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Fmr Trump Atty Michael Cohen's Book


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Judge Orders Cohen Released, Citing ‘Retaliation’ Over Tell-All Book - The New York Times - "A judge agreed that federal officials had returned Michael D. Cohen to prison because he wanted to publish a book this fall about President Trump."
Mr. Cohen was already out on furlough because of the coronavirus. But to remain at home, he was asked to sign a document that would have barred him from publishing a book during the rest of his sentence. Mr. Cohen balked because he was, in fact, writing a book — a tell-all memoir about his former boss, the president.

The officers sent him back to prison.

On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that the decision to return Mr. Cohen to custody amounted to retaliation by the government and ordered him to be released again into home confinement. Mr. Cohen is expected back in his Manhattan apartment on Friday.

“I make the finding that the purpose of transferring Mr. Cohen from furlough and home confinement to jail is retaliatory,” the judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein of Federal District Court in Manhattan, said in court. “And it’s retaliatory because of his desire to exercise his First Amendment rights to publish a book and to discuss anything about the book or anything else he wants on social media and with others.”
But what I was most interested in is what will be in his book.
In court papers, Mr. Cohen said the book would paint Mr. Trump as a racist and offer revealing details about “the president’s behavior behind closed doors.”

Mr. Cohen also pointed out that Mr. Trump and his supporters had sought to derail the publication of books written by John R. Bolton, the former national security adviser, and Mr. Trump’s niece, Mary L. Trump, whose best-selling memoir laid bare a history of dysfunction in her family.

E. Danya Perry, one of Mr. Cohen’s lawyers, called the judge’s order “a victory for the First Amendment.”

The provision that Mr. Cohen, 53, objected to would have barred him from “engagement of any kind with the media, including print, TV, film, books.” It also sought to keep him from posting on social media, according to a copy of the agreement attached to his lawsuit.
Judge Hellerstein, who delivered the verdict, said this about it:
“In 21 years of being a judge and sentencing people and looking at the terms and conditions of supervised release,” he said, “I have never seen such a clause.”
A gag order without any apparent motivation. Good that the judge revoked it.
More on what is in that book:
According to the suit, the book will give a glimpse into Mr. Cohen’s “firsthand experiences with Mr. Trump” and offer “graphic details about the president’s behavior behind closed doors.”

“The narrative,” the lawsuit says, “describes pointedly certain anti-Semitic remarks against prominent Jewish people and virulently racist remarks against such Black leaders as President Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela.”

The manuscript — tentatively titled “Disloyal: The True Story of Michael Cohen, Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump” — is only the latest book to have emerged in recent weeks containing detailed and critical revelations about the president’s personal and professional life.
Trump's lawyers have attempted to obstruct the publication of other unflattering books about their boss, like John Bolton's book and Mary Trump's book.

I'd like to see what he says about his appearance in Congress, where AOC questioned him about his boss's corrupt dealings, like a golf course that had a high value for insurance purposes and a low value for tax purposes.
Michael Cohen book on Trump discusses Russia, Vegas sex club, Melania
  • Michael Cohen released an image of the cover of his forthcoming book about working as a lawyer and fixer for President Donald Trump, which is entitled, “Disloyal, A Memoir.”
  • Cohen was recently released from prison into home confinement under a program design to limit the spread of the coronavirus to inmates.
  • A foreword for the book released online says Cohen will describe setting up a back channel to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, visits to a Vegas sex club and lying to Trump’s wife about his sexual infidelities.
Michael Cohen Disloyal The Book Official | Pre Order Now
A Memoir by Michael Cohen

This book almost didn’t see the light of day as government officials tried to bar its publication.
The book's foreword
Driving south from New York City to Washington, DC on 1-95 on the cold, gray winter morning of February 24th, 2019, en route to testify against President Trump before both Houses of Congress, I knew he wanted me gone before I could tell the nation what I know about him. Not the billionaire celebrity savior of the country or lying lunatic, not the tabloid tycoon or self-anointed Chosen One, not the avatar @realdonaldtrump of Twitter fame, but the real real Donald Trump—the man very, very, very few people know.

Ever since I had flipped and agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller and the Special Counsel’s Office, the death threats had come by the hundreds. On my cell phone, by email, snail mail, in tweets, on Facebook, enraged Trump supporters vowed to kill me, and I took those threats very seriously. The President called me a rat and tweeted angry accusations at me, as well as my family. All rats deserve to die, I was told. I was a lowlife Judas they were going to hunt down. I was driving because I couldn’t fly or take the train to Washington. If I had, I was sure I would be mobbed or attacked. For weeks, walking the streets of Manhattan, I was convinced that someone was going to ram me with their car. I was exactly the person Trump was talking about when he said he could shoot and kill someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.
Then Trump the Russian-puppet fraud vs. Trump the national hero who won a super victory.
Both sides were wrong. I knew that the reality was much more complicated and dangerous. ... Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything—and I mean anything—to “win” has always been his business model and way of life. Trump had also continued to pursue a major real estate deal in Moscow during the campaign. He attempted to insinuate himself into the world of President Vladimir Putin and his coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.
He talked about how Trump has no real friends, and how Trump's underlings, like him, had bailed him out, keeping him from being held responsible for his actions.
He crushed or cheated all who stood in his way, but I know where the skeletons are buried because I was the one who buried them. I was the one who most encouraged him to run for president in 2011, and then again in 2015, carefully orchestrating the famous trip down the escalator in Trump Tower for him to announce his candidacy. When Trump wanted to reach Russian President Vladimir Putin, via a secret back channel, I was tasked with making the connection in my Keystone Kop fashion. I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied and screamed at anyone who threatened Trump’s path to power. From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump’s clandestine lovers, I wasn’t just a witness to the president’s rise—I was an active and eager participant.

To underscore that last crucial point, let me say now that I had agency in my relationship with Trump. I made choices along the way—terrible, heartless, stupid, cruel, dishonest, destructive choices, but they were mine and constituted my reality and life.
Good that he acknowledges his participation in those awful things.

He talked about how the Republicans didn't want to listen to him as he tried to testify at that House Oversight Committee hearing a year and a half ago. He didn't mention AOC in that foreword, though he might have done so in the rest of his book. She asked him lots of good questions about Trump's financial shenanigans. But he praised Rep. Elijah Cummings, then head of the Oversight Committee, for being "the lone politician I encountered in all my travails who took an interest in me as a human being. When I reported to serve my sentence, he even took steps to ensure my security in prison. It was a selfless act of kindness for which I will always be grateful."
More golden showers! Release the pee pee tapes! Let the Trump corruption investigation festivities begin! I suspect Trump will lose in November. Then we will see dissecting his 4 years as president in excruciating and humiliating detail will become a cottage industry for a decade to come.
More golden showers! Release the pee pee tapes! Let the Trump corruption investigation festivities begin! I suspect Trump will lose in November. Then we will see dissecting his 4 years as president in excruciating and humiliating detail will become a cottage industry for a decade to come.

I'd like to think that, but I have my doubts.

Cohen was his "fixer." He might not have all the dirty laundry, but he's got a few hampers full. Thing is, he "ratted out" his boss, and while Trump was no don, his allies and followers consider Cohen to be dead to them. He's a rat, and will always be a rat. No matter how true, nothing he says will be enough to shake his followers' faith in "the boss."
Cohen will now become the Clown Master of the Trump post-presidential circus. He will be called as a witness in the many trials to come.
Once Trump is out, Cohen will be able to play the truth teller with the inside poop that can be a good living for awhile.

"And a king shall be killed by his own clowns."
- Old Church of the SubGenius prophecy.
Trump must turn over tax returns to NY prosecutors, judge rules

A federal judge on Thursday denied President Donald Trump’s latest attempt to quash a probe by New York prosecutors seeking his tax returns and other financial documents.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero amounted to a second loss in Trump’s high-stakes court battle with Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance.

Marrero had earlier rejected Trump’s initial attempt to block a subpoena from Vance seeking eight years of the president’s tax returns.

The Supreme Court ruled last month that the president is not immune from a grand jury subpoena while in office but said Trump could use an alternative argument to fight it.

Poor guy. He's has such a bad week.
Trump must turn over tax returns to NY prosecutors, judge rules

A federal judge on Thursday denied President Donald Trump’s latest attempt to quash a probe by New York prosecutors seeking his tax returns and other financial documents.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero amounted to a second loss in Trump’s high-stakes court battle with Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance.

Marrero had earlier rejected Trump’s initial attempt to block a subpoena from Vance seeking eight years of the president’s tax returns.

The Supreme Court ruled last month that the president is not immune from a grand jury subpoena while in office but said Trump could use an alternative argument to fight it.

Poor guy. He's has such a bad week.

Bad week, but this was a big WIN for Trump, who is now assured of keeping his dirty little tax secrets away from voters until after the election.
AOC's Questioning of Michael Cohen Comes Back to Haunt Trump Family | Law & Crime
CSPAN on Twitter: "WATCH: Complete exchange between @RepAOC @AOC and Michael Cohen. https://t.co/dBpwzeEYRY" / Twitter
New York State’s ongoing investigation into whether the Trump Organization–and President Donald Trump himself–committed wire fraud is the result of congressional testimony elicited from Michael Cohen by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) in early 2019.

On February 27, 2019, Cohen appeared before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to provide long-awaited testimony of his own about alleged crimes committed by his former friend and employer. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was the lower chamber’s standout interrogator during that widely-viewed session.
AOC did a great job of questioning MC about the conveniently-changing valuations of some of Trump's properties.
AOC: To your knowledge, did the president ever provide inflated assets to an insurance company?

Cohen: Yes.

AOC: Who else knows that the president did this?

Cohen: Allen Weisselberg, Ron Lieberman and Matthew Calamari.

AOC: And where would the committee find more information on this? Do you think we need to review his financial statements and his tax returns in order to compare them?

Cohen: Yes. And you’d find it at the Trump Org.
With responses in Twitter like
She wasted no time alluding to Russia and went for the jugular ... the clear financial crimes that Cohen would know and hide for Trump. If anything Cohen knows is where he buried the bodies of insurance fraud and tax fraud.

This was brilliant. AOC didn’t grand stand with a self-serving opening statement. She got right to business, kicked open the door and put it all on the record. Dear god she’s refreshing.

What's even better is she followed up on questions from her colleagues. Exactly what we were begging press reporters to do for the past four years.

Nice work laying the groundwork to subpoena Trump's tax returns.

No wonder the @GOP are terrified of her! She got more out of her 5 minutes than anyone there and opened up avenues of investigation!

Actually it was more like four minutes. And it was like “I don’t need the full five minutes to get what we need from this guy!” She is amazing.

AOC, you asked the most PROBING QUESTIONS of everyone, in my opinion.
Now, the Oversight Committee, has some threads to pull on, thanks to your leads today.
Michael Cohen Reveals His 'Biggest Fear' About Donald Trump And The 2020 Election | HuffPost
President Donald Trump “will do anything and everything” to win the 2020 election, according to Michael Cohen.

The president may manipulate ballots and “even go so far as to start a war in order to prevent himself from being removed from office” if he loses, Cohen told NBC’s Lester Holt in a clip released Friday.

“My biggest fear is that there will not be a peaceful transition of power in 2020,” added Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer.
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt on Twitter ... - "Tune in to @NBCNightlyNews on Tuesday, September 8, for more of the interview."

MC's book is due to be released "this week" - presumably some day in Sep 7 - 11
Michael Cohen’s Book Says Trump Held ‘Low Opinions of All Black Folks’ - The New York Times - "The president’s former fixer describes him as a mob boss figure who made racist insults, was driven by hatred for President Barack Obama and engaged in underhanded tactics against opponents."
President Trump routinely referred to Black leaders of foreign nations with racist insults. He had an abiding admiration for President Vladimir V. Putin’s willingness to treat Russia like a personal business. And he was consumed with hatred for President Barack Obama.
From his book, which describes Trump as a "sordid, moblike figure willing to engage in underhanded tactics against anyone opposing him."

“As a rule, Trump expressed low opinions of all Black folks, from music to culture and politics,” ... Nelson Mandela was “no leader.”

“Tell me one country run by a Black person that isn’t a shithole,” ...

He has been willing to work with some black people, like Omarosa Manigault Newman and Ben Carson. Does MC have anything on what Trump said about them?
He also was obsessed with Mr. Obama, Mr. Cohen writes. The book describes Mr. Trump hiring “a Faux-Bama, or fake Obama, to record a video where Trump ritualistically belittled the first Black president and then fired him, a kind of fantasy fulfillment that it was hard to imagine any adult would spend serious money living out — until he did the functional equivalent in the real world.”
MC: “As I’ve been saying since the beginning, Trump was a mobster, plain and simple,”

From the article, "Mr. Cohen describes the allure of working for Mr. Trump as being like a drug, one he could not stop consuming. Mr. Cohen describes, with a sense of shame, his own need to please Mr. Trump."
The book will be out on Tuesday, September 8.

In new book, Michael Cohen calls Trump a 'cheat' and a 'liar' who sought help from Russia - The Washington Post - "In new book, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen describes alleged episodes of racism and says president likes how Putin runs Russia"
President Trump’s longtime lawyer and personal fixer, Michael Cohen, alleges in a new book that Trump made “overt and covert attempts to get Russia to interfere in the 2016 election” and that the future commander in chief was also well aware of Cohen’s hush-money payoff to adult-film star Stormy Daniels during that campaign.

... He describes the president, meanwhile, as “a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man.”

... He describes himself as Trump’s “designated thug” and discusses his felony convictions for lying to Congress and violating campaign laws in service to Trump.

On Russia, Cohen writes that the cause behind Trump’s admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin is simpler than many of his critics assume. Above all, he writes, Trump loves money — and he wrongly identified Putin as “the richest man in the world by a multiple.”

Trump loved Putin, Cohen wrote, because the Russian leader had the ability “to take over an entire nation and run it like it was his personal company — like the Trump Organization, in fact.”
Then about a National Enquirer report that smeared Ted Cruz's father by claiming some association of him with JFK killer Lee Harvey Oswald.
According to Cohen, Trump’s sycophantic praise of the Russian leader during the 2016 campaign began as a way to suck up and ensure access to the oligarch’s money after he lost the election. But he claims Trump came to understand that Putin’s hatred of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, dating to her support for the 2011 protest movement in Russia, could also help Trump amass more power in the United States.

Cohen asserts that another reason that Trump consistently praised Putin was to fulfill his long-held desire to slap his name on a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.

Cohen says the Trump Tower plans called for a 120-story building in Red Square, including 30 floors devoted to a five-star hotel with an Ivanka Trump-branded spa and Trump restaurants, and 230 high-end condominiums for Russian oligarchs and leaders.

The plan, Cohen adds, was to give the penthouse apartment to the Russian president for free, in part “as a way to suck up to Putin.”
What shameless corruption.
Trump would insult and dismiss his children, like Don Jr. and Tiffany.
Cohen writes that during the 2016 campaign, Trump was dismissive of minorities, describing them as “not my people.” “I will never get the Hispanic vote,” Cohen recounts Trump claiming. “Like the blacks, they’re too stupid to vote for Trump.”

Cohen describes Trump’s obsessive hatred of Obama, including claiming that the only reason the former president got into Columbia University and Harvard Law School was because of “f---ing affirmative action.” He also recounts Trump’s “low opinion of all black folks.” claiming that Trump once said while ranting about Obama, “Tell me one country run by a black person that isn’t a s---hole. They are all complete f---ing toilets.”

After South African President Nelson Mandela died in 2013, Trump said he did not think Mandela “was a real leader — not the kind he respected,” Cohen writes.

Instead, Cohen writes that Trump praised the country’s apartheid-era White rule, saying: “Mandela f---ed the whole country up. Now it’s a s---hole. F--- Mandela. He was no leader.”
I'd like to see what black Trumpies think about that. Yes, there are some.
Cohen writes that before winning the presidency, Trump held a meeting at Trump Tower with prominent evangelical leaders, where they laid their hands on him in prayer. Afterward, Trump allegedly said: “Can you believe that bulls--t? Can you believe people believe that bulls--t?”
Yet many evangelicals totally adore him.
“The cosmic joke was that Trump convinced a vast swathe of working-class white folks in the Midwest that he cared about their well-being,” Cohen writes. “The truth was that he couldn’t care less.”
What Trump has said about his daughter Ivanka he's said about others.
Cohen also depicts Trump as being crude toward women, including inadvertently commenting on Cohen’s then-15-year-old daughter as she finished up a tennis lesson: “Look at that piece of a--,” Trump said, according to Cohen. “I would love some of that.”
Michael Cohen's book: Tell-all says Trump hired a 'Faux-Bama' before White House run - CNNPolitics
Trump's model of a man in power, according to Cohen, is Vladimir Putin, and Trump is described as enamored of Putin's wealth and unilateral influence, and awestruck by what he sees as the Russian president's ability to control everything from the country's press to its financial institutions.

"Locking up your political enemies, criminalizing dissent, terrifying or bankrupting the free press through libel lawsuits -- Trump's all-encompassing vision wasn't evident to me before he began to run for president," Cohen writes. "I honestly believe the most extreme ideas about power and its uses only really took shape as he began to seriously contemplate the implications of taking power and how he could leverage it to the absolute maximum level possible."

But he reiterates his belief that Trump and his campaign officials were too disorganized to have coordinated with the Russians during the 2016 election. "What appeared to be collusion was really a confluence of shared interests in harming Hillary Clinton in any way possible, up to and including interfering in the American election -- a subject that caused Trump precisely zero unease," Cohen writes.
Michael Cohen Book Reveals How Hannity, Ailes, and Pecker All Groveled for Trump’s Love - "In his just-released tell-all book, the president’s former fixer recalls how Fox News’ founder and its star host both abased themselves at the altar of Trump."
President Donald Trump’s most influential supporters in the media—Fox News star Sean Hannity, his boss Roger Ailes, and National Enquirer executive David Pecker—were so desperate for Trump’s approval that they frequently humiliated themselves to win it, according to the just-released memoir by the president’s disgruntled former personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen.

During the early Republican primary race, Cohen writes, Hannity was distraught about being “put in the penalty box” by the Trump campaign and anxious to get back into the candidate’s good graces after then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told Trump that Hannity was a secret supporter of Trump’s strongest opponent, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

In another episode, Cohen describes his dealings with Roger Ailes, whom he characterizes as eager to place Fox News at Trump’s disposal in order to get Trump to stop inciting his supporters to harm Megyn Kelly after the then-Fox News star grilled Trump about his misogyny during the August 2015 Republican debate hosted by the cable outlet.

The book also focuses at length on Trump's relationship with the fact-challenged tabloid company American Media Inc. and its recently departed longtime chairman David Pecker.

Though Cohen laments many choices he made during his time working for Trump, the AMI ordeal seems to weigh most heavily on the former fixer. The symbiotic partnership between Trump and Pecker, an acolyte of the celebrity real-estate mogul, eventually landed Cohen in jail after Cohen, shortly before the Nov. 8, 2016 election, concealed illegal payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal in exchange for their silence about affairs with Trump.

Cohen recalls how Pecker called him gleefully during the primary about a questionable photo the National Enquirer planned on running, allegedly showing Sen. Ted Cruz's father Rafael and JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald passing out leaflets on a New Orleans street corner.

According to the book, Pecker showed Cohen a mock-up of the publication's spread on the photo before it was published. When Cohen asked about the photo's veracity, Pecker did not seem concerned.

“Does it matter?” Pecker said, according to the book. “All we have to do is allege that it is.”
Talk about moral ugliness. Willing to degrade oneself just to please Trump and willing to run some outright defamation.
Trump said 'only blacks could live this way' about Chicago and hates Obama because he's Black, Michael Cohen claims | Independent
"In the book, obviously, I describe Mr. Trump as a cult leader, and I was in this cult," Mr Cohen said of Disloyal: A Memoir.

"So one of the purposes of writing the book is really from one former cult member to the current ones," he told NBC's Lester Holt. "I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Open your eyes as I have. And I want you to appreciate that Donald Trump cares for no one or anything other than himself."

Trump's ex-lawyer Cohen links Falwell’s endorsement in 2016 to suppression of racy photos - Reuters
As Reuters reported last year, the Falwells enlisted Cohen to keep “a bunch of photographs, personal photographs” from becoming public, Cohen said in a recording, made surreptitiously by comedian Tom Arnold. “I actually have one of the photos,” he said, without going into specifics. “It’s terrible.”

Cohen has said that he helped persuade Falwell to endorse Trump just before Republican voters gathered in Iowa in February 2016 to nominate a presidential candidate. Falwell not only publicly vouched for Trump’s Christian virtues but also barnstormed with the candidate. His backing of Trump — a twice-divorced candidate who had talked about grabbing women’s genitals and engaged in extramarital affairs — was one of the major surprises of the 2016 campaign.
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