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Favorite video game quote


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
As long as we're recreating threads from the old dig, how about this one?

My favorite is from a quest-giving NPC on Taris in SW:tOR on the Republic side. He's a doctor working with pirates on a poisoned planet that turns people into space-werewolves or something. At some point he declares

Star Wars: the Old Republic said:
I swear on my medical license! The real one!
Minsc from Baldur's Gate 2 said:
Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Boo was Minsc's pet hamster, whom Minsc insisted was a super-intelligent other-dimensional being.

Fallout said:
War. War never changes.
Opening narrator line from every Fallout game ever.
Minsc was pretty much everyone's favorite character from Baldur's Gate, and it had a lot to do with Boo, who was often referred to as a Miniature Giant Space Hamster.

Deapool (video game 2013) said:
If that hit you in the chest, I'm sorry. I was aiming for your crotch.

Of course it's Deadpool, so it is rife with classic one-liners, and even the achievements are often quite funny. One of the early achievements you can get is "Playing with Deadpool's junk".
World of Warcraft said:
You're so cute when you're bleeding!
Love letter from a female orc. The scary thing is that she was being completely genuine.
Cave Johnson:
All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!
Make life take the lemons back!
Get Mad!
I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?
Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!
I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that'll burn your house down!

I never actually played whatever video game that's from, but I've always loved the line ever since first hearing it mentioned.
All your base are belong to us.
Years later this quote took on a life of its own. It was actually a poor Japanese translation from 1991 game. Its quite ominous as an opening message before an attack. You get the impression no negotiation will ever be possible due to the schism in cultures.
If a Malkavian wants to help you, God help you. If you need help from a Malkavian, God can not help you. - Vampire the Masquerade - Redemption (some NPC, can't remember exact quote either)

And regarding Boo the (miniature giant space) hamster from Bladur's Gate.
In the Spelljammer setting (Ansalonian [that is Dragonlance]) (Tinker) Gnomes use Giant Space Hamsters to power some of their ships/tech. There's also firebreathing giant space hamsters, and of course miniature giant space hamsters.
"I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee"

Unfortunately, they always finish the sentence, even if you kill them halfway through it. Still, it's a satisfying kill.
"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

The picture helps explain why the quote is insane:

Some other insane quotes from the golden age of point and click adventure games:

Sam and Max Hit the Road:
Max: Another confused census taker?

Sam: Actually, it was the Commissioner with another idiotic and baffling assignment.

Max: Does it involve wanton destruction?

Sam: We can only hope.

Day of the Tentacle:
Bernard: You know what they say: "To save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs."

Grim Fandango:
Glottis: Manny, until now we scraped along the ground like rats, but from now on, we soar. Like eagles. Yeah. LIKE EAGLES... ON... POGO STICKS.

Curse of Monkey Island:
Guybrush Threepwood: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh, right. I know a lot about lifting curses. That's why I'm a disembodied talking skull sitting on top of a spike in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush Threepwood: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry. It's been a rough day.

Escape from Monkey Island
Guybrush Threepwood: Pick up the moon? Are you nuts?

Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter
Not far below you is a large horizontal plane which proves beneficial in maximizing the exploitation of gravity.

Space Quest 2: Vohaul's revenge
"I intend to infest your planet with genetically-engineered, door-to-door insurance salesmen."

Space Quest 3: Pirates of Pestulon
"You get the ladder and put it in your pocket. Ouch."

Space quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers
"Casually glancing at the status bar, you notice you're in Space Quest 12..."

Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier
"Wow! FREE birdseed! And so conveniently placed under a huge boulder, too!"

Full Throttle
Bartender: The customer with a knife is always right.

And for a modern quote:

Octodad 2: Dadliest Catch
Octodaaaad! Nobody suspects a thing! Octodaaaad! He's got a good thing going! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h27rq_RwQMk
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