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God Is A Psychopath

Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

God murdered all humans except one family. How the fuck are you going to spin genocide so it gets palatable? Hitler, is it you?

And not to point of the obvious, but God says that God did it because they were all wicked. Ehe... we only have one persons side in this. It's like in the Nuremburg trials we only asked the Nazis why they did it and blindly trusted them. How damn naive are you to trust that narrative?
Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.
They aren't "discordant" and they 'squared' them the same way all the great theologians have.
By asking whether the end justified the means. (Surgeons inflicts pain. Are they psychopaths?)

Every intervention by God can be (scripturally) justified in terms of God's desire to remediate and minimise the consequences of evil initiated by those who would seek to disobey God's plan for a peaceful world.

In the bible ALL killing and violence is instigated by humans (and satan) and then God intervenes. Never the other way around.

A little genocide is good for the people. Sterilize the world so you can get a little peace. What else can a god do to stop humans from being human?

Create an innocent human clone so you can have him offered to you as a human sacrifice. A good god needs human sacrifices to do his good work. What does it matter that this human clone was an innocent, pure of heart, and undeserving of the violence that was inflicted on him? It matter none at all. When God wants a blood sacrifice God gets a blood sacrifice! Fear him, or you could be next.

Curse your children and and all their descendants to disease and death. That's just tough love, what every good parent does to discipline them. You can't blame God for that.

And so on. Anything is acceptable, because part of the Christian indoctrination process is to instill a slave mentality in the faithful. We can never question murder or genocide or meaningless acts of violence because "God is good".

The fact is, Biblegod resorts to violence and genocide because he is a homicidal psychopath, not because these acts of violence achieve any meaningful and lasting results. And the real perversion is that Christians call this behavior "love".
In the bible ALL killing and violence is instigated by humans (and satan) and then God intervenes. Never the other way around.

What utter and complete horseshit. Once again you demonstrate your stunning ignorance of the evil bible. And yet again, you open your mouth and remove all doubt.

It always amazes me how many times this God orders the killing of innocent people even after the Ten Commandments said Thou shall not kill. For example, God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people (1 Chronicles 21).

God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3). He orders another attack and the killing of all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses (Joshua 6). In Judges 21 He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife!

Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing somebody! In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered


Numbers 16:35
And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.


Leviticus 10:1

And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.
Leviticus 10:2

And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.

Or many, many more where gawd directly kills people, and even more where he instigates death and violence.


Drunk With Blood includes a separate account for each of God's 158 killings. These stories fill the pages of the Bible, yet they are seldom read in church and are ignored by most Bible believers, which is a shame because God is so proud of his killings:
"I kill ... I wound ... I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh." Deuteronomy 32:39-42
You've probably hear of a few of God's killings. Noah's Flood,Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, maybe. But there are over 150 others that are unknown to pretty much everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike.
Did you know, for example, that God:
*Forced friends and family to kill each other for dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf?
*Burned Aaron's sons to death for offering him strange fire?
*Burned complainers to death, forced the survivors to eat quail until it literally came out their noses, sent "fiery serpents" to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water, and killed 14,700 for complaining about his killings?
*Buried alive those that opposed Moses (along with their families)?
*Burned 250 men to death for burning incense?
*Rewarded Phinehas for throwing a spear though the bellies of an inter-tribal couple while they were having sex?
*Ordered, assisted in, or approved of dozens of complete genocides?
*Accepted human sacrifice in the cases of Jephthah's daughter and Saul's seven sons?
*Helped Samson murder thirty men for their clothes, slaughter 1000 with the jawbone of an ass, and kill 3000 civilians in a a suicide terrorist attack?
*Smote the Philistines of several cities with hemorrhoids in their secret parts?
*Killed a man for trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling and 50,070 for looking into the ark?
*Approved when David bought his first wife with 200 Philistine foreskins?
*Killed King Saul for not killing every Amalekite as he told him to do?
*Slowly killed a baby to punish King David for committing adultery?
*Killed 70,000 because David had a census that he (or Satan) told him to do?
*Sent a lion to kill a prophet for believing another prophet's lie, another lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet, and some more lions to kill people that didn't fear him enough?
*Killed 450 religious leaders who lost a prayer contest with Elijah and burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?
*Sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of Elisha's bald head?
*Killed 27,000 Syrians by having a wall fall on them, sent an angel to kill 185,000 sleeping soldiers, interfered in human battles to kill a half million Israelite and a million Ethiopian soldiers?
*Killed King Ahab for not killing a captured king, and then sent King Jehu on a series of mass murders to kill all of Ahab's family and friends who had ever "pissed against a wall?"
*Killed Job's ten children in a bet with Satan?
All of these killings, and more, are found in the Bible

I await some logical fallacies and blame-shifting...
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Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.

Yes, I'm quite serious.
Unless you are an extreme pacifist, vegan, scrupulously avoiding accidentally stepping on tiny insects as you walk down the street, then you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.

You want to disarm the police? You want to live in a country with no armed forces protecting you?
I do remember a few years ago that Alvin Plantinga and some other Christian philosophers were going to have some meetings to try to figure out how to square the tales of God's massacres, genocides and savage acts with claims of God's mercy and compassion and perfect goodness. I have not heard how they decided to square these discordant claims derived from their beloved Bible.

They aren't "discordant" and they 'squared' them the same way all the great theologians have.
By asking whether the end justified the means. (Surgeons inflicts pain. Are they psychopaths?)

Every intervention by God can be (scripturally) justified in terms of God's desire to remediate and minimise the consequences of evil initiated by those who would seek to disobey God's plan for a peaceful world.

In the bible ALL killing and violence is instigated by humans (and satan) and then God intervenes. Never the other way around.

No. God is said by theologians to be good, perfectly good, absolutely good. But then we have God supposedly mandating that the Israelites kill all the Canaanites. "Leave none that breatheth." Yes, destroy their defenders of the cities in battle. Then invade the cities and kill all, old men, women, infants and children. Up close and personal. Drag screaming children and mothers out of the homes and hack them to death with crude swords. Hack! Slash! What jolly fun. All sing holy! Holy! Holy!

No, humans did not instigate these massacres as per Bible tall tales. God did. Minimize and mitigate? No, commanded genocide and ethnic cleansing. Herem, the ban. No goodness here. No mercy, no compassion. It is obvious you would rather gargle with broken glass than admit the God of the Pentateuch was a rotter, and savage bastard.
Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.

Yes, I'm quite serious.
Unless you are an extreme pacifist, vegan, scrupulously avoiding accidentally stepping on tiny insects as you walk down the street, then you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.

You want to disarm the police? You want to live in a country with no armed forces protecting you?

If you are representative if Christian thought and reasoning, god help us all so to speak. It explains why our Christian politicians are unable to reason even simple problems without begging for divine intervention. On that I am serious.

How is god drawing the world an act of self defense by an omnipotent god as was the case of killing Bin Laden? Your god sounds like a temperamental asshole without any morality demanding worship.

Sounds like god needs a Mrs. God and sex to relive tension and stress.
Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.

Yes, I'm quite serious.
Unless you are an extreme pacifist, vegan, scrupulously avoiding accidentally stepping on tiny insects as you walk down the street, then you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.

You want to disarm the police? You want to live in a country with no armed forces protecting you?

Wow. You equate stepping on an ant with wiping out all of the known people on earth? Wow, just wow! I'm not sure about you, but I think self defense is a bit different than genocide. Are you serious or are you just here for the drama rewards?
Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.

Yes, I'm quite serious.
Unless you are an extreme pacifist, vegan, scrupulously avoiding accidentally stepping on tiny insects as you walk down the street, then you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.

You want to disarm the police? You want to live in a country with no armed forces protecting you?
Yeah, enforce justice, except for the many egregious human rights genocides over the past 1000 years.
You guys meticulously avoid the very moral framework you would invoke in any other ‘trolley dilemma” scenario where you would tolerate utilitarian ethics - end justifies the means.
Kill the unborn baby to save the mother?
Cut off the gangrenous foot to save the leg?
Bomb Hiroshima to end WW2?
Deuteronomy 20

But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:
You guys meticulously avoid the very moral framework you would invoke in any other ‘trolley dilemma” scenario where you would tolerate utilitarian ethics - end justifies the means.
Kill the unborn baby to save the mother?
Cut off the gangrenous foot to save the leg?
Bomb Hiroshima to end WW2?
So you have no response regarding all this Justice being put forth by God... except for all of the atrocities in the last thousand years.
Lion IRC said:
Punishing evil and enforcing justice is a basic moral standard.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
-Isaiah 45:7, KJV

D'you think that creating evil is a basic moral standard, Lion?

A truly benevolent God would not create evil. A God that was benevolent but not omnipotent- that could not create a universe without evil in it- would not create at all; if evil pisses Him off, why should he do something that was just going to get Him mad?

As Epicurus put it so succinctly, four centuries before Christ-
~The Riddle of Epicurus~
Is God willing to prevent evil (suffering), but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil (suffering)?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

If God was real, given this present world, the very best you could hope for is that God is amoral, uncaring.
There's nothing about God in the Old Testament I wouldn't defend. And as for a 'warm and fuzzy' New Testament God, I think it's the atheists here who seem not to have read it.

Drowning women and children? You'd defend that?

Maybe this is why people like you really do need religion. God (used in the colloquially sense) only knows what you'd do otherwise.

The vast majority of us go about our lives being decent, or at least not doing the wrong thing without much thought.

Enough about you. We all want to brag about how good we are.

Ugh. It's not bragging to say that most of us, including myself, live out our daily lives not being evil. It's a basic expectation, not an accomplishment----unless you're talking about your god. Then an arbitrary rain of death and damnation is par for the course.

You're contradicting your own atheology. You don't need to postpone your decision whether or not to worship God. Look around you and see how many atheists have already decided.

Is "atheology" a word? Anyway, the rest of your sentence makes zero sense, and has nothing to do with anything.
The two rules of atheism.
Rule 1 - there's no God
Rule 2 - if there's a God I hate him

For spending so much time here, it's surprising how little you know about atheism or atheists in general.

It's not like this particular god has any wisdom not found elsewhere. Go look at the Koran;

So many religions all reporting an afterlife, the soul, Higher Beings, divine enforcement of transcendent moral law.

1. So which one is right? According to yours, if you don't guess right, it's forever in torment.
2. So what if they all say there's an afterlife (and all of them do not say that)? If numbers mattered, then it would truly mean that humans create gods and not the other way around. For example, if everyone suddenly decided there was no afterlife, then the afterlife that existed just prior to that would vanish in a puff of consensus. Similarly, ancient Egyption religion and its gods must have existed for thousands of years, but then died out when people stopped believing in it. So it must follow that if a majority of people didn't believe in Jehovah/Jesus/Whatever, that he/they would disappear. But then once one more person believed in them again than did not, they'd pop back into existence.

So have fun with that idea.

Sounds like you think all gods are the same. All psychopaths?

I never said that. What you should have been able to gather is that there are many gods with many of the identical attributes as Jehovah. The same ancient wisdom that exists in the Bible exists in other religious texts. This is about uniqueness, and Jehovah is decidedly not unique.

You seem not to understand that bible-believers like God's laws - we aren't 'yoked' by them. We benefit from them.

In your case, I think it's the rest of us that benefit from your belief because it seems you wouldn't know right from wrong without your religious beliefs.

Billions of humans don't share your subjective assessment of God. How can that be? <--- rhetorical question

See the numbers argument above.

I guess ou're entitled to your opinion of what's "horrifying"

Damn right I am. Praising anything for all of eternity and calling it paradise is truly horrifying to me, as it should be to anyone who values a free mind/doesn't want to be a mindless programmed worship machine with less processing power than a cockroach.

So many anti-theists (lets be honest - they are anti-Christian) describe the religion they hate in such a way that leads me to agree that, yeah, I would also leave THAT religion.

What the fuck do you not get about not believing in the supernatural? Most of us here were raised as Christians. If not that, we were raised in a predominantly Christian nation/society. So it only makes sense that it's the religion we rail against more than any other. It is Christian supremacists who seek to change our laws in order to rule from the Bible rather than secular laws as our Constitution demands. It is they who want to push the Bible in schools. They want to take rights from us based on their religious beliefs. They want to have rights superior to ours. So we have damn good reasons to protest this oppressive, unproven, bronze-age religion.
Barack Obama ordered killing (of UBL) and hardly anyone calls Obama a psychopath.

Good god almighty !!!!! as the expression of exasperation goes. Obama has been blamed and linked to negatives as a matter of course by conservatives, but this outshines them all.

Are you for real? Accusing to he bible god created all life, then unhappy with the way it went drowned all surface life but for a dew.

Yes, I'm quite serious.
Unless you are an extreme pacifist, vegan, scrupulously avoiding accidentally stepping on tiny insects as you walk down the street, then you would have to be a hypocrite to assert that God can't use force when the end justifies the means.

You want to disarm the police? You want to live in a country with no armed forces protecting you?

He's God. God doesn't need to use force. If be gives people free will and then be pubishes them for not obeying then he's a dick. Why give people free will to begin with?

Btw, I don't actually believe in free will. I know it's part of Christian theology, so I'm just running with it
Again, if God creates man, God must design man he will create. Including our moral nature. God has 3 choices, a good moral nature, an indifferent moral nature or a good moral nature. Since God must choose one of these 3, and our free will is constrained by our moral nature, all our moral failing must be God's fault.

This little puzzle shows the writers of the Bible tall tales were not deep thinkers who were somehow inspired by God himself. Taking the doctrine of God as creator of all to it's logic end shows that the idea of God as creator, all wise and perfectly good is incoherent and false.

So we have a Bible God moaning about how man whom he created is evil. Does that fit with the perfect being theology of Christian theology?
Yes it fits quite well.
Where in Christian theology does it place humans, angels, animals, satan or anyone else on par with God's perfection?
Who told you there were perfect beings other than God?
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