone - no evidence of physical attacks, though he has done so in litigation fashion.

I have not been deceitful - I don't know how much of Trump's lying is deliberate lying or how much of it is he being a pathological liar, someone who believes his lies.

I have not tried to peek into other people's business - no evidence of that.

I have not defamed anyone - he likes to make insults, like "the failing New York times" or about women's appearance.

I have not been angry without good reason - he sometimes seems very angry without any good reason.

I have not terrorized anyone - sending all those Federal troops to Portland may qualify as that.

I have not ignored true words - Trump has done that quite a lot.

I have not blasphemed - he's probably innocent.

I have not done violence - he's come close to ordering it, with his Federal troops in Portland.

I have stirred up strife - ?

I have not been overly hasty - ?

I did not talk too much - ?

I did not attack the leadership - Obama birtherism

I did not obstruct the flow of irrigation water - not that, but he has obstructed the flow of other forms of sustenance, like with his sabotage of the USPS.

I did not raise my voice - ?

I have not been arrogant - he's done that a lot.
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