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Forensic data shows Russians did not hack the DNC

barbos said:
Well, 17 agencies meme existence is a fact, Steven Colbert have mentioned it many times. It' not foggy on russian side, they simply deny any involvement on any hacking without any fog. On your side it's very foggy that's why many people had thought that clinton's servers were hacked and then this 17 agencies meme which turned out to be only 2.


"So their endorsement or non-endorsement basically means nothing in this case," Aftergood said, adding, "In this context, the assessments that count the most are those of CIA, NSA, FBI and ODNI."

The intelligence community likely limited the Russia assessment to those four agencies because they have the most to contribute on this topic, and because they wanted to contain the highly sensitive intelligence as much as possible, said Paul Pillar, senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies who served in the intelligence community for 28 years.

"The ones that participated are the ones you’d expect on this," Pillar said. "It’s hard to see any of the others having something to contribute."
Exactly, they admit that 17 agencies meme was nothing but a lame attempt to inflate significance of their claim, which had no facts or evidence just a proclamation that large number of agencies agrees with conclusion. Basically they bullshitted the public, we now know that. The question is, can we trust these people after that? The people who signed on Alpha bank conspiracy? Can we trust these liars?
barbos said:
Well, 17 agencies meme existence is a fact, Steven Colbert have mentioned it many times. It' not foggy on russian side, they simply deny any involvement on any hacking without any fog. On your side it's very foggy that's why many people had thought that clinton's servers were hacked and then this 17 agencies meme which turned out to be only 2.


"So their endorsement or non-endorsement basically means nothing in this case," Aftergood said, adding, "In this context, the assessments that count the most are those of CIA, NSA, FBI and ODNI."

The intelligence community likely limited the Russia assessment to those four agencies because they have the most to contribute on this topic, and because they wanted to contain the highly sensitive intelligence as much as possible, said Paul Pillar, senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies who served in the intelligence community for 28 years.

"The ones that participated are the ones you’d expect on this," Pillar said. "It’s hard to see any of the others having something to contribute."

It's foggy on all sides.
The intelligence report which was released to the public assessed with high certainty the Russians interfered with the elections. This is stated at page 13 of the report.

The report is little more than an interim assessment relying on much of it's evidence on what RT was broadcasting.

The Writer Lauren Carroll is just 3 years out of university and clearly does not reflect the assessment of the unclassified report.Clearly media sells by writing what people want to read.


Here is what the unclassified is an assessment and does not conclude anything major.

High confidence generally indicates that judgements are based on high quality information from multiple sources. High confidence in a judgement does not imply that the assessment is a fact or a certainty, such judgements may be wrong.

The above definition is towards the end of the report.

The only conclusion at this time is an investigation is in progress.

"So their endorsement or non-endorsement basically means nothing in this case," Aftergood said, adding, "In this context, the assessments that count the most are those of CIA, NSA, FBI and ODNI."

The intelligence community likely limited the Russia assessment to those four agencies because they have the most to contribute on this topic, and because they wanted to contain the highly sensitive intelligence as much as possible, said Paul Pillar, senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies who served in the intelligence community for 28 years.

"The ones that participated are the ones you’d expect on this," Pillar said. "It’s hard to see any of the others having something to contribute."
Exactly, they admit that 17 agencies meme was nothing but a lame attempt to inflate significance of their claim, which had no facts or evidence just a proclamation that large number of agencies agrees with conclusion. Basically they bullshitted the public, we now know that. The question is, can we trust these people after that? The people who signed on Alpha bank conspiracy? Can we trust these liars?

The unclassified report quoted above is simply an assessment.
The unclassified report quoted above is simply an assessment.
How does that make it better?

It doesn't make anything better but just emphasises the investigation is in progress. News media is the last source to get things right. It doesn't prove anyone innocent or guilty.

Investigations take a long time and this report appears to be hurried perhaps to try and show something was achieved. By hurried it seems to have been put together in a hurry, but that does not mean a lack of groundwork investigation, which is still in progress.

It tends to focus a lot on RTV news broadcasts during the election. Here there could be credibility in that RTV is state owned. There again Fox and CNN also tried to influence the outcome of the election.
Why believe all that other stuff with "The Forensicator" on the case? By the way, half of this analysis could be overcome with the use of portable applications on a flash drive to do the decompression, among other things, and this all could have been done after the initial download was done remotely. Even a Linux distro running off a USB stick doesn't leave registry footprints if it's done right and does not have to follow the host computer's CMOS time. In fact, with portable applications, one can use any time one desires, and hackers often do this, even when doing something as simple as overcoming a free trial of software.

There is no way to know "the initial copying" - to which afterward they claim the "last modified date" was updated. The last modified date is the last time they were modified, not the first time. So someone copied them at the very end at "23MB/s" - how'd they even come to that speed? 23 megabytes is 184 megabits. Why are they acting like that's an unachievable speed? I can reach that on my Charter connection, even through a halfway decent proxy.

Y'all watch Kimdotcom too much.
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