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FBI Report Submitted to Senate

I'm reading there are still five unknown votes.

Looks to me the meme is 1) lying about drinking is unimportant 2) Kavanaugh's accuser is unreliable in some way(take your pick).

Will that provide sufficient cover for those five Senators?

I'm a bit surprised Kavanaugh's machinations to soften the impact of the Ramirez allegations and obvious lying didn't have more impact.

No, it won't affect the votes. It will probably be enough to have those Dems in the Trump states vote against him, since I don't see a way to both vote to confirm him and survive the next primary for a Dem politician, but the GOP votes are the only ones which matter. It'll be enough for them to say "The FBI didn't find evidence of wrongdoing" and move past it.
I'm reading there are still five unknown votes.
There are currently 1 unknown vote. Flake was happy with this not coming up with any confirmatory evidence. Collins said it was thorough.

So it can be easily concluded that Collins, Flake, and Murkowski will vote to confirm, short of something else coming up, like Kavanaugh performs abortions on the side.

With those votes assured, Manchin will likely vote yes. Heitkamp is endangered, but I am uncertain if she'll choose her job over choosing a moral position and telling Kavanaugh to fuck off... if only for a moment.

Looks to me the meme is 1) lying about drinking is unimportant 2) Kavanaugh's accuser is unreliable in some way(take your pick).
It is about corroboration. They are hiding behind that. Not that corroboration is a bad thing, it is just that FBI clearly didn't seek it out.

I'm a bit surprised Kavanaugh's machinations to soften the impact of the Ramirez allegations and obvious lying didn't have more impact.
We are devolving into an authoritarian one-party state, so less and less is surprising me.

- - - Updated - - -

For everyone here who feels disappointed....no need to worry. I am very confident the Democrats have not scraped the bottom of the barrel yet! They still have until Saturday to pull something else out of the bag.
Kavanaugh committed perjury on two different occasions in front of the Senate. That used to be all sorts of bad stuff. Not if the guy is a Republican... who swore under oath that there will be a reckoning.
the FBI is thoroughly convinced Kavanaugh did not commit several acts of perjury during his testimony.
...and that's when I realized this was a joke. Good one, Jimmy, you're getting better at this.
It is easy to realize it is a joke when you don't see a link for an "article" I'm posting. Honestly, the *wink wink* was a dead giveaway. I usually don't like giving it up that quickly, but it had to be said.
the FBI is thoroughly convinced Kavanaugh did not commit several acts of perjury during his testimony.
...and that's when I realized this was a joke. Good one, Jimmy, you're getting better at this.
It is easy to realize it is a joke when you don't see a link for an "article" I'm posting. Honestly, the *wink wink* was a dead giveaway. I usually don't like giving it up that quickly, but it had to be said.

In our defense, the actual FBI report contains at least 3 winks on each of the two pages.
Well, all this time I've felt that the DoJ had a thread of concern left for the Constitution and the American people and wasn't completely compromised like the other branches in spite of whatever problems had already existed with the DoJ.

Ya, your feelings were probably misplaced. The DoJ is mainly a bunch of rich white guys from elite boarding schools who'll be disinvited from the best parties and events if they start going up too much against the other rich white guys from elite boarding schools in their investigations. Investigations of misconduct are what poor Mexicans are for.
Don't forget 'the blacks'.
Well, all this time I've felt that the DoJ had a thread of concern left for the Constitution and the American people and wasn't completely compromised like the other branches in spite of whatever problems had already existed with the DoJ.

Ya, your feelings were probably misplaced. The DoJ is mainly a bunch of rich white guys from elite boarding schools who'll be disinvited from the best parties and events if they start going up too much against the other rich white guys from elite boarding schools in their investigations. Investigations of misconduct are what poor Mexicans are for.
Don't forget 'the blacks'.

Separation of duties. Shooting unarmed black people is what local police forces are for. The FBI focuses more on Hispanics.

I'm not sure what State cops do. Maybe they go after the Asians or something.

Actually that count of law professors is now ell over 2000.



Really, why didn't the FBI use its TARDIS? And why focus on people with firsthand knowledge. What about the guy who heard something from the girl who was friends with so-and-so who thinks they recall something, maybe. Come on!
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For everyone here who feels disappointed....no need to worry. I am very confident the Democrats have not scraped the bottom of the barrel yet! They still have until Saturday to pull something else out of the bag.

I've got to ask, do you blame the DemonRats every time you can't find your car keys as well?



Really, why didn't the FBI use its TARDIS? And why focus on people with firsthand knowledge. What about the guy who heard something from the girl who was friends with so-and-so who thinks they recall something, maybe. Come on!

I agree 100%. An FBI investigation would not have determined a he said/she said event, but it would confirm perjury of Kavanaugh and others if given enough time. We did not need an FBI investigation because we already know he perjured himself several times.
Not much of an investigation when you just interview his buddies.

Hey, his fraternity brothers say he was an angelic boy scout. Well, that's good enough for me.

The peripheral contemporaries that were there but have no allegiance to him are the only decent witnesses to his behavior in there era. Same for Dr. Ford.

Especially the member of the cool clique is not going to get dimed out by his party buddies. Remember, what happens at GTP stays at GTP.
This guy is the ultimate elitist. He and his clique had the crazy kegger house parties, usually because their parents had multiple houses, beach houses, and there was always a vacant house available. They did whatever the hell they wanted. Now as an ultra-conservative lawyer and judge he is Mr. Moral High Horse and willing to throw the damn book at any plebe that dare indulge in the partying, bullying, and other shenanigans of the rich kids.

It was "Brock" in my class. That fuck head is now a prosecutor.
The biggest issue here is the failure to investigate the fourth boy, likely Tobin, and question him.

It is established, particularly as a function of BK's social life, that Tobin provided a primary venue for multiple group activities, particularly on July 1's entry, upon which they were consuming alcohol as a group of five boys, and potentially unnamed additional guests.

Literally the first thing that went through my head when she didn't know where the house was or the identity of the fourth boy was "if we can make a list of potentials for the "fourth boy", we can isolate potential crime scenes." While there is certainly no evidence of an attack from 30 years ago, this DOES allow corroboration of details, as it would establish that 4+ persons met in a house with a narrow stairway and consumed alcohol there. It would also allow the investigator to question Tobin as to whether additional female guests were ever brought into such a place. This information would corroborate Ford's testimony, particularly in light of BK's letter which indicates that he DID in fact interact with girls from Holten Arms. It would also mean that BK, Judge, and PJ all perjored themselves.

This was not even attempted, largely because it was not authorized. I'd bet my left nut that this went through more than just my head. This would take only a day or two to investigate and put a report together on. Any FBI investigation that does not actually investigate whether the claims are consistent with reality is no investigation at all. Any statement of fact which may be supported by historic record and first hand experience should be tested. But no such elements of testimony were investigated. They only questioned a couple people who had a vested interest in lying.

How can we accept this investigation when they didn't do what was literally the most obvious thing an honest investigation would do?
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