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Good video on the 'Gone Woke' nonsense that has been popping up


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
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This week X-Men 97 comes out, a continuation of the 90's animated X-Men series. Over the past couple weeks there have been posts and videos complaining about X-Men 'going woke', which makes about as much sense as similar complaints about Star Trek.

This video has an interesting discussion of this, from an article used as a source for many of the claims, to the people trying to portray themselves as legitimate cultural news sites while pushing conservative views, and their connections to such groups as Blaze (Glenn Beck's propaganda outfit)

This week X-Men 97 comes out, a continuation of the 90's animated X-Men series. Over the past couple weeks there have been posts and videos complaining about X-Men 'going woke', which makes about as much sense as similar complaints about Star Trek.

This video has an interesting discussion of this, from an article used as a source for many of the claims, to the people trying to portray themselves as legitimate cultural news sites while pushing conservative views, and their connections to such groups as Blaze (Glenn Beck's propaganda outfit)

X-Men started "woke" if that's the way it's gonna end up getting framed.

The X-Men, the mutants, were always an allegorical euphemism for LGBT folks since the very beginning.

Various people from Marvel have all discussed this. In fact, it came up recently when some Florida idiot stepped blithely into the role of the political villains from cartoon and tried to liken gay folks to mutants and called for controlling the LGBT community.

The 'cure' for being a mutant, the camps and the giant hunter robots, that was ALWAYS a euphemism for lynch mobs and conversion camps.
Yeah, the whining about Discovery going woke, and trying to explain to people that the original Star Trek effectively debuted woke on television! X-Men going woke?
Yeah, the whining about Discovery going woke, and trying to explain to people that the original Star Trek effectively debuted woke on television! X-Men going woke?
I mean, a professional Black Woman? UNHEARD OF!!!

Seriously, though, the whole idea of "mutants are different and capable of amazing things scarce imagined by 'the mundane'" is one of the most apparent analogies I have ever seen. The fact is that the LGBT community tends towards being "fancy", because the fact is, it takes creativity and force of will to develop such self expression and identity in the midst of strong pro-normative forces.

Whether it's at the theater or Bletchley Park, LGBT and other atypicals tend towards being right there at the nexuses in history of where the world changes every time.

There's a sort of perseverance that is almost taken for granted among the LGBT community that the cishets of the world only really end up seeing second hand.

I wonder sometimes if my parents had known, if I would have been able to watch the 90's cartoon in the first place! Still, I'm glad I got to be shaped by those ideas.

Maybe this is why conservatives hate the LGBT crowd so much: they always manage to be there helping change the world, rather than 'conserve' it.
Every time I see some MAGAt chud complaining about something older than say 20 years being woke now, it really makes me wonder if they have ever watched or read anything for context, and had an original thought that lasted more than 3 seconds. Even to my 10 year old self, the mutant part of the Marvel universe was an obvious metaphor for racism.
I'm sure most have seen these shows/comics, and even enjoyed them, but are getting paid to pretend outrage and rile people up. Some might actually hate those shows, like one of the people talked about in the video who is a Trump supporter, but pretend the show has changed in order to draw in people who liked the original. As the video started with, 'woke' is used in a very vague way, and probably very narrow definition. Like X-Men might have originally stood against racism, but anti-gay prejudice wasn't specifically included at first, therefore has 'changed'.
I'm sure most have seen these shows/comics, and even enjoyed them, but are getting paid to pretend outrage and rile people up. Some might actually hate those shows, like one of the people talked about in the video who is a Trump supporter, but pretend the show has changed in order to draw in people who liked the original. As the video started with, 'woke' is used in a very vague way, and probably very narrow definition. Like X-Men might have originally stood against racism, but anti-gay prejudice wasn't specifically included at first, therefore has 'changed'.
Stan Lee has explicitly said before his death that it was about the Civil Rights movement from the start. He didn't specify that it was explicitly "race", as the civil rights movement contained the LGBT community as well.

I would say it is revisionism to say that it changed even that much.

It was always about those whose difference led to social exclusion, no matter whether they were black, gay, Native American, or any other such group.
Just to add a bit of context (read: highlight the stupidity of right wingers), the current outrage is because a shapeshifting mutant in the new cartoon is non-binary.

That's right, it's wrong to consider someone who can alter their appearance in every way imaginable as non-binary according to reichtards.
That is the one they are focusing on now. The week before it was known the character Morph would be non-binary they tried a different 'controversy'. (covered in another video by the same guy above) and that was not sexualizing one of the female characters enough. This was by comparing a single screen shot from the original series showing off her butt, and comparing it to a shot from the trailer where she has normal proportions.
That is the one they are focusing on now. The week before it was known the character Morph would be non-binary they tried a different 'controversy'. (covered in another video by the same guy above) and that was not sexualizing one of the female characters enough. This was by comparing a single screen shot from the original series showing off her butt, and comparing it to a shot from the trailer where she has normal proportions.
You'd have thought they would have learned after the whole Mass Effect Miranda's arse idiocy.
Ummm..right wingers...learn? The powers that be have a hard enough time getting them to be outraged about the right thing sometimes. ;)
I think this is the week I've officially and truly tired of the outrage machine. I saw something earlier today about how some psycho Trumpite is rage tweeting about how a hostess saying "Welcome in" as a greeting at a restaurant was woke (and insulting).

So I'm just not going to pay attention to this shit anymore. I won't read about it, won't comment on it, etc.

Now I'm going to go post about this somewhere else.
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