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Eric Prince's secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

For our Putinistas, WP and Barbos - I know very well that this does not prove anything beyond all doubt, so save your breath.

The Seychelles encounter, which one official said spanned two days, adds to an expanding web of connections between Russia and Americans with ties to Trump — contacts that the White House has been reluctant to acknowledge or explain until they have been exposed by news organizations.

It's the reticence to admit these ties, coupled with all of Trump's associates' willingness to lie about their Russian contacts that is most suspicious. This does explain something about why S.A. never appears on Cheato's Muslim Ban lists though.
If they'd come clean, maybe this whole collusion thing would go the way of Obama's wiretapping of Trump Tower. Or maybe it would blow up in their face, and that's why they try so very hard to deflect, distract and lie about it.
I actually believe it. It's very plausible. UAE/SA have been trying to make Russia sell Iran/Syria out for ages.
They have been doing it during Obama administration too, well technically this incident was during Obama administration as well :)
So the Trump Team had this idea that they were going to play the Russians. Much like an idiot goes to Vegas to try and win big league at poker against some guys that have won many tournaments.

The Trump Team is playing Pee Wee hockey, the Russians in the NHL. And the idiots think they can win this. It is pathetic and Putin must be out of his mind with the potential opportunities open to him now. He has to be wondering, just how far he can go with this.
So the Trump Team had this idea that they were going to play the Russians. Much like an idiot goes to Vegas to try and win big league at poker against some guys that have won many tournaments.

The Trump Team is playing Pee Wee hockey, the Russians in the NHL. And the idiots think they can win this. It is pathetic and Putin must be out of his mind with the potential opportunities open to him now. He has to be wondering, just how far he can go with this.
Trump is not the smartest president but do you know what Saudis did? They offered Putin large weapons&arms contract in exchange for giving up Syria. That's even dumber than anything Trump have done so far.
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So the Trump Team had this idea that they were going to play the Russians. Much like an idiot goes to Vegas to try and win big league at poker against some guys that have won many tournaments.

The Trump Team is playing Pee Wee hockey, the Russians in the NHL. And the idiots think they can win this. It is pathetic and Putin must be out of his mind with the potential opportunities open to him now. He has to be wondering, just how far he can go with this.
Trump is not the smartest president but do you know what Saudis did? They offered him large weapons&arms contract in exchange for giving up Syria. That's even dumber than anything Trump have done so far.

Trump will do anything for money. He calls it being smart. That's how stupid he is.
I bet Putin's IQ is at least 1½ x Trump's.
So the Trump Team had this idea that they were going to play the Russians. Much like an idiot goes to Vegas to try and win big league at poker against some guys that have won many tournaments.

The Trump Team is playing Pee Wee hockey, the Russians in the NHL. And the idiots think they can win this. It is pathetic and Putin must be out of his mind with the potential opportunities open to him now. He has to be wondering, just how far he can go with this.
Trump is not the smartest president...
Not the smartest anything.
...but do you know what Saudis did?

- - - Updated - - -

Trump is not the smartest president but do you know what Saudis did? They offered him large weapons&arms contract in exchange for giving up Syria. That's even dumber than anything Trump have done so far.

Trump will do anything for money. He calls it being smart. That's how stupid he is.
I bet Putin's IQ is at least 1½ x Trump's.
That's not even a question. Putin is not dumb, he is extremely calculating and long-term oriented. As I noted, the two are magnitudes apart.
I actually believe it. It's very plausible. UAE/SA have been trying to make Russia sell Iran/Syria out for ages.
They have been doing it during Obama administration too, well technically this incident was during Obama administration as well :)

From the article:
Current and former U.S. officials who have worked closely with Zayed, who is often referred to as MBZ, say it would be out of character for him to arrange the Jan. 11 meeting without getting a green light in advance from top aides to Trump and Putin, if not the leaders themselves. “MBZ is very cautious,” said an American businessman who knows Zayed and spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. “There had to be a nod.”

Prince and his family were major GOP donors in 2016. The Center for Responsive Politics reported that the family gave more than $10 million to GOP candidates and super PACs, including about $2.7 million from his sister, DeVos, and her husband.

The Devos nomination is somewhat of a mystery. And the Senate hearings were troubling, beginning with former Democratic Senator and neocon Joseph Lieberman escorting Devos into the chamber and remaining by her side during the hearing. I didn't see any connection at the time.

In early 2017, Lieberman introduced Pres.-elect Donald Trump's nominee as Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension committee. One report on Lieberman's involvement was critical of him for failing to disclose in his testimony the extensive legal work his Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman biglaw firm had done for Donald Trump since at least as long ago as 2001. The work included bankrupt casino restructuring and, during the 2016 campaign, threatening the New York Times over publication of a few 1995 Trump tax documents.

EDA: And so the plot thickens.
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Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

For our Putinistas, WP and Barbos - I know very well that this does not prove anything beyond all doubt, so save your breath.

The Seychelles encounter, which one official said spanned two days, adds to an expanding web of connections between Russia and Americans with ties to Trump — contacts that the White House has been reluctant to acknowledge or explain until they have been exposed by news organizations.

It's the reticence to admit these ties, coupled with all of Trump's associates' willingness to lie about their Russian contacts that is most suspicious. This does explain something about why S.A. never appears on Cheato's Muslim Ban lists though.
I'd say that SA not being on the list can already be explained by Don the Cons financial interests in SA and in SA's Chihuahua states. El Cheato doesn't really need more reasons that that...

Sigh, this whole thing seems to be turning into some cheap Tom Clancy knock off TV series, airing on some off channel....
Sigh, this whole thing seems to be turning into some cheap Tom Clancy knock off TV series, airing on some off channel....

There's a reason Cheato tweets at 3am. That's when his "ideas" come to him. :D
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

For our Putinistas, WP and Barbos - I know very well that this does not prove anything beyond all doubt, so save your breath.

It's the reticence to admit these ties, coupled with all of Trump's associates' willingness to lie about their Russian contacts that is most suspicious. This does explain something about why S.A. never appears on Cheato's Muslim Ban lists though.
I'd say that SA not being on the list can already be explained by Don the Cons financial interests in SA and in SA's Chihuahua states. El Cheato doesn't really need more reasons that that...

Sigh, this whole thing seems to be turning into some cheap Tom Clancy knock off TV series, airing on some off channel....

Well, Saudi Arabia is our biggest regional ally, next to maybe Israel, which should really lay bare how incoherent our entire Middle East policy is. They buy 100s billions in arms from us. Which they are using to bomb Yemen indiscriminately, current civilian casualties mounting into the 10s of thousands ATM.

I guess the silver lining now that Trump is President is that liberals will be vehemently against the War in Yemen.
I'd say that SA not being on the list can already be explained by Don the Cons financial interests in SA and in SA's Chihuahua states. El Cheato doesn't really need more reasons that that...

Sigh, this whole thing seems to be turning into some cheap Tom Clancy knock off TV series, airing on some off channel....

Well, Saudi Arabia is our biggest regional ally, next to maybe Israel, which should really lay bare how incoherent our entire Middle East policy is. They buy 100s billions in arms from us. Which they are using to bomb Yemen indiscriminately, current civilian casualties mounting into the 10s of thousands ATM.
I just wanted to add the part where the US has been quietly flying the tanker planes to refuel Saudi fighter jets doing the bombing for a couple years.
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