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Facebook Upholds Trump Ban


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Like the Motherzucker should be praised for not allowing a treasonous, lying asshole to promote violent insurrection on his platform - for six months.
That shouldn't even be a question, let alone one requiring a whole "oversight" board of yes-men to ponder it.

Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump ban

"...it was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension,” the board said in a statement explaining its decision. “Facebook’s normal penalties include removing the violating content, imposing a time-bound period of suspension, or permanently disabling the page and account.”

BULLSHIT. It is "not appropriate" for FB to make itself an accessory to undermining democracy in order to appease insurrectionist trumpsuckers and keep Trump's Big Lie alive.
He launched his awesome, technologically mind blowing... blog which includes Sharing links for Twitter and Facebook. Of course, people will have to share it for it to make to Facebook and mobile sharing will likely be a pain in the butt.
Donald should be banned for his lack of spelling skills alone.

... of course to be fair, then they'd also have to ban 80% of his followers.

In Trumpistan, teh stoopid isn't a bug, it's a feature.
This feeds the Trump supporter's delusion.

To them this is the deep state fighting for it's right to keep eating babies and conduct war overseas.

With Donald fighting hard to oppose them.
I understand he was banned on Twitter permanently, right? Trump was more on Twitter than facebook.
What's really impressive is he not only manage to get himself banned from all the major social media platforms he got every known advocacy group banned as well. He even managed to get a platform banned from a platform. Amazing!
In nod to Trump, Florida is set to ban 'deplatforming' by tech companies
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube could be fined for banning political candidates under a bill passed by Florida's Legislature. Critics say it's unconstitutional.

Florida is on track to be the first state in the nation to punish social media companies that ban politicians like former President Donald Trump under a bill approved Thursday by the state's Republican-led Legislature.

Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican and close Trump ally who called for the bill’s passage, is expected to sign the legislation into law, but the proposal appears destined to be challenged in court after a tech industry trade group called it a violation of the First Amendment speech rights of corporations.

Republicans have been barraging Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other tech companies for booting Trump and other conservatives from their platforms after violations of the companies’ rules, including bans on the promotion of violence related to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
In nod to Trump, Florida is set to ban 'deplatforming' by tech companies
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube could be fined for banning political candidates under a bill passed by Florida's Legislature. Critics say it's unconstitutional.

Florida is on track to be the first state in the nation to punish social media companies that ban politicians like former President Donald Trump under a bill approved Thursday by the state's Republican-led Legislature.

Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican and close Trump ally who called for the bill’s passage, is expected to sign the legislation into law, but the proposal appears destined to be challenged in court after a tech industry trade group called it a violation of the First Amendment speech rights of corporations.

Republicans have been barraging Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other tech companies for booting Trump and other conservatives from their platforms after violations of the companies’ rules, including bans on the promotion of violence related to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Finally, we are just two steps away from all of us getting unbanned at BaptistBoard! :)

Meanwhile, Trump wouldn't fall under this law as he wasn't banned for political speech. He was banned for urging an insurrection, then urging one on that was happening.
Also banned for spreading the same lies that led to the anger in the deluded fools that carried out the treason that day.

The lies prepared the way for the incitement that occurred immediately before the act of insurrection.

Some of the insurrection was planned by people Roger Stone was hanging out with that morning and already taking place as Trump spoke.
It's kind of sad that idiots like DeSantis don't understand what the 1st amendment means and that it has nothing to do with limiting speech by private companies. The government hasn't limited Trump's speech, despite how much he lies, or despite how hateful he often is. But, the government does put some limits on free speech. Free speech doesn't mean that you can threaten other people with harm. Free speech doesn't give you the right to incite violence. Are these Republicans really this stupid or do they just think their sycophants are stupid enough to believe whatever they are fed?
Are these Republicans really this stupid or do they just think their sycophants are stupid enough to believe whatever they are fed?

Yes to both, but mostly the second part. They really do think their suckers will believe whatever they are told.
It is kind of sad. The saddest thing is that they may be right, which we don't really know yet.
I have a feeling their sycophants may be a bit illusory though.
They're so much louder and attention-seeking than anyone else, it's possible that they are even fewer in number than Trump's epic 7 million vote loss would indicate. If the disgust that many people felt with Trump in November 2020 has bled downticket in the meanwhile, anything could happen in 2022 - it could be a real reckoning.
The will of the people vs. Republican State Legislatures' voter suppression efforts - possible The Final Chapter if the right takes back Congress.
I think they've created a base that's so crazy that even the Repub legislators who have Ivy League credentials have to play as crazy as the voters. Look at the startlingly corrupt Lindsey Graham, that oiliest of men, who will say anything the crazies want to hear, even if what he's saying is the precise opposite of what he was saying in the long-ago days of 2015.
Our one hope -- and it may be a pretty good one -- is that the right has made itself so incestuous and made their delirious circle dance one in which you must keep a death grip on your fellow zany's hand, so that they will never break higher than the mid-40s in election percents. Also, they're aging out in demographics and will soon (in about one generation) lose their Caucasian majority for good. Then again, it could all come down to one charismatic pol who can put a new face on the Trumpian turd.
I say only let Trump back on the platform if he admits he lost the election fair and square. If he starts telling lies again, ban him again, permanently.
Trump's response:

"What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country. These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process."

Nope, doesn't sound fascistic at all. Can someone remind me how it's the intolerant left who are all about cancel culture and hate free speech?
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