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Fine-Tuning Argument vs Argument From Miracles

I don't want this to feel like I'm arguing with you, because you make good points. But I just don't believe that calling indoctrination the primary driver is correct.

Think of it this way: why would religion come into being in the first place? If our brains weren't innately wired for spiritualistic thinking, why would religion even exist? Why would our pre-historic ancestors confabulate a bunch of creation stories, and force others to believe them for no reason? Just doesn't add up, and that's because these stories serve a psychological purpose for people.

This is all to say that religion / religious followers are in a symbiotic relationship.

Think of it another way: why would religions evolve in such a way that they resolve our cognitive dissonance, and not just straight up tell us that we're going to die eternally? It's because people want to believe the lie, and if religions were focused on truth people would just leave them. Which actually has been the case as religions that do a bad job of resolving our dissonance have faded.
Let's also remember that for all those eons persons who rebelled against mysticism were summarily removed from the group, exiled or outright killed. That's serious selection pressure. A lack of mystical thinking, aka intellect, scares people because it is perceived to threaten authority and the survival of the group.

Reminds me of the Gentle rebellion of Jesus against the Pharisees mysticism and co..

Still not yet seen the Dr.Carrier vids you highlighted (just realising who the link was of). I know he had issues or vice versa with Bart Erhman, I think with one of Dr.Carriers books besides that. And then, the same has been of Erhmans book(s)to be fair. Nevertheless, its what each individual makes of Dr.Carriers case.
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I don't want this to feel like I'm arguing with you, because you make good points. But I just don't believe that calling indoctrination the primary driver is correct.

Think of it this way: why would religion come into being in the first place? If our brains weren't innately wired for spiritualistic thinking, why would religion even exist?

I thought I'd laid out several reasons why. Not to mention exactly how our brains could be "innately wired."

Why would our pre-historic ancestors confabulate a bunch of creation stories, and force others to believe them for no reason?

Again, see the parts you snipped.

Just doesn't add up, and that's because these stories serve a psychological purpose for people.

The "purpose" you're talking about, however, is "an answer to my difficult question." Again, just think in terms of a parent/child relationship where the kid is constantly repeating "why" to everything the adult says until the adult is backed into a corner and has no more answers to give. What is that ultimate state? "Because I said so." Authoritative decree, iow. And what usually precedes that point? The adult getting farther and farther away from his or her actual knowledge base and more and more abstract and "mystical."

This is all to say that religion / religious followers are in a symbiotic relationship.

Agreed, but you seem to be arguing for a chicken/egg relationship where the egg has no origin; it's just genetically encoded. But in this case, we're not talking about genetics; we're talking about memes, basically. And while we may have a biological (or, perhaps better, neurological) "propensity" for memetic thought, that doesn't mean that the content of the memes is necessarily the driver.

Iow, we want answers to questions for which most people don't have, so we make shit up that kind of sort of shuts up the kid asking the questions, at least for that session, if you will. But the adult knows the child may be placated for the moment, but shortly the whole "why? why? why?" OCD onslaught is going to start up again and if that adult doesn't have better and better answers, well, you see the dynamic I'm describing.

So, yes, symbiotic, but more in the sense of an ignorance based feedback loop that ultimately always stops at ignorance (and by that I mean in the strictest sense). We simply don't know the answer to the incessant question, so we make up magical beings as the explanation.

And because the question appears to have an answer, the child shuts up. Is that an innate thing? Is that something inheritable? Well, yes, in the sense that we seek answers and get perhaps too easily placated when the answers come from those we trust the most, which for every single child to have been born (well, most anyway), those first placaters are our parents. And then there are the secondary placaters and the tertiary placeters, etc., and when nearly every single person you meet during your formative years in particular ALL reinforce the same mystical thinking, then it sticks.

But for some of us, the exceptions that prove the rule, it doesn't and for US--the atheists--is is precisely the refusal to be placated and to keep asking deeper and deeper questions of "why" that typically leads us to our own deprogramming. But are we immune to the magical ponies answers? Clearly not as the recent unpleasantness with Sanders proves and just about every election underscores, when a candidate promises "hope" and polices that they know--and even confess outright--they can't possibly ever implement and yet people vote for those people anyway. They call it "voting their conscience" but it's really voting for a messiah/savior/deus ex machina.

Is that innately triggered or simply deeply ingrained. You seem to be arguing for the innate over the ingrained, whereas I see it as a propensity to want answers and a laziness on the part of the people we naturualy first ask questions of to provide the proper responses.

Not necessarily out of malicious intent. Obviously the whole nonsense of life after death comes from a nearly impossible heartbreak to tell a child that they will in fact die and everyone they know and love will die and so we make shit up to placate them.

So is the need to be placated innate? I don't really know how to even frame that question in a way that would or could be meaningfully addressed. Sure. We want answers to our questions and we will accept even the most outlandish ones so long as they told to us by trusted individuals in our lives.

Especially during formative years.

Think of it another way: why would religions evolve in such a way that they resolve our cognitive dissonance, and not just straight up tell us that we're going to die eternally? It's because people want to believe the lie, and if religions were focused on truth people would just leave them. Which actually has been the case as religions that do a bad job of resolving our dissonance have faded.

Well, then, again, I think we're saying the same thing, just with slightly different terminology.
There are two sides to the story, one is religious structures that prey on their members, the other is people who eat it up because they like it.

See? Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy, "boogy men", etc., are all of the same trope that people have been repeating for millenia, starting way back in the days of sun gods and magical explanations borne out of profound ignorance. But it is most definitely indoctrination and reinforcement that is the prime driver. Not the only driver, but certainly a primary driver.

Stating the obvious, all four of the underlined above only appeared much much later (like the unicorn image dipiction we usually see) e.g. being just a few hundred years old. I would still agree to some point this happens in regards to indoctrination, and as rousseau highlights ... we are not all theists by this way!

Now of course you could say rightly that there were ancient (I mean really ancient ) equivalents to santa back then, as the bible does mention and acknowledges other gods (small g). These gods as mentioned were/are false (according to the biblical veiwpoint), especially when many are merely statues.
There are two sides to the story, one is religious structures that prey on their members, the other is people who eat it up because they like it.

See? Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy, "boogy men", etc., are all of the same trope that people have been repeating for millenia, starting way back in the days of sun gods and magical explanations borne out of profound ignorance. But it is most definitely indoctrination and reinforcement that is the prime driver. Not the only driver, but certainly a primary driver.
Stating the obvious, all four of the underlined above only appeared much much later (like the unicorn image dipiction we usually see) e.g. being just a few hundred years old.
Much later than Jesus? Of course, Jesus appeared much later than 'Moses', who was allegedly much later than than Sumerian civilization. But I don't see you touting their gods.
Stating the obvious, all four of the underlined above only appeared much much later (like the unicorn image dipiction we usually see) e.g. being just a few hundred years old.
Much later than Jesus? Of course, Jesus appeared much later than 'Moses', who was allegedly much later than than Sumerian civilization. But I don't see you touting their gods.

Jesus touts the God of the OT like Moses, therefore as a Christian ...
Stating the obvious, all four of the underlined above only appeared much much later (like the unicorn image dipiction we usually see) e.g. being just a few hundred years old.
Much later than Jesus? Of course, Jesus appeared much later than 'Moses', who was allegedly much later than than Sumerian civilization. But I don't see you touting their gods.

Jesus touts the God of the OT, therefore as a Christian ...
What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?
What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?

Well thats not my understanding. Its clear Jesus mentions quite a few times the Holy Father ... only HE knows etc...separate from himself. Now I would say that it seems to make more sense that: Jesus has the utmost authority of God i.e. directly represents God AND... common sense (imo) that Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are "as one" in context to the texts to SIMPLY mean ... in UNION... for lack of better articulation. Thats my understanding which seems quite obvious to me, and I believe some Christians should realise this, to be fair.

Its not even an issue anyway that would harm the belief i.e its far more "important" we believe in the Saviour, although IT IS an issue for the sake of a (flawed) argument, just as you have used yourself.
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What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?

Well thats not my understanding. Its clear Jesus mentions quite a few time the Holy Father ...separate from himself. Now I would say that it seems to be more sense that Jesus has the authority of God i.e. represents God AND... common sense (imo) that Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are as one to SIMPLY mean they are UNITED. Thats my understanding which is quite obvious to me.

Aha... Then you are a polytheist, not a monotheist? There is the chief god with a capital G (sorta like Zeus was the big guy) and Jesus is a minor god with a little g (like all the gods below Zeus) and then something called the Holy Ghost, a god with a little g that I never have yet figured out WTF they are talking about.
What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?

Well thats not my understanding. Its clear Jesus mentions quite a few times the Holy Father ... only HE knows etc...separate from himself. Now I would say that it seems to be more sense that Jesus has the utmost authority of God i.e. directly represents God AND... common sense (imo) that Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are as one in context to the texts to SIMPLY mean ... in UNION... for lack of better articulation. Thats my understanding which seems quite obvious to me.

Its not even an issue ayway that would harm the belief i.e its far more "important" we believe in the Saviour, although IT IS an issue for the sake of a (weak) argument, just as you have done.

It's a shame people do not know their religious genealogy. If people did, even these devout christian types, they could appreciate how their special religious beliefs aren't special at all.

For eons before their special beliefs were born their ancestors in an unbroken line to present were practicing all types of mysticism and superstitions, all manner of religious ritual. Funny how the religious people I know think their religion is ever so special, how they so quickly and thoughtlessly discount the millenia of tradition that came before theirs and are so quick to demonize it.

Do they just hate their ancestors or are they practicing typical religious supremacism? Does it matter? Or are they just so thoughtless and unaware?
What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?

Well thats not my understanding. Its clear Jesus mentions quite a few time the Holy Father ...separate from himself. Now I would say that it seems to be more sense that Jesus has the authority of God i.e. represents God AND... common sense (imo) that Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are as one to SIMPLY mean they are UNITED. Thats my understanding which is quite obvious to me.

Aha... Then you are a polytheist, not a monotheist? There is the chief god with a capital G (sorta like Zeus was the big guy) and Jesus is a minor god with a little g (like all the gods below Zeus) and then something called the Holy Ghost, a god with a little g that I never have yet figured out WTF they are talking about.

It means there's only one God with a capital G, who creates and so on. The small g's "exists" by doing the acts or creating events by whats already created.
What? My understanding of current Christian beliefs is of only one god. Jesus would be the OT god just visiting in person. Or is it that you believe in a pantheon and Jesus is just one of the gods?

Well thats not my understanding. Its clear Jesus mentions quite a few times the Holy Father ... only HE knows etc...separate from himself. Now I would say that it seems to be more sense that Jesus has the utmost authority of God i.e. directly represents God AND... common sense (imo) that Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are as one in context to the texts to SIMPLY mean ... in UNION... for lack of better articulation. Thats my understanding which seems quite obvious to me.

Its not even an issue ayway that would harm the belief i.e its far more "important" we believe in the Saviour, although IT IS an issue for the sake of a (weak) argument, just as you have done.

It's a shame people do not know their religious genealogy. If people did, even these devout christian types, they could appreciate how their special religious beliefs aren't special at all.

For eons before their special beliefs were born their ancestors in an unbroken line to present were practicing all types of mysticism and superstitions, all manner of religious ritual. Funny how the religious people I know think their religion is ever so special, how they so quickly and thoughtlessly discount the millenia of tradition that came before theirs and are so quick to demonize it.

Do they just hate their ancestors or are they practicing typical religious supremacism? Does it matter? Or are they just so thoughtless and unaware?

It's yet another way to tell you're in a cult. It's always the OTHER group that's in a cult, not you and yours.
Stating the obvious, all four of the underlined above only appeared much much later (like the unicorn image dipiction we usually see) e.g. being just a few hundred years old.
Much later than Jesus? Of course, Jesus appeared much later than 'Moses', who was allegedly much later than than Sumerian civilization. But I don't see you touting their gods.

Jesus touts the God of the OT like Moses, therefore as a Christian ...
Sumerian gods existed first, though. And if time being around is relevant, as it is with the Easter Bunny and Santa, Jesus isn't old news.
It's a shame people do not know their religious genealogy. If people did, even these devout christian types, they could appreciate how their special religious beliefs aren't special at all.

For eons before their special beliefs were born their ancestors in an unbroken line to present were practicing all types of mysticism and superstitions, all manner of religious ritual. Funny how the religious people I know think their religion is ever so special, how they so quickly and thoughtlessly discount the millenia of tradition that came before theirs and are so quick to demonize it.

Do they just hate their ancestors or are they practicing typical religious supremacism? Does it matter? Or are they just so thoughtless and unaware?

It's yet another way to tell you're in a cult. It's always the OTHER group that's in a cult, not you and yours.

Only that Christianity ... the faith as according to Jesus is that its.... NOT HIDDEN! ALL is welcome to "come and go" as they please! I'd be atheist if I saw some evidence to become one.
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Jesus touts the God of the OT like Moses, therefore as a Christian ...
Sumerian gods existed first, though. And if time being around is relevant, as it is with the Easter Bunny and Santa, Jesus isn't old news.

Unfortunately with that premise.. The Chinese monotheistic religion (Shang Di) that predates the somewhat confusing Confusious-Golden-rule-origin philosophies, IS identical with the Hebrew texts i.e. before the Sumerians. So a-like are these two seperate beliefs, totally isolated from each other, that its dated around the same time for both.. which stands to reason (as its confidently claimed), to conclude it is more likely that these come from the same original source. More discoveries get found everyday.
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It's a shame people do not know their religious genealogy. If people did, even these devout christian types, they could appreciate how their special religious beliefs aren't special at all.

For eons before their special beliefs were born their ancestors in an unbroken line to present were practicing all types of mysticism and superstitions, all manner of religious ritual. Funny how the religious people I know think their religion is ever so special, how they so quickly and thoughtlessly discount the millenia of tradition that came before theirs and are so quick to demonize it.

Do they just hate their ancestors or are they practicing typical religious supremacism? Does it matter? Or are they just so thoughtless and unaware?

It's yet another way to tell you're in a cult. It's always the OTHER group that's in a cult, not you and yours.

Only that Christianity ... the faith as according to Jesus's is .... NOT HIDDEN!

Cults don't hide their dogma.

ALL is welcome to come and go as they please!

Under threat of eternal damnation if they go.

I'd be atheist if I saw the some evidence to become one.

It is literally all around you. Again, no cult member thinks they are in a cult; it's always all those other people that are in cults. Those "mormons" "scientologists" "catholics" "jews" "islamists" "5 day adventists" "zoroastrians" "mithraists" "wiccans" etc.,etc.,etc.,etc. *insert every single cult to have ever existed here.*
Aha... Then you are a polytheist, not a monotheist? There is the chief god with a capital G (sorta like Zeus was the big guy) and Jesus is a minor god with a little g (like all the gods below Zeus) and then something called the Holy Ghost, a god with a little g that I never have yet figured out WTF they are talking about.

It means there's only one God with a capital G, who creates and so on. The small g's "exists" by doing the acts or creating events by whats already created.

So you are a polytheist then? There is the big guy god with a capital G and little gods with a small g like Jesus that was sent to "spread the word"? Sorta like the big god Zeus ruling and sending little gods to do his bidding.
Only that Christianity ... the faith as according to Jesus's is .... NOT HIDDEN!

Cults don't hide their dogma.

ALL is welcome to come and go as they please!

Under threat of eternal damnation if they go.

I'd be atheist if I saw the some evidence to become one.

It is literally all around you. Again, no cult member thinks they are in a cult; it's always all those other people that are in cults. Those "mormons" "scientologists" "catholics" "jews" "islamists" "5 day adventists" "zoroastrians" "mithraists" "wiccans" etc.,etc.,etc.,etc. *insert every single cult to have ever existed here.*

Like the Trinity flaw, calling Christianity a cult is not a strong argument imo. IOW's I personally don't mind.
Aha... Then you are a polytheist, not a monotheist? There is the chief god with a capital G (sorta like Zeus was the big guy) and Jesus is a minor god with a little g (like all the gods below Zeus) and then something called the Holy Ghost, a god with a little g that I never have yet figured out WTF they are talking about.

It means there's only one God with a capital G, who creates and so on. The small g's "exists" by doing the acts or creating events by whats already created.

So you are a polytheist then? There is the big guy god with a capital G and little gods with a small g like Jesus that was sent to "spread the word"? Sorta like the big god Zeus ruling and sending little gods to do his bidding.

Well, if we are to be on the same communication level then I will discuss with the "language" you layout above. Polytheism it is then. Sure why not in this particular discussion. God with the capital G is thee boss. The little g's (not meaning the statues) must listen, unfortunately not all do (angels), as it says in scripture.
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