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Fixed Elections

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

So this is getting pretty dangerous.
article said:
Surrogates for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump accelerated their rhetoric on the racially charged issue of election fraud, accusing Democrats of systematic cheating in some of the largest U.S. cities.

“They leave dead people on the rolls, and then they pay people to vote those dead people four, five, six, seven, eight, nine times,” former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. He added, “dead people generally vote for Democrats.”
How reckless can these people get? This is an open volley for contesting an election. But there is no evidence for a rigged election. Now while Trump can contest legally, there are little to no grounds for a case, and he most likely lacks the support necessary to block delegate teams being sent to DC.

What in the hell is their end game? Will there be guns?

The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable material thrown through a front window of the building, local authorities said in a statement on Sunday. Someone also spray-painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on an adjacent building, the town of Hillsborough said on its website.



The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable material thrown through a front window of the building, local authorities said in a statement on Sunday. Someone also spray-painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on an adjacent building, the town of Hillsborough said on its website.



I'd actually bet dollars to donuts it's another case of


The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable material thrown through a front window of the building, local authorities said in a statement on Sunday. Someone also spray-painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on an adjacent building, the town of Hillsborough said on its website.


I can't see anyone other than a trumpsucker doing that. So stupid, such senseless violence; they're already burning themselves down!

The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable material thrown through a front window of the building, local authorities said in a statement on Sunday. Someone also spray-painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on an adjacent building, the town of Hillsborough said on its website.



I'd actually bet dollars to donuts it's another case of

{Ashley Todd}
I feel a little bad for thinking as soon as I read about the fire that some sort of false flag activity is the most likely explanation.
When I vote I'm gonna take Pickles with me. He'll be wearing his "Registered Democrat" sweater.

In other news:
Mike Pence, said Republicans would accept the outcome of the Nov. 8 contest between Trump and his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.
There should be severe consequences to Russia or any sovereign nation that is compromising the privacy or the security of the United States of America," Pence said on "Fox News Sunday.
This guy is delusional. Does he even know who his running mate is?

The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable material thrown through a front window of the building, local authorities said in a statement on Sunday. Someone also spray-painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on an adjacent building, the town of Hillsborough said on its website.


I can't see anyone other than a trumpsucker doing that. So stupid, such senseless violence; they're already burning themselves down!
I have no idea. I can see it being on both sides here.

Clinton Supporter: Anger at rhetoric and the Republican Party attempting to suppress the black vote. Angry against latest uptick in anti-Semitic speak.

Trump Supporter: Anger at the Republican Party for stepping away from Trump. Make it look like the Democrats. The one thing about the Nazi spray paint note is that the antisemitism is speak has been subtle, and not many people have caught on to it yet. So it'd be surprising if someone that would resort to his level of violence would be smart enough to pick up on the subtly. The other issue is the 'leave town or else'. That sounds like something a Trump baser would say.

The attack is much more right-wing in origin. Had it just been a firebomb, I'd been more likely to think it was left-wing. As it is, I'm undecided.
It will be interesting if lawsuits get filed when Trump loses. I don't see them going anywhere, but it could take months to settle the issues. Keeping the hate and anger alive for months.
It will be interesting if lawsuits get filed when Trump loses. I don't see them going anywhere, but it could take months to settle the issues. Keeping the hate and anger alive for months.
There are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Margin of victory. Unless the margin is within 0.01%, a recount won't change anything. Nor will trying to throw out ballots.
  • You need an actual complaint. You can't say 'it was rigged' and then get an election thrown out.
  • A federal case can't be made, he'll have to fight in each state he wants to screw over.
  • Lawsuits cost money. Trump hates spending his own money. The GOP most certainly won't lend him lawyers. And Trump can't use his company's lawyers without paying them again.
  • Electoral college landslide. Trump can only win in the House, if he loses outright. That means holding back delegate teams from several states! Currently Clinton stands at 353, Trump could in theory stop states like NC and Arizona from sending delegates, but Clinton doesn't need them. I can't see the Republican Party supporting the death of our Democracy, however. This plan would also need lawyers as well, seeing that Democrats will appoint Delegate teams to send to DC and then the courts would need to decide who has authority.

So ultimately, this leads to the only other viable solution from the Trump base, violence.

But it is so far out to the election. We still don't know what Trump will tell his supporters to do on election day, stay home, vote Democrat in protest of GOP, don't vote in down ticket races, come armed to the polls, etc...
Here's the link to the interview. I caught that this morning and thought "Wouldn't that be big news if it actually happened?"


It does seem to happen and there are numerous reports on this.

To quote a couple of sources (excluding I hope those which advocate conspiracy theories of the walking dead becoming swing voters) see


Well, we guess that could be true if the pesky facts would just stop getting in the way. According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2012, the capacity for voter fraud in the U.S. is substantial with nearly 2mm dead people found to be registered voters and nearly 3mm people registered in multiple states.

Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate
More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters
Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state
And, just earlier today we wrote about how Arcan Cetin, the 20 year old Turkish citizen who recently killed 5 people at the Cascade Mall in Washington, somehow managed to vote in the past 3 election cycles despite not being a U.S. citizen. When asked about the news, Washington Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, simply said "we don’t have a provision in state law that allows either county elections officials or the Secretary of State's office to verify someone’s citizenship." Sure, because why would someone's citizenship status be important for determining his eligibity to vote?

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead voters in Southern California, a vast majority of them in Los Angeles County.

“He took a lot of time choosing his candidates,” said Annette Givans of her father, John Cenkner.

Cenkner died in Palmdale in 2003. Despite this, records show that he somehow voted from the grave in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.

But he’s not the only one.

CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters.

Specifically, 265 in Southern California and a vast majority of them, 215, in Los Angeles County alone.

The numbers come from state records that show votes were cast in that person’s name after they died. In some cases, Goldstein discovered that they voted year after year.

Across all counties, Goldstein uncovered 32 dead voters who cast ballots in eight elections apiece, including a woman who died in 1988. Records show she somehow voted in 2014, 26 years after she passed away.

It remains unclear how the dead voters voted but 86 were registered Republicans, 146 were Democrats, including Cenkner.

“He’s a diehard Democrat, and I was thinking that if somebody was voting under his name, he’s probably rolling in his grave if they were voting Republican,” Givans said.

She said her dad always voted at the polls, only now records show someone else may be casting his vote.

“It just astounds me. I don’t understand how anybody can get away with that,” she said.

And then there’s Julita Abutin.

Records show she voted in Norwalk in 2014, 2012, 2010 and 2008 though she died in 2006.

Abutin’s daughter, Marivic, says it’s impossible that her mother voted.

But the Los Angeles County Registrar confirms they have signed vote-by-mail envelopes with her mother’s name for the 2014 and 2012 election, though she died 10 years ago.

Edward Carbajal Jr.’s father died in La Puente in 2001 but state records show a vote was cast in his father’s name in eight elections after he passed away.

It’s possible as a junior, election officials mistakenly attributed the vote to his father. There is no way to tell from CBS2’s data but he wonders why his dad is still registered.

“I mean, that should be something that everybody that’s involved with these types of things should know who’s alive and who isn’t,” he said.

The Los Angeles County Registrar told CBS2: “We remove 1200 to 2000 deceased records from the database per month.”

But the news station checked all of the dead voters from LA County on the Registrar’s website and found 212 of the 215 were still registered and eligible to vote in next month’s presidential primary election.

“It’s very troubling because it basically dilutes the voice of the lawful voter,” said Ellen Swensen with the “True the Vote,” a nationwide voter-rights group.

“What it does is every single vote that’s cast by a dead voter actually cancels out a vote of a lawful voter cause if they voted for one candidate and you voted let’s say for another, your vote got canceled out,” she said.

As Goldstein reports, it was all supposed to change after the hanging chads incident in Florida in the 2000 presidential election. Congress passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002, which mandated sweeping reforms, including a statewide voter registration system that would eliminate ineligible voters.

But California is the only state that’s still not compliant with the act. Secretary of State Alex Padilla hopes to have it compliant later this year.

“You’re not supposed to have dead people on the rolls,” said J. Christian Adams, who is with the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The question is how many dead people vote but I can't say if this would be in large numbers.

CBS2 Investigation Uncovers Votes Being Cast From Grave Year After Year
May 23, 2016 11:20 PM By David Goldstein

I'm not sure how widespread this could be or which parties the 'dead' voters support.
You know why the dead people are registered to vote? Because they died relatively recently, within the past few years. There is no indication that votes of any significance are being cast in their name.
You know why the dead people are registered to vote? Because they died relatively recently, within the past few years. There is no indication that votes of any significance are being cast in their name.

And certainly not by the busloads that Giuliani claimed.
You know why the dead people are registered to vote? Because they died relatively recently, within the past few years. There is no indication that votes of any significance are being cast in their name.

There's nothing to suggest numerous amounts but nonetheless this is something investigate.

- - - Updated - - -

You know why the dead people are registered to vote? Because they died relatively recently, within the past few years. There is no indication that votes of any significance are being cast in their name.

And certainly not by the busloads that Giuliani claimed.

We don't know how many so we cannot assume not by the busload, though you are probably right.
This is a new low in Sore Loserdom: being sore before you lose. What a child Trump is. And he's a name caller who now deserves the name LOSER for all time. Guiliani -- who looks more like a skeleton these days than Bill Clinton -- has thoroughly trashed whatever reputation he had left. I notice he's still referencing 911 like it's a verbal tic of his.
I was at a Clinton campaign headquarters over the weekend to pick up more yard signs. So now I have three adorning my property! Woot! Anyway, the place was a beehive. I could not believe the level of participation. Guiliani says the inner cities are a machine against Trump. Yes, they are. They are the very people the GOP has continually attempted to disenfranchise from the democratic process. It's no wonder they are overwhelmingly Democratic.
We really need to make his name into a new phrase.

For instance,

"Despite his own mistakes on the field, Tom Brady really started Trumping out after his team's loss to the Packers and blamed the defeat on poor calls by the officials".


"OMG, that creepy little weirdo totally started Trumping on me at the club last night. Now I need to take a day off of work to testify at his trial".
I certainly hope I remember to unregister for voting when I die, I wouldn't want anyone coming after me for voter fraud.

Come to think of it, I have never unregistered to vote, not when I moved from Illinois to Idaho, from Idaho to Texas, from Texas to Florida, or from Florida back to Illinois. I eventually remembered to register in each State, but I have no idea how you would even go about removing your registration from a State when you move away. Hopefully I don't have 3 or 4 dopplegangers out there voting for me in those other States, but who knows?
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