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Dutch Hack Russians

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist

The right wing has been howling that Fusion-GPS and Christipher Steele were tun by the DNC to destroy Trump. Of course the Australians tipped off the US before that. And now it tuns out the Dutch did also. The Dutch hacked into the Russian operations to interfere with the 2016 elections, and apparently tipped off the U.S.. Long before Christopher Steele went to the FBI. Apparently the Dutch did a bang up, thorough job of it. This is going to be a big story in coming weeks and months. Russia caught red handed.

Pop up some popcorn, it's going the be entertaining as hell.


In the Summer of 2015, Dutch intelligence services were the first to alert their American counterparts about the cyberintrusion of the Democratic National Committee by Cozy Bear, a hacking group believed to be tied to the Russian government. Intelligence hackers from Dutch AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service) had penetrated the Cozy Bear computer servers as well as a security camera at the entrance of their working space, located in a university building adjacent to the Red Square in Moscow. Over the course of a few months, they saw how the Russians penetrated several U.S. institutions, including the State Department, the White House, and the DNC. On all these occasions, the Dutch alerted the U.S. intelligence services, Dutch tv programme Nieuwsuur and de Volkskrant, a prominent newspaper in The Netherlands, jointly report on Thursday. This account is based on interviews with a dozen political, diplomatic and intelligence sources in The Netherlands and the U.S. with direct knowledge of the matter. None of them wanted to speak on the record, given the classified details of the matter.
Not only had Dutch intelligence penetrated the computer network of the hackers, they also managed to hack a security camera in the corridor. This allowed them to see exactly who entered the hacking room. Information about these individuals was shared with the US intelligence services. Dutch intelligence services consider Cozy Bear an extension of the SVR, the Russian foreign intelligence service, which is firmly controlled by President Putin.
Yeah, it's really juicy.

Dutch intelligence were inside the hacking room, knew who were in there (thanks to the camera) and literally saw the hacks on the DNC happening in real time on location.
Okay. Be there any lingering doubts about Russia, let them be put to rest. Now, show me video of Flynn or Manafort walking in to or out of the hacking room. That's popcorn and a juice box.
Amongst the search results for 'dutch hack russians' I see nothing new on the BBC. Quite a few historical articles. Possibly I've failed to track the article down on the BBC website or they may be behind the curve. Its on Reuters and a number of others. Wonder whether Putin/Lavrov will deny it or urge calm/ask people not to draw any conclusions whilst the matter is "looked into".
Of course Pooty will deny it. He is as big a liar as they come. The next thing is, will our GOP dominated Congress continue on refusing to take Pooty's hacking of our elections as a problem to be dealt seriously with with an election only 10 months away? Will there be more sanctions? Will Trumpo and his boys admit finally that the Vodkastanis are a real and serious problem? And not our friends? What did our many intelligence agencies know, or not know about all of this? Was there another massive intelligence failure here to acknowledge? All these stupid Republicans sitting on various intelligence oversight committees, are they going to wake up and start actively doing something? Were they warned of all of this? If so, why no action. If not, why not? We need the press in America to start asking questions loud and clear of our government.
Welll, video would certainly be interesting by itself, but unless it's video from a conference room during power point presentation of Russia's US election meddling it would have no substance as a proof of anything. People in the office going back and forth that's the most you can realistically hope for. Ironic part is the fact that Dutch (and the rest of Free World) is hacking Russia and each other and it's not really a news.
Yet for some re when russians try to do the same it's shocking news.
Welll, video would certainly be interesting by itself, but unless it's video from a conference room during power point presentation of Russia's US election meddling it would have no substance as a proof of anything. People in the office going back and forth that's the most you can realistically hope for. Ironic part is the fact that Dutch (and the rest of Free World) is hacking Russia and each other and it's not really a news.
Yet for some re when russians try to do the same it's shocking news.

That´s pathetic Moscow Barbie.
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