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Globalism and slavary


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
For many reasons I am anti-globalist and that's even before reading any of this here: https://aeon.co/essays/why-the-original-laissez-faire-economists-loved-slavery
Before now, I just had never made the connection that globalism had anything to do with slavery. But if you look closely into the origins of slavery, globalism is actually right there. The same kind of elite globalism we see going on today.

And I have also always wondered, why anyone in their right mind would even allow themselves to be transported on the slave ships. Well it turns out this all began with Africa already having the criminals and prisoners of war locked up. And these people really had no opportunity to revolt. As I understand the history, those criminals were traded with the slave trading capitalists for other industrial type items. Then as the demand for slave trade later grew and the Africans quickly ran out of criminals to trade, this is when things got really ugly. When the elites actually invented fake wars in Africa to get more slaves. See here: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106web/site2/AFRICA.HTM

So it turns out that all the fake wars for profit we see today from our current globalists are nothing new at all. They had them back in Africa a long time before any of us were born.

But here is what I think is most disturbing of all. And that is that all the misery that took place in the US during and after the civil war, and all the misery of the riots of the 1960's, and all the misery of social unrest even today. All of this misery that the US has suffered for generations and that our future decedents are sure to suffer even more. All of this traces back from globalism and unfettered capitalism.

Globalism is pure evil IMO. And it appears the Britain's are the first to wake up.
Because isolationist countries never enslave people. Look at all the freedom in North Korea. Anyone there will tell you how free and happy they are. If they don't, they'll be shot and you can ask another guy who'll quickly let you know how great things are going.

Globalization doesn't need to lead to oppression and turning inwards doesn't mean that you're moving away from oppression. It's how the elites use the power that they wield which matters, not whether that power is limited to their own country.
For many reasons I am anti-globalist and that's even before reading any of this here: https://aeon.co/essays/why-the-original-laissez-faire-economists-loved-slavery
Before now, I just had never made the connection that globalism had anything to do with slavery. But if you look closely into the origins of slavery, globalism is actually right there. The same kind of elite globalism we see going on today.

And I have also always wondered, why anyone in their right mind would even allow themselves to be transported on the slave ships. Well it turns out this all began with Africa already having the criminals and prisoners of war locked up. And these people really had no opportunity to revolt. As I understand the history, those criminals were traded with the slave trading capitalists for other industrial type items. Then as the demand for slave trade later grew and the Africans quickly ran out of criminals to trade, this is when things got really ugly. When the elites actually invented fake wars in Africa to get more slaves. See here: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106web/site2/AFRICA.HTM

So it turns out that all the fake wars for profit we see today from our current globalists are nothing new at all. They had them back in Africa a long time before any of us were born.

But here is what I think is most disturbing of all. And that is that all the misery that took place in the US during and after the civil war, and all the misery of the riots of the 1960's, and all the misery of social unrest even today. All of this misery that the US has suffered for generations and that our future decedents are sure to suffer even more. All of this traces back from globalism and unfettered capitalism.

Globalism is pure evil IMO. And it appears the Britain's are the first to wake up.

Whatever your opinion on globalism, associating it with slavery seems uninformed. Slavery existed long before any notion of globalization. Saint Patrick had been a slave, or a slaver trader, eh. The trans-Sahara slave trade had been active for ~700 years before the Europeans arrived. And ~1M Europeans were taken as slaves by Arabs after that. While there's plenty of criticisms to throw at globalization, this just ain't a good one.
For many reasons I am anti-globalist and that's even before reading any of this here: https://aeon.co/essays/why-the-original-laissez-faire-economists-loved-slavery
Before now, I just had never made the connection that globalism had anything to do with slavery. But if you look closely into the origins of slavery, globalism is actually right there. The same kind of elite globalism we see going on today.

And I have also always wondered, why anyone in their right mind would even allow themselves to be transported on the slave ships. Well it turns out this all began with Africa already having the criminals and prisoners of war locked up. And these people really had no opportunity to revolt. As I understand the history, those criminals were traded with the slave trading capitalists for other industrial type items. Then as the demand for slave trade later grew and the Africans quickly ran out of criminals to trade, this is when things got really ugly. When the elites actually invented fake wars in Africa to get more slaves. See here: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106web/site2/AFRICA.HTM

So it turns out that all the fake wars for profit we see today from our current globalists are nothing new at all. They had them back in Africa a long time before any of us were born.

But here is what I think is most disturbing of all. And that is that all the misery that took place in the US during and after the civil war, and all the misery of the riots of the 1960's, and all the misery of social unrest even today. All of this misery that the US has suffered for generations and that our future decedents are sure to suffer even more. All of this traces back from globalism and unfettered capitalism.

Globalism is pure evil IMO. And it appears the Britain's are the first to wake up.

Whatever your opinion on globalism, associating it with slavery seems uninformed. Slavery existed long before any notion of globalization. Saint Patrick had been a slave, or a slaver trader, eh. The trans-Sahara slave trade had been active for ~700 years before the Europeans arrived. And ~1M Europeans were taken as slaves by Arabs after that. While there's plenty of criticisms to throw at globalization, this just ain't a good one.

Not to mention that slavery was everywhere in "civilized" antiquity: European, Africa, the Middle East, China... The notable exception was Achaemenid Persia.
If you google the wage history of any of the countries that are doing much of the global manufacturing you will find that they have all increased. That is because when the employers in these countries have to compete for labor they have to pay more as the demand for their goods increases. Are their working conditions great? Probably not, but even if you consider what they are getting slave wages, you must ask what were they getting before? In some cases they were starving. Globalization is a fact that we have to live with. If you want to take your country out of the global market you best be getting in line. The bread line that is.
For many reasons I am anti-globalist and that's even before reading any of this here: https://aeon.co/essays/why-the-original-laissez-faire-economists-loved-slavery
Before now, I just had never made the connection that globalism had anything to do with slavery. But if you look closely into the origins of slavery, globalism is actually right there. The same kind of elite globalism we see going on today.

And I have also always wondered, why anyone in their right mind would even allow themselves to be transported on the slave ships. Well it turns out this all began with Africa already having the criminals and prisoners of war locked up. And these people really had no opportunity to revolt. As I understand the history, those criminals were traded with the slave trading capitalists for other industrial type items. Then as the demand for slave trade later grew and the Africans quickly ran out of criminals to trade, this is when things got really ugly. When the elites actually invented fake wars in Africa to get more slaves. See here: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106web/site2/AFRICA.HTM

So it turns out that all the fake wars for profit we see today from our current globalists are nothing new at all. They had them back in Africa a long time before any of us were born.

But here is what I think is most disturbing of all. And that is that all the misery that took place in the US during and after the civil war, and all the misery of the riots of the 1960's, and all the misery of social unrest even today. All of this misery that the US has suffered for generations and that our future decedents are sure to suffer even more. All of this traces back from globalism and unfettered capitalism.

Globalism is pure evil IMO. And it appears the Britain's are the first to wake up.

Well, that's quite a stretch. Anyway, globalization is inevitable. No one knows what that will look like, but it will happen regardless of what anyone thinks about it.
The point of my OP was not to claim slavery would always result from globalization but to make an observation of just how fucked up the US has become by the slavary global elitists of the 18th century. Even today we have not recovered from events 150 + years ago. I am certain that both the US and people of Africa would be far far better off today if the globalists had not been involved.

And also the observation that wars started by elitists of the past were motivated by simple greed and capitalism, the same as today.

There is a serious lesson here.
What is it with people starting threads on a topic only to claim later that they really wanted to talk about something else?

Apparently this thread isn't about globalization or slavery as the title or OP would have us believe but is just some place to bitch and moan about the US, capitalism, and other faux-rage inducers.
What is it with people starting threads on a topic only to claim later that they really wanted to talk about something else?

Apparently this thread isn't about globalization or slavery as the title or OP would have us believe but is just some place to bitch and moan about the US, capitalism, and other faux-rage inducers.
Read the OP again. Yes the thread is about globalism and slavery, just not that globalism is the only reason for slavery.

And yes the OP mentioned what a disaster the importing of slavery was to both the US and Africa. A disaster which was caused by global elitists.

That is what I meant. And it is what I still say.
The point of my OP was not to claim slavery would always result from globalization but to make an observation of just how fucked up the US has become by the slavary global elitists of the 18th century. Even today we have not recovered from events 150 + years ago. I am certain that both the US and people of Africa would be far far better off today if the globalists had not been involved.

And also the observation that wars started by elitists of the past were motivated by simple greed and capitalism, the same as today.

There is a serious lesson here.

Fair enough.
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