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God Is A Psychopath


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Adam and Eve did not ask to exist. God created then. When they disobeyed he through them out of a paradise.
God created the Earth and became displeased with humans. In anger he destroys all surface life except what was on the Ark. God drowned them all when could have just rook them out of existence. Very cruel.

God impregnates a human, The son is destined for a horrible painful death. Those who reject Jesus are doomed to eternal torment.

Job was a good guy. God makes a bet with his enemy Satan that Job can not be broken from his faith. Ctap rains down on Job for no good reason and Job suffers greatly. Loses everything and suffers sickness.

The only conclusion I see is that god is a psychotic sadistic son of a bitch. Takes pleasure in creating something and then tormenting it.

The nature of god by actions is self evident.
Adam and Eve did not ask to exist. God created then. When they disobeyed he through them out of a paradise.
God created the Earth and became displeased with humans. In anger he destroys all surface life except what was on the Ark. God drowned them all when could have just rook them out of existence

Don't forget, after the Flood, he admitted that the entire plan, all the gratuitous slaughter, was meaningles, as 'wicked' is just man's nature.

Then he promised not to destroy all-life-on-earth by flooding ever again... Note that he did NOT promise that he would not destroy all life by fire, or disease, or comets, or earthquakes, or lightning....

Nor did he promise to think this shit thru before destroying all life next time... or maybe instead.
Nor did he promise to run his ideas past a five-year-old child, to scan for any obvious holes, thus preventing Evil Overlord Mistake #12.

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

erm... no. We're just reading the Bible and following the instructions. I understand that the Bible wasn't intended to be read like a manual. But it says what it says. You can't argue with that

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

At least we don't literally believe that the mythological Bible god is real. But, sure. The pretend Bible god of the OT is a bad ass, a really bad ass. If I needed some mythology in my life, I'd look for a nicer god, or I'd cherry pick the good parts of Bible god and throw out the rest. Is that what you do? I think maybe that's what you do, because there is absolutely no way that one can read the OT and not wonder why Bible god is such a bad ass. On the other hand, there are a lot of Christians that somehow don't seem to care or realize that OT god is a bad ass. NT god isn't always nice, but at least he tries. But, please explain to us how you can read the OT and not realize that the OT Bible god is a really nasty god, instead of simply making silly remarks about atheists.

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

TBH, the whole God as murderous freak has been done to death. But the exercise is one in applying the most basic standards of human decency to an entity so many hold up as perfect, which, when done, rapidly demonstrates not only how imperfect this entity is, but how it fails to live up to those most basic standards.

The vast majority of us go about our lives being decent, or at least not doing the wrong thing without much thought. So why would anyone worship a god that fails so enormously in doing the same? Because this god punishes--forever. And to make matters worse, no one can prove the existence of this (or any other) god, which means we don't find out if it was worth worshipping until it's too late.

It's not like this particular god has any wisdom not found elsewhere. Go look at the Koran; see Buddhist or Hindu texts. All the same stuff is in each of them. There's nothing unique about the god of the Bible. The only compelling reason to worship it is out of fear of damnation.

In human terms, which is all we have with which to assess things, this god is cruel, abusive, spiteful, contradictory---but it does vaguely offer "eternal life." What that means is anyone's guess, but accounts from the Bible seem to indicate a horrifying existence wherein this god is praised 24/7 for all of eternity by those allowed into Heaven. So by human standards, even the reward this thing doles out is repulsive, thereby leaving us two bleak options.

This is not the stuff of a good person, let alone a benevolent supernatural entity.
I think the thread should be titled....

"If god existed, he would be a psychopath"

No one posts such disclaimers before a discussion of 'who would win, Superman vs. Hulk?' or 'Best captain, Kirk or Picard?'
No one posits 'If Star Wars were real, what the fuck is up with Yoda's grammar?'

Nope. Biblegod presents as a psychopath, watch the Faithful pretend his actions are defendable.
I'm okay with god as a psychopath, but let's not forget the title of Supreme Racist. See Deut. 20:17 for the specs. Nothin' says racism like extermination orders. Heil, Jehovah!

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

Nope, we're just reading from the Bible. And based on God's actions as described in the Bible, he is one heck of a sick fuck. Have you even read the Bible?
Adam and Eve did not ask to exist. God created then. When they disobeyed he through them out of a paradise.
God created the Earth and became displeased with humans. In anger he destroys all surface life except what was on the Ark. God drowned them all when could have just rook them out of existence. Very cruel.

God impregnates a human, The son is destined for a horrible painful death. Those who reject Jesus are doomed to eternal torment.

Job was a good guy. God makes a bet with his enemy Satan that Job can not be broken from his faith. Ctap rains down on Job for no good reason and Job suffers greatly. Loses everything and suffers sickness.

The only conclusion I see is that god is a psychotic sadistic son of a bitch. Takes pleasure in creating something and then tormenting it.

The nature of god by actions is self evident.

The god of the Bible is a psychopathic, homicidal monster, no doubt about that. No human would curse their own children and all their descendants to disease and death, or their own son to a horrific, painful death by torture and crucifixion. We humans may be imperfect, but we are much better than Biblegod.

By all accounts, our Bronze Age ancestors led a rough life. War, disease and death, and no air conditioning. No wonder they invented gods like Biblegod to explain their pain and suffering.
They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. God appears to be no exception.

Watching atheists create God in their own preferred image.

No. The Bible claims God did things, like mandate genocide, massacres, murders et al. God is a callous, brutal, savage being in the Bible. Atheists did not write these tall tales, or believe them. What this does is create a dilemma for Christian theists. admit God is what the Bible represents him to be, a merciless psychopath, or attempt to allegorize away the many, many savage tall tales bout this God the lying billy goat herder priests made up. Or one can abandon the Bible all together and adopt something else. Atheism, or maybe Scientology.

The claims in the Bible that God is good, merciful, compassionate, fair and just do not fit together with the tall tales of a genocidal, merciless, cruel God.
If only god had been invented this week, possibly in Scandinavia, there'd be no need for threads like this. :(

Scandinavian gods are cool. Thor and Loke are awesome

Do they habitually commit homicides and genocide and later repent while basking in the aroma of burning flesh? If they don't, they can't possibly be the real deal, because everyone knows that real gods are savage, vengeful, psychopathic, homicidal beasts or else nobody would respect them and follow them.
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