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Eternal life through science

The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics posits that there are already untold numbers of “you,” endlessly bifurcating since your birth. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, you can never meet any of them.
Well, I take it a bit further in that I know I exist more or less at different times and places already, according to my own view of self.

It's not really a belief, even if it is created by the existence of a belief; this is perhaps a good example of a "Tinkerbell effect" wherein a belief creates a reality.

I have had the experiences I have had, as the archetype I implement, and so have others with similar thoughts as a similar archetype. This happens through similar experiences such that there is no major meaningful difference that would be recognized by any such instance.. at least at my current stage of existential growth. As I said before, I'm a hoarder in some ways, so I wouldn't want to sacrifice any instance, and especially not one so far along the path as I've gotten this time!

You could consider it like some beliefs in reincarnation, although I do not see it as a belief so much as mere information that would, definitionally, always eventually hold in some form? I have reason to believe this isn't the first time this has happened, regardless, but admittedly, I lack any proof and so reserve making any such foolish claims for when I do, which I won't.

Personally, until I get to the point where this happens directly and completely in a way that satisfies all of the many checks I've thought up to this point in my life, I think it's not exceptionally healthy to look too directly at that truth though. Heaven knows all too many people decide they fit an archetype with some pseudohistorical figure and leap to the conclusion that they are, themselves, literally God, which I know I'm not; I'm just a schlub who likes to play games and contemplate the metaphysics of simulation boundaries who plans on using a disgusting amount of luck and money and excessive free time to "steal fire" and maybe even snub the consequences that all the stories promise me.
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